Saturday, June 21, 2014

THE FRESCOES by Francesco FONTEBASSO for the ballroom of the barchesa of VILLA BISCARO ZENOBIO (1750)


These are beautiful things.

The Villa ZENOBIO was obviously owned by the ZENOBIO family.

It was built by DOMENICO BISCARO.


Then by SEBASTIANO UCCELLI, a public procurator from the Procuratia de Citta.

His son Francesco sold the villa to VERITA ZENOBIO, a direct descendant of the noble family who resided in the splendid PALAZZO DEI CARMINI in Venezia.

The frescoes include

the magnanimity of SCIPIONE
LUCIO and betrothed
Jester and bearer of arms
the lovers
il trionfo di SCIPIONE
prisoner king
chariot of SCIPIONE

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