Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fattorini, "Festeggia, mio core" ("Eteocle e Polinice" 1680 revival, ONLY -- having appeared in 1678 in "Echi di Riverenza") -- Teatro San Salvatore, Venezia

Speranza "Eteocle e Polinice: dramma per musica in tre atti" is based loosely on the mythic stories of Edipo and his progeny. Eteocle and Polinice were the names of Edipo's twin sons. Their conflict over who should reign after their father's death is the central dramatic tension of the plot. The libretto was written by Tebaldo Fattorini and the music by Giovanni Legrenzi. Although not one of Legrenzi's better-known works today, the opera was highly successful in his lifetime. It features over 90 arias, many of them in da capo form, a modest amount of spectacle, and several love plots intertwined for theatrical interest. The opera premiered at the Teatro San Salvatore in Venice during the Carnival season of 1675.

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