Friday, August 15, 2014

THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART: GALLERIA 166: Art of Augustan Rome: Late First Century B.C. -- First Century A. D.


Art of Augustan Rome: Late First Century B.C.–First Century A.D.

The Sylvia Josephs Berger and Joyce Berger Cowin Gallery contains many exquisite examples of Roman imperial art. The reign of the first emperor Augustus (r. 27 B.C.A.D. 14) saw the development of a new form of state art, the imperial portrait, created in both lifesize statuary and small-scale works such as gems and coins. Imperial patronage of the arts is evident in monumental architecture and sculpture as well as in other media such as wall paintings, silverware, and glass.
Much of the inspiration for the Augustan style came from the Greek East, as did many of the architects, sculptors, and artists themselves.

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