Wednesday, May 27, 2015

RUGGERIANA -- La Scala, Milano




Bradamante is searching for Ruggero, to whom she is betrothed.

She has disguised herself as a soldier and is travelling under the nsame of her brother, RICCIARDO.

She is accompanied by her tutor, MELISSO, who is also disguised as a soldier.

On the island ruled by the sorceress ALCINA, the two meet Alcina's sister, MORGANA, who falls in love at first sight with the supposed RICCIARDO.

To complicate the situtation, ALCINA enters, with RUGGERO, who has fallend head over heels in love with ALCINA and is loved by her in return.

OBERTO who was taken in by Alcina after he and his father ASTOLFO were shipwrecked, asks the newcomers if they have any news of his father, who one day disappeared without trace.

OBERTO is scarcely out of sight when BRADAMANTE (Ricciardo) and MELISSO confront RUGGERO.

However, RUGGERO scoffs at both Melisso and Bradamante, whom he takes for Ricciardo.

The appearance of ORONTE, Alcina's GENERAL, makes the situation all the more difficult for the two disguised as soldiers.

ORONTE is in love with MORGANA and regards the supposed RICCIARDO as his rival.

ORONTE accordingly challenges BRADAMANTE to a duel.

MORGANA renounces their relationship, in response to which ORONTE devises an intrigue.

ORONTE tells RUGGERO that ALCINA changes all her former lovers into rocks, streams and beasts, and that RUGGERO will soon share this fate, since Alcina has fallen in love with the recently arrived RICCIARDO.

Beside himself with jealousy, RUGGERO accuses ALCINA of being unfaithful and demands that she turn RICCIARDO into a wilde beast to prove her devotion.

MORGANA hastens to warn BRADAMANTE, whom she supposes to be RICCIARDO.

Bradamante pretends to be in love with MORGANA to prove that she is not interested in Alcina.


While searching for ALCINA, RUGGERO comes upon MELISSO.

He has disguished himself as ATALANTA , Ruggero's tutor, and gives Ruggero a magic ring.

The ring makes RUGGERO come to his senses again.


Morgana manages to persuade Alcina not to change Ricciardo into a wild beast and Ruggero too , who FEIGNS LOVE FOR ALCINA, declares that her intention to transform Ricciardo has laid his jealousy to rest.

Without delay Ruggero then asks Alcina's permission to go hunting alone.

Alcina gives her permission, little knowing that Ruggiero plans to go hunting with the intention of fleeing Alcina's kingdom.

ORONTE finally informs Alcina of Ruggero's plan, whereupon Alcina calls upon DEMONS to help her win back RUGGERO'S LOVE.

In deep despair, Alcina realises taht her magic power is no longer effective.

MORGANA too realises that she has fallen in love with a woman disguised as a man.


MORGANA now returns to her lover lover ORONTE.

For her part, ALCINA is still unable to rekindle Ruggero's LOVE FOR HER.

On the contrary he is even willing to FIGHT for his freedom.

Finally, RUGGERO and his allies overcome Alcina's forces and destroy the URN that once secured her magic powers.

Alcina's kingdom and the bewitched creatures are immediately restrored to original form, including OBERTO's father, who  had been transformed into a lion.

All praise the victorious pwoer of true love.

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