Thursday, May 14, 2015

ORLANDIANA -- Vivaldiana


The action of the "Orlando Furioso" is set on the island of Alcina, an enchanted place of which the sorceress has gained control by stealing the ashes of Merlino.

These are now in an urn conserved in the temple of INFERNAL ECATE, and jealously guarded by the invulnerable ARONTE.

Alcina has offered the hospitality of her palace to ANGELICA, daughter of the king of CATAI.

Angelica is in love with MEDORO but pursued by the attentions of the paladin ORLANDO, whose ardours she has fled, at the same time losing touch with her beloved.

As the drama beings, Orlando, whose mentor MALAGIGI has instructed him to take possession of Merlino's ashes in order to destroy Alcina's power, has just arrived on the enchanted island,

ASTOLFO, Orlando's faithful companion, is already there, having fallen victim to the sorcerer's perverse love.

RUGGERO and his spouse BRADAMANTE, whoe are also followers of the paladin are about to land.

In the ATTO I, Angelica confides to Alcina her despair at having lost MEDORO.

Alcina promises to restore him to her, and to protect her from the passion of Orlando.

ORLANDO, after meeting Alcina and Astolfo, encounters Bradamante who is seeking RUGGERO.

Bradamante, a proud warrior, having learnt that RUGGERO has been attracted to the island by one of Alcina's spells, declares her determination to defy Alcina with the aid of the magic ring given her by the fairy Melissa.

Orlando, now alone, reflects on his mission and solemnly asserts his resolution.

At the same time, the wounded Medoro is shipwrecked on the shore and is revived by Alcina.

Orlando discover Angelica and Medoro together, but his jealousy quickly fades thanks to the wiles of the cunning sorceress.

Angelica finishes off the work of gulling the adoring Orlando with a feigned declaration of love that in turn arouses pangs of jealousy in Medoro.

Alone on stage, Alcina sees a hippogriff riden by the knight RUGGERO descending from the skies.

Charmed by the newcomer, Alcina seduces Ruggero by offering him a love potion to drink.

Bradamante arrives shortly after this, but RUGGERO, bewitched, does not recognise her.

Bradamante runs off in despair, allowing Alcina to savour the capture of her latest prey.

In ATTO II, Alcina carries on a perverse game of seduction with Astolfo, driving him to side with Bradamante in order to take his revenge on the sorceress.

RUGGERO, whose spell has been broken with the aid of the magic ring, realizes he has betrayed his beloved and begs her forgiveness, but she abandons him to his despair.

Orlando tries in vain to console him.

Angelica meets MEDORO once more and promises him they will soon be married, assuring him that he need no longer fear Orlando.

In fact, with the help of Alcina, Angelica treacherously persuades the adoring Orlando to climb an enchanted cliff, on the pretext that he must fetch an elixir that she desires ardently.

He is easily convinced, despite Astolfo's forceful warnings, and finds himself imprisoned in a cavern without an exit.

Meanwhile Bradamante and RUGGERO meet up and are reconciled, whilst Angelica and Medoro hold a splendid wedding celebration in a spacious glade, under the protective but envious gaze of Alcina.

The spouses carve their lovers's vows on the bark of a laurel and a myrtle, then retire just as Orlando arrives in the wood having managed to find his way out of the enchanted cavern Seeing the newly married couple and the inscriptions on the trees, he becomes unhinged.

In ATTO III, Ruggero, Bradamante, and Astolfo, convinced that Orlando must be dead, promise to avenge him and go off in search of Alcina.

They come on her as she appears before the walls of steel that protects the Temple of Infernal Hecate.

Her incantations are foiled by Melissa's ring, but she nevertheless manages to open the wall of steel, revealing the temple gates.

Now Orlando appears, still demented, and gives vent to his delirium.

As Bradamante, Alcina, Ruggero and Medoro meditate on the sorrows of love, Orlando discovers the statue of Merlino, which he mistakes for Angelica.

After vanquishing the guard ARONTE and his fearsome mace, he takes hold of it and kisses it.

The charm over Alcina's island is immediately broken.

The temple collapses and her realm becomes a desert island once more.

The defeated Alcina flees, swearing terrible vengeance, while Orlando, returning to his senses, pardons Angelica and blesses her union with Medoro.

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