Friday, February 16, 2024

Grice e Mecenate

 macenas wrote several works, none of which have come down to us.

Their loss howerer is not much to be deplored, siuce, acoording to

testimony of many ancient writers, they were written in a very artificial

They consisted of poems, tragedies (one entitled ' Prometheus,' and abother 'Octavia'), i history of the wars of Augustus (Hor., 'Carm.' il. 12, 9), and a nymposium, in which Virgil and Horace were introduced.

The few fragmente which remain of these works have been collected and published by Lion under the title of ‹Macenatiana, sive de C.

Cinii Macenatia Vita et Moribus, Göttingen, 1824.

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