Wednesday, December 19, 2012



23rd of February, The - Melody
3 Merry Coblers, The - Melody
A-Beggin' I Will Go - Melody
A Believer, free from care / The Trembling Jailer - Melody
A bold young farmer courted me / Died For Love - Melody
A Brand plucked out of the Fire - Melody
A Brewer may be a Burgess grave / The Protecting Brewer - Melody
A Caveat for Cutpurses - Melody
A Christmas Song When The Rump Was First Dissolved - Melody
A country life is sweet! / The Useful Plow - Melody
A Cup of Old Stingo - Melody
A debtor to mercy alone - Melody
A Drink For Each Song - Melody
A Friend That Sticketh Closer Than a Brother - Melody
A Garden contemplation suits / The Garden - Melody
A good sword and a trusty hand / Trelawney - Melody
A Lancaster leaving the Ruhr / Bless 'Em All - Melody
A Light Heart's a Jewell - Melody
A little child the Saviour came - Melody
A miner’s life is like a sailor’s / The Miner’s Lifeguard - Melody
A New Song of an Orange - Melody
A noble young squire that lived in the West / The Merry Broomfield - Melody
A Nobleman lived in a village of late / The Nobleman's Generous Kindness - Melody
A North Country maid up to London had strayed / The Oak and the Ash - Melody
A New Dial - Melody
A shepherd of the downs being weary of his port / Shepherd Of The Downs - Melody
A Sick Soul - Melody
A Third Touch of the Times - Melody
A wealthy young squire of Tamworth, we hear / The Golden Glove / The Squire of Tamworth - Melody
A Word from Jesus calms the sea / Peter Walking Upon the Water - Melody
A Worldling spent each day / The Rich Man and Lazarus - Melody
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide - Melody
Above the clear blue sky - Melody
Abroad for pleasure as I was a-walking / Holmfirth Anthem - Melody
According to thy gracious word - Melody
Adam - Melody
Adam and Eve could never believe - Melody
Admiral Benbow - Melody
Adsons Saraband - Melody
Advent tells us Christ is near - Melody
Afflictions do not come alone / Love-Tokens - Melody
Afflictions, though they seem severe / The Prodigal Son - Melody
Again the morn of gladness - Melody
Al-a-Mode de France - Melody
Alas, and did my Saviour bleed / At the Cross - Melody
Alas! Elisha's servant cried / More With Us Than With Them - Melody
Alas, my love, you do me wrong / Greensleeves - Melody
All la Mode de France - Melody
All Glory, Laud and Honour - Melody
All hail to the days that merit more praise / In Praise of Christmas - Melody
All hayle to the days / Drive the Cold Winter Away - Melody
All in a Garden Green - Melody
All praise to Thee, my God, this night - Melody
All things are quite silent, each mortal at rest - Melody
All things we have ready and nothing we want / Lustily, Lustily - Melody
All ye that fear God's holy Name - Melody
All you that be true to the King and the State / Battle of Worcester - Melody
All you that do desire to know / The Last News From France - Melody
All you that merry lives doe lead / A Light Heart's a Jewell - Melody
Alleluia, alleluia! Hearts to heaven and voices raise - Melody
Almighty Father, heaven and earth - Melody
Almighty God, Thy Word is cast - Melody
Almighty Lord, before Thy throne - Melody
Almighty Ruler of the skies - Melody
Am I a Soldier of the Cross? - Melody
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound - Melody
Amidst thy wrath remember love - Melody
Among th' assemblies of the great - Melody
Among the princes, earthly gods - Melody
Amphitrite, The - Melody
An Old Song On Oliver's Court - Melody
An outlandish knight came from the North lands / Outlandish Knight - Melody
Ancient of Days, who sittest, throned in glory - Melody
And can it be that I should gain - Melody
And did those feet in ancient time / Jerusalem - Melody
And it's three score and ten / Three Score and Ten - Melody
And now, to be brief, let's pass over the rest / King James I and the Tinkler - Melody
And old man is a be full of Bones - Melody
And will the God of grace - Melody
And will the Judge descend - Melody
Angels from the Realms of Glory - Melody
Aniseed Robin - Melody
Ann O'Hethersgill - Melody
Another of Seafarers, describing Evil Fortune - Melody
Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat / The Effort - Melody
Are all the foes of Zion fools - Melody
Are sinners now so senseless grown - Melody
Are you going to Scarborough Fair? / Scarborough Fair - Melody
Argeers - Melody
Arise, my gracious God - Melody
Arise, O God, and shine - Melody
Arise ye workers from your slumbers - Melody
Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty Lord - Melody
Around the throne of God a band - Melody
Art thou weary, art thou troubled - Melody
Arthur and Molly - Melody
As birds their infant brood protect / Jehovah-Shammah - Melody
As I came down from Tottenham / The Maid of Tottenham - Melody
As I came thro' Sandgate / Weel May the Keel Row - Melody
As I look'd over the castle wall / Lord Thomas of Winesberry - Melody
As I roved out on a fine summer's morning / Rocking the Cradle - Melody
As I walked forth one summer's morn / The New-Mown Hay - Melody
As I walked out one morning in May / Death and the Lady - Melody
As I was a-going to Derrydown Fair / Young Rambleaway - Melody
As I was a-walking down by the Lock Hospital / The Trooper Cut Down - Melody
As I was a walking one morning in May / The Green Bushes - Melody
As I was a walking one morning last autumn / Dido, Bendigo - Melody
As it fell on a holy day / John Dory - Melody
As needles point towards the pole / The Lodestone - Melody
As noble Sir Arthur one morning did ride / Arthur and Molly - Melody
As once for Jonah, so the Lord / The Gourd - Melody
As pants the hart for cooling streams - Melody
As parched in the barren sands / Trust of the Wicked, and the Righteous Compared - Melody
As pretty Polly Oliver lay musing in bed / Polly Oliver - Melody
As some tall rock amidst the waves / The Death of Stephen - Melody
As the serpent raised by Moses / Look Unto Me, and Be Ye Saved - Melody
As Tom was a-walking one fine summer's morn - Melody
As when the Hebrew prophet raised - Melody
As with gladness men of old - Melody
Ask What I Shall Give Thee - Melody
Ask What I Shall Give Thee - Melody
Ask What I Shall Give Thee - Melody
At even, when the sun did set - Melody
At the Cross - Melody
Auxville Love, The - Melody
Avington Pond - Melody
Away in a manger no crib for a bed - Melody
Awake, my soul, and with the sun - Melody
Awake, my soul, to joyful lays - Melody
Aye me - Melody Balaam's Wish - Melody
Balena, The - Melody
Ballad of Richard III - Melody
Bane ta Claapam town-gate lived an ond Yorkshire tike / The Yorkshire Horse Dealer - Melody
Banks of Allan Water - Melody
Banks of the Nile - Melody
Barbara Allen - Melody
Barley-Mow Song, The - Melody
Barren Fig-Tree, The - Melody
Barring of the Door - Melody
Bartimaeus - Melody
Basket of Eggs - Melody
Bath, The - Melody
Battle of Almanza, The - Melody
Battle of Worcester - Melody
Bay of Biscay, Oh!, The - Melody
Beauing, belleing, dancing, drinking / The Rakes of Mallow - Melody
Before Elisha's gate / Naaman - Melody
Before Jehovah's awful throne - Melody
Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme / The Faithfulness of God and His Promises - Melody
Beggar Boy - Melody
Beggar, The - Melody
Begone, dull care! - Melody
Behold a Stranger at the door! - Melody
Behold the amazing gift of love - Melody
Behold the glories of the Lamb - Melody
Behold the Lamb of God! - Melody
Behold, the lofty sky - Melody
Behold the love, the gen'rous love - Melody
Behold, the morning sun - Melody
Behold the Saviour of mankind - Melody
Behold the sure Foundation-stone - Melody
Behold the throne of grace! / Ask What I Shall Give Thee - Melody
Behold us, Lord, a little space - Melody
Believer's Danger, Safety, and Duty, The - Melody
Believer's Safety, The - Melody
Believer's Safety, The - Melody
Belshazzar - Melody
Beneath the tyrant Satan's yoke / We Were Pharaoh's Bondmen - Melody
Beside the gospel pool / The Pool of Bethesda - Melody
Bestow, dear Lord, upon our youth / Prayer For a Blessing - Melody
Bitter, indeed, the waters are / The Bitter Waters - Melody
