Monday, April 1, 2024




Grice e Minicio: l’implicatura conversazionale d’Adriano nel diritto romano e Plinio minore-- Roma – filosofia italiana – Luigi Speranza (Roma). Military diploma (CIL) attesting his consulship suffect consul. In office Nationality: Roman; Occupation: politician. A Roman senator who holds several offices in the Emperor's service, and is an acquaintance of PLINIO MINORE. He is suffect consul with Tito Vettenio Severo as his colleague. He is best known as being the recipient of an edict from ADRIANO (si veda) about conducting trials of Christians in his province. This is known from an inscription recovered at Baloie in Bosnia. The first office listed is military tribune with Legio XII Fulminata. Next is quaestor, and, upon completion of this traditional Republican magistracy, he would be enrolled in the Senate. Two more of the traditional Republican magistracies follow: plebeian tribune and praetor. The last appointment, before the inscription breaks off, is his commission as legatus legionis or commander of Legio XV Apollinaris. Other sources attest that he was governor of Achaea. The terminus post quem his governorship is when Gaio Caristanio Giuliano is known to have governed. The terminus ante quem he leaves his post is the year of his consulate, although the letters he receives from PLINIO MINORE (si veda) indicate he is no longer in Achaea. The inscription from Baloie mentions he has been admitted to the Septem-viri epulonum, one of the four most prestigious ancient Roman priesthoods. Because this inscription does not mention his consulate, it can be assumed his entrance precedes that office.  Most, if not all, of the letters PLINIO MINORE (si veda) writes to M. fall before is suffect consul. In the first letter of his collection, PLINIO declares that living on his rural estate is preferable to living in Rome, where he is subject to constant pleas for assistance. The second letter petitions him to appoint the son of Plinio’s friend ASINIO RUFO as M’s quaestor for M.’s upcoming consulate; The last letter is another petition to M., canvassing him on behalf of GIULIO NASONE, who is running for an unnamed office. While all of these letters demonstrate M. And PLINIO MINORE are acquainted, they fail to show the warmth of a friendship.  Following his consulate, during the reign of TRAIANO, M. is governor of Dalmatia.  It is through a rescript the historian EUSEBIO preserves at length in his Ecclesiae Historia that we know M. is proconsul of Asia. M.' predecessor, QUINTO LICINIO SILAVNO GRANIANO, asks ADRIANO how to handle legal cases where some inhabitants are accusing their neighbours of not following the Roman cult through informers or mere clamour. ADRIANO’s reply is to state that any such accusations had to be through a law court, where the matter may be properly investigated, and if they are guilty of any illegality, thou M., must pronounce sentence according to the seriousness of the offence. This rescript is important as an independent witness to the existence of one or more non-Roman sects in this part of Anatolia. The only other contemporaneous evidence we have for these communities is the list of the VII churches of Asia in the book of Revelation.  M.’s wife is the daughter of a MARCO STATORIO. We know her name from a funerary inscription, which suggests that she died before M.’s consulship. The name of their daughter, Minicia Marcella, comes from two independent sources. Minicia dies young. Her funerary vase has been identified, which states her age at death as XII years, XI months, and VII days. PLINIO MINORE also attests to her existence, revealing information about the girl that shows that he and M. are better friends than the surviving letters he writes to M. suggest. In the letter, addressed to one EFULANO MARCELLINO, Pliny notes that, although she was not yet XIV years old, she was betrothed. Pliny describes the preparations for her wedding, with which M. was busy; and he asks Marcellinus to send M. a letter consoling him for his loss. It is not known if M. has any other children.  Smallwood, Principates of Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian, Cambridge, CIL, ILJug., Talbert, The Senate of Imperial Rome, Princeton; Wheeler, "Legio XV Apollinaris: From Carnuntum to Satala—and beyond", in Bohec and Wolff, eds. Les Légions de Rome sous le Haut-Empire, Paris; Eck, "Jahres- und Provinzialfasten der senatorischen Statthalter”, Chiron; Pliny, Epistulae, I.9  Syme, Tacitus, Clarendon; Eusebius, Ecclesiae Historia; Williamson, Eusebius: The History of the Church, Harmondsworth: Penguin; Political offices Preceded by Acilius Rufus, and Quintus Sosius Senecio II Consul of the Roman Empire 107 with Titus Vettennius SeverusSucceeded by Gaius Julius Longinus, and Gaius Valerius Paullinus Categories: Roman governors of AchaiaSuffect consuls of Imperial RomeRoman governors of DalmatiaRoman governors of AsiaEpulones of the Roman Empire Minicii. Keywords: Roman law, Adriano a Minicio -- Gaio Minicio Fundano. Minicio.

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