Friday, October 30, 2015

GRANISS'S LAKE, Eastwood Farms, Connecticut Shore, New England, LONG ISLAND SOUND


We like to give first names to toponyms. There's Graniss's Lake, but what member of the Graniss family are we talking about.

Let's consult the "Genealogy of the

Grannis Family in America


By Sidney S. Grannis


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The Grannis Family in America.

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The Grannis Family History and Chart should go
together, as each contains what could not be shown in the
other, and both together contain the gist of the family
record, which is too large to bear the expense of publication
and will be donated to the Minnesota Historical Society,
(always open free to visitors) at the Capitol in St. Paul.

Considering the limited number that will be called for,
it is estimated that a price of two dollars for the book and
one dollar for the Chart will little if any more than pay the
cash cost of production. The facsimile of Grant's famous
letter is thought by some to be worth more than the price
of the book.

Believing this to be the only history of the family that
ever will be written, the writer, wishing to give it as wide a
circulation as possible, has determined to send it out by
mail without further ceremony, relying on the generosity and
good will of the family to share in the labor and expense of
so unprofitable an undertaking.



Red Wing, Minn., July 4, igoi.

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Genealogical History


Grannis Famliu in flmerlca

FROM 1630 TO 1901







A DESIRE to live in the memory of family, friends, and
the world at large is universal as is shown in the great vari-
ety of monuments from the Egyptian pyramids down to
the marble slab or bit of wood that marks the resting place
of the departed for a period of time more or less brief; the
same desire also is shown in the written histories of indi-
viduals, families, communities, states, and nations, and in
painting, poetry, and song, as well as in fiction, sacred or
profane, of good and bad alike.

The writing up of a family history of eight generations
in this new country with its changed and changing condi-
tions from the early Pilgrims to the Twentieth Century
(nearly 300 years) is not so easy nor pleasant a task as one
might imagine.

In our Family Record we only ask the full name, place
and date of each birth, marriage, and death, but there gene-
rally come family or personal items that go to help make
up a family history. Efforts have evidently been made
from time to time by individuals entirely unknown to each

4 The Grannis Family in America.

other to collect the history of the Grannis Family, and if
the present writer has been more successful than the others
in rescuing these few names from oblivion for a few hun-
dred years, more or less, it has been due more to the won-
derfully improved mail, telegraphic, and transportation fa-
cilities that have come into use during the short space of
his existence than to any superior ability of his own. When
we read in our evening papers, the events of the day, in all
parts of the world, including China, we are becoming more
and more prepared for the conviction, that this little planet
is to be put into communication with other planets, and
probably with the whole universe by One who has already
gone in person, to prepare a place for those who through
faith and patience inherit the promises, and has declared
that He will come again and receive them unto Himself,
that where He is, there they may be also, in a condition with
and like Himself, in the presence of His glory and power
beyond the power of gravitation, (to say the least) and that
to be to all eternity.

Whatever may have been the family name and local
nativity of Edward (1630) it is certain that his father gave
him a. name that has stood high among the "Upper Ten" in
England from 1004 to 1553 (see Johnson's Encyclopaedia,
article "Edward"), and when we consider the troublous
times in Church and State in which he came to America we
can well believe that he kept his family name and nativity
a personal secret and that it died with him.

Whether he came as a Puritan or Independent is not
certain but probably it was the latter. It would seem at

The Grannis Family in America. 5

this distance that the family was early divided ; the East
Haven branch being Episcopal and the North Haven
Congregational or Independent.

Col. G. W. Grannis, of San Francisco, Cal., says Octo-
ber 28, 1887 : "My ancestors were mariners for several
generations. My father was a sea captain. My predilec-
tions were maritime, and I was once a pretty good sailor."

U I have searched the business directories of London, Liv-
erpool, Manchester, and Edinburgh, and did not find it (the
name) in any directory in Great Britain or Ireland. I was
told by an old clerk at Somerset House (House of Records)
London, that I would find my name over in Flanders, that
it was Flemish. Some years since I wrote the postmaster at
Ayer, Scotland, and he replied that he knew of no person
in the town or vicinity of the name Grannis s. If we never
find the name extant in the Old Country, then we may con-
clude that our ancestor changed his name when he came to
America. It was done in many instances as you are probab-
ly aware."

The family as a whole are rovers, the men before sixty
caring little for their ancestry. Many do not know the sur-
name of their grandfather nor when he lived. The Family
Bible is found in some instances, but contains records of not
more than two or three generations. The women are much
more reliable ; their tea table records often run back three
or four generations and are generally correct. Most of our
Record is gathered from them. Neither is the family wealthy.
There are a few names that will appear as we review the
Chart. Our extensive correspondence shows good educa-

6 The Grannis Family in America.

tion, all the professions being represented. No wills have
been reported and the writer takes the liberty to record the
old song "Daddy's Will" which may apply in some, per-
haps in most cases.

Red Wing, Minn., May i, IQOI.

Daddy's Will.

To my dear wife, my joy in life,

I freely now do give her,
My whole estate, with all my plate,

Being just about to leave her.

A tub of soap, a long cart rope,

A frying pan and kettle,
An ashes pail, a threshing flail,

An iron wedge and beetle.

Two painted chairs, nine cards in pairs
And a large old dripping platter;

The bed of hay, on which I lay,
And an old sauce pan for batter.

A little mug, a two quart jug,
And a bottle full of brandy;

A looking glass, to see your face,
You'll find it very handy.

An old sword blade, a garden spade,

A hoe, a rake, a ladder,
A lamp oilcan, a close stool pan,

A clyster pipe and bladder.

The Grannis Family in America.

A tailor's goose, the handle loose,
And a book put out by Bunyan,

A spinning wheel, an old hand reel,
And a skein or two of spun yarn.

A flock of geese, a pot of grease,
Two pothooks and a ladle;

A logerhead, a trundle bed,
And the little baby's cradle.

This is my store, I have no more,

I freely now do give her,
My whole estate, with all my plate,

Being just about to leave her.

The Grannis Family in America,


WAS born about 1630 and is first found, as a shoemaker,
in Hartford, Conn., where he married Elizabeth, daughter
of William Andrews (the schoolmaster), then of Farming-
ton, Conn., May 3, 1654. Joseph, his first living son,
was born in Hartford, March 31, 1656. They had no other
children and we learn nothing more of her, but he married
Hannah, daughter of John Wakefield, of New Haven, Conn.,
in 1662. She had two sons and five daughters, all of whom
married ; of the first three daughters born in Hartford,
Hannah, Mabel, and Abigail, we have no date of birth. He
removed to Hadley, Mass., about 1670, where Sarah was
born, October 20, 1671, and John, December 5, 1674, and
here we must conclude that the first Joseph born (March
31, 1656) died before naming of the second Joseph in the
family, aged about twenty years.

He removed from Hadley to New Haven about 1677,
where Joseph was born (March 12', 1677), and Ann the young-
est was born, but there is no date of her birth.

So far as we know, he located in the Third School Dis-
trict, otherwise called the Muddy River District, in the
North Parish of New Haven town, and here he brought up

10 The Grannis Family in America.

his family. He followed the occupation of shoemaker and
taught his sons the same.

Religiously he seems to have been an Independant or
Congregational ist.

In those days, the ivife is seldom mentioned; at marri-
age her name seems to sink into oblivion, and she has no

Col. G. W. Grannis, of San Francisco, Cal.. says, June
5th, 1889:

"Have you read a late history of New Haven,
edited by Edward E. Atwater? In it you will see that in
1680 a division of outside lands occurred, and Edward Gran-
nis appeared with eight in his family, self, wife, and six
children, and his share was thirty-eight acres, west of New
Haven. This was drawn by lot and he did not receive land
on his side of the town. This was the third division of lands.
The first was to residents of the city proper and the lands
(lots) were in the city. The second was to outsiders (out-
side the city) as well, but Edward does not appear. In 1669
he was not in the list of inhabitants of the town proper and
here following is when he comes in.

"In the spring of 1644, Totoket (or Branford) a place fit
for a small plantation betwixt New Haven and Guilford,
was sold to Mr. Swain and others of Weathersfield, upon con-
dition that they should join in one jurisdiction with New
Haven and the other plantations upon the fundamental
agreement settled in 1643, which, they duly considering,
readily accepted.

"From this time to its dissolution in 1665, the New
Haven Colony consisted of the six plantations of New Hav-
en, Southold, Stamford, Gnilford, Milford and Branford.

"Edward Grannis must have been inside the East Haven
boundary (which was then New Haven town) or he could
not have drawn his land in the division of lands in 1680.

"Did he come from Weathersfield? Then he came with

The Grannis Family in America. 1 1


the Connecticut colony and not with the New Haven colony.
His name does not appear anywhere that I find the names
of the New Haven colony. But where did he come from in
England? The New Haven colony were from Kent, Surrey,
Sussex, Hereford, Yorkshire, and sailed from the ports of
New Haven and Hull in England and also from London."

The first one married in the family was Hannah, who
married John Hill (January 12, 1681).

The second was Mabel, who married John Johnson
(March 2, 1684).

The third was Abigail, who married John Allen Jr.,
(March 20, 1688).

The fourth was Sarah, who married Nathaniel Bishop
fApril 28, 1690).

The fifth was Joseph, who married Hannah Russell
(November 3, 1702).

The sixth was Ann, who married Moses Brockett (Jan-
uary 8, 1706).

