Sunday, December 7, 2014

SILIANA -- Silio Italico, "Le guerre puniche"





"Le guerre puniche"





Lines 1-20:

The subject of Silio Italico's poem is the SECOND Punic War.

The cause of the war was GIUNONE's hatred of Rome.


Lines 21-55.

GIUNONE chooses ANNIBALE as her instrument.


Lines 56-139.

ANNIBALE's character, and the oath he swore in boyhood is described, lines.


Lines 140-181:

ASDRUBAL succeeds AMILCARE as commander in SPAGNA.

ASDRUBAL's character, conquests, and death are described, 140-181.


Lines 182-238:

ANNIBALE is chosen to succeed HASDRUBAL by all the army in SPAGNA, both Carthaginians and Spaniards.


Lines 239-267:

Character of ANNIBALE described.


Lines 268-295.

ANNIBALE resolves to attack SAGUNTUM: position and history of the city of SAGUNTUM.


Lines 296-695.



Lines 564-671:

The Saguntines send an embassy to ROMA: the speech of SICORIS.


Lines 672-694:

In the Roman Senate, Cn. CORNELIO LENTULO and Q. FABIO MASSIMO express different views. Envoys are sent to ANNIBALE.

End of LIBRO I



Lines 1-24:

The Roman envoys, dismissed by ANNIBALE, proceed to CARTAGINE.


Lines 25-269:

ANNIBALE addresses his men and goes on with the siege.


Lines 270-390:

The ROMAN envoys are recived in the Carthaginian senate.

Speeches of HANNO and GESTAR.



Lines 391-456:

ANNIBALE deals with some rebellious tribes and returns to the siege.

ANNIBALE recieives a gift of armour from the Spanish peoples.


Lines 457-474:



Lines 475-525:

The goddess LOYALTY is sent to the SAGUNTUM by ERCOLE, its founder, and encourages them to resist.


Lines 526-649.

BUT GIUNONE sends a FURIA from HELL who drives the people of SAGUNTUM mad.


Lines 650=695.

The people of SAGUNTUM build a great pyre and light it. ANNIBALE takes SAGUNTUM.


Lines 696-707.





Lines 1-3:

After the taking of SAGUNTUM, BOSTAR is sent to Africa to consult GIOVE AMMON.


Lines 14-60:

ANNIBALE goes to GADES, where he is shown the famous temple of ERCOLE and marvels at the tides of the ATLANTIC OCEAN.


Lines 61-157:

ANNIBALE sends his wife, IMILCE, and his infant son to CARTAGINE.


Lines 158-213:

ANNIBALE dreams of the coming campaign.


Lines 214-405:

ANNIBALE sets off: a catalogue of his forces.


Lines 406-441.

ANNIBALE crosses the Pyrenees.


Lines 442-476:

ANNIBALE crosses the RHONE and the DURANCE.


Lines 477-499:

THE ALPS are described.


Lines 500-556:

After frightful hardships, ANNIBALE pitches a camp on the summit of the ALPS.


Lines 557-629:

VENERE and GIOVE converse concerning the DESTINY of ROMA.


Lines 630-646:

ANNIBALE encamps in the country of the TAURINI.


Lines 647-714:

BOSTAR brings back from AFRICA the response of GIOVE AMMON.

*************** END OF LIBRO III




Lines 1-38:

ROMA is greatly alarmed by the news that ANNIBALE has reached ITALIA.

But the Roman senate does not lose heart.


Lines 39-55:


SCIPIONE hurries back from MARSEILLES.


Lines 56-100:

BOTH GENERALS, SCIPIONE and ANNIBALE, address their soldiers and prepare for battle.


Lines 101-134:

An omen precedes the battle.


Lines 135-479:



Lines 480-497.

SCIPIONE withdraws to the TREBIA, and is joined by an army under TITUS SEMPRONIO LONGO.


Lines 498-524:

ANNIBALE forces the Romans to fight.


Lines 525-704:



Lines 705-721:

THE CONSUL C. FLAMINIO leads a fresh army into ETRURIA.


Lines 722-762:

Instigated by GIUNONE, ANNIBALE crosses the APPENINES and encamps by LAKE TRASIMENE.


Lines 763-829:

Envoys from CARTAGINE inquire whether ANNIBALE consents to the immolation of his infant son.

ANNIBALE rightly refuses.

************************ END OF LIBRO IV.



Lines 1-23:

ANNIBALE lays a trap for the enemy. The name of LAKE TRASIMENE.