Bitter Waters, The - Melody
Blackleg Miner - Melody
Blasted fig-tree, The - Melody
Bless, O my soul! the living God - Melody
Bless 'Em All - Melody
Bless 'em All the long and the short and the tall - Melody
Blessed are the sons of God - Melody
Blessed Saviour, who hast taught me - Melody
Blest are the moments, doubly blest - Melody
Blest are the souls that hear and know - Melody
Blest be the tie that binds - Melody
Blest is the man, forever blest - Melody
Blest is the man who shuns the place - Melody
Blest is the man whose bowels move - Melody
Blest is the nation where the Lord - Melody
Blew Cap - Melody
Blow Away The Morning Dew - Melody
Blow the Candles Out - Melody
Blow the Wind Southerly - Melody
Blow the Winds, I-Ho! - Melody
Boar's Head Carol - Melody
Boateman - Melody
Bobbing Joe - Melody
Bobby Shaftoe's gone to sea - Melody
Bold Arder went forth one summer morning / Robin Hood and the Tanner - Melody
Bold Dighton - Melody
Book of Creation, The - Melody
Borrowed Axe, The - Melody
Botany Bay - Melody
Both sexes give ear to my fancy / Old Adam - Melody
Bowes Tragedy, The - Melody
Brave Earl Brand and the King of England's Daughter, The - Melody
Brave English Boys now rejoyce and be merry / A Third Touch of the Times - Melody
Breast the wave, Christian - Melody
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning - Melody
Brisk And Lively Lad, The - Melody
British Grenadiers, The - Melody
British Man O' War - Melody
British Soldier's Discharge Song - Melody
Broome - Melody
Browned Off - Melody
Bruton Town - Melody
Bunker Hill - Melody
Burton Ale - Melody
But One Loaf - Melody
Buttercup Joe - Melody
By faith in Christ I walk with God / Walking with God - Melody
By the Banks of Allan Water / Banks of Allan Water - Melody
By the poor widow's oil and meal / The Meal and Cruse of Oil - Melody
By various maxims, forms and rules / Looking Unto Jesus - Melody
By whom was David taught / Jehovah-Nissi, the Lord my Banner - Melody
Cadgwith Anthem - Melody
Cain and Abel - Melody
Calm on the Listening Ear of Night - Melody
Cameronian Cat, The - Melody
Canary's Coronation - Melody
Caper and Ferk It - Melody
Captain Wedderburn's Courtship - Melody
Carrion Crow, The - Melody
Castbella - Melody
Catch, A - Melody
Cavalier, The - Melody
Cavalier's Farewell To His Mistress, Being Called ToThe Wars - Melody
Caveat To The Roundheads, A - Melody
Change, The - Melody
Charge of the Light Brigade, The - Melody
Cheare up, kind countrymen, be not dismay'd / The Parliament Routed, Or Here's A House To Be Let - Melody
Cherrily and Merrily - Melody
Cherry Ripe - Melody
Cherry Tree Carol - Melody
Chestnut - Melody
Children, in years and knowledge young - Melody
Children of the heavenly King - Melody
Chirping of the Larke - Melody
Chirping of the Nightengale - Melody
Christ a Redeemer and Friend - Melody
Christ, by heavenly host adored - Melody
Christ hath a garden - Melody
Christ the Lord is risen today - Melody
Christ, whose glory fills the skies - Melody
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn - Melody
Christmas Tree, The - Melody
Cities Loyaltie To The King, The - Melody
City Courting Their Own Ruin, The - Melody
Clean Contrary Way, The - Melody
Clown's Courtship, The - Melody
Cock Robin - Melody
Cockies of Bungaree, The - Melody
Cold and Haily Night - Melody
Colonel Venne's Encouragement To His Soldiers - Melody
Come all brother tradesmen who travel along / Hard Times of Old England - Melody
Come all ye jolly sailors brave / The Amphitrite - Melody
Come all ye seamen bold, and draw near / Admiral Benbow - Melody
Come all ye worthy Christians - Melody
Come all ye young men all, let this delight you / The Death of General Wolfe - Melody
Come all ye young men of learning / Botany Bay - Melody
Come all you bold heroes; give ear to my song / Fathom The Bowl - Melody
Come all you bold heroes that plough the rough main / Bold Dighton - Melody
Come all you jolly fellows and join us in song / A Drink For Each Song - Melody
Come, all you jolly ploughmen, of courage stout and bold / The Painful Plough - Melody
Come all you lads and lasses, I'd have you give attention / The Seasons - Melody
Come all you tender girls / The Sprig of Thyme - Melody
Come all you warlike seamen / Warlike Seamen - Melody
Come and do not musing stand / The Little Barly-Corne - Melody
Come, boys, fill us a bumper / The Courtier's Health or The Merry Boys Of The Times - Melody
Come cheer up my lads / Heart of Oak - Melody
Come, children, learn to fear the Lord - Melody
Come, come, let us drink / The Trouper - Melody
Come, come, my boys, with a hearty glee / Fairlop Fair Song - Melody
Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell - Melody
Come, drawer, some wine / The Royalist's Resolve - Melody
Come fill up your glasses and let us be merry / Cadgwith Anthem - Melody
Come, follow, follow me! / The Three Merry Coblers - Melody
Come, gentlemen all and I'll sing you a song / Avington Pond - Melody
Come, Holy Spirit, Come! - Melody
Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove - Melody
Come, lasses and lads, take leave of your dads / The Maypole - Melody
Come, let us join our cheerful songs - Melody
Come, let us join our friends above - Melody
Come let's drink, the time invites / A New Droll - Melody
Come, let's purge our brains from ale and grains / Canary's Coronation - Melody
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare / Ask What I Shall Give Thee - Melody
Come pass about the bowl to me / The Royalist - Melody
Come, Roger and Nell / Harvest Home - Melody
Come, sound His praise abroad - Melody
Come, Thou almighty King - Melody
Come, thou long-expected Jesus - Melody
Come to our poor nature's night - Melody
Come unto Me, ye weary - Melody
Come, we that love the Lord - Melody
Come write me down ye powers above / The Wedding Song - Melody
Come, ye thankful people, come - Melody
Come your ways, Bonny boys / The Commoners - Melody
Commoners, The - Melody
Confesse his Tune - Melody
Constrained by their Lord to embark / The Disciples at Sea - Melody
Contentment - Melody
Contrite Heart, The - Melody
Cornish Midsummer Bonfire Song - Melody
Cornish Wassail - Melody
Coronation Day, The - Melody
Could the creatures help or ease us / The Ruler's Daughter Raised - Melody
Country Coll - Melody
Country Farmer's Vain Glory, The - Melody
Country Gardens - Melody
Courtier's Health, The - Melody
Covenant, The - Melody
Coventry Carol - Melody
Crafty Lover, The - Melody
Craven Churn-Supper Song, The - Melody
Creatures in the Lord's Hands, The - Melody
Crossing the Bar - Melody
Crown Him with many crowns - Melody
Cruel War, The - Melody
Cuckolds all a row - Melody
Cuckoo, The - Melody
Cushie Butterfield - Melody
Dagon Before the Ark - Melody
Daphne - Melody
Dalesman's Litany, The - Melody
Dance to your daddy - Melody
Dargason - Melody
Darkness overspreads us here / Salvation Drawing Nearer - Melody
Daughters of Zion, come, behold - Melody
David rejoiced in God his strength - Melody
David's Fall - Melody
D-Day Dodgers - Melody
Dear Land of Hope, thy hope is crowned / Land of Hope and Glory - Melody
Dear mother, how pretty / The New Moon - Melody
Death and the Lady - Melody
Death of General Wolfe, The - Melody
Death of Queen Jane, The - Melody
Death of Stephen, The - Melody
Deep in our hearts let us record - Melody
Derry Down - Melody
Desert Blues - Melody
Dido, Bendigo - Melody
Died For Love - Melody
Ding dong merrily on high - Melody
Dirty Old Town - Melody
Disciples at Sea, The - Melody
Dissembling Love - Melody
Dissenting Parson's Text Under the Quaker's Petticoats, The - Melody
Do ye ken John Peel with his coat so grey? / John Peel - Melody
Dogger Bank, The - Melody
Dominion Of The Sword, The - Melody
Doves Figary - Melody
Dowie Dens of Yarrow, The - Melody
Down by a crystal river side / The Battle of Almanza - Melody
Down in Sandbank fields, two sailors they were walking / Basket of Eggs - Melody
Down in Those Valleys Below - Melody
Downfall of the Distressed Jesuits, The - Melody
Drawn to the Cross, which Thou hast blest - Melody