The seventh and last was John, who married Elizabeth
Brockett (October 12, 1706) and probably took his wife
home and occupied the old homestead and became a promi-
nent man in civil, religious, and military affairs in the town.
His father died four years later (December 5, 1710), aged
eighty years and was probably buried in the Montowese
cemetery, where two of the three little children of John
were buried a year later (in 1711).


Was born in Hadley, Mass., Dec. 5, 1674, and married
Elizabeth Brockett in 1706; they had six sons and "one

Mr. Sheldon B. Thorpe, of North Haven says, May 21,
1891 :

"Concerning the Grannis family at North Haven I make
the following memoranda."

12 The Grannis Family in America.

In January, 1716(7), John Grannis was moderator of the
Ecclesiastical Society meeting. In 1717, December 3d, John
Grannis was chosen one of the Prudential Committee in the
above Society.

In 1718, August 5th, John Grannis was one of the com-
mittee to take care of ye ordination of Rev. James Wetmore.
In this year he was 1st Lieutenant of the first military com-
pany in North Haven (then North Parish).

In 1721, December 2ist, Lieut. John Grannis was on a
committee to seat ye meeting-house.

In January, 1722(3), Lieut. Grannis was on a committee
lo procure a minister in the above Society. In 1725, Decem-
ber 7th, Lieut. Grannis was collector for above Society.

John Grannis was Tythinginan in 1727 (North Haven

In December, 1730, Lieut. Grannis was chosen on Soci-
ety Committee.

[Here occurs a break of t%venty years in the Annals. ,]

John Grannis was Pound-keeper in 1732 (North Haven
Annals). In 1733 he was made Captain.

In 1739 John Grannis was Agent of the Ecclesiastical
Society to procure a new meeting-house.

Again he says : "The Ecclesiastical Society Church Rec-
ords beginning 1760 carry the name of Capt. Grannis. I can-
not tell his first name. It occurs with the footnote, that he
was one of the original settlers of the town which would lead
me to think it was probably John from his connection with
the first military company here."

Again he says, May 21, 1891 : "The name of Grannis
does not appear on any stone in the old cemetery at North
Haven in 1720."

In the Muddy River District (the locality where John
and Joseph lived) are three rude stones, small and uncouth,
marked :

The Grannis Family in America. 13


1711 1711 1719

These are all I have on my schedules. I believe them
to stand for children of the Grannis family.

Again he says, Oct. 20, 1899 :

"The Third District and the Muddy River District are
identical, so I suppose John remained where he was raised.
I -was in the Montowese cemetery a few days since and saw
the three old stones. They are fast decaying. I notice the
foot-stones which are under the surface of the ground some-
what retain the sharpness of the letters, but the surfaces ex-
posed to the weather are perishing."

As there were at this time no other but the families of
John and Joseph and no deaths in the latter, they could only
belong to John; so the writer takes the liberty of arranging
them in the Record, Hannah (1711), Edward (1711), and
Edward (1719). The four remaining sons of John were
John (1714), James (1716), Caleb (1718), and Enos (1720).

From this point we will follow the Chart, giving the
personal and family history as found in the Record Book of
each of the four sons of John (1674) and the six sons of
Joseph (1677), separately through one generation after

There are doubtless many other deserving names (some
soldiers) whose history has not been reported to the writer.

All these ten branches end the name with one "s".

14 The Grannis Family in America.


Was born in North Haven, Conn., in 1714, and married
Mary Munson (1717) in 1738. They had four sons and
three daughters. There has been much uncertainty in regard
to these two brothers, John (1714) and James (1716)
until this year (1900) when we learn from Mrs. Laura G.
Peaseley, a descendant of John (1789) that James (1716)
married Mabel Potter in 1739 less than one month after the
marriageof his brother John (1714), and the tea table records
seem to have been badly confused. At the same time we
learn from Miss Margaret Mclntire Grannis (1878), daugh-
ter of Frederic A. (1851), that the record of her ancestors
back to Simeon (1748) clearly connects with James
(1716), leaving it clear that John (1714) was father of John


John 4 (1739).

Was born in North Haven, Conn. All the writer has
been able to learn of him is a tradition that he went south
and was never heard from.

Timothy 4 (1750).

Was born in North Haven, Conn., and married first
Sarah Sumner (1749) in 1771 and had seven children; he
married second Sarah Nye (1759) in 1790 and had four sons;
eleven children in all (all of whom married except one of
the seven by his first marriage). His grandchildren number-
ed just fifty.

Mr. Solon C. Grannis (1801), Claremont, N. H., writes,
Nov. 21, 1887, "Mr. Gilmore has furnished some copies from
the Union Church Society Records which I enclose."

Aug. ye 13, 1780. Then Timothy Grannis had a son baptized

Sept. ye 28, 1793. Then Timothy Grannis had a son baptized Syrus.
1787. Timothy Grannis chosen vestryman.

The Grannis Family in America. 15

Aug. ye 27, 1789. Timothy Grannis bought ye pen at ye left hand
of ye door for ten pound.

Sept. 12, 1790. Then Timothy Grannis had a son baptized John.

Aug. 30, 1795. Timothy Grannis had a son baptized Sidney.

April, 1790. Timothy Grannis chosen 2nd Warden, again in 1791-

Vestryman in 1800, again in 1801, Warden in 1802 and 1803.

Timothy Grannis Junior Collector 1804 chose T. Grannis Junior
Warden again in 1805. In 1810 chose Wm. Grannis Clerk.

1811 chose T. Grannis Junior Vestryman ; 1824 Junior Warden and
in 1825.

A list of ratable polls belonging to Union Church So-
ciety, April, 1817, contains the following Grannis names:
Timothy, Timothy Jr., George, David, and Sidney-
Solon C. Grannis says, same date, "Grandfather Grannis
was a prominent man among the first proprietors of the town.
Was for a long time on committee of corporations and used
to be an owner of "town rights' '.

The writer learns from Mr. John M. Ives (1801) that
"town rights" were certain rights to remove down timber,
grass, etc., from the king's land (public) in return for his
oversight of the same to prevent cutting and removing
standing timber.

Timothy died in 1827, aged seventy-seven years.


Edward 4 (1752).

Was born in North Haven, Conn., and was twice marri-
ed, and had one son by each wife but the wives' names are
not known. He evidently had some knowledge of his an-
cestry and endeavored to perpetuate the memory of his
(supposed) great grandmother, Elizabeth Andrews and her
son Joseph (1657) by naming his first-born Joseph Andrews
(1779), the first double name in the great family, but both
wives died without further issue. The second son was Sam-
uel Johnson (1785).

1 6 The Grannis Family in America.

David 5 (1793).

Was born in Claremont, N. H., and married Olive Scott
(1803) in 1832 and they had one son and two daughters.
He died in Claremont. N. H., in 1837, aged forty-four years.
One daughter, Jane (1833) was born in Claremont, was un-
married, and died in 1854. Their son David Henry (1835)
was born in Claremont and was unmarried. He enlisted in
the 3d Vermont Volunteers, June 6, 1861, but was taken sick
and discharged before leaving the state. Enlisted again
August 22, 1861, in the 3d New Hampshire Volunteers, Co.
A, at Claremont, N. H. Was in the battle of James Island,
June 16, 1862, and had his canteen shot away, but was unin-
jured. He died at Hilton Head, S. C, March 4, 1863, aged
twenty-seven years. Their daughter, Mary Scott ( 1837), mar-
ried Nelson F. Twing, of Springfield, Mass., in 1861. The
Record, Cliart, and History of the Grannis Family were printed
in his office in Minneapolis, Minn., where they now reside.

Their children are: Edward Henry (1863), unmarried, died in St.
Paul, Minn., 1888 ; Herbert Nelson (1867) ; Mary Scott (1869), unmarri-
ed, died in Minneapolis, Minn., 1889 ; William Fuller (1873).

Sidney 5 (1795).

Was born in Claremont, N. H., the tenth child in a fam-
ily of nine brothers and two sisters, all but one of whom
married. He served seven years apprenticeship in the Jar-
vis Clothing Works in Claremont; married Betsey Stro-
bridge (1797) in 1819 and had five sons and three daughters.
Removed to Irasburg, Vt,, and engaged in running the
clothing works with his brother Evander. Was Captain of
Militia when the military spirit ran high after the War of
1812. The clothing business was abandoned and in 1825 he
removed to Utica, N. Y., and found various employments un-
til 1834, when he began work in the woolen mills of Smith &
Tillinghart at Morrisville, N. Y. There he brought up his

* The Grannis Family in America. 1 7

family and died, a Congregationalist, in 1844, aged forty-nine
years. His widow died in 1874, aged seventy-four years, and
was buried in Red Wing, Minn.

Samuel 5 ( 1792).

Was born in New Haven, Conn., and married Sally Bar-
nard ( 1795) in 1815, and had five sons. He died in 1880, at
the age of eighty-eight years.

The third son, Sidney Martin (1827), never married ; he
was a singer in his early days and was a member of the Am-
phion Band which sang through New York and New Eng-
land about the early fifties. Afterwards he travelled alone
as a singer. He composed the music set to the song "Do
they miss me at home? Do they miss me?"

He says, Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 22, 1888 :

"Your name being the same as mine surprises me, as it
is not a family name, mine coming to me as a compliment to
an intimate friend of my mother. I find that you are ten
years older than the writer and a widower. In that regard
you have touched life at a point where I have failed, for my
family are under my hat."

Martin 5 (1794).

Was born in New Haven, Conn., and married Amelia
McGee in 1823, and died in 1828, aged thirty-four years; he
had two daughters.