Lines 24-185:

FLAMINIO makes light of evil omens and the warnings of CORVINO, the soothsayer, and encourages his men to fight.


Lines 186-687:


********************* END OF LIBRO V



Lines 1-61:

Scenes on the field of the lost battle on LAKE TRASIMENE.

Flight of the Romans.


Lines 62-100:

SERRANO, a son of the famous REGOLO, is one of the fugitives.

SERRANO reaches the dwellings of MARO, who had been his father's squire in AFRICA.

MARO dresses his wounds.


Lines 101-551:

MARO tells the story of REGOLO as conqueror and as captive.


Lines 552-589:

Mourning and consternation at ROMA after the deafeat in LAKE TRASIMENE.

SERRANO returns to his mother, MARCIA.


Lines 590-618:

The ROMAN SENATE discuss plans of campaign.

GIOVE prevents ANNIBALE from marching on ROMA.


Q. FABIO is chosen DICTATOR.


Lines 619-640.

The wisdom of the dictator Q. FABIO.


Lines 641-716.


At LITERNUM Annibale sees on the temple-walls pictures of scenes in the FIRST PUNIC WAR, and orders them to be burnt.






Lines 1-19:

The dictator FABIO determines to take no risks in the field.


Lines 20-73:

CILNIO, one of FABIO's prisoners, informs ANNIBALE concerning the family history and character of FABIO.


Lines 74-89:



Lines 90-122:

The dictator FABIO restores discipline in the Roman army.

ANNIBALE cannot tempt him to fight.


Lines 123-161:

ANNIBALE moves to APULIA and tries to provoke FABIO by various devices.

ANNIBALE returns to CAMPANIA and ravages the FALERNIAN country.


Lines 162-211:



Lines 212-259:

The Roman dictator FABIO explains his policy of inaction to his discontented soldiers.


Lines 260-267:

A trick of ANNIBALE's, to make the dictator FABIO more unpopular.


Lines 268-376:

ANNIBALE, having got into a dangerous situation, breaks out by means of a stratagem and encamps on open ground.


Lines 377-408:

The Roman dictator, FABIO, obliged to visit ROMA, warns MINUCIO against fighting.


Lines 409-493:

A Carthaginian fleet lands in CAIETA.

The nymphs are terrified.

But the prophecy of PROTEO comforts them.


Lines 494-522:

MINUCIO is given equal powers with the Roman dictator FABIO.


Lines 523-579:

The Roman dictator FABIO returns and gives up half the army to MINUCIO.

MINUCIO rushly engages the enemy but is rescued by the dictator.


Lines 730-750:

The Roman dictator FABIO is hailed as "father" by MINUCIO and the soldiers.

******************* END OF LIBRO VII.



Lines 1-24:

Annibale's anxiety is described.


Lines 25-241:

GIUNONE sends ANNA to comfort ANNIBALE.

Anna, the sister of DIDONE, is now a nymph of the river NUMICIO.

ANNA tells her own history, and encourages ANNIBALE by foretelling the battle of CANNAE.


Lines 242-277:

C. TERENZIO VARRONE is elected consule at ROMA.

His boastful speeches.


Lines 278-297:

His colleague, L. EMILIO PAOLO is afraid to thwart VARRONE.


Lines 298-348:

EMILIO PAOLO is advised by dictator FABIO to oppose VARRONE.


Lines 349-621:

The Roman consuls start for APULIA. A catalogue of their troops.


Lines 622-676:

Evil omens before the battle alarm the soldiers.



Lines 1-65:

Varrone is eager to fight, and his boldness is increased by a successful skirmish.
Paolo tries in vain to restrain his colleague.
LINES 66-177:
A horrible crime committed in ignorance during the night portends disaster to the Romans.
LINES 178-243:
Annibale encourages his men and then draws them up in line of battle.

LINES 244-277:
Varrone encourages his men and then draws them up in line of battle.

LINES 278-x.325:

The Battle of CANNAE.

************************* END OF LIBRO IX.



Lines 1-325:

Description of the battle of Cannae continued.

Valour and death of


Lines 326-370:

Flushed with victory, Annibale intends to
march on Rome next day.

But GIUNONE sends the god of Sleep

to stop him.


Lines 371-386:

Annibale yields, in spite of the strong

protests of Mago.


Lines 387-414:

The remnant of the Roman

army rally at Canusium : their miserable plight.


