Thursday, April 25, 2024

 the crude  and false ideas about earth and sky long prevailing.  The more wonderful is it, therefore, that so much  therein points the way along which inquiry travelled after its subsequent long arrest; and the more apparent is it that nothing in science or art, and but  little in theological speculations, at least among us Westerns, can be understood without reference to Greece.Approxi-Namb. Place. mate Speciality. Thales. Miletus.Cosmological (Ionia).Ae Pri^ f Water.Substance Anaximender. the Boundless. Anaximenes.Air. Pythagoras. Samos Numbers: the Ionian a Cosmos built coast). up of geometrical figures/'  or(Grote, Plato, i, 12) "generated out of  number." Xenophanes. Colophon. Founder of the (Ionia). Eleatic school. Heraditus. Ephesus Ionia Fire. Empedocles. Agrigentum 450 Fire, Air,Earth, (Sicily). And Water ruled by Love  and Strife. Anaxagoras. Clazomenae (Ionia). Nous. Leucippus Democritus. Abdera. Formulators of the Atomic Thrace Theory Aristotle.  Stagira  (Macedonia). 350 Naturalist.  i Epicurus. Samos. Expounder of the Atomic  Theory and Ethical Philosopher. LUCREZIO.  Roma Interpreter of Epicurus and  EMPEDOCLE DI GIRGENTI : the first Anthropologist. Gilberto Corbellini. Keywords: darwinismo politizzato, Dawkins’ selfish gene – read selfish gene – medicina in Roma antica -- evoluzione, emergentismo, biologia filosofica, grammatical del vivente, cooperazione, altruismo, razionalita, utilitarismo, darwinismo sociale, evolluzione, filosofia dell’evoluzione, progresso ed evoluzione. Refs.: Luigi Speranza, “Grice e Corbellini” – The Swimming-Pool Library. 

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