Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Tu, che in seno agli angeli" -- Tamberlik, 1862 -- "Don Alvàro; ossia, la potenza del fato".


The new Milton Cross' complete stories of the great operas Cross - 1955 - 688 pages - Snippet view

Overwhelmed by these tragic memories,
Don Alvaro sings the poignant aria,
"Oh, tu che in seno agli angeli."
He prays to Leonora, imploring her to look down from heaven and take pity on his misery.
At the conclusion of his aria there are ...

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Who's who in opera: a guide to opera characters Bourne, Joyce Bourne Kennedy, Michael Kennedy - 1998 - 457 pages - Snippet view

Aria: O tu che in seno agli angeli
('You who rose to the bosom of the angels'); duet (with Carlo): Solenne in quest' ora ('In this solemn hour'). Created (1862) by Enrico Tamberlick. Alvise (Ponchielli: La gioconda).

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Complete stories of the great operas Cross - 1947 - 627 pages - Snippet view

Overwhelmed by these tragic memories,
Don Alvaro sings the poignant aria, "Oh, tu che in seno agli angeli." He prays to Leonora, imploring her to look down from heaven and take pity on his misery. At the conclusion of his aria there are ...

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Introduction to opera: a guidebook Ellis Peltz - 1962 - 415 pages - Snippet view

Lingering near a deserted battlefield,
he remembers his beloved
(Alvaro: O tu che in seno agli angeli—O you, who amongst the angels).
Suddenly he hears voices raised in a quarrel and rescues an officer in trouble.

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Famous Verdi operas: an analytical guide for the opera-goer and ... Hughes - 1968 - 544 pages - Snippet view

In the "chorus" Alvaro
calls on Leonora, whom he believes dead,
to look down from Heaven and have pity
on his suffering — "O tu che in seno agli angeli" ("You who are among the angels") : 0 tu AhM St-»»*' /fe ««-/». tt t- hr-**-mtH-tc ...

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Saturday review: Volume 51, Issues 1-13 - Snippet view

If he can improve upon the kind of
singing he did in "O tu che in seno agli angeli" and his part of the duet with Carlo ("Solenne in quest'ora"), he will do immense good not only for himself but also for the Metropolitan's resources.

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The complete operas of Verdi Osborne - 1970 - 472 pages - Snippet view

The melancholy, introspective yet graceful
introduction to Alvaro's aria, "Oh, tu che in seno agli angeli",
features an important solo clarinet part.

Alvaro narrates his recent history in an alternation of unaccompanied recitative and ...

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The Victor book of the opera: stories of the operas Holland Rous, Charles O'Connell, RCA Manufacturing Company, inc - 1939 - 533 pages - Snippet view

Leonora, help me and have
mercy on my sufferings! O tu che in seno agli 'angeli (Thou Heavenly One) Enrico Caruso *6000-2.00 His reveries being interrupted by a cry of distress, he goes out and finds a wounded man .

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The memoirs of Beniamino Gigli


Beniamino Gigli - 1977 - 277 pages - Snippet view

But the music of 'La Forza del Destino'
belongs to Verdi's great period; and
I decided that if only for the sake of
'O tu che in seno agli angeli', it was worth
putting up with the caprices of a poltergeist. October, 1933, found me with ...

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The Penguin stereo record guide Greenfield, Robert Layton, Ivan March - 1975 - 1114 pages - Snippet view

Un Ballo in maschera: Di' tu se fedele; Non possono (chorus). Emani: Mercè, diletti. La Forza del destino: La vita è inferno ... Della nata!... Fu vana impresa! ... 0 tu che in seno agli angeli. Luisa Miller: Oh! fede negar potessi .

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