Tuesday, December 1, 2015

ROMAN STATUARY: A selected bibliography


ANDREAE, The art of Rome.

BANTI, Etruscan cities and their culture.

BARR, The Hellenistic and Early Imperial Decorative Bust.

BECATTI, Problemi Fidiaci, MILANO.

BIEBER, The history of the Roman theatre.

BIEBER, The sculpture of the Hellenistic age.

BIEBER, Ancient Copies: contributions to the history of Roman art.

BONFANTE, Etruscan Dress.

BOTHMER, D. Ancient art from New York private collections.

BRENDEL, Etruscan art.

CHASE, G. H. Roman sculpture.

COMPARETTI, La villa ercolanese dei Pisoni: i suoi monumenti e la sua biblioteca. TORINO.

COMSTOCK, Sculpture in stone: Roman collections.

CRISTOFANI, La testa Lorenzini e la scultura tardoarcaica in Etruria settentrionale.



DI STEFANO, Brozetti figurati del Museo Nazionale di Palermo. ROMA.

FREL, Ancient Portraits in the Getty Museum.

GABRICI, La quadriga di Ercolano.

GIGLIOLI, L'arte etrusca, MILANO.

HANFMANN, "Classical sculpture". Greenwich, Conn.

HAYNES, Etruscan bronzes.

HIGGINS, Tanagra and the figurines.

HILL, A silene with an amphora.

HILL, D. K. Catalogue of the classical bronze sculptures in the Walters Art Gallery. Portland, ME.

HILL, Etruscan dancing figures.

HOFFMAN, Ten centuries that shaped the world: Roman Art.

HOSTETTER, Bronzes from Spina: the figural classes.

LAMB, W. Roman Bronzes.

LEVI, The evil eye and the lucky hunchback. The Excavations of 1937.

MANSUELLI, La recezione dell stile severo e del classicismo nella scultura etrusca: note problematiche.

MATTINGLY, Coins of the Roman Empire, 8 volumes.

MAULE, The Montaguragazza style.

MITTEN, Classical bronzes.

MITTEN, Master bronzes from the classical world.

POLLITT, Art in the hellenistic age.

PROIETTI, Villa Giulia: Il museo nazionale. Roma.

RICHARDSON, The Etruscans: their art and civilisation.

RICHARDSON, Etruscan votive bronzes.

RICHTER, An archaic Etruscan statuette.

RICHTER, Roman bronzes.

RICHTER, Handbook of the Etruscan collection.

RICHTER, Catalogue of the Roman antiquities in the Dumbarton Oaks collection. Cambridge, Mass.

RICHTER, The furniture of the Romans.

RIDGWAY, Classical sculpture.

RIIS, Some Campanian types of heads. From the collections of the Ny Carlsberg glyptotek.

RIIS, TYRRHENIKA: An archaeological study of the Etruscan sculpture in the archaic and classical periods.

SAMS, Small sculptures in bronze from the classical world.

SPINAZZOLA, Le arti decorative in Pompei e nel Museo Nazionale di Napoli, MILANO.

SPRENGER, The Etruscans: their history, art, and architecture.

TEITZ, Masterpieces of Etruscan art.

UHLENBROCK, ERCOLE: passage of the hero through 1000 years of classical art.

VERMEULE, The goddess ROMA in the art of the Roman empire.

VERMEULE, Roman art: early Republican to late Empire.

VERMEULE, Roman sculpture. Malibu, California.

VERMEULE, Catalogue of a collection of Roman Antiquities. Privately published. Cambridge, Mass.

WACE, Grotesques and the evil eye.

WALTERS, Catalogue of the Roman bronzes in the Department of Roman antiquities.

WARD-PERKINS, Pompeii, AD 79: treasures from the National archaeological museum, Naples, and the Pompeii Antiquarium.

WARREN, Etruscan dress as historical source: some problems and examples.

ZEVI, Pompei.

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