Drink To Me Only, With Thine Eyes - Melody
Drive the Cold Winter Away - Melody
Dull Sir John - Melody
Dwelling in Mesech - Melody
Early, my God, without delay - Melody
Early One Morning - Melody
Earthly pleasures vainly call me / I Would Be Like Jesus - Melody
Easter flowers are blooming bright - Melody
Edward, Edward - Melody
Effort, The - Melody
Elijah's example declares / Elijah Fed By Ravens - Melody
Ellen Vannen Tragedy - Melody
Encouraged by thy word / The Beggar - Melody
Englands Woe - Melody
Enslaved by sin and bound in chains - Meldody
Ephesus - Melody
Ephraim Repenting - Melody
Ere God had built the mountains / Wisdom - Melody
Esau - Melody
Eternal Father, Strong to Save - Melody
Eternal Light! Eternal Light! - Melody
Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round - Melody
Every morning mercies new - Melody
Every star shall sing a carol - Melody
Excelsior - Melody
Exorcists, The - Melody
Faine I would if I could - Melody
Fair Fidelia, tempt no more / The Cavalier's Farewell To His Mistress, Being Called ToThe Wars - Melody
Fair Maid of Islington, The - Melody
Fairlop Fair Song - Melody
Faithfulness of God and His Promises, The - Melody
Faith's Review and Expectation - Melody
False Bride, The - Melody
Far as thy name is known - Melody
Farewell, my dearest Nancy / Banks of the Nile - Melody
Farewell to you, my own true love / The Leaving of Liverpool - Melody
Farmer's Boy, The - Melody
Farmer's Old Wife, The - Melody
Farmer's Son, The - Melody
Father, forgive the Saviour said / Father Forgive Them - Melody
Father Forgive Them - Melody
Father, how wide thy glories shine! - Melody
Father, I sing thy wondrous grace - Melody
Father, in whom we live - Melody
Father, let me dedicate - Melody
Father of glory, to Thy name - Melody
Father of heaven, whose love profound - Melody
Father of mercies, in Thy Word - Melody
Father, who the light this day - Melody
Fathom The Bowl - Melody
Fervent persevering prayers / Peter Released From Prison - Melody
Fierce passions discompose the mind / Contentment - Melody
Fight on, brave soldiers, for the cause / The Clean Contrary Way - Melody
Fine Companion - Melody
Firm was my health, my day was bright - Melody
Foolish Virgins, The - Melody
Fools in their heart believe and say - Melody
For all the saints who from their labors rest - Melody
For all Thy saints, O Lord - Melody
For mercies, countless as the sands / What Shall I Render - Melody
For Thy mercy and Thy grace - Melody
For ever shall my song record - Melody
Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go - Melody
Forty days and forty nights - Melody
Forward! be our watchword - Melody
Free Parliament Litany, A - Melody
French Report, The - Melody
From all that dwell below the skies - Melody
From an extempore prayer and a godly ditty / The New Litany - Melody
From every stormy wind that blows - Melody
From Greenland's icy mountains - Melody
From Liverpool to 'Frisco a-rovin' I went / The Liverpool Judies - Melody
From pole to pole let others roam / The Lord Is My Portion - Melody
From Sheba a distant report / Queen of Sheba - Melody
Fryar and the Nun, The - Melody
Full merrily sings the cuckoo - Melody
Future Peace and Glory of the Church, The - Melody
Gallery Carol - Melody
Garden Gate, The - Melody
Garden, The - Melody
Gathering Peascods - Melody
Gently, Johnny, My Jingalo - Melody
George Ridler's Oven - Melody
Gibeon - Melody
Gideon's Fleece - Melody
Give me the wings of faith to rise - Melody
Give to our God immortal praise - Melody
Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame - Melody
Glorious things of thee are spoken / Zion, or the City of God - Melody
Glory of the west - Melody
Gloucestershire Wassail - Melody
Go forward, Christian soldier - Melody
God above, who rules all things / The Leathern Bottel - Melody
God gives his mercies to be spent / Vanity of the World - Melody
God hath sent his angels to the earth again - Melody
God, how endless is thy love! - Melody
God in his earthly temple lays - Melody
God is our stronghold and our stay - Melody
God is the Name my soul adores - Melody
God is the refuge of His saints - Melody
God, Lord of Sabaoth, Thou who ordainest - Melody
God moves in a mysterious way - Melody
God, my supporter and my hope - Melody
God of mercy, God of grace - Melody
God of my childhood and my youth - Melody
God of my life, look gently down - Melody
God of my life, to Thee I call / Looking Upwards in a Storm - Melody
God of the morning! at whose voice - Melody
God rest ye merry, gentlemen - Melody
God rest you, merry gentlemen! / The Craven Churn-Supper Song - Melody
God save our gracious Queen / God save the Queen (King) - Melody
God save the best of kings, King Charles! / The Royal Feast - Melody
God, that madest earth and heaven - Melody
Godesses - Melody
Golden Calf, The - Melody
Golden Glove, The - Melody
Golden harps are sounding - Melody
Good is the Lord, the heav'nly King - Melody
Good People come buy / A New Song of an Orange - Melody
Good Physician, The - Melody
Good Samaritan, The - Melody
Good That I Would I Do Not, The - Melody
Goodness Mercy! Listen Percy / I Don't Want to Go to War - Melody
Gourd, The - Melody
Grace, 'tis a charming sound - Melody
Gracious Lord, our children see / Prayer for Children - Melody
Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd - Melody
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost - Melody
Graies Inne Maske - Melody
Great Boobee - Melody
Great God, attend, while Zion sings - Melody
Great God, how infinite art Thou! - Melody
Great God, how oft did Isr'el prove - Melody
Great God, indulge my humble claim - Melody
Great God, the heav'ns' well-ordered frame - Melody
Great God, we sing that mighty hand - Melody
Great God, what do I see and hear? - Melody
Great God, whose universal sway - Melody
Great is the Lord, our God - Melody
Great King of nations, hear our prayer - Melody
Great Shepherd of thine Israel - Melody
Great Tribunal, The - Melody
Green Bushes, The - Melody
Green Grow the Rushes, O - Melody
Greenside Wakes Song, The - Melody
Greensleeves - Melody
Greenwood - Melody
Greenwood Tree - Melody
Grey Hawk, The - Melody
Grimstock - Melody
Gun, The - Melody
Guns, The - Melody
Gypsy Rover - Melody
Gypsy Rover, The - Melody
Hagmena Song - Melody
Hail the glorious golden city - Melody
Hail, Thou once despised Jesus! - Melody
Hail, Thou Source of every blessing - Melody
Hail to the Lord's anointed, great David's greater Son! - Melody
Hal-An-Toe - Melody
Half a league, half a league / The Charge of the Light Brigade - Melody
Halfe Hanikin - Melody
Hanging on the Old Barbed Wire - Melody
Happy the home when God is there - Melody
Happy the man to whom his God - Melody
Happy the man whose cautious feet - Melody
Hard Times of Old England - Melody
Hares On the Mountain - Melody
Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding! - Melody
Hark, my soul! it is the Lord / Lovest Thou Me? - Melody
Hark now the drums beat up again / Over the Hills and Far Away - Melody
Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes - Melody
Hark! the herald angels sing - Melody
Hark! the song of jubilee - Melody
Hark! the sound of holy voices - Melody
Hark! the voice eternal - Melody
Hark! what mean those holy voices - Melody
Harry courted modest Mary / Harry's Courtship - Melody
Harry the Tailor - Melody
Harvest - Melody
Harvest Home - Melody
Have at thy Coat old woman - Melody
Have you seen the old man in the closed down market / The Streets Of London - Melody
Haymaker's Song, The - Melody
He dies! the Friend of sinners dies! - Melody
He Led Them By a Right Way - Melody
He that is a clear Cavalier / The Cavalier - Melody
He That Will Not Merry, Merry Be - Melody
He that would a new courtier be / An Old Song On Oliver's Court - Melody
Heal me, O my Saviour, heal - Melody
Heal us, Emmanuel, here we are / Jehovah-Rophi I am the Lord That Healeth Thee - Melody
He who on earth as man was known / The Refuge, River, and Rock of the Church - Melody
Hearts ease - Melody
Health, love and peace be all here in this place / The King - Melody