Lines 415-448:

Metello proposes that the Romans should leave Italy.


Scipione threatens death to him and his sympathizers


Lines 449-577:

Hannibal surveys the battle-field.

The faithful horse of Clelio: the story of his ancestress Clelia.

The body of

Paolo is found and buried.


Lines 578-591:

Distress at Rome


Lines 592-604:

The Roman dictator Fabio encourages his countrymen.


Lines 605-622:

The Roman dictator FABIO also calms the fury of the populace against Varrone


Lines 623-639:

Varrone returns to Rome.


Lines 640-658:

The Roman Senate adopts
measures to enlist soldiers and continue the war.

****************END OF LIBRO X


Lines 1-27:

Many peoples of Italy revolt from Rome and join Hannibal.


Lines 28-54:

Capua too is inclined to go over to the Carthaginians :

the wealth and luxurious habits of the citizens.


Lines 55-129:

On the motion of Pacuvio, they send Virrio and other envoys

to Roma, asking that one of the two consuls should be a Campanian.

This demand is indignantly refused by Torquato, Fabio, and Marcello.


Lines 130-189:

Capua goes over to

Hannibal :

Decius alone protests but in vain.


Lines 190-258:

Hannibal starts for Capua.

ANNIBALE orders Decius to be arrested :

Decius defies his threats.


Lines 259-368:

Hannibal visits the

city and is entertained at a great banquet.

Lines 288-302:

Teuthras of Cumae, a musician, plays and sings.


Lines 303-368:

The son of Pacuvio intends to stab Annibale while feasting 

but is induced by his father to give up his plan.


Lines 369-376:

Mago is sent to Carthage to announce the victory.

Lines 377-482:

Annibale winters at Capua.

Venus enfeebles the spirit of

his army.

ANNIBALE himself takes pleasure in the music of Teuthras


Lines 483-553:

Meanwhile Mago reports at Carthage the successes of Hannibal and makes a fierce attack upon Hanno


Lines 556-600:

Hanno replies, urging that peace should be made


Lines 600-611:

But reinforcements are sent both to Spain and Italy.

******************** END OF LIBRO XI.



Lines 1-103:

Hannibal leaves Capua. His troops have lost their vigour

and fail in attacks upon NAPOLI Cumae, and Puteoli


Lines 103-157:

ANNIBALE visits Baiae and other famous places.


Lines 168-294:

ANNIBALE marches against Nola but is beaten off by Marcello.


Lines 295-341:

The Romans become more hopeful and are further

encouraged by an oracle from Delphi.


Lines 342-419:

The war in

Sardinia : Torquatus defeats Hampsagoras : a tribute to

the poet Ennio.


Lines 420-448:

Hannibal burns several cities

and takes the city of Tarentum but not the citadel.


Lines 449-478:

ANNIBALE returns to defend Capua against a Roman blockade,

beating two Roman armies on the way.

He buries the body

of Tito Sempronio Gracco.


Lines 479-540:

Unable to force his

way into Capua, he marches against Rome.


Lines 541-557:

Consternation at Rome.


Lines 558-573:

ANNIBALE examines the walls and

surroundings of the city of ROMA, but is driven back to his camp by

Fulvio Flacco who had hastened back from Campania


Lines 574-667:

Two attempts to fight a battle are frustrated by

a terrible storm sent by Jupiter.


Lines 668-730:

Making a third

attempt, he is stopped by GIUNONE, acting by Jupiter's command


Lines 731-752:

Rejoicing of the Romans.

********************** END OF LIBRO XII.



Lines 1-93:

Hannibal withdraws to the river Tutia, and is prevented

from attacking Roma again by Dasio, a deserter, who explains that the city is impregnable so long as it contains the Palladium.

ANNIBALE returns to the land of the Bruttii.


Lines 94-380.

The Romans take Capua.


Lines 381-384:

Scipione's father and uncle

are defeated and killed in Spain.


Lines 385-396:

This news of the death of his father and uncle induces Scipione to descend to Hades, to see the spirits of his kinsmen.


Lines 397-893:

SCIPIONE sees many ghosts of famous men

and women in Hades.

Finally, the Sibyl predicts the death

of Hannibal.


Lines 894-895:

Scipione then returns to the upper world.

***************** END OF LIBRO XIII



Lines 1-78:

The campaign of Marcellus in Sicily : a description of

the island.


Lines 79-95:

Causes of the war. Death of Hiero, king

of Syracuse : succession of Hieronymus.


Lines 96-109:

Hieronymus is murdered, and general confusion follows.


Lines 110-124:

Marcellus prepares for action.


Lines 125-177:

MARCELLO takes Leontini

by storm.


Lines 178-191:

MARCELLO blockades Syracuse by land and sea


Lines 192-247:

The Allies of Syracuse.


Lines 248-257:

Allies of Rome


Lines 258-276:

Sicilian allies of Cartagine.


Lines 277-291:

Confidence of the Syracusans.


Lines 292-352:

The genius of Archimedes foils all the attempts of the Romans.


Lines 353-579:




Lines 580-617:

An outbreak of plague delays operations.


Lines 618-684:

At last the city is taken.

*********** END OF LIBRO XIV.



Lines 1-17:

The Roman Senate cannot decide what general to send to SPAGNA,  P. Cornelio Scipione is eager to go, but his kinsmen dissuade him.


Lines 18-128: IL SOGNO DI SCIPIONE. Opera by Mozart.

SCIPIONE is visited by Virtue and Pleasure who

contend for his allegiance.


Lines 129-151:

Encouraged by Virtue's arguments, SCIPIONE asks for the command and receives it : an

omen of success.


Lines 152-179:

Scipione's fleet lands at Tarraco.


Lines 180-250:

The ghost of his father exhorts SCIPIONE in a dream to take New

Carthage : he does so.


Lines 251-285:

SCIPIONE sacrifices to the gods,

rewards his soldiers, and distributes the spoil.

He restores

a Spanish maiden to her lover and is praised by Lelio for

this action.


Lines 286-319:

War against Philip, king of Macedon.


Lines 320-333:

Fabio takes Tarentum by a trick.


Lines 334-398:

The consuls, Marcello and Crispino, are beaten by Hannibal

and Marcello is killed.


Lines 399-494:

In Spain Hasdrubal is put to flight by Scipione: praise of Laelius.


Lines 493-514:

Hasdrubal crosses the Alps, to join his brother in Italy.


Lines 515-559:

Great alarm at Rome.

The consul, C. Claudio Nerone, is warned in a dream by a personification of Italy to march

northwards against Hasdrubal.


Lines 560-600.

The consul C. CLAUDIO Nerone joins the

other consul, M. Livio.


Lines 601-807:

The battle of the



Lines 807-823:

The consule C. CLAUDIO Nerone returns to Lucania and displays

to Annibal ehis brother's head fixed on a pike.

************** END OF LIBRO XV.



Lines 1-22:

Hannibal moves about in the Bruttian country.


Lines 25-26:

The Carthaginians are driven out of Spain : Mago is defeated

and fees to Carthage.


Lines 28-77:

Hanno is taken prisoner by Scipione.


Lines 78-114:

The army of Hasdrubal, son of Gisgo, is



Lines 115-167:

Masinissa, a Numidian prince, joins



Lines 68-74:

Scipione and Hasdrubal at the court of

Syphax, a Numidian king.

Syphax makes a treaty with the
Romans ; but evil omens follow.


Lines 415-591:

Scipione returns to Spain and holds games in honour of his father and uncle

Lines 592-700:

Scipione returns to Rome and is elected consul.

In spite of the opposition of Fabio, SCIPIONE gets permission to cross over to Africa.
************ END OF LIBRO XVI.


Lines 1-5: The image of Cybele is brought from Phrygia to Rome
and received at Ostia by P. Scipio Nasica : the chastity of
Claudia is vindicated.


Lines 40-58:

Scipione crosses to Africa.


Lines 59-145:

SCIPIONE warns Syphax not to break faith with Rome.

The camp of Syphax is burnt, and SYPHAX is taken prisoner.


Lines 146-157
Hasdrubal retreats to Carthage.

Annibale is recalled from Italy.


Lines 158-169:

Annibale's dream before the arrival of the summons.

Lines 170-217:

ANNIBALE leaves Italy in obedience to the summons.


Lines 218-291:

ANNIBALE decides to go back to Italy but is prevented by a fearful storm.


Lines 292-337:

After landing in Africa, ANNIBALE encourages his soldiers.


Lines 338-384:

Jupiter and Juno converse about the fate of Annibale.


Lines 385-617:

The battle of Zama.


Lines 618-654:

Scipione returns in triumph to Rome.

*************************** END OF LIBRO XVII

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