Monday, February 12, 2024

Grice e Scevola

 Mucius. There were three jurists by the family name of Mucius. The most prominent among them was Quintus Mucius Scaevola, a pontifes marimus who was consul in 95 B.c. and died in 82. He was an outstanding jurist; his treatise on ius cizile is the most important juristic work written under the Re-public. It was the first attempt of a systematic presentation of the private law and was commented on by later jurists (Gaius, Pomponius). The Mucian system was adopted by several writers on IUS CIVILE.

See DEFINITIONES.-His predecessors were Publius Mucius Scaevola, consul in 133 B.c., also a pontifer marimus and Quintus Mucius Scaevola, consul in

117 B.C., an augur and teacher of law (Cicero attended his lectures). As jurists they are of lesser importance in the history of Roman jurisprudence.

Kübler and Münzer, RE 16, 437.442; Orestano, NDI 12,

1158; G. Lepointe, Q. Mucius Scaevola, Paris, 1926, Bruck, Sem 3 (1945) 16: Kreller, ZSS 66 (1948) 573; on P. M.

Scaevola: Münzer $25, no. 17; on Q. JI. Scaerola, the augur: Münzer ibid. $30, no. 21.

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