Health to Betty - Melody
Healths - Melody
Hear us, thou that broodedst - Melody
Hear what God the Lord hath spoken / The Future Peace and Glory of the Church - Melody
Hear what the Lord in vision said - Melody
Hear what the Lord, the great Amen / Laodicea - Melody
Heart of Oak - Melody
Heart Taken, The - Melody
Heavenly Joy on Earth - Melody
Help, Lord, for men of virtue fail - Melody
Here at Bethesda's pool, the poor / The Pool of Bethesda - Melody
Here in Thy name, eternal God - Melody
Here we come a wassailing among the leaves so green - Melody
Here's a health to the barley mow! / The Barley-Mow Song - Melody
Here's a health unto his Majesty - Melody
Here's a health unto our master / Suffolk Harvest-home Song - Melody
Here's a letter to you madam / Richies Lady - Melody
Here's adieu sweet lovely Nancy - Melody
Hey, Then, Up Go We - Melody
Hide Parke - Melody
Hiding Place, The - Melody
High in the heavens, eternal God - Melody
Hinky-dinky parlez-vous - Melody
His master taken from his head / On the Death of a Minister - Melody
Hit or misse - Melody
Hitchin May Day Song, The - Melody
Hitler, he only had one ball / Hitler Has Only Got One Ball - Melody
HMS Hood, The - Melody
Hockley i'th hole - Melody
Hold out, brave Charles, and thou shaft win the field / Upon His Majesty's Coming To Holmby - Melody
Hold the Fort - Melody
Holly And The Ivy, The - Melody
Holy Father, cheer our way - Melody
Holy Father, in Thy mercy - Melody
Holy Ghost, with light divine - Melody
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord - Melody
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! - Melody
Holmfirth Anthem - Melody
Honey though the bee prepares / Vanity of the Creature Sanctified - Melody
Hosanna to the living Lord! - Melody
House of Prayer, The - Melody
How awful is thy chast'ning rod! - Melody
How beauteous are at their feet - Melody
How beauteous were the marks divine - Melody
How blest the righteous are / Balaam's Wish - Melody
How David, when by sin deceived / David's Fall - Melody
How fast their guilt and sorrows rise - Melody
How hurtful was the choice of Lot / Lot in Sodom - Melody
How kind the good Samaritan / The Good Samaritan - Melody
How long, O Lord, shall I complain - Melody
How long wilt thou conceal thy face? - Melody
How lost was my condition / The Good Physician - Melody
How pleasant a sailor's life passes / Why Should We Quarrel For Riches - Melody
How pleasant, how divinely fair - Melody
How precious is the Book Divine - Melody
How shall the young secure their hearts - Melody
How sweet and aweful is the place - Melody
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds - Melody
How tedious and tasteless the hours / None Upon Earth I Desire Besides Thee - Melody
How vast the benefits divine - Melody
Humbled and Silenced By Mercy - Melody
Hunting Song - Melody
Hush! my dear, lie still and slumber / Watt's Cradle Song - Melody
I am a jolly ploughboy / The Ploughboy - Melody
I am a jolly ploughboy / The Warwickshire R.H.A. - Melody
I Am, saith Christ our glorious head / The Resurrection and the Life - Melody
I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus - Melody
I can sport as fine a trotting horse as any swell in town / The Trotting Horse - Melody
I come to charge ye that fight the clergy / A Caveat To The Roundheads - Melody
I Don't Want to Go to War - Melody
I don't want to join the Army - Melody
I gave My life for thee - Melody
I heard a sound of voices - Melody
I know that my Redeemer lives - Melody
I Know Where I'm Going - Melody
I left my home and I left my job / Poor Old Soldier / The Rogue's March - Melody
I Lift my soul to God - Melody
I love my King and country well - Melody
I loved no King since forty-one / The Turn-Coat - Melody
I mean to speak of Englands sad fate / Englands Woe - Melody
I met my love by the gas works wall / Dirty Old Town - Melody
I Saw Three Ships come sailing in - Melody
I Set the Lord before my face - Melody
I should like for to have in the winter of life / In The Winter Of Life - Melody
I sing th' almighty power of God - Melody
I sowed the seeds of love / Seeds of Love - Melody
I Thank You Twice - Melody
I vow to thee, my country - Melody
I waited patient for the Lord - Melody
I want to go home - Melody
I was broke and out of a job / Paddy Get Back - Melody
I went to my psychiatrist to be psychoanalyzed / Jolly Old Sigmund Freud - Melody
I will extol thee, Lord, on high - Melody
I Will praise thee every day / O Lord, I Will Praise Thee! - Melody
I Would Be Like Jesus - Melody
I would, but cannot sing / The Good That I Would I Do Not - Melody
Ich have house and land in Kent / Wooing Song of a Yeoman of Kent's Sonne - Melody
Idle Days in Summertime - Melody
If all the World were Paper - Melody
If I live to grow old, for I find I go down / The Old Man's Song - Melody
If none be offended with the scent / The Resurrection of the Rump - Melody
If Paul in Caesar's court must stand / Paul's Voyage - Melody
If Solomon for wisdom prayed / Ask What I Shall Give Thee - Melody
If the Lord our leader be / Jacob's Ladder - Melody
If you wake at midnight, and hear a horse’s feet / The Smugglers Song - Melody
If you want to find the lance-jack / Hanging on the Old Barbed Wire - Melody
If you want to join a merchant ship / Lime Juice Ship - Melody
Ilkley Moor - Melody
I'll bless the Lord from day to day - Melody
I'll praise my Maker while I've breath - Melody
I'll sing you one, O / Green Grow the Rushes, O - Melody
I'll speak the honors of my King - Melody
I'm a north countrie-man, in Redesdale born / Jack and Tom - Melody
I'm but a stranger here - Melody
I'm going to get lit up / When the Lights Go Up In London - Melody
I'm just tired of seeing Eastern moons / Desert Blues - Melody
I'm Seventeen Come Sunday - Melody
Importunate Widow, The - Melody
In an old Australian homestead / Sulva Bay / Suda Bay - Melody
In anger, Lord, rebuke me not - Melody
In Bruton Town there lived a noble man / Bruton Town - Melody
In good King Charles's golden days / The Vicar of Bray - Melody
In His Temple now behold Him - Melody
In Judah God of old was known - Melody
In London town where I was born / Barbara Allen - Melody
In mercy, not in wrath, rebuke / Pleading For Mercy - Melody
In praise of a dairy I purpose to sing / The Praise of a Dairy - Melody
In Praise of Seafaring Men, in Hope of Good Fortune - Melody
In Praise of Christmas - Melody
In spring we sow the harvest mow / Ramble In The New Mown Hay - Melody
In the Cross of Christ I glory - Melody
In the merry month of June / The Haymaker's Song - Melody
In the name which earth and heaven - Melody
In the Parliament House, a great rout has been there / Lord Delaware - Melody
In The Winter Of Life - Melody
In those twelve days let us be glad / A New Dial - Melody
In vain my fancy strives to paint / On the Death of a Believer - Melody
Incarnate God! the soul that knows / The Believer's Safety - Melody
Inspirer and hearer of prayer - Melody
Inward Warfare, The - Melody
Irish Lady - Melody
Irish trot - Melody
I's a broken hearted keelman / Cushie Butterfield - Melody
Is This Thy Kindness to Thy Friend - Melody
Israel in ancient days / Old-Testament Gospel - Melody
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear - Melody
It fell upon the Martinmas time / Barring of the Door - Melody
It Was a Lover and his Lass - Melody
It was down in yonder meadow / British Man O' War - Melody
It was on the seventeenth by brake of day / Bunker Hill - Melody
It was one summer's morning, as I went o'er the moss / The Summer's Morning - Melody
It's coming down to Manchester / The Manchester Angel - Melody
It's hard when folks can't find their work / The Dalesman's Litany - Melody
It's in the evening, after dark / Blackleg Miner - Melody
It's Lamkin was a mason good / Lamkin - Melody
It's of a brisk and lively lad / The Brisk And Lively Lad - Melody
It's of a pretty shepherdess, kept sheep all on the plain / The Knight and the Shepherd's Daughter - Melody
It's often I sat on my true love's knee / Sweet William - Melody
It's our time to go now / Sailors Farewell Hymn - Melody
