Saturday, March 30, 2024



Grice ed Orsi: l’implicatura conversazionale -- filosofia fascista – filosofia siciliana – filosofia italiana -- Luigi Speranza (Palma di Montechiaro). Filosofo italiano. Grice: “Orsi uses ‘psicologia speculativa’ where I would use ‘psicologia filosofica,’ since speculativa opposes to prattica, rather!” --Allievo di Ottaviano, insegna a Catania. Pubblica nella sua attività di ricerca scritti minori di autori italiani  e il saggio “Gl’hegeliani di Napoli.” Cura l'edizione dell'opera di Ottaviano su Campailla; “La psicologia filosofica di Spaventa” – e stato nella segreteria della rivista “Sophia”. Altri saggi: “Lo spirito come atto puro,” “La filosofia moderna,” “L'uomo al bivio: immanentismo o cristianesimo? Saggio di realismo esistenziale, “Antropologia”; “Psiche e meta-fisica” “Psicologia speculativa” “Sulla psico-patia”. Grice: “The D’Orsi – and indeed a Domenico D’Orsi, back in the 1700s, are a very noble family in Sicily. D’Orsi is associated with “Sophia”, founded by Ottaviano. His interests have been many and varied – but most notably philosophical psychology, which the Italians call ‘psicologia speculativa’ as opposed to cheap scientific psychology. They have the great Spaventa, who philosophized on the most abstract issues concerning the old Roman idea of an ‘animo’. Compared to what Ryle’s and Watson’s psychological behaviourism is a no-no-no!” D’Orsi has philosophized on democracy. I democratici can be ingenuii, as I prefer them, or critici. He has also ‘cured’ the edition of Ottaviano on Campailla, and went continental to study Napoli!” Grice: “Orsi has done a lot to allow us to understand Spaventa. As most Italians, Spaventa was fascinated by the Hun, and cared to trasnalte a book that the Hun never cared to read: Lotze’s Elementi di psicologia speculativa. I can imagine Spaventa wondering what he was doing, bringing Lotze’s ‘seele’ as ‘animo’. The ‘elements’ by Lotze, as translated by Spaventa, are elementary enough – but the section on the ‘soul/body’ (anima/corpo), ‘animo/corpo, corpo animato, corpo inanimate) is interesting. But far more interesting is Orsi’s unearthing Spaventa’s “Psiche e metafisica” – not to be confused with LABRIOLA’s essay by the same name. This is a hodge podge of reflections. But mainly anti-materialistic. While an emergentist, Spaventa (as discovered by Orsi) struggles to understand the connection between ‘sentire’ and ‘sentito’ and more generally, between the ‘sentire’ as a processo fisiologico – Spaventa goes on to distinguish three levels of the ‘sentire’ – the first is the processo fisiologico itself, the second is what Spaventa, as unearthed by Orsi, calls the ‘unita distintiva del sentito’, and the third is the ‘unita reflessiva del sentito’ or ‘raprresentazione’. So if you feel cold, there’s cold qua processo fisiologico of a ‘corpo animato’ – ‘uninanimated bodies cannot FEEL cold’ – second there is the unity of COLDNESS as distinctive from say, HEAT. And third there is the concetto ‘’freddo’ – so that there is a ‘unita reflessiva del sentito’ – the expression ‘freddo’ now NAMES or represents, or stands for the sensation itself. Domenico D’Orsi. Orsi. Keywords: animo, amore, Ottaviano, Campailla, Spaventa, gl’hegeliani di Napoli, Sophia. Refs.: Luigi Speranza, “Grice ed Orsi” – The Swimming-Pool Library.

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