Mrs. Laura Kissam was a widow and her sister Harriet
was living with her at the time of her death.

The only copy of the "Coat of Arms" that the writer had
ever seen, bearing the full name of R. A. Granniss was
presented by his father, Geo. B. Granniss (1798) to Mrs.
Kissam or her sister, in about 1860 in New York City. By
her it was given to Sidney M. Grannis, by him to his cousin,
Anna M. Hickox, daughter of David Granniss (1790), by

1 8 The Grannis Family in America.

her to her daughter Kathrine of Buffalo, N. Y., and finally
by her to the writer. He has seen only one other copy and
that had the initials cut off.

Laurens A. 6 (1803).

Was born in Claremont, N. H., and married, first, Mary
Johnson (1808) in 1831; and, second, Martha Cole (1816) in
1836. He died in Guildhall, Vt., in 1896 at the age of nine-
ty-three and a half years.

By his second wife he had four sons and three daugh-
ters. Their second son, Timothy (1841), enlisted in Co. E,
First Regiment U. S. Sharpshooters about July I, 1861 and
served until January 31, 1862, when he died in camp at
Washington, D. C., and was taken to Claremont, N. H., for

Samuel R. 6 (1812).

Was born in Claremont, N. H., and married Caroline
M. Higbee (1816) in 1839. They had four sons: Samuel
Higbee (1839), Henry Sumner (1844), Charles William
(1850), and George Francis (1852). Henry Sumner was a
member of the First Minnesota Heavy Artillery. He volun-
teered Feb. 7, 1865, died in Chattanooga, Tenn., June 1, 1865,
at the age of twenty-one years, and was buried in Chattanoo-
ga, Tenn.

William C. D. 6 (1826).

Was born in Hatley, P. Q., Canada, and married, first,
Lucia Baldwin (1827) in 1851, and, second, Clara Brown
(1842) in 1868, by whom he had one son and three daughters.
He was president for some years of the Union National Bank
of Chicago, and also in 1898, when he died at the age of sev-
enty-two years.

Timothy O. 6 (1810).
Was born in Claremont, N. H., and married Julia B.

The Grannis Family in America. 19

Kelsey (1821) in 1842, and had two sons and one daughter.
He was for many years cashier and president of the Oneida
Co. Bank of Utica, N. Y., and also when he died in 1883, at
the age of seventy-three years.

Frederic W. 6 (1822).

Was born in Utica, N. Y., and married, first, Mary M.
Bennett (1836) in 1852, and, second, Elizabeth Bartlett
(1841), but the date of the marriage is unknown.

Of his second wife, the New York Graphic says : "Mrs.
E. B. Grannis, a quiet little bundle of energy, weighing only
ninety pounds, is editor and proprietor of the Church Union.
She holds a tight rein and in her team of assistants drives
seven Doctors of Divinity tandem. 33 E. 22nd St. N. Y. City."

Sidney S. 6 (1820).

Was born in Irasburg, Vt., and married Sarah S. Howe,
(1816) in 1842. They had four sons and two daughters.

He invented the Jointless Wire Heddle for weavers har-
ness and the machine to make it. It was patented in 1842,
and renewed in 1856 ; it has gone into general use in this
country and in Europe.

He removed from Morrisville, N. Y., in 1857, to Red
Wing, Minnesota Territory, which became a state in 1858.
Engaged in lumbering, was a member of the Red Wing City
Council, School District Directorin 1863 and '64, member of
Legislature, County Commissioner of Goodhue County for
three years, and retired in 1879. Was the genealogist of the
Grannis Family from 1630, during the years 1885 to 1901.

See the "History of Goodhue County", 1878.

William P. 6 (1833).
Was born in Morrisville, N. Y., and married Marietta

2O The Grannis Family in America.

B. Bronson (1839) in 1863. They had one daughter, Lucy
S. (1869).

He learned the trade of a machinist in the works of his
brothers, S. S. and G. H., in Morrisville, N. Y., which he
left for the study of dentistry with Dr. A. M. Holmes of the
same place in 1855. Commenced his practice in Havana,
Schuyler County, N. Y. in 1859. Enlisted as a musician in
1862 and was in the terrible siege of Fort Pulaski, approach-
ing from the sea. At the close of the war he practiced his
profession in Morrisville, till in 1869 he went to Osvvego, N.
Y., where he entered the firm of Blanchard & Co., Sash,
Blind and Door Makers, as financial manager, and remained
with them till 1879, when he resumed the practice of his pro-
fession in the same place. The winter of 1886 and '87 he
spent in Algiers, North Africa, with his family in the hope
of removing the dreaded Bright's disease, returning in May,
1887. At the time of his sudden death in 1887, at the age of
fifty-four, he was serving his second term as Deacon in the
Congregational Church of Oswego.

William H. De Lancey 6 (1839).

Was born in Wales Centre, N. Y., and married Harriet S.
Green in 1866; they had four sons and three daughters.

Mrs. Helen w'. (Grannis) Redfield, of Montpelier, Vt.,
says, December 28, 1886. "Wm. Heathcote Delancey Gran-
nis was a clergyman. I copy from "The Churchman" : En-
tered into rest, January 8, 1881, at Havana, Cuba, the Rever-
and Wm. H. Delancey Grannis, Rector of St. James Church,
Goshen, Orange County, N. Y. I think I never knew one so
highly spoken of as in this Memoriam."

Amos 6 (1828).

Was born in Attica, N. Y., and married Jane Taylor
(1832) in 1850, and had three sons and three daughters; he
is reported wealthy.

The Grannis Family in America. 21

He says, January i, 1888 : "Our family came from an
ancient Highland Scotch family, members of which emigra-
ted to America in the latter part of the Sixteenth or early
part of the Seventeenth Century. The earliest record we
have is the marriage of Edward Grannis of Hartford, Con-n.,
to Elizabeth Andrews, of Farmington, May 3, 1654. * *
One hundred and twenty-one years later, we again find the
name of Edward Grannis, a citizen of Hartford who declared
for liberty and independence in 1775. This u>as my grand-
father, who was subsequently killed in battle."

Edward "' ( 1837).

Was born in Claremont, N. H., and married Hannah C.
Knight (1844) in 1867; they had two sons, both of whom
died young.

He enlisted at Guildhall, Vt., September 17, 1862, and
was mustered into the Fifteenth Vermont, Co. G., at Brat-
tleboro, Vt., October 22, 1862; then went to Washington,
D. C., with five regiments of nine month's men from Ver-
mont, called the Second Vermont Brigade, and there under
General Stannard, in Corey's Division, 22nd Army Corps, he
aided in the defence of Washington. "The Brigade was out
near Fairfax Court House, and on the picket line, on Bull
Run, guarding the railroad, as far down as Beaton Station
through the winter and spring of 1863, till the Gettysburg
Campaign, when we joined the First Army Corps. The I3th,
i"4th, and i6th Regiments were in the battle ; the I2th and
I5th were detailed to guard the trains and ambulances of
the First Corps, and of course were not in the battle."

He was discharged at Brattleboro, Vt., August 5, 1863,
and receives a pension of $8.00 per month.

Rev. George H. 7 (1850).

The second son of Horace R. (1821) was born in Ober-
lin, Ohio, and married Agnes C. Conway (1864) in 1888.

22 The Grannis Family in America.

They had two children, Herbert Conway (1889) and Lester
Bruce (1892) both born in St. Louis, Mo.

By an oversight his name is not shown in the Chart of

Edward H. 7 (1854).

Was born in Morrisville, N. Y., and married Gertrude
A. Van Vliet (1854) in 1876. They had one daughter. Mar-
guerite (1878) and one son. Irving Van Vliet (1882).

He was Asst. Surgeon in the Third Wisconsin Infantry
with rank of Captain for several years, and enlisted in the
U. S. Service with his Regiment and went to Porto Rico; was
promoted to Surgeon with rank of Major and was mustered
out with his Regiment in 1899, but remained in the service
of the State of Wisconsin.

Wisconsin's Rifle Team.

Madison, Wis., January 4, 1901. The State Rifle Team for 1900,
composed of the ten members of the Wisconsin National Guard who
made the highest aggregate score in the target shooting during the An-
nual Encampment of the State troops at Camp Douglass, is announced
in General Order No. 10, just issued by Adjutant General Boardman.

Ten are awarded the decoration of "distinguished marksmen."

The revolver presented by General Charles King, for the best score
with revolver, possible score 125, was won by Capt. Alva S. Goodier, Co.
K., Third Regiment, score 121.

Major Edward H. Grannis, Surgeon Third Regiment, make the pos-
sible score 125, but having won once, was not eligible to win a second

Henry J. ' (1841).

Was born in North Liberty, Indiana, and married Abi-
gail C. Hubbell (1842) in 1866, and had three sons and two
daughters. He enlisted for three years at Fayette, Iowa,
September 15, 1861, in Co. C., Twelfth Iowa Infantry ; was
made Sergeant in the company and detailed as colorbearer
of the Regiment, a position that he held during the entire


The Grannis Family in America. 23

War. He re-enlisted as veteran volunteer, December 24,
1863, and was commissioned 1st Lieutenant of his company,
December 8, 1865, but still acted as colorbearer. Was in
the battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donaldson, Shiloh or Pitts-
burg Landing, Tupelo, Miss., Nashville, Tenn., (two days),
Spanish Fort, and in the operations against Mobile, Ala. At
Shiloh, Tenn., he was captured with the whole of his Regi-
ment, and held a prisoner at Montgomery, Ala., and Macon,
Ga., for six months and eleven days. Besides this, he was
in many skirmishes, marches and expeditions and took part
in every movement of the Regiment. Never wounded or
otherwise unable for duty, and was mustered out at Daven-
port, Iowa, January 30, 1866. Receives no pension or other
reward than the empty honor of First Lieutenant's commis-
sion. (Extract from correspondence by S. S. Grannis.)

Charles O. 7 (1842).

Was born in Cairo, N. Y., and married Harriet Buck in
1876. He served in the U. S. army through the slaveholder's
rebellion, and died in New York City, February 17, 1880,
aged thirty-eight years.

David N. 7 (1846).

Was born in Cairo, N. Y., and married Mary Manahan
( 1848) in 1876, and had four sons and two daughters.

He served in the U. S. Navy through the war of the Re-

24 The Grannis Family in America.


WAS born in North Haven, Conn., in 1716, and married
Mabel Potter, January 8, 1739-

Mr. Sheldon B. Thorpe, of North Haven, Conn., gives
us the following from the town records: "James Grannis
took up a fishing place on East river, in 1739."

Miss Margaret Mclntire Grannis (1878) of Branford,
Conn., daughter of Frederic Alonzo (1851) in partial record
of her ancestors (see Chart) says: "James died after ampu-
tation of leg at Monmouth" (no dates). The writer finds no
other James to whom this will apply. S. S. G., Nov., 1900.

Eldad * (1764).

Was born in North Haven, Conn., and was twice mar-
ried. Each wife had only one son. The second wife was
Comfort Atwater, of Oxford, Conn.

Mrs. Rowena Grannis Steele ( 1824) of Merced, Cal., says
(Feb. 5, 1888): " Eldad married very young, and had one
son which was taken by its mother's friends when she died,
and his brother Harry never saw him."

Marshal 6 (1815).

Was born in Waterbury, Conn., and married Lydia E.
Grannis (1820) in 1848. She was daughter of Simeon, Jr.,
(1795). They had three daughters, whose names have not
been reported to the writer.

James M. 6 (1818).

Was born in Waterbury, Conn., and married Irene Mil-
ton in 1838. Had one daughter, " Henrietta."

He was born in Shakers Society, and entered the employ
of Benedict, Burnham & Co., brass founders, of Waterbury,
Conn., at the age of fifteen. Learned the trade of mixing
and casting metals, and cast first german silver. Remained

The Grannis Family in America. 25

with the firm forty-five years. Chosen Captain of militia in
1836. High in Masonic affairs, member of Common Council,
alderman, and assistant justice till health failed, and he went
to England for two years without benefit ; he died in iSSo,
at the age of sixty-three years.

Alonzo 6 (1820).

Was born in Waterbury, Conn., and married Esther D.
Payne of Columbus, Ohio, in 1837. They had four children
of whom only Frederic Alonzo (1851) survives. He entered
the employ of Benedict & Co., when twelve years old, and
continued with Benedict, Burnham & Co. for fifty-eight
years. In 1890 he retired from business ; at that time he was
head of the department of sheet, brass, and silver rolling.
For years he was a member of the Waterbury Common
Council. (Margaret Me Grannis. 1900.)

Caleb A. 6 (1827).

Was born at Sidney Plains, N. Y., and married Mary
Jane Bronson (1824) in 1848. At the age of fifteen he en-
tered the employ of Benedict, Burnham & Co., Waterbury,
Conn., and remained with them twenty-four years ; he was
a member of the Common Council. In 1866 he removed to
Bridgeport, Conn.

Norman Delos 6 (1833).

Son of Simeon, Jr. (1795) was born in Unadilla, N. Y.,
and married Caroline A. Pond of Waterbury, Conn. He en-
tered the employ of Benedict, Burnham & Co., brass-found-
ers of Waterbury, Conn., and remained in the casting de-
partment for forty years ; he was a member of the Univer-
salist Society, and stood high in Masonic affairs.

George W. 7 (1847).

Was born in Butler County, Pa., and married Eunice A.
Barnes (1847) i n 1872.

26 The Grannis Family in America.

In June, 1864, he enlisted in Co. E, I93d Reg. Pa. Vol.
under the call for 100,000 one hundred day men, and served
four months. Disease contracted during the term of service
prevented his re-enlistment.

For many years he has been a Trustee of the Willa-
mette University of Salem, Oregon, and the Board has con-
ferred upon him the honorary degree of D. D.

Since September, 1898, Dr. Grannis has been pastor of
the McMinnville M. E. Church. September 12, 1900, he
was appointed Endowment Agent of Willamette University.
His address is Salem, Oregon.


Was born in North Haven, Conn., in 1718. "The Rev.
Isaac Stiles married one Caleb Grannis to Patience Bunnell,
Nov. 27, 1745." (North Haven Town Annals). They had
one son, Benjamin (1747).

Benjamin 4 (1747).

\Vas born in North Haven, Conn., and married Polly
Wilcox (no date). They had three sons : Benjamin (1783),
Benjamin (1784), and George Benjamin (1796), all of whom
died young.

It would appear that Benjamin (1747) and Benjamin
(1757) married sisters. Polly and Mary Wilcox. Upon the
death of George B., third son of Polly, Mary adopted the
name for her second son (1798) with the evident desire of
perpetuating the name of George Benjamin.

The death of these three children of Benjamin (1747)
brings the line of Caleb (1718) to a close.

Tlie Grannis Family in America. 27


Was born in North Haven, Conn., in 1720, and married
Thankful (1732), daughter of his cousin Russell (1709), of
the East Haven family, in 1751.

George S. (1868) writes November 29, 1898, " My
grandfather (Sylvester B., 1820) had a lingering sickness,
and just before he died, he wrote out a record of his grand-
father's (Enos, 1720) family, as far as he knew. It was this

"He had a little Grannis girl, and married the girl he
wanted. She did not have a dollar, so his people would
have nothing to do with him, and what he put on that paper
he did from memory."

Here was an evident intention on the part of both North
and East Haven families, which consisted at the time of no
more than eighteen persons, to ostracise, boycott, and shun
him and his wife.

The writer has received two copies of Rev. Stephen
Dodd's memoirs from different persons, neither of which
mentions the name of Thankful, showing that her name was
dropped from the family record. She became a member of
the North Haven Congregational Church, lived many years
with her son Benjamin ( 1757) and died at the age of ninety-
three years. In the Grove Street Cemetery in New Haven
her monument may be seen. Since her age and the date of
her death is known, the year of her birth must have been
1732, which just fits in between the names of Russell Jr.
(1730) and Samuel (1734) in the family of Russell (1709).
There was no other family in which she could have been
born, but that of William (1706) and in that family there is
a Thankful (1730) who married Benjamin Moulthrop.

Col. Geo. W. Grannis, of San Francisco, Cal., writes
June 8, 1891, "I enclose a Family Tree sent me many years
ago by my mother." This tree contains the family and de-

28 The Grannis Family in America.

scendants of Enos (1720) down to 1840, and the name of
Robert A., born that year, is on one of the twigs.

The author of this tree is unknown to the writer, but it
is evident that he had a good knowledge of the descendants
of Enos (1720) for at least one hundred and twenty years.
It is singular, however, that neither his name nor that of
Thankful's are mentioned. Instead of Enos on the trunk
we find North Haven. Circumstances point to Fanny (about
1785), daughter and only child of Benjamin (1757) by his
first wife, as alongside of her twig is found the only refer-
ence to any one outside of the family. "Major John B.
Scott. He was in the Artillery service in California." No
dates are given on the tree.

Enos, Jr. 4 (1754).

Born in North Haven, Conn., and married Margaret .

Died aged sixty-nine years.



Bureau of Pensions,
Washington, D. C., March 18, 1890.

(Return this letter with your reply.)

Sir : In accordance with your request you will receive herewith enclos-
ed a statement on a separate sheet of so much history of Enos Grannis,
a Revolutionary officer from Connecticut, as is contained in his applica-
tion for Pension.

[Signed] GREEN B. BAUM, Commissioner.

Mr. Sidney S. Grannis,

Red Wing, Good/me Co., Minnesota.


He was residing May, 1818, in Westmoreland County ^
Pa., aged sixty-four years and upwards.

In July, 1820, his age was stated to be sixty-five years
and upwards. At the latter date his family consisted of his

The Grannis Family in America. 29

wife and three daughters, aged respectively nineteen, eleven
and nine years. No names given.

He died in 1824, and his widow Margaret (who it was
stated in a letter had been married to Enos Grannis before
1794) died in 1843, but she was-not a pensioner so t ^ iat ^
date of marriage cannot be furnished.

Elizabeth Siper, probably living in Armstrong Co., Pa.,

was alive in 1855.

Archibald Adams of Lydan, Whiteside Co., 111., stated
that he was a son-in-law and at that time four heirs were liv-
ing. No names given. He volunteered in 1776 for one year
under Capt. David Smith in Col. Samuel Elmore's Batallion
of Connecticut .troops and was discharged January 7, 1777.

He stated that he was in Col. Porter's command, and if
so it was only temporarily.

The record is that he enlisted April 18, 1776. The reg-
iment was posted at Germat Flats in Herkimer County,
N. Y. In August, 1777, he enlisted for the war under Capt.
Pendleton as an artificer in Col. Jedutha's (a Massachusetts
officer) regiment of Artillery; was appointed Sergeant Sept.
13, 1777, and promoted to Lieutenant Nov. 12, 1779, in the
same organization. (The command was in the battle of
Brandywine, Del., Sept. II, 1777, at Germantown, Pa., Oct.
4, 1777, and at Monmouth, N. J., June 28, 1778, an excessive-
ly hot day.) General Green superseded Gen. Gates in the
command of the Southern Army in November, 1780, and
made a request for Capt. Pendleton's Company to be sent
to him and they were the only troops that served south of
Virginia during the war.

Grannis claimed that he was appointed Captain by Gen.
Green but there is no evidence that he was commissioned as
such; it may be that he was only acting temporarily. He re-
mained at the South to the end of the war, then came to
Philadelphia Nov. 3, 1783.

Grannis was at Watertown, Litchfield Co., Conn., when

30 The Grannis Family in America.

he enlisted in the service. The $1800 was granted by Congress
as commutation or half pay by Act of June 30, 1834, and the
date of marriage may be in those papers at the Treasury
Department where it was paid.

Benjamin 4 ( 1757).

Was born in North Haven, and was thrice married. His
first wife was Mary Wilcox (1765). The dates of the others
are not known.

Robert A. Granniss, Esq., of "Overlook", Morris Plains,
N. J. (Vice-President of the Mutual Life Insurance Company
of N. Y., 57 Cedar St.), says August 5, 1890 :

"Benjamin Granniss died at his residence, George Street,
New Haven, Conn., May 19, 1832, aged seventy-five years,
and was buried in the family lot in New Haven Cemetery.

"It is evident from this that he was born in 1757, but it
does not appear what his father's name was and I have no
record to show it. [The Family Tree does not show it.] At
the time of his death he was a large manufacturer of boots
and shoes in New Haven, Conn., doing business under the
firm name of B. Granniss & Sons, with a branch house in New
York under the firm name of C. B. Granniss and Co., and
another in Charleston, S. C., doing business as Granniss,
White & Co. My father (George B.) was the head of the
Charleston concern.

"The Panic of 1837 caused the failure of these three
firms and it took years of mercantile life on the part of my
father to recover from the disaster. * * The old house
in George Street, New Haven, where my grandfather Benja-
min lived and died, and where his children were all born, is'
still standing (1899), but in a very shabby and ruinous con-

"Benjamin Granniss' lot in the Grove Street Cemetery,
New Haven, contains his grave and monument with a num-
ber of inscriptions.

The Grannis Family in America. 31

"I think Benjamin's mother was named Thankful, but
she would not have been born a Grannis unless he had mar-
ried a cousin or relative of the same name."

William E. 5 (1790).

Was born in North Haven, Conn. There is no account
of his wife. They had seven sons, whose names were: Solon
A., Robert, Harry, William, John, Newton, Ransom, and
Lor hi.

"George W. Grannis was son of either Newton or Solon.
He enlisted in Co. C., Twelfth Iowa, September 15, 1861,
aged about forty years, and was lost in the battle of Shiloh,
his fate unknown." (Henry J. Grannis, April 22, 1888.)

Palmer 5 (1787).

Was born in North Haven, Conn., and married Eunice
Merriam (1791) in 1809 ; they had six sons and three daugh-
ters. She died in 1830, aged thirty-nine years. His second
wife was Rebecca Russell (1804) and they had one son who
died young.

When eight years old he was bound out to a German
family in Herkimer Co., New York, for eight years. When
his time was up he went to New Haven, Conn., and learned
the trade of tanner and shoemaker with his uncle Edward
(1752). He made a few trips on a merchant vessel to the
West Indies ; worked as a journeyman shoemaker in New
York and went to Meriden, Conn., where he started a tan-
nery. In 1817 he sold out his business and removed to At-
water, Portage Co., Ohio. In 1834 he succeeded in collect-
ing a claim of $2,000 pension money due his father Enos, Jr.
(1754) for services as Captain in the Revolutionary Army.
For his own work and expenses he received $1,000 and the
remaining $1,000 was divided between eight heirs, $125.00
apiece. He received the money in old U. S. Bank bills and

32 The Grannis Family in America.

paid the heirs from his own hand. He died in Lima, Ind.,
in 1846, at the age of fifty-nine years.

George E. 6 (1845).

Was born in New Haven, Conn., and married Emma
Bond in 1871. They had two sons and four daughters. He
enlisted in Co. D., Connecticut Infantry Volunteers, Aug.
1 1, 1862, and was mustered in under Col. Dexter K. Wright,
He served in Whipple's Division south of the Potomac, in
the defence of Washington, in Virginia, North Carolina, and
was in many battles, skirmishes, marches, etc., and finally
was mustered out at New Haven, Conn., July 12, 1865, and
receives a pension of $6.00 per month.

Robert A. 6 (1840).

The Vice-President of the New York Mutual Life Insur-
ance Company of New York City, was born in Brooklyn N.
Y., and married Florence Peters (1849) in 1870. Their
children are: Florence Anna (1871), Mary Wadsworth
(1873) and Robert Andrews, Jr. (1880), a student in Yale
College in 1900.

He and Col. George W. (1825) of San Francisco, Cal.,
have contributed liberally to the Record fund.

Granniss Corners, Faxon, 1645.

The Grannis Family in America. 33


WAS born in New Haven, Conn., March 12, 1677, and
married Hannah Russell, daughter of John Russell, of New
Haven, November, 1702.

One year after marriage he was granted three acres from
the estate of Jacob Merriman, in Wallingford, Conn. Here
he probably followed the occupation of his father (shoe-
maker), and the grant of land may have been a bonus to
start the business. How long he remained here is unknown
but he subsequently returned to East Haven, and located at
Faxon (Grannis Corners), where he brought up his large
family of six sons and four daughters (all married), which
became known as the East Haven family, while that of
John ( 1674) on the old homestead was known as the North
Haven family. Religiously, he appears to have been an

His sons became mariners and followed the sea. The
memoirs of Rev. Stephen Dodd (who was installed pastor of
the East Haven Congregational Church, December u, 1818,

resigned April 20, 1847, ancl diecl ' n l8 5 6 ) ' lv& a vei T mea S er
record of the family up to about 1800, published in 1825,
probably furnished him by some one of the family.

Nothing further is learned of Joseph, or his wife Han-
nah. Of his four daughters, Sarah married Matthew Moul-
throp, 4th. Anna married Asher Moulthrop. Mabel mar-
ried Ebenezer Bradley, in 1716. Hannah married Samuel
Chedsey, Jr.

Col. G. W. Granniss (1825), of San Francisco, Cal., says,
" My ancestors were mariners for several generations, and I
was once a pretty good sailor. * * * I only know that I am
a descendant of the East Haven family."

34 The Grannis Family in America.


Was probably born in Wallingford, Conn., in 1704, and
married Bathsheba Thompson in 1728. They had one
daughter, Desire (date of birth unknown), who died young.

He was lost at sea, and his line comes to an early close.
A snatch from an old song gives a faint idea of the domes-
tic life of the old time sailor.

"Away Annie darling, away with thy notion

Dear Annie, a parting must be.
I'd sail the seas over, I'd cross the wide ocean,

I'd sail the seas over for thee."


Was probably born in Wallingford, Conn., in 1706, and
married Thankful Allen (no dates). They had Wm. Jr.
(1728), who married Sarah Grannis (1733) in 1755, daughter
of his uncle Thomas (1711).

Thankful ( ) who married Benjamin Moulthrop in

1761, and

Desire, who married Aaron Page.

Widow Thankful Grannis married Robert Dawson (no

William, Jr. 4 (1734).

W 7 as born in East Haven, Conn., and married Sarah
Grannis (1733), daughter of his uncle Thomas (1711), and
had five sons and six daughters, all of whom grew up and
married, and his descendants extend into the eighth genera-

Charles De Witt. 7 (1840).

Was born in Fredonia, N. Y., and married first Susan
E.Bacon (1842) in 1863. They had one daughter. His
second wife was Carrie D. Talman (1855) in 1873 ; they had
no children.

The Grannis Family in America. 35

August 8, 1861 he enlisted in the 44th N. Y. as a private
and was mustered into service September 24th as First Ser-
geant. On November 10, 1862, he received his commission


as 2nd Lieutenant, was made 1st Lieutenant February 17,
1863, and on August 4, 1863 was made Captain. He was
assigned the command of Company B, 44th N. Y. S. V., and
held this position until the final muster out October 14, 1864.
On June 2/th he was taken prisoner at Gaines Mills, Virginia
and taken to Richmond. There he was confined in Libby
Prison until September 4th, when he was paroled and taken
to the parole camp at Alexandria. About the 5th he was
exchanged and rejoined his Regiment at Harpers Ferry, Va.
He says "I was a member of the Third Brigade, First Divis-
ion, Fifth Army Corps, during my entire period of service
and participated in all battles in which the Arm}-, of the Po-
tomac was engaged during my term of service, excepting
those occurring between the dates of June 27 and October
15, 1862. I was very fortunate in escaping all physical in-
juries either by wounds or sickness." He died in Alamo,
Mich., January I, 1901, aged sixty-one.

Marcius S." 7 (1843).

Was born in Fredonia, N. Y., and married Carrie E.
Gurnee in 1876. His second wife was Rebecca B. Holmes,
whom he married in 1883. They had no children.

He served in the Civil War from August 22, 1862 until
August 8, 1864, and was then promoted to 2nd Lieutenant
in the I2th U. S. Heavy Artillery (colored). He served in
Kentucky from August, 1864 till April 30, 1866, when he was
mustered out at Louisville, Ky. He died in Toledo, Ohio,
from a fractured skull received in a street car accident.

36 The Grannis Family in America.



His third son, Russell, was born in 1709, and married
Lydia Forbes. They had four sons and one daughter.

Their daughter, Thankful (1732), married Enos Grannis
(1720) of the North Haven family (which see) and became
a member of the Congregational Church of North Haven.
She survived her husband, and died April 27, 1825, at the
age of ninety-three years, at the home of her son Benjamin
(1757), and was buried in the Grove Street Cemetery, in New
Haven, where her monument may now be seen. Her name
was dropped from her family record, and does not appear
in Rev. Stephen Dodd's memoirs of the East Haven family,
but her age, and date of death being known, gives the year
of birth to have been 1732, as above. There was no other
family in which she could have been born, but that of Wil-
liam (1706), which has a Thankful (1730), who married Ben-
jamin Moulthrop in 1761.

Nathaniel 5 (1754).

Was born in North Haven, and married Martha Smith
in 1777. There is no record of their three sons and five
daughters, born in New Haven, but their names.

Col. G. W. Granniss, of San Francisco, Cal., says, Nov.
14, 1887 : "The tombstones of Nathaniel and Russell Grannis,
are among the oldest in the Union Cemetery, of Fair
Haven, Conn.

"Nathaniel had no sons to arrive at maturity. * * * He
and John Rowe owned most of the land on the West side of
the Quinnipiac river, and Rowe agreed to give the town a
burial ground if Grannis would give a green, or training
ground. Accordingly, Grannis deeded a valuable piece of
land on the principal thoroughfare (Grand street), and Rowe
deeded a piece the same size, but in the interior of a field,
with the right of way to it only."

The Grannis Family in America.

Alva H. (1843).

Was born in Fair Haven, Conn., and married Elizabeth
Maley in 1871. They had Elmina Hellen in 1872.

He says, February 18, 1896 : "You ask for my war rec-
ord, and I herewith enclose it, although I speak of the war
with great reluctance."

"I enlisted in Company B, First Connecticut Cavalry,
October 9 1861; was promoted to Corporal November 12,
1861, and to Sergeant, June i, 1862. I was in the following
engagements, battles and skirmishes: Morefield, April 3,
and April 22cl, 1862; Wardenville, May 30; Strasburg, June
i ; Harrisburg, June 6 ; Cross Keys, June 8 ; Port Republic,
June 9 ; Cedar Mountain, August 9 ; Rappahanock Station,
August 22 ; Waterloo Bridge, August 24 ; Sulphur Springs,
August 25 ; Thoroughfare Gap, August 28 ; Groveton, Aug-
ust 29 ; Second Bull Run, August 30 ; Chantilly, Septem-
ber i, 1863; Waterford, August 7; Leesburg, Winchester,
Berryfield, Snickerville, in September, and Harrisburg in
November, 1864 ; Grove Church, May i ; Craig Church, May
5, and Todd Tavern Wilderness, May 6 and 7 ; Winchester,
August 1 6 ; Summit Point. August 21 ; Charleston, August
22 ; Kearneyville, August 25 ; Winchester, September 13 ;
Opegrean Creek, September 14 ; Limestone Ridge, Septem-
ber 18 ; Winchester, September 19 ; Front Royal, September
21 ; Spring Valley, September 25 ; New Market, Septem-
ber 25 ; Waynesboro, September 28; Bridgewater, September
29 ; Harrisburg, October 2 ; Strasburg, October 13 ; Cedar
Run Church, October 17 ; Cedar Creek, October 19 ; forty-
two in all, and all in Virginia. I served the latter part of
the war under Sheridan in Gen. Custer's division. Was
honorably discharged, November 2, 1864. Never was a
prisoner ; never wounded in action, but received injuries
when on duty, for which I receive a pension."

[The omission of the above record of Alva H. (of 28 Grand Avenue,
New Haven, Conn.) was not discovered until the book was finished and
this partial remedy seems to be the only course left and is offered with
the most sincere regret by the writer, SIDNEY S. GRANNIS.]

Grannis Family in America. 37

In the inscription on the tombstone of Nathaniel (1754)
in the Cemetery of Fair Haven, Conn., (Rowe's gift),
the name ends with one " s," "Grannis." That of Russell
(1766), with two, in 1891.

Russell, 3rd 5 (1766).

Was born in North Haven, Conn., and married Mary
Bradley (1765) in 1789. They had six sons and three daugh-
ters. The name " Bradley " does not occur in the North
Haven family, so far as the writer has found.

Alva 6 (1794).

Was born in Fair Haven, Conn., and married Hannah
Barnes (1795). They had one son and one daughter.

Col. G. W. Granniss, of San Francisco, says, October 28,
1887, "My father, Alva, was a sea captain. He was in the
navy in the war with Great Britain (1812), and at the close
was gunner of the General Armstrong (Privateer), which
fought the boats of a fleet in the harbor of Fayal (Azores).
In the fight, the Americans, ninety-four in number, killed and
wounded over three hundred of the enemy. For this he re-
ceived, with the other survivors, a present by Act of Con-
gress. It was not called a pension.

"When he died, he had retired from the sea with what
was considered a competence, but was not permitted to en-
joy his well earned rest."


Henry H. 7 (1809).

Was born in Fair Haven, Conn., and married Lovisa
Grannis ( 1807), daughter of Jared Grannis (1750). They
had five sons and two daughters. All married except two
sons, who died in childhood.

38 The Grannis Family in America.

Col. George W. 7 (1825).

Was born in New Haven, Conn., and married Jane E.
Barnes (1830), in 1849. They had one daughter, Hattie,
who married Alex. Center, of Yokohama, Japan. He and
Robert A. (1840), contributed liberally to the Record fund.
He died of cancer, in San Francisco. Cal., January 26, 1901.

He says, November 14, 1887. * * * "I have been away
from the graves of my sires nearly thirty-eight years. My
early predilections were maritime, and I was once a pretty
good sailor, but learned military, and coming to California,
was called into service in the early squatter and Indian

"At the commencement of the war for the Union I was
attorney in fact, and agent for the property of Major-Gen-
eral Halleck, in California. I commanded a company, and
finally a regiment. Stanton and Halleck consoled us all by
saying that by keeping this coast all right, we did good ser-
vice. I was Colonel of Engineers on the staff of the last
Republican governor, and am on the retired list as Colonel
of Infantry, N. G. C. * * * In 1885, I presented the Fair
Haven Cemetery with a stone arch gateway wishing to
mark the portal where all my ancestors entered it for the
last time. I placed the structure away in the interior, at the
entrance of the Rou>e gift. I gave it in the name of Granniss.
The Cemetery has been largely extended."

Again he says, March 12, 1900: My Dear Cousin: * * *
"After the war I came into possession of all Gen. Halleck's
papers. With the consent of Mrs. Halleck I fonvarded
them to Washington.

"Several years afterwards in cleaning out the bank vault
I found a bundle of letters, in which was the one of which
this is a copy. Secretary of War Gen. Alger learned of my
having it, and wrote me for it. He could have ordered it. Be-
fore sending it I had this facsimile made."

The Grannis Family in America. 39

Near Spotsylvania C. H., Va.,

May n, 1864, 8:30 a. m.

Chief of Staff of Army,
General :

We have now ended the sixth day of very heavy righting the re-
sult to this time is much in our favor, but our losses have been heavy,
as well as those of the enemy. We have lost to this time eleven
general officers, killed, wounded, or missing, and probably 20,000

I think the loss of the enemy must be greater, we having taken
over 4,000 prisoners in battle, while he has taken from us but few, ex-
cept stragglers. I am now sending back to Belle Plaine all my wagons
for a fresh supply of provisions and ammunition, and propose to fight
it out on this line if it takes all summer. The arrival of reinforcements
here, will be very encouraging to the men and I hope they will be sent
as fast as possible and in as great numbers. My object in having them
sent to Belle Plaine was to use them as an escort to our supply train.
If it is more convenient to send them out by train, to march from the
railroad to Belle Plaine, or Fredericksburg, send them so.

I am satisfied the enemy is very shaky, and are only kept up to the
mark by the greatest exertion on the part of their officers, and by keep-
ing them entrenched in every position they take. Up to this time there
is no indication of any portion of Lee's army being detached for the de-
fence of Richmond.

Very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,


4O The Grannis Family in America.


Was born probably in East Haven, Conn., in 1711,
and married Mehitabel Thompson ( 1713) no date. They
had three sons and five daughters, all married but Thomas
and Samuel, who were lost at sea.

Sarah (1733) married William Grannis, Jr., 1755. Abigail
(- -) married Joseph Russell in 1764. Joseph (1735) mar-
ried Olive Ludington. Jemima married Isaac Moulthrop in
1761. Mehitabel married James Chedsey in 1769. Thomas
unmarried. Hannah married Abraham Barnes in 1776.
Samuel unmarried.

Joseph Grannis 6 (1791).

Was born in North Haven, Conn., and married Loue
Ludington (1794), November 26, 1812.

They had nine sons and four daughters single births.
One died in infancy. Two, unmarried, aged eighteen and'
twenty-two, were lost in a shipwreck. Nine were married.

Willard, unmarried, born in East Haven in 1823, was in
the_Mexican war in 1846, and died in Galveston, Texas, in
about 1848. All born within twenty-six years.

Ebenezer C. 7 (1817).

Was born in East Haven, Conn., and married Huldah
L. Ludington (1818) in 1837. They had two sons and three
daughters, only one married.

His son, Edward Joseph (1841) was Second Lieutenant
of the Macon, Ga. Volunteers, and was mortally wounded
while in the Confederate States service, in the battle of Get-
tysburg, Pa., July 2, and died July 4, 1863. So says his
brother, Horace M., of Orlando, Florida, January 20, 1892.
The reply of his father to a letter inquiring of his son's war
record, says: " I think the less said about it the better."

This is the only one the writer has found who was in
the Confederate service.

T7/6 7 Grannis Family in America. 41

Thomas, Jr. 7 (1825).

Was born in East Haven, and married, first, Fanny L.
Tyler (1826). They had Thomas Scott (1850), Fanny Del-
phina(i852). Married, second, Hannah M.Tyler (1823),
and had Harriet F. M. (1855). Married, third, Mary A.John-
son (1835), ar >d had H. Minnie and Bertie A. (1869), twins.

He says, Baltimore, Md., Nov. 9, 1886: "Dear Sir: I
remember when a boy, Rev. Mr. Dodd, an old Congrega-
tional clergyman, in charge of the church in New Haven,
Conn., published a register, giving the pedigree of all the
families in New Haven, from about 1620 to 1820, and I have
asked my brother Edwin, of East Haven, to send me a copy,
and I would forward it to you." (See his reply.)

Edwin 7 (1828).

Was born in East Haven, Conn., and married Delia
Lindsley (1831). They had no children, and died April 2,
1889, and April 21, 1889, aged 61 and 58 respectively.

He says in regard to the record of the East Haven fam-
ily, by Rev. Stephen H. Dodd: Nov. 14, 1886. "I cannot
send the book, but send you every item I can glean from it
of the Grannis name, from 1644 to 1800."

Again, January 14, 1887: "The name was spelled more
with one "s" with the early settlers, but some families used
two. There are large numbers that date from 1700 with one
"s." I think they were none of them particular. We do not
belong to any aristocratic family, but our boast is, that we are
descendants of the good old Puritans."

A similar copy of Rev. Dodd's Register was sent the
writer in 1889, by C. H. Tolles, Esq., Deputy Sheriff of
Hartford county, Connecticut.

Thomas S. 8 (1850).

Was born in Fair Haven, Conn., and married Ella C.
Stevens, in Chicago, 111., in 1874. They were divorced in
1886. Notable as the only divorce in the great family.

42 The Grannis Family in America.


Was born in East Haven, Conn., in 1714, and married
Hannah Dawson (1717). They had three sons and three

Joel married Sarah Pratt.

Stephen (1747) married Martha Thompson in 1784.

Of Jacob there is no record.

Mabel married Joel Hungerford in 1765.

Of Lydia there is no record.

Of Jerusha there is no record.

All of these were born in East Haven. Their tomb-
stones may be seen in Southington, Conn., and the names
end with one "s".

Stephen died in 1786 at the age of seventy-two years,
and his wife Hannah in 1797 at the age of eighty years.

Chester 5 (1785).

Was born in Southington, Conn., and married first Dini-
mir Moore (1791), and second Sarah T. Smith (1786).

He passed through the different military grades up to
General of Brigade. He was of a noble personal appearance,
of good conversational powers, and an excellent speaker at
public meetings. He represented the town in the Legisla-
ture several terms. Probably no other man has ever lived in
the town who has been so well calculated to attract the at-
tention and respect of strangers as General Chester Grannis.
(Extract from "A History of Southington", copied by C. H.
Tolles, Esq., Deputy Sheriff of Southington, September 12,
1889. The History was issued in 1875.)

"At Southington, Conn., was a family, a member of
which, commanded the State troops as Major General when
Lafayette visited the state in 1825". (Col. G. W. Granniss,
October 28, 1887.)

The Grannis Family in America. 43

Isaiah M. (1812).

Was born in Southington, Conn., and married Louisa
Hammick in 1845, an< ^ na< ^ two sons an d three daughters.

Anna Jane (1856) was authoress of "Skipped Stitches",
a volume of poems, published in Plainville, Conn., in 1894.
She also wrote the Song "The Old Red Cradle" '.

"Rocking, rocking, gently rocking,

In time with the tick of the clock on the wall,

One by one the seconds marking,

The old Red Cradle rocked us all."

44 The Grannis Family in America.


Was born in East Haven in 1716, and married Kiziah
Moulthrop about 1740. They had two sons and four daugh-
ters, all of whom married.

Elizabeth (1741) married Ebenezer Chidsey in 1761.

Ame (1744) married Stephen Shepard in 1765.

Dedamea (1748) married Samuel Smith in 1773.

Isaac, Jr. (1751) married Mary Ludington.

Jared (1756) married, first, Martha Ludington, and sec-
ond, Eunice Munson.

Larahama married Joseph Moulthrop in 1774.

Jared 4 (1756).

Was born in East Haven, Conn., and married Martha
Ludington in 1786. They had three children, Isaac, Ame,
and Jared. The two sons were lost at sea, while Ame was
killed by a falling tree.

His second wife was Eunice Munson, and they had four
sons and two daughters, born in East Haven.

He served as a soldier in the War of the Revolution
and was one of those who followed Putnam to the defence
of Boston after Lexington and Concord. He participated
in the Battle of Bunker Hill, but shortly after left the land
service and joined the crew of a Privateer ship. The vessel
that he was on captured a prize and he was one of the crew
put aboard the captured boat. While attempting to take
the prize into New London harbor, they were captured by
an English war vessel and all were taken as prisoners to
England. There he remained in prison until the close of
the war. At one time several of the prisoners (himself in-
cluded) attempted to escape, and had dug an underground
passage, reaching beyond the walls and to the surface, when
they were discovered ; two of their number, however, did
escape and made their way to France.

The Grannis Family in America. 45

At one time, he says, King George III. visited and ad-
dressed them, promising them liberty if they would enter
the service of his Majesty, but they remained loyal and in
prison until peace was declared. No news of him reached
his friends, and they all (except his mother) had given him
up for lost when he returned some time after the war ended.

Samuel H. 6 (1831).

Was born in Bramford, Conn., and married Ann Augus-
ta Parrott (1837) m 1 8$4, and they had three sons and three

He was commissioned Captain September 25, 1861, to
raise Company B, I2th Conn. Vol. Infantry, and was mus-
tered into the U. S. Service, November 12, 1861, at New
Haven, Conn.

On March I, 1862, his regiment embarked on the steam-
ship "Fulton" at New York for Ship Island in the Gulf of
Mexico, Gen. B. F. Butler's base of operations against New
Orleans. On April 28, 1862, the fleet having previously si-
lenced the forts steamed up the river and anchored off the
city, and his regiment went into the deserted Rebel camp
" Parapet," about eight miles above the city, where they re-
mained until October 24, 1862, when his brigade was taken
up the Mississippi, and his first battle was at Georgia Land-
ing, La., March 27, 1863. Then Bisland, La., April 13, and
Port Hudson siege, May 25 to July 9, 1863. Made an assault
at midnight, and received a gunshot wound in the thigh.
Was in hospital thirty-eight days, and then had surgeon's
leave to return home for sixty days. Then joined his com-
mand although unfit for field duty. After the opening of
the Mississippi river his corps was ordered to Bermuda
Hundred, Va., and then to Washington to repel Early's raid
on that city whom they had harassed up and down Shenan-
doah valley under Gen. Phil. Sheridan till the battle of Win-

46 The Grannis Family in America.

Chester, Va., on September 19, 1864. Then at Fishers Hill,
on September 22d. His most severe battle was at Cedar
Creek, Va., October 19, 1864, when his Company lost thirty
men killed, wounded, and taken prisoners, and one Lieuten-
ant killed. This battle was the origin of the poem, "Sheri-
dan's Ride". He was also in many marches, skirmishes,
etc., some of which were little less than general engage-
ments. About the close of 1864 all the officers and men of
his Company whose term of service had expired and who
had not re-enlisted were eight officers and forty men (him-
self the senior) ; these were ordered home and mustered
out, December 2, 1864, and from this date he received a
pension. He afterwards received a commission from the
Governor to return to his Regiment, but declined on account
of ill health.

Andrew J. 6 (1841).

Was born in East Haven, Conn., and married Honoria
E. Irwin (no date of her birth or marriage given). They
have Mary Emiline (1872), and Honoria Elizabeth (1874).

He furnished, March 3, 1888, a pen sketch of the old
Granniss Homestead, of the East Haven family at Faxon,
(Granniss Corners), Conn. The house was demolished sev-
eral years ago, but those who remember the old place say
that it is a very good likeness.

Hon. Charles W. 6 (1844)-


Was born in East Haven, and married Anna C. Irwin
(1850) in 1874. They have three children, Irwin (1874),
Chas. A. (1876), and Lincoln (1882).

He left school two months before he was sixteen and
enlisted in Co. A., i6th Conn. Infantry, where he served
four years and was twice wounded; once in the shoulder at
Deep Run, Va.,and again in the hand at Petersburg. Four


The Grannis Family in America. 47

days before the surrender of Lee he was made a Sergeant.
Because of wounds received in action, he was mustered out
and receives a pension. In 1895 an< ^ ^99 he was a member
of the Legislature, and now ( 1901 ) is Auditor of New Haven
County. He owns and resides upon the old homestead of
the East Haven family at Faxon, East Haven.

Henry Palmer, another grandson of Jared, was mortally
wounded in the same battle at Petersburg and rests in a
soldier's grave in "Old Virginia."

The Coat of Arms.

There is much uncertainty upon this subject, but there
can be no doubt that the "Coat of Arms" was designed for
some aristocratic family. The engraving is fine, represent-
ing the Helmet with Vizor closed and Lion Rampant, with
the Motto, "Post nubila sol." The Crest, representing the
Head and Neck of a Greyhound, with a gold collar, has
been engraved separately ; no less than three different sizes
have come under the notice of the writer.

Laurens A, (1803) says in 1885: "There is a tradition
that the Grannis family was Norman French and came to
England at the time of the Norman Conquest."

Another writes about this date : "I send a copy of the
"Arms" of the Grannis family which are those originally
adopted by the first of the name in Normandy, France. I
believe all of the name in this country are descendants of
some colonist from England, although the name is of French
origin and was originally "Grand Lyss" (Great City). I be-
lieve the "Arms" were obtained in Normandy at great
trouble and expense. The translation of the motto is "After
clouds the sun." The Helmet Closed signifies the rank of

The "Coat of Arms" is first found in the hands of Geo.
B. (1798), who was a merchant for some years in Charleston,
S. C, and they would doubtless be received with favor in
that aristocratic city, but not so in New Haven.

The Grannis Family in America. 49

Laurens A. (1803) says in 1886 : "We do not belong to
any aristocratic family, but our boast is that we are descen-
dants of the good old Puritans."

Horace R. (1821) says in 1887: "I understand "Grand
Lyss" to mean Grand Lilly. The lilly was borne on the
shields of the early kings of France and is the insignia of
France. When the honor of knighthood was conferred on
the family, that name was given instead of the ancient name.
The custom of changing the name still prevails ; Disraelli,
the Jew, when he was elected to the Peerage, had his name
changed by Queen Victoria, to Earl Beaconsfield."

John (1789) used to say that he descended from "Allus
Grandus", a Norman general, who came with Caesar into
Gaul, and that was as far back as he cared to trace his

Robert A. (1840), who knows more than any one else
about the "Arms", thinks that it would not be advisable to
publish them as an authenticated emblem of the family

The Double SS.

The natural division of the family between John (1674)
of the North Haven, and Joseph (1677) of the East Haven
families, is clearly traced on the Chart. There is another
division caused by the addition of the final " s," "Granniss."
This has been adopted by quite a large number of both fam-
ilies, probably with the idea that it was the original spelling
of the name, whereas it was not known until about 1797, at
least 150 years after the birth of Edward (1630). Its origin
was as follows. Benjamin (1757) and Benjamin (1747), son
of Caleb (1718), married sisters Mary and Polly Wilcox.
Now by referring to the Chart it will be seen that up to
about 1800 all the given names of both sons and daugh-
ters were single and mostly Bible names (it seems to have
been the main purpose to inflict the most "onairthly" names
on the little innocents). Of these two Benjamins, one and
probably both engaged in the leather trade, boot and shoe
business. They had no way of distinguishing each others
property and so Benjamin (1757) adopted the final "s" as is
seen in an inscription in his own handwriting in a book en-
titled Burketts Exposition or Commentaries on the Four Gospels,
found in his library with these words "Benjamin Granniss,
his Book, Bought December, 1797, Price 11 s. (Shillings

This is the earliest date in which the "ss" is found. It
is now found on the monuments of the North Haven family

The Grannis Family in America. 51


in the Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, and of the East
Haven family in the Fair Haven Union Cemetery.

We further find that his brother Enos (1754) was a
Revolutionary pensioner and the Pension Office as well as
his numerous. descendants in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
and Kentucky, all end the name with one "s", and further
the descendants of all who migrated from Connecticut be-
fore 1797 to the West and to Canada, uniformly end the
name with one "s". Mr. Sheldon B. Thorpe, Esq., of North
Haven, says, July 22, 1891 "I have carefully examined the
Ecclesiastical Society Records in my possession beginning
1716, and find the name ending in all cases with but one "s".

"In the Church (Congregational) Records I find begin-
ning with 1790 the name spelled likewise with but one "s",
but strange to say right in the face of this evidence the
Committee of the Congregational Church, who prepared a
catalogue of the entire membership of the Church in 1871
in every instance added another "s". I see no excuse for
taking such liberty to mutilate old records."

Mary Munson (1717), the wife of John (1714), and
Thankful Grannis (1732), wife of Enos (1720), were mem-
bers of the North Haven Congregational Church at the same

Mary died in Claremont, N. H., at the home of her son
Timothy (17$) in 1812 at the age of ninety-five years, and
was buried in the West Claremont Cemetery, and the name
on her tombstone ends with one "s".

Thankful died at the home of her son Benjamin (1757),
in New Haven, Conn., in 1825, and was buried in the Grove
Street Cemetery at the age of ninety-three years. The
name on her tombstone ends with "ss".

The names of their husbands do not appear on their
tombstones and we have no account of how, when, or where
they died, or were buried.

It seems singular that neither Timothy nor Benjamin

52 The Grannis Family in America.

(probably strangers) give either the names of their
fathers or the family names of their mothers on their
mother's tombstones.

Here we call a halt but the great family moves right on
for with it there is no such a word as



Abigail 9, 1 1

Ann 9, 1 1

(1828) Amos 20

(1820) Alonzo 25

(1794) Alva 37

( 1856) Anna Jane 43

(1841) Andrew] 46

(1747) Benjamin 26, 50

(1783) Benjamin 26

(1784) Benjamin 26

(1757) Benjamin. 26-28, 30, 36, 50, 51
(1757) B. Granniss & Sons 30

(1718) Caleb 13, 26, 50

(1850) Charles W 18

(1842) Charles 23

(1827) Caleb A 25

(1840) Charles De Witt 34

(1785) Chester 42

(1844) Charles W 46

Coat of Arms 48

David 15

(1793) David 15, 16

(1835) David H 16

(1790) David 17

(1846) David N 23

Double "S" 50

(1630) EDWARD. ..4, 9, 10, 21, 50

Elizabeth 9, 15

(1720) Enos 13,27,28,36,51

(1752) Edward 15, 21, 31

(1796) Evander 16

(1837) Edward 21

(1854) Edward H 22

(1764) Eldad 24

(1711) Edward 13

(1719) Edward 13

(1754) Enos, Jr 28, 31, 51

(1817) Ebenezer C 40

(1841) Edward, J 40

(1828) Edwin 41

(1851) Frederic A 14,24,25

(1822) Frederic W 19

(1785) Fanny 28

(1871) Florence A 32

(1825) Geo. W., Col

...5, 10, 27, 32, 33, 37, 38, 42

(1791) George 15

(1798) George B 17, 30, 49

(1852) George F 18

(1824) George H 20

(1850) George H., Rev 21

(1847) George W., Rev 25

(1796) George B 26


The Grannis Family in America.

(1868) George S 27

(1821) George W 3 1

(1845) George E 32

(1798) Granniss, White &Co..-3O

Hannah 9

Hannah 9, 12

(1844) Henry S 18

(1889) Herbert C 22

(1841) Henry J 22

(1711) Hannah 13

(1790) Harry . .24

(1809) Henry H 37

(1839) Horace M 40

Henry Palmer 47

(1821) Horace R 49

(1882) Irving Van V 22

(1812) Isaiah M.. . .' 43

(1716) Isaac 44

(1751) Isaac, Jr 44

(1656) Joseph 9, ii

(1674) John 9, n, 12, 33, 50

(1677) Joseph 9, 12, 13, 33, 50

(1714) John 13, 14, 15

(1716) James 13, 14, 24

(I73Q) John.. 14

(1752) Joseph A 15

(1818) James M 24

(1704) Joseph, Jr., 34

(1750) Jared 37

(1735) Joseph 40

(1791) Joseph 40

(1756) Jared 44

(1789) John.. 49

(1803) Laurens A 18, 49

(1892) Lester B 22

(1820) Lydia E 24

( 1807) Lovisa 37

Mabel 9, 1 1

(1878) Margaret Mclntire . . .14, 24

(1794) Martin 17

(1878) Marguerite 22

(1815) Marshall 24

(1837) Mary (G.) Scott 16

(1873) Mar Y w 3 2

(1843) Marcius S 35

(1833) Norman Delos 25

(1754) Nathaniel 36, 37

(1787) Palmer 31

(1824) Rowena (G.)Steele 24

(1840) Robert A.. 1 7, 28, 30,32,38,49

(1709) Russell 27, 36

(1730) Russell, Jr 27

(1880) Robert A., Jr 32

(1766) Russell 37

(1671) Sarah 9, 1 1

(1748) Simeon 14

(1801) Solon C 14, 15

(1795) Sidney 15, 16

(1785) Samuel J 15

(1792) Samuel 17

(1827) Sidney M 17

(1812) Samuel R 18

(1839) Samuel H 18

(1820) Sidney S 19, 28

(1795) Simeon, Jr 24, 25

(1820) Sylvester B 27

(1734) Samuel 27

(1733) Sarah 34, 40

S. S. & G. H 19

(1714) Stephen 42

(1747) Stephen 42

(1831) Samuel H 45

Tlie Grannis Family in America.


(1750) Timothy 14, i5> 5 1

(1772) Timothy, Jr 15

(1841) Timothy 18

(1810) Timothy 18

(1732) Thankful 27, 36

(1730) Thankful 27, 36

11677) Thomas 40

(1711) Thomas 34

(1825) Thomas, Jr 41

(1850) Thomas S 41

William 15

(1826) William C. D 18

(1833) William P 19

(1839) William H. DeL 20

(1706) William 27, 34, 36

(1790) William E 31

(1734) William, Jr.., . . 34, 40
(1823) Willard.. 40

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