Jack and Tom - Melody
Jack-o-Lent - Melody
Jacke Pudding's vagary - Melody
Jackie Brown - Melody
Jacob's Ladder - Melody
Jake has gone to wear the horn / Hal-An-Toe - Melody
Jehovah Our Righteousness - Melody
Jehovah-Jesus - Melody
Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord Will Provide - Melody
Jehovah-Nissi, the Lord my Banner - Melody
Jehovah-Rophi I am the Lord That Healeth Thee - Melody
Jehovah-Shalem, The Lord Send Peace - Melody
Jehovah-Shammah - Melody
Jenny pluck Pares - Melody
Jericho; or, The Waters Healed - Melody
Jerusalem - Melody
Jerusalem, my happy home - Melody
Jesus! and shall it ever be - Melody
Jesus came, the heavens adoring - Melody
Jesus Christ, the Lord's anointed / On One Stone Shall be Seven Eyes - Melody
Jesus, faithful to His word, shall with a shout descend - Melody
Jesus, Lord of life and glory - Melody
Jesus, Lover of my soul - Melody
Jesus loves me! this I know - Melody
Jesus, my great High Priest - Melody
Jesus, my Truth, my Way - Melody
Jesus! Name of wondrous love - Melody
Jesus shall reign wherever the sun - Melody
Jesus! the Name high over all - Melody
Jesus, the very thought of Thee - Melody
Jesus, Thine all victorious love - Melody
Jesus, Thou everlasting King - Melody
Jesus, Thy Church with longing eyes - Melody
Jesus, to what didst thou submit / The Woman of Samaria - Melody
Jesus, united by Thy grace - Melody
Jesus, where'er thy people meet / On Opening a Place For Social Prayer - Melody
Jesus, whose blood so freely streamed / Jehovah-Shalem, The Lord Send Peace - Melody
Joan of Arc, They're Calling You - Melody
Joan's Ale Was New - Melody
Jockey to the Fair - Melody
Jog on - Melody
John Dory - Melody
John in vision saw the day / The Great Tribunal - Melody
John Peel - Melody
Johnny Has Gone - Melody
Join all the glorious names - Melody
Jolly Old Sigmund Freud - Melody
Jolly Waggoner, The - Melody
Jolly Well Drunk - Melody
Jone O'Greenfield's Ramble - Melody
Joseph Made Known to His Brethren - Melody
Jovial Beggar, The - Melody
Jovial Hunter of Bromsgrove, The - Melody
Joy fills our inmost hearts to-day - Melody
Joy is a fruit that will not grow / The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength - Melody
Joy of the Lord is Your Strength, The - Melody
Joy to the world! the Lord is come - Melody
Jubilee, The - Melody
Judge eternal, throned in splendor - Melody
Judge me, O Lord, and prove my ways - Melody
Judges, who rule the world by laws - Melody
Jumping Through the Hole - Melody
Just are thy ways, and true thy word - Melody
Just as I am, without one plea - Melody
Keeper, The - Melody
Kemps Jeg - Melody
Kettle Drum - Melody
King and the Countryman, The - Melody
King Charles The Second's Restoration, 29th May - Melody
King James I and the Tinkler - Melody
King, The - Melody
Kiss Me Good-Night, Sergeant-Major - Melody
Knees up Mother Brown - Melody
Knight and the Shepherd's Daughter, The - Melody
Know this, my brethren, heaven is clear / Hey, Then, Up Go We - Melody
Lady Alice was sitting in her bower window / Lady Alice - Melody
Lady Cullen - Melody
Lady lye neare me - Melody
Lady spillers - Melody
Lamb of God, we fall before Thee - Melody
Lamkin - Melody
Lamp of our feet whereby we trace - Melody
Land of Hope and Glory - Melody
Laodicea - Melody
Lass of Richmond Hill, The - Melody
Last News From France, The - Melody
Lavans - Melody
Lawyer Outwitted, The - Melody
Lawyers' Lamentation For The Loss Of Charing-Cross, The - Melody
Lay by your pleading, law lies a bleeding / The Dominion Of The Sword - Melody
Lead on, O King Eternal - Melody
Leathern Bottel, The - Melody
Leaving of Liverpool, The - Melody
Legion was my name by nature / The Legion Dispossessed - Melody
Leper, The - Melody
Let all that are to mirth inclined - Melody
Let all the earth their voices raise - Melody
Let Carthage Queen be now no more / The Bowes Tragedy - Melody
Let children hear the mighty deeds - Melody
Let Christians all with joyful mirth / Yeoman's Carol - Melody
Let every man with tongue and pen / The Jubilee, Or The Coronation Day - Melody
Let God arise in all his might - Melody
Let sinners take their course - Melody
Let songs of praises fill the sky - Melody
Let thoughtless thousands choose the road - Melody
Let us adore the grace that seeks / The Lord's Call to His Children - Melody
Let Us the Infant Greet, in worship before Him fall - Melody
Let Zion in her King rejoice - Melody
Let's leave off our labour, and now let's go play / A Catch - Melody
Let's say goodbye with a smile, dear / We'll Meet Again - Melody
Lift the strain of high thanksgiving - Melody
Lift up, lift up your voices now! - Melody
Like silver lamps in a distant shrine - Melody
Lime Juice Ship - Melody
Lincolnshire Poacher, The - Melody
Lisbon - Melody
Listen to me and you shall hear / The World Turned Upside Down - Melody
Little Barly-Corne, The - Melody
Little Book, The - Melody
Liverpool Judies, The - Melody
Lodestone, The - Melody
London Gentlewoman - Melody
Long Parliament, The - Melody
Long Preston Peg to proud Preston went - Melody
Look Unto Me, and Be Ye Saved - Melody
Looking Unto Jesus - Melody
Looking Upwards in a Storm - Melody
Lord Bateman was a noble lord - Melody
Lord Delaware - Melody
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing - Melody
Lord, for to-morrow and its needs - Melody
Lord Franklin - Melody
Lord, hast thou cast the nation off? - Melody
Lord, I am thine; but thou wilt prove - Melody
Lord, I am vile, conceived in sin - Melody
Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes - Melody
Lord, I will bless thee all my days - Melody
Lord, I would spread my sore distress - Melody
Lord, if thine eye surveys our faults - Melody
Lord, if thou dost not soon appear - Melody
Lord, in the morning Thou shalt hear - Melody
Lord Is My Portion, The - Melody
Lord, it belongs not to my care - Melody
Lord of Glory, who hast bought us - Melody
Lord of heaven and earth and sea - Melody
Lord of my life, whose tender care - Melody
Lord of the Church, we humbly pray - Melody
Lord of the harvest, hear - Melody
Lord of the worlds above, how pleasant and how fair - Melody
Lord Thomas of Winesberry - Melody
Lord, thou hast called thy grace to mind - Melody
Lord, thou hast seen my soul sincere - Melody
Lord, thou hast won, at length I yield / The Rebel's Surrender to Grace, Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do? - Melody
Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray - Melody
Lord, 'tis not that I did choose Thee - Melody
Lord, we confess our numerous faults - Melody
Lord, we have heard thy works of old - Melody
Lord, what a feeble piece - Melody
Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I - Melody
Lord, what was man, when made at first - Melody
Lord, when thou didst ascend on high - Melody
Lord, when we bend before Thy throne - Melody
Lord, while for all mankind we pray - Melody
Lord, who at Cana's wedding-feast - Melody
Lord, who throughout these forty days - Melody
Lord Will Provide, The - Melody
Lord's Call to His Children, The - Melody
Lot in Sodom - Melody
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling - Melody
Love Has Brought Me To Despair - Melody
Love-Tokens - Melody
Lovest Thou Me? - Melody
Lovest Thou Me? - Melody
Loyal Soldier, The - Melody
Loyalist's Encouragement, The - Melody
Lulling beyond thee - Melody
Lustily, Lustily - Melody Mad World, My Masters, A - Melody
Mademoiselle from Armentieres - Melody
Mage on a Cree - Melody
Maid of Tottenham, The - Melody
Maker and sovereign Lord - Melody
Manchester Angel, The - Melody
Mandesse - Melody
Manna Hoarded - Melody
Manna to Israel well supplied / Manna - Melody
Marching to Zion - Melody
Martha her love and joy expressed / Martha and Mary - Melody
Mary Ambree - Melody
Mary to her Saviour's tomb / Weeping Mary - Melody
Matey - Melody
May Day Carol - Melody
May we Thy precepts, Lord, fulfil - Melody
Maybe it's Because I'm a Londoner - Melody
Mayd peept out of the window - Melody
Mayden Lane - Melody
Maypole, The - Melody
Me have of late been in England / The French Report - Melody
