Monday, July 21, 2014






Livio Andronico begins to exhibit.


Ennio is born.


NEVIO begins to exhibit.


CATONE il vecchio is born.


Fabius Pictor served in the Gallic War.


PACUVIO is born.


Cincius Alimento described the passage of Annibale into Italia

217 CATONE begins to be known.


Fabius Pictor sent as ambassador to Delphi.


The poem on the victory of Sena entrusted to Livio Andronico.

204 Catone quaestor; brings Ennius to Rome.
201 Naevius dies.

191 Catone military tribune.
190 Cincius still writes.

189 Ennius goes with Fulvius into Aetolia.

185 TERENZIO is born.

184 Catone censor. Plauto dies.
179 Cecilio flourished.
173 Ennio writes the twelfth book of the "Annals".
170 Accius born.
169 Ennius dies.

Cato's speech _pro lege Voconia_.
168 Caecilius dies.
166 Terence's "Andria", a play.
165 Terence's "Hecyra", a play.
163 Terence's "Hautontimorumenos", a play
161 Terence's "Eunuchus" and "Phormio", plays.
160 Terence's "Adelphoe"

159 Terence dies.
154 Pacuvius flourished.

151 Albinus, the consul, writes history (Gell. xi. 8).
150 Cato finishes the "Origines".
149 Cato, aged 85, accuses Galba.

Catone Dies in the same year. C. Calpurnius
    Piso Frugi, the historian.
148 Lucilius born.
146 Cassius Hemina flourished. C. Fannius, the historian, serves at
142 Antonius, the orator, born.
140 Crassus, the orator, born. Accius, aged 30, Pacuvius, aged 80, exhibit
134 Sempronius Asellio served at Numantia.

Lucilius begins to write.

123 Caelius Antipater flourished.
119 Crassus accuses Carbo.
116 Varro born.
115 Hortensius born.
111 Crassus and Scaevola quaestors.

109 Atticus born.
107 Crassus tribune.
106 CICERONE is born.
103 The Tereus of Accius.

 Death of Turpilius.
102 Furius Bibaculus born at Cremona.
100 Aelius Stilo.
 98 Antonius defends Aquillius.
 95 First public appearance of Hortensius. LUCREZIO is born.
 92 Crassus censor. Opilius teaches rhetoric.
 91 Crassus dies. Pomponius flourished.
 90 Scaurus flourished.
 89 Cicerone serves under the consul Pompeius.
 88 Cicerone hears Philo and Molo at Rome. Rutilius resident at Mitylene.
    Plotius Gallus first Latin teacher of Rhetoric.
 87 Antonius slain. Sisenna the historian. Catullus born (?).
 86 Sallustio is born.
 82 Varrone of Atax born. Calvus born.
 81 Cicero, "pro Quinctio".

Valerius Cato Grammaticus. Otacilius,
    first freedman who attempts history.
 80 _Pro Roscio._
 79 Cicero at Athens; hears Antiochus and Zeno.
 78 Cicerone hears Molo at Rhodes.
 77 Cicerone returns to Rome.
 76 Asinius Pollio born (?).
 75 Cicerone quaestor in Sicily.
 74 Cicerone again in Rome.
 70 _Divinatio_ and _Actio I. in Verrem_.

Virgilio is born.
 69 Cicero aedile.
 67 Varrone wins a naval crown under Pompey in the Piratic War   (Plin.
    _N. H._ xvi. 4).
 66 Cicero praetor. _Pro lege Manilia. Pro Cluentio._ M. Antonius
    Gnipho flourished.
 65 _Pro Cornelia._ Horace born.
 64 _In toga candida._
 63 Consular orations of Cicero. _Pro Murena._
 62 _Pro P. Sulla._
 61 Anneo Seneca is born.
 59 Livio is born. Aelius Tubero with Cicero in Asia. _Pro A. Thermo.
    Pro L. Flacco._
 58 Cicero goes into exile.
 57 Cicero recalled. Calidius a good speaker.
 56 _Pro Sextio. In Vatinium. De Provinciis Consularibus._
 55 _In Calpurnium Pisonem. De Oratore._ Virgil assumes the _toga
 54 _Pro Vatinio. Pro Scauro. De Republica._
 52 _Pro Milone._ Lucrezio dies. [4]
 51 Cicero proconsul in Cilicia.
 50 Death of Hortensius. Sallustio expelled from the senate.
 49 Cicero at Rome. V

arro lieutenant of Pompey in Spain.

48 Lenaeus satirizes Sallust.
Cicerone in Italy.
 47 Cicero at Brundisium.

Hyginus brought to Rome by Caesar.
    still living (C. 52).
 46 The _Brutus_ written.

Calvus dies. Sallust praetor. _Pro
    Marcello. Pro Ligario._
 45 Cicero's _Orator_. _Pro Deiolaro._

44 The first four Philippics.
Death of Giulio Cesare.
 43 The later Philippics. Assassination of Cicerone. Birth of Ovidio.
 42  Orazio at Philippi.

 40 Cornelius Nepos flourished.

Perhaps Hor. Sat. i. 2. Epod. xiii.

39 Ateius Philologus born at Athens.

Virgilio Ecl. vi. viii.
   Orazio Od. ii. 7. Epod iv.
 38 Perhaps Ecl. vii. Hor. Sat. i. 3.
 37 Varrone writes _de Re Rustica._ Perh. Ecl. x. Sat. i. 5
    and 6. Epod. v.
 36 Cornelius Severus;  Hor. Sat. i. 8,
 35 Bavius dies. Hor. Sat. i. 4, 9, 10.
 34 Sallustio dies. Sat. ii. 2. Epod. iii.
 33 Sat. ii. 3. Epod. xi. xiv.
 32 Atticus dies. Sat. ii. 4, 5. Epod. vii.
 31 Messala consul. Sat. ii. 6. Epod. i. and ix.
 30 Gallus made praefect of Egypt. Cassius Severus dies. Tibullus El. i.
    3. The _Georgics_ published. Hor. Sat. ii. 7, 8, and perhaps 1,
    Epod ii.
 29 Livy writing his first book. Propertius I. 6.
 28 Varro dies.
 27 Od. i. 35. Vitruvius writing his work.
 26 Gallus dies.

Second book of Properzio published (?).

 25 Livio's first book completed before this year. Orazio, Od. ii. 4.

Quintil. Varus dies (= the poet of Cremona, mentioned in the ninth
    Eclogue [?]).
 23 The first three books of Orazio's Odes published.
 22 Marcellus dies.

Virgilio reads the sixth "Eneide" to Augustus and Livia.
    Third book of Properzio.
 21 ORAZIO writes Ep. i. 20 (aet. 44).
 20 First book of Epistles.
 19 Virgilio dies at Brundisium. His epitaph:

      "Mantua me genuit: Calabri rapuere:  tenet nunc
      Parthenope: cecini pascua rura duces."
    Tibullus dies. Domitius Marsus writes.
 18 Livy working at his fifty-ninth book.
 17 Porcius Latro. The _Carmen Saeculare_. Varius and Tucca edit the
 16 Aemilius Macer of Verona dies. Od. iv. 9, to Lollius.
 15 Death of Propertius. Victories of Drusus. Od. iv. 4.
 14 The fourth book of the Odes(?).
 13 Cestius of Smyrna teaches rhetoric.
 12 Death of Agrippa.
 11 The Epistle to Augustus (Ep. ii. 1).
 10 Passienus and Hyginus Polyhistor.
  9 Ovidio's "Amores".
  8 Death of Horace.
  7 Birth of Seneca (?).
  6 Albucius Silo a professor of rhetoric.
  5 Tiro, Cicero's freedman, dies (aet. 100).

4 Porcius Latro commits suicide.
Ovid now in his fortieth year.
  2 Ovid's _Art of Love_.




The _Remedium Amoris.


Velleius Paterculus serves under C. Caesar.

4. Pollio dies.

Velleius serves with Tiberius in Germany.
  7 Velleius quaestor.

8 Verrius Flaccus, the grammarian, flourished. Ovidio banished to Tomi, in
    December (Tr. 1, 10, 3).


      "_Aut hanc me gelidi tremerem cum mense Decembris
      Scribentem mediis Adria vidita quis._"


  9 The _Ibis_ of Ovid.
 11 Death of Messala. [6]

12 OVIDIO's_Tristia_ finished.

13 The Epistles from Pontus were being written.
 14 Death of Augustus. Velleius praetor.

18 Death of OVIDIO at 60; of Livy at 76. Valerius Maximus accompanied Sex.
    Pompeius to Asia.

19 The elder Seneca writes his "recollections."

24 Cassius Severus in exile. Pliny the elder born (?).

25 Death of Cremutius Cordus. Votienus banished.

26 Haterius flourished.

30 Asinius Gallus imprisoned.

31 Valerius Maximus wrote ix. 11, 4 (_extern._), soon after the
    death of Sejanus.

33 Death of Cassius Severus the orator. His works proscribed. Death of
    Asinius Gallus.

34 Persius born.

40 Lucano brought to Rome.

41 Seneca's _de Ira_. Exile of Seneca at the close of this year.

42 Asconius Pedianus flourished.

43 Marziale born.

45 Domitius Afer flourished.

48 Remmius Palaemon in vogue as a grammarian.

49 Seneca recalled from exile, and made Nero's tutor.

56 Seneca's _de Clementia_.

57 Probus Berytius a celebrated grammarian.

59 Death of Domitius Afer.

61 Plinio the younger born (?).

62 Death of Persio. Seneca in danger, Burrus being dead.

63 The _Naturales Quaestiones_ of Seneca.

65 Death of Seneca (_Ann._ xv. 60).

66 Martial comes to Rome.

68 Quintilian accompanies Galba to Rome. Silius Italicus consul.

69 Silius in Rome.

75 The dialogue _de Oratoribus_, written (C. 17).

77 Plinio's "Natural History". Gabinianus, the rhetorician,
 79 Death of the elder Plinio.

80 Plinio the younger begins to plead.
 88 Suetonio now a young man, Tacitus praetor.

89 Quintiliano teaches at Rome. His professional career extends over 20
 90 Philosophers banished. Plinio praetor. _Sulpiciae Satira_ (if

95 Stazio, Silv. iv. 1. The _Thebaid_ was nearly finished.

96 Pliny's accusation of Publicius Certus.

97 Frontino curator aquarum. Tacitus consul suffectus.

98 Trajan.

99 The tenth book of Marziale. Silius at Naples.

100 Pliny and Tacitus accuse Marius Priscus. Pliny's panegyric.

103 PLINIO at his province of Bithynia.

104 His letter about the Christians. Martial goes to Bilbilis.

109 PLINIO (aet. 48) at the zenith of his fame.

118 Giovenale wrote Satire xiii. this year.

132 Salvius Julianus's Perpetual Edict.

138 Death of Adriano

143 Frontone consul suffectus.

164 Height of Frontone's fame.

166 Frontone proposes to describe the Parthian war.

180 Death of Marc'Aurelio.

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