Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Tu, che in seno agli angeli" -- Tamberlik, 1862 -- "Don Alvàro; ossia, la potenza del fato".

The Metropolitan book of the opera Sanborn, Emil Hilb - 1937 - 396 pages - Snippet view

We are now transferred to Lazio, Italy where
Don Alvaro, an officer in the Spanish Army,
sings of the misfortunes that have befallen him in
"O tu che in seno agli angeli." Don Carlo, who has also enlisted— both using fictitious names— and Don ...

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The portable Kobbé's opera guide of Harewood, George Henry Hubert Lascelles Harewood (Earl of) - 1994 - 470 pages - Snippet view

Alvaro sings his long recitative and
aria, 'O tu che in seno agli angeli' (O sainted soul,
in rest above), one of Verdi's major inspirations.
Alvaro's is a tortured and lonely soul: he has deserted the woman he loves after having ...

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The operas of Verdi: Volume 2 Budden - 1973 - Snippet view

This was finally managed in the beautiful
scena which precedes Alvaro's 'Oh tu che in seno agli angeli'.
Most of the encampment scene was worked at by poet and composer behind closed doors since Piave, 'old soldier' as he was, ...

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High fidelity record annual - Snippet view

O tu che in seno agli angeli (Alvaro);
Solenne in quest' ora (Alvaro, Carlo) . . . Morir! tremenda cosaf . . . Urna fatale . . . E s'altra prova rinvenir potessi? (Carlo; Surgeon). Act IV: Invano Alvaro (Carlo, Alvaro); Pace, ...

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Festival of opera William Simon - 1957 - 704 pages - Snippet view

In the pitiful and melodious aria
"O tu che in seno agli angeli" ("Oh thou, among the angels") Don Alvaro
bemoans his fate and especially the loss of Donna Leonora, whom he imagines as an angel in heaven. The gamblers start quarreling, ...

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Journal - Association for Recorded Sound Collections: Volume 13; Volume 13 for Recorded Sound Collections - 1981 - Snippet view

Ah! dispar, vision; CILEA: L'Arlesiana— E la solita storia; PUCCINI: Tosca — E lucevan le stelle; VERDI: Forza del Destino — La vita e inferno... 0 tu che in seno agli angeli; DONIZETTI: Lucia — Io di memoria viva.

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Operas and musical comedies Walker McSpadden - 1951 - 637 pages - Snippet view

... "Madre, pietosa Vergine"; the duet, "La Vergine degli angeli"; and the tenor arias (sung at various times by Caruso, Martinelli, and Gigli) "O tu che in seno agli angeli," "Solenne in quest ora," and "Sleale! il segreto!

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Arias for soprano: Volume 2 Puccini - 2007 - 39 pages - Snippet view

... Testa adorata (Leoncavallo, La Bohème) - O paradis (Meyerbeer, L'Africana) - Apri la tua finestra (Mascagni, Iris) - La rivedrà nell'estasi (Verdi, Un ballo in maschera) - O tu che in seno agli angeli (Verdi, La forza del destino).

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Opera, a pictorial guide Eaton - 1980 - 528 pages - Snippet view

Alvaro sings of his loneliness
in a beautiful aria, "O tu che in seno agli angeli,"
praying that Leonora will be his guardian angel. His
meditation is shattered ...

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Enciclopedia della musica: Volume 3 Sartori, Ricordi (Firm) - Snippet view

Nel frattempo don Alvaro che
fuggendo dal palazzo dei Calatrava
era stato separato da Leonora,
si arruola nell'esercito spagnolo
convinto che
la fanciulla sia morta
("O, tu che in seno agli angeli"). Intervenuto in una rissa, salva la vita ...

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