Meal and Cruse of Oil, The - Melody
Mercy, O thou Son of David! / Bartimaeus - Melody
Merry Boys Of The Times, The - Melody
Merry Broomfield, The - Melody
Merry Fellows, The - Melody
Merry Merry Milke Mayds - Melody
Milch Kine Drawing the Ark: Faith's Surrender of All - Melody
Milifield - Melody
Milisons Jeg - Melody
Milk-Maid's Life, The - Melody
Milke Mayds Bob - Melody
Milking-Pail, The - Melody
Miller and His Sons, The - Melody
Miller of Dee, The - Melody
Mine eyes and my desire - Melody
Miner’s Lifeguard, The - Melody
Miracle at Usher's Well - Melody
More ballads! - here's a spick and span new supplication / A Free Parliament Litany - Melody
More love to Thee, O Christ - Melody
More With Us Than With Them - Melody
Morning breaks upon the tomb - Melody
Most gracious and omnipotent / The Long Parliament - Melody
Mournful Subjects, The - Melody
Mow, The - Melody
Mummer's Song, The - Melody
My barns are full, my stores increase / The Worldling - Melody
My Boy Willie - Melody My cap is frozen to my Head / Cold and Haily Night - Melody
My dear Redeemer and my Lord - Melody
My Father, for another night - Melody
My friend, if you will understand / Great Boobee - Melody
My God, accept my heart this day - Melody
My God, how many are my fears! - Melody
My God! how perfect are thy ways! / Jehovah Our Righteousness - Melody
My God, how wonderful You are - Melody
My God, in whom are all the springs - Melody
My God, my everlasting hope - Melody
My God, my Father, while I stray - Melody
My God, my King, Thy various praise - Melody
My God, permit my tongue - Melody
My God, the Spring of all my joys - Melody
My God, the steps of pious men - Melody
My God! till I received thy stroke / Ephraim Repenting - Melody
My Grace is Sufficient For Thee - Melody
My heart rejoices in thy name - Melody
My hope is built on nothing less - Melody
My Jesus I Love Thee - Melody
My Lord Willoughbies Welcome Home - Melody
My masters, and friends, and good people, draw near / A Caveat for Cutpurses - Melody
My Name is Jacob - Melody
My never-ceasing songs shall show - Melody
My refuge is the God of love - Melody
My Savior and my King - Melody
My Savior, my almighty Friend - Melody
My Shepherd is the living Lord - Melody
My Shepherd will supply my need - Melody
My song shall bless the Lord of all / Jehovah-Jesus - Melody
My soul, be on thy guard - Melody
My soul, how lovely is the place - Melody
My soul once had its plenteous years / Plenty in a Time of Dearth - Melody
My soul, repeat His praise - Melody
My spirit looks to God alone - Melody
My spirit sinks within me, Lord - Melody
My sweetheart, come along! / The Sweet Nightingale / Down in Those Valleys Below - Melody
My trust is in my heav'nly Friend - Melody
Naaman - Melody
Nancy Dawson - Melody
Nay, I cannot let Thee go / My Name is Jacob - Melody
Near Woodstock town in Oxfordshire / The Auxville Love - Melody
New Boe peepe - Melody
New castle - Melody
New Courtier, The - Melody
New Droll, A - Melody
New every morning is the love - Melody
New Exchange - Melody
New Game At Cards, A - Melody
New Litany, The - Melody
New Moon, The - Melody
New-Mown Hay, The - Melody
New New Nothing - Melody
New-Year's Gift For The Rump, A - Melody
Night Peece - Melody
Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square, A - Melody
Nobleman's Daughter, The - Melody
Nobleman's Generous Kindness, The - Melody
None such - Melody
None Upon Earth I Desire Besides Thee - Melody
Not all the blood of beasts - Melody
Not comin' back to-night, matey / Matey - Melody
Not to the terrors of the Lord - Melody
Now, all you blokes, take my advice / The Cockies of Bungaree - Melody
Now be my heart inspired to sing - Melody
Now Christmas is comen and New Year begin / Cornish Wassail - Melody
Now do I be a very young country boy / Buttercup Joe - Melody
Now fare thee well, London / Upon The Cavaliers Departing Out Of London - Melody
Now from the altar of my heart - Melody
Now from the roaring lion's rage - Melody
Now I'm convinced the Lord is kind - Melody
Now is the Hour When we must say good-bye - Melody
Now let our lips with holy fear - Melody
Now let our mournful songs record - Melody
Now may He who from the dead - Melody
Now may the God of power and grace - Melody
Now Orange is on Brittish shore / The Prince of Orange's Triumph - Melody
Now our work's done, thus we feast / The Mow - Melody
Now plead my cause, Almighty God - Melody
Now shall my solemn vows be paid - Melody
Now, since we're met, let's merry, merry be / The Merry Fellows - Melody
Now some folks'll tell you that drinkings a curse / Jolly Well Drunk - Melody
Now the day is over - Melody
Now the light has gone away - Melody
Now the Rump is confounded / The Second Part of St. George for England - Melody
Now the winter is come with its cold chilling breath / Time to Remember the Poor - Melody O bless the Lord, my soul! - Melody
O Blessed souls are they - Melody
O Blow the Man Down - Melody
O, Come, All Ye Faithful - Melody
O could I speak the matchless worth - Melody
O day of rest and gladness, of day of joy and light - Melody
O dear! What can the matter be? - Melody
O did you ever hear of the brave Earl Brand / The Brave Earl Brand and the King of England's Daughter - Melody
O Father, all creating - Melody
O! for a closer walk with God / Walking with God - Melody
O, for a faith that will not shrink - Melody
O for a shout of sacred joy - Melody
O For a Thousand Tongues - Melody
O God, my refuge, hear my cries - Melody
O God of God, O Light of Light - Melody
O God of grace and righteousness - Melody
O God of Jacob, by whose hand - Melody
O God of mercy, God of might - Melody
O God of mercy, hear my call - Melody
O God, the help of all Thy saints - Melody
O happy nation, where the Lord - Melody
O help us, Lord, each hour of need - Melody
O holy night! the stars are brightly shining - Melody
O hope of every contrite heart - Melody
O! I went into the stable, and there for to see / Old Wichet and His Wife - Melody
O it's a lovely war! - Melody
O Jesus, crucified for man - Melody
O light, whose beams illumine all - Melody
O Little Town of Bethlehem - Melody
O Lord, how many are my foes - Melody
O Lord, I Will Praise Thee! - Melody
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea - Melody
O Lord of hosts, whose glory fills - Melody
O Lord, our heav'nly King - Melody
O Lord, our Lord, how wondrous great - Melody
O Lord, Who in Thy love divine - Melody
O mother dear, Jerusalem - Melody
O, No John - Melody
O one with God the Father - Melody
O perfect life of love! - Melody
O perfect Love, all human thought transcending - Melody
O Saviour, bless us ere we go - Melody
O Saviour, precious Saviour - Melody
O Saviour, whom this holy morn - Melody
O sisters too, How may we do / Coventry Carol - Melody
O soldier, soldier, won't you marry me - Melody
O take me in your arms, love / The Willow Tree - Melody
O That I Were As In Months Past! - Melody
O, that the Lord would guide my ways - Melody
O the cuckoo she's a pretty bird / The Cuckoo - Melody
O the holly and the ivy / The Holly And The Ivy - Melody
O Thou from whom all goodness flows - Melody
O Thou that hear'st when sinners cry - Melody
O Thou whose justice reigns on high - Melody
O what a stiff rebellious house - Melody
O what's the matter with you my lass / The Recruited Collier - Melody
O Word of God Incarnate - Melody
O worship the King, all glorious above - Melody
Oak and the Ash, The - Melody
Of a rich counsellor I write / The Crafty Lover / The Lawyer Outwitted - Melody
Of all the trades in England / A-Beggin' I Will Go - Melody
Oft as the leper's case I read / The Leper - Melody
Oil of Barley - Melody
Old Adam - Melody
Old Barbed Wire, The - Melody
Old Jemmy is a lad - Melody
Old Man and His Three Sons, The - Melody
Old Man and His Three Sons, The (earlier version) - Melody
Old Man's Song, The - Melody
Old Mole - Melody
Old Protestant's Litany, The - Melody
Old Sir Robert Bolton had three sons / The Jovial Hunter of Bromsgrove - Melody
Old-Testament Gospel - Melody
Old Wichet and His Wife - Melody
Old Year now away has fled, The - Melody
