Saturday, May 16, 2015



Ruggero III's son is Ruggeretto, Ruggerino, or Ruggino, mentioned in the life of A. p. cxxiii.

There is a short biography of the various personages of the House of Este mentioned by Boiardo and Ariosto, but some soon discovered that the notes on these points would extend to a considerable length, partly to correct the historical mistakes of Boiardo and Ariosto, partly to illustrate their allusions, or to distinguish the truth from the errors with which they abound.

The subject moreover would have been uninteresting to most readers who do not wish to study the history of the House of Este in the Innamorato or the Furioso.

The inquisitive reader is referred to:

LEIBNITz Script. Rer. Brunswicensium

MURATOR1 Antichita Est. and

LITTA famiglie celebri Italiane, a splendid work which does great credit to the learning, patriotism, and critical knowledge of the author.

St. 26. l. 1.-O. I., II. XXI. 56. , St. 29. l. 1.—O. I., II. xxv. 43. St. 32. l. 7.-O. I., II. XXI. 57, and XXV. 46. St. 33. l. 5.—Apo in 1532, not appo, as in M. St. 34. l. 5.—Io spiego : quando l'elettro, prima che fosse tale, fu pianto (sostantivo)e lagrima delle sorelle di Fetonte. BAR. Had he said Ruscelli spiega instead of Io spiego it would have been more candid and honourable. St. 35 and 38.—O. I., II, XXI. 57. St. 41. l. 1 and 3.-Rovigo (Rhodigium from počoc) and Comacchio. St. 41.1. 8.—Populose in 1532 altered by M. into popolose, as he constantly altered populo into popolo. But he left popular in XLVI. 2 and often elsewhere. St. 46. l. 1.—O. I., II. XXI. 59. St. 48. l. 2.—Avra costui, as in M., makes no sense. The edit. of 1532 has correctly avra a costui. St. 55. l. 4.—Julio 1532, Giulio M. St. 56.1. 7.—The edit. of 1532 has iusto; M. giusto. St. 56. l. 8.—Andrea Marone. See notes to C. 46, st. 13. That the poet intended to praise himself as another Virgil is an absurd supposition.

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