Saturday, December 15, 2012

Glory glory alleluia


John Brown’s baby has a pimple on his *rse
John Brown’s baby has a pimple on his *rse
John Brown’s baby has a pimple on his *rse
& the poor child can’t sit down.

     they were only playing leapfrog

they were only playing leapfrog they were only playing leapfrog

when one staff officer jumped right over another staff officer's back

one staff officer jumped right over

another staff officer's back

& another staff officer jumped right over that

other staff officer's back

a third staff officer jumped right over two other staff officers' backs

&  a fourth staff officer jumped right over all the other staff officers' backs

the army corps commander had one hundred thousend men
the army corps commander had a hundred thousend men
the army corps commander had a hundred thousend men
but the red tabs went & frittered them all away
Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia
Glory glory alleluia
but the red tabs went & frittered them all away

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