On Christmas night all Christians sing - Melody
On the Death of a Believer - Melody
On Ilkley Moor Baht 'at - Melody
On man, in his own image made / Adam - Melody
On One Stone Shall be Seven Eyes - Melody
On Opening a Place For Social Prayer - Melody
On our way rejoicing - Melody
On Richmond Hill there lives a lass / The Lass of Richmond Hill - Melody
On the 23rd of February / The 23rd of February - Melody
On the Death of a Minister - Melody
On the first day of Christmas / The Twelve Days of Christmas - Melody
On the noble fleet of whalers out sailing from Dundee / The Balena - Melody
On what has now been sown - Melody
On wings of living light - Melody
On yonder hill there stands a maiden / O, No John - Melody
Once a woman silent stood / The Two Debtors - Melody
Once I had a hawk, and a pretty grey hawk / The Grey Hawk - Melody
Once I loved a Mayden faire - Melody
Once I was a civvy lad / Browned Off - Melody
Once perishing in blood I lay / Humbled and Silenced By Mercy - Melody
One aweful word which Jesus spoke / The Blasted fig-tree - Melody
One there is, above all others / A Friend That Sticketh Closer Than a Brother - Melody
One Thy Light, the Temple filling - Melody
Onward Christian soldiers - Melody
Onward, Christian soldiers! / Christians At War - Melody
Oppressed with unbelief and sin / My Grace is Sufficient For Thee - Melody
Optimistic Laborites, The - Melody
Our God, our help in ages past - Melody
Our Lord, who knows full well / The Importunate Widow - Melody
Our oats they are howed, and our barley's reaped / The Country Farmer's Vain Glory - Melody
Out of the deep I call - Melody
Outlandish Knight - Melody
Over the Hills and Far Away - Melody
Oxford and Cambridge shall agree / When The King Comes Home In Peace Again - Melody
Oyle of Barly, The - Melody
Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag - Melody
Paddy Get Back - Melody
Painful Plough, The - Melody
Parliament Routed, The, Or Here's A House To Be Let - Melody
Parsons farwell - Melody
Paul's Steeple - Melody
Paul's Voyage - Melody
Paul's Wharfe - Melody
Pensive, doubting, fearful heart / To the Afflicted, Tossed With Tempests and Not Comforted - Melody
Peppers black - Melody
Peter Released From Prison - Melody
Peter Sinning and Repenting - Melody
Peter Walking Upon the Water - Melody
Petticoat wag - Melody
Philadelphia - Melody
Physician of my sin-sick soul / A Sick Soul - Melody
Picking of sticks - Melody
Pleading For Mercy - Melody
Plenty in a Time of Dearth - Melody
Plough's Praise, The - Melody
Ploughboy, The - Melody
Polly Oliver - Melody
Pool of Bethesda, The - Melody
Pool of Bethesda, The - Melody
Poor Esau repented too late / Esau - Melody
Poor Joe, the marine, was at Portsmouth well known / Poor Joe the Marine - Melody
Poor Old Horse, The - Melody
Poor Old Soldier - Melody
Poor sinners! little do they think / Belshazzar - Melody
Poor, weak and worthless though I am / Is This Thy Kindness to Thy Friend - Melody
Power and Triumph of Faith, The - Melody
Power of the Sword, The - Melody
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven - Melody
Praise of a Dairy, The - Melody
Praise, oh, praise, our God and King - Melody
Praise the Lord! O Heavens, adore him - Melody
Praise to God, immortal praise - Melody
Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for thee - Melody
Praise we the Lord this day - Melody
Praise ye the Lord, my heart shall join - Melody
Prattle Your Pleasure Under The Rose - Melody
Prayer an answer will obtain / Woman of Canaan - Melody
Prayer For a Blessing - Melody
Prayer for Children - Melody
Prayer for the Lord's Promised Presence - Melody
Preserve me, Lord, in time of need - Melody
Pretty Flowers - Melody
Prince of Orange Welcome to London, The - Melody
Prince of Orange's Triumph, The - Melody
Prince Ruperts March - Melody
Private Jones came in one night / Kiss Me Good-Night, Sergeant-Major - Melody
Prodigal Son, The - Melody
Protecting Brewer, The - Melody
Punks delight - Melody
Puritan, The - Melody Queen Jane O! Queen Jane O! What a lady was she / The Death of Queen Jane - Melody
Queen Jane was in travail / The Death of Queen Jane - Melody
Queen of Sheba - Melody
Quoth John to Joan, wilt thou have me? / The Clown's Courtship - Melody
Rakes of Mallow, The - Melody
Ramble In The New Mown Hay - Melody
Rebel's Surrender to Grace, Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do? - Melody
Rebellion and Tyranny Revived - Melody
Rebellion hath broken up house / The Sale Of Rebellion's House-Hold Stuff - Melody
Recruited Collier, The - Melody
Redeemed, restored, forgiven - Melody
Refuge, River, and Rock of the Church, The - Melody
Rejoice, rejoice, ye Cavaliers / Upon The General Pardon Passed By The Rump - Melody
Rejoice, the Lord is King! - Melody
Rejoice, ye pure in heart - Melody
Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord - Melody
Remember, Lord, our mortal state - Melody
Remember us poor Mayers all! / The Hitchin May Day Song - Melody
Resurrection and the Life, The - Melody
Resurrection of the Rump, The - Melody
Return, O God of love, return - Melody
Return, O wanderer, return - Melody
Rich Man and Lazarus, The - Melody
Richies Lady - Melody
Ring out the old, ring in the new - Melody
Rise, crowned with light, imperial Salem, rise! - Melody
Roast Beef of old England - Melody
Robin Hood and the Tanner - Melody
Rock of Ages, cleft for me - Melody
Rocking the Cradle - Melody
Rogue's March, The - Melody
Rolling Home - Melody
Rose is red, and Rose is white - Melody
Round me falls the night - Melody
Roundhead, The - Melody
Row well ye Marriners - Melody
Royal Feast, The - Melody
Royal Oak - Melody
Royalist, The - Melody
Royalist's Resolve, The - Melody
Rufty, tufty - Melody
Rule Britannia - Melody
Ruler's Daughter Raised, The - Melody
Run Rabbit Run - Melody
Rural Dance About the May-Pole - Melody
Safely through another week / Saturday Evening - Melody
Sailing over the Dogger Bank / The Dogger Bank - Melody
Sailors Farewell Hymn - Melody
Saint Turned Sinner, The - Melody
Saints Martins - Melody
Sale Of Rebellion's House-Hold Stuff, The - Melody
Salvation Drawing Nearer - Melody
Salvation is for ever nigh - Melody
Sampson's Lion - Melody
Saraband - Melody
Sardis - Melody
Satan Returning - Melody
Saturday Evening - Melody
Saturday Night and Sunday Morne - Melody
Saul's Armor - Melody
Save me, O God, the swelling floods - Melody
Save me, O Lord, from every foe - Melody
Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raise - Melody
Saviour, blessed Saviour - Melody
Saviour, breathe an evening blessing - Melody
Saviour shine and cheer my soul / The Change - Melody
Saviour, when in dust to Thee - Melody
Saviour, when night involves the skies - Melody
Saw you the State's money new come from the Mint? / The State's New Coin - Melody
Says Jone to his wife, on a hot summer's day / Jone O'Greenfield's Ramble - Melody
Scarborough Fair - Melody
Scotch Cap - Melody
Seasons, The - Melody
Second Part of St. George for England, The - Melody
Sedany - Melody
See Aaron, God's anointed priest / The True Aaron - Melody
See, the Conqueror mounts in triumph - Melody
See! the corn again in ear! / Harvest - Melody
See the gloomy gath'ring cloud / The Hiding Place - Melody
Seeds of Love - Melody
Sellenger's Round - Melody
She left her father's castle gate / Gypsy Rover - Melody
Shepheards Holyday - Melody
Shepherd Of The Downs - Melody
Shepherds are the cleverest lads / Stormy Winds - Melody
Shine, mighty God, on Britain shine - Melody
Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive - Melody
Simon, beware! the Saviour said / The Believer's Danger, Safety, and Duty - Melody
Simphony, The - Melody
Since it must be so then so let it go / The New Courtier - Melody
Sinful, sighing to be blest - Melody
Sing, all ye nations, to the Lord - Melody
Sing Me to Sleep where bullets fall - Melody
Sing, O sing, this blessed morn - Melody
Sing to the Lord aloud - Melody
Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands - Melody
Sir Arthur and Charming Mollee - Melody
Sir Richard Grenville's Farewell - Melody
Skellamfago - Melody
Slip, The - Melody
Small Bird Or Two, A - Melody
Smugglers Song, The - Melody
Smyrna - Melody
Snaefell Tynwald, Ben-my-Chree / Ellen Vannen Tragedy - Melody
So let our lips and lives express - Melody
Sod 'em all - Melody
Softly now the light of day - Melody
Soldiers of Christ, arise - Melody
Soldiers of the Cross, arise - Melody
Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules / The British Grenadiers - Melody
Somersetshire Hunting Song - Melody
Son of God! thy people's shield / Prayer for the Lord's Promised Presence - Melody
Songs of praise the angels sang - Melody
Songs of thankfulness and praise - Melody
Soon as I heard my Father say - Melody
Souldiers Life - Melody
Sovereign grace has pow'r alone / The Two Malefactors - Melody
Sower, The - Melody
Spanish Jepsies - Melody
Spanyard - Melody
Spirit Divine, attend our prayers - Melody
Sprig of Thyme, The - Melody
Squire of Tamworth, The - Melody
Staines Morris - Melody
Stand to your glasses - Melody
State's New Coin, The - Melody
Step Stately - Melody
Stingo - Melody
Stormy Weather Boys - Melody
Stormy Winds - Melody
Strange and mysterious is my life / The Inward Warfare - Melody
Streets Of London, The - Melody
Strong Son of God, immortal love - Melody
Suda Bay - Melody
Suffolk Harvest-home Song - Melody
Sulva Bay - Melody
Summer's Morning, The - Melody
Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dear - Melody
Sunset and evening star / Crossing the Bar - Melody
Supported by the word / The Power and Triumph of Faith - Melody
Sure there's a righteous God - Melody
Sweet is the work, my God, my King - Melody
Sweet Nelly! my heart's delight! / The Farmer's Son - Melody
Sweet Nightingale, The - Melody
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing - Melody
Sweet was the time when first I felt / Oh That I Were As In Months Past! - Melody
Sweet William - Melody
Sword-Dancers' Song, The - Melody Take my life and let it be - Melody
Tarry with me, O my Saviour! - Melody
Tavistock Goosey Fair - Melody
Teach me the measure of my days - Melody
Ten thousand times ten thousand - Melody
That certain night, the night we met / A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square - Melody
That man no guard or weapons needs / The Believer's Safety - Melody
That Rock was Christ - Melody
That thou wilt be pleased to grant our requests / The Old Protestant's Litany - Melody
The Army, the Navy and the Air Force - Melody
The Bells of Hell go ting-a-ling-a-ling - Melody
The boar's head in hand bear I / Boar's Head Carol - Melody
The bonny month of June is crowned / Cornish Midsummer Bonfire Song - Melody
The book of nature open lies / The Book of Creation - Melody
The breeze was fresh, the ship was in stays / The Token - Melody
The carrion crow he sat upon an oak / The Carrion Crow - Melody
The castle of the human heart / The Heart Taken - Melody
The church a garden is / The Barren Fig-Tree - Melody
The Church's one foundation - Melody
The cruel war is raging, Johnny has to fight - Melody
The day is gently sinking to a close - Melody
The day is past and gone - Melody
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended - Melody
The day was spent, the moon shone bright / The Garden Gate - Melody
The earth forever is the Lord's - Melody
The evils that beset our path / Vanity of Life - Melody
The fairest maids o' Britain's Isle / Ann O'Hethersgill - Melody
The fifteenth day of July / My Lord Willoughbies Welcome Home - Melody
The First Nowell the Angel Did Say - Melody
The first that enters on the floor / The Sword-Dancers' Song - Melody
The God of Abraham praise - Melody
The God of our salvation hears - Melody
The heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord - Melody
The hierarchy is out of date / I Thank You Twice - Melody
The Keeper would a-hunting go - Melody
The kine unguided went / The Milch Kine Drawing the Ark: Faith's Surrender of All - Melody
The king, O Lord, with songs of praise - Melody
The King of Love my Shepherd is - Melody
The King of saints, how fair his face - Melody
The lady sits at her own front door / The Two Magicians - Melody
The Laird of Rosslyn's daughter / Captain Wedderburn's Courtship - Melody
The Law commands and makes us know - Melody
The lion that on Sampson roared / Sampson's Lion - Melody
The Lord Jehovah reigns; His throne is built on high - Melody
The Lord my pasture shall prepare - Melody
The Lord my Shepherd is - Melody
The Lord of glory is my light - Melody
The Lord proclaims his grace abroad! / The Covenant - Melody
The Lord, the Judge, before his throne - Melody
The Lord, the Judge, his churches warns - Melody
The Lord, the Sovereign, sends his summons forth - Melody
The Lord will happiness divine / The Contrite Heart - Melody
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want - Melody
The man is ever blest - Melody
The manna favored Israel's meat / Manna Hoarded - Melody
The message first to Smyrna sent / Smyrna - Melody
The moon in silver glory shone - Melody
The moon shines bright, the stars give a light / May Day Carol - Melody
The name is Francis Tolliver / Twas Christmas In The Trenches - Melody
The old year now away has fled - Melody
The Pilot he looks out ahead / Whup Jamboree - Melody
The praise of Zion waits for thee - Melody
The Prince Van Orange he is come to this Land / The Prince of Orange Welcome to London - Melody
The prophets sons, in time of old / The Borrowed Axe - Melody
The radiant morn hath passed away - Melody
The saints on earth and those above - Melody
The saints should never be dismayed / Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord Will Provide - Melody
The Saviour calls; let every ear - Melody
The Saviour kindly calls - Melody
The sea is England's glory! - Melody
The shades of night were falling fast / Excelsior - Melody
The shadows of the evening hours - Melody
The signs which God to Gideon gave / Gideon's Fleece - Melody
The Son of God goes forth to war - Melody
The stwons that built George Ridler's oven / George Ridler's Oven - Melody
The sun had set behind yon hills / The Farmer's Boy - Melody
The sun is sinking fast - Melody
The time passes over more cheerful and gay / Thousands Or More - Melody
The topman and the afterguard were walking one day / Topman and the Afterguard - Melody
The voice that breathed o'er Eden - Melody
The water is wide; I can't cross o'er - Melody
The water stood like walls of brass / The Creatures in the Lord's Hands - Melody
The week before Easter, the day being fair / The False Bride - Melody
The wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought - Melody
The word of Christ, our Lord / The Word Quick and Powerful - Melody
Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength - Melody
Then the apostle wonders wrought / The Exorcists - Melody
There is a blessed home - Melody
There is a fountain filled with blood / Praise For the Fountain Opened - Melody
There is a land of pure delight - Melody
There is an old proverb which all the world knows / Prattle Your Pleasure Under The Rose - Melody
There lived a wife at Usher's Well / The Wife Of Usher's Well - Melody
There was a Cameronian cat / The Cameronian Cat - Melody
There was a crafty miller / The Miller and His Sons - Melody
There was a fair maid of Islington / The Fair Maid of Islington - Melody
There was a jolly miller once liv'd on the river Dee / The Miller of Dee - Melody
There was a jovial tinker / Joan's Ale - Melody
There was a lady in the north / The Dowie Dens of Yarrow - Melody
There was a knight both young and fair / Blow Away The Morning Dew - Melody
There was a shepherd's son / Blow the Winds, I-Ho! - Melody
There was an old chap in the west country / The King and the Countryman - Melody
There was an old farmer in Sussex did dwell / The Farmer's Old Wife - Melody
There was an old man, and sons he had three / The Old Man and His Three Sons - Melody
There were six jovial tradesmen / Joan's Ale Was New - Melody
There were three drunken maidens / Three Drunken Maidens - Melody
There were three gypsies a come to my door / The Wraggle Taggle Gypsies - