Saturday, December 15, 2012

Glory glory alleluia


To the tune of "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

one grass-hopper jumped right over another grass-hopper’s back
& another grass-hopper jumped right over that other grass-hopper’s back
a third grass hopper jumped right over the two grass-hopper’s backs
& a fourth grass-hopper jumped right over all the other grass-hoppers’ backs
they were only playing leap frog
they were only playing leap frog
they were only playing leap frog
when one grass-hopper jumped right over another grass-hopper’s back

one staff officer jumped right over another staff officer’s back
& another staff officer jumped right over that other staff officer’s back
a third staff officer jumped right over the two staff officer’s backs
& a fourth staff officer jumped right over all the other staff officers’ backs
they were only playing leap frog
when one staff officer jumped right over another staff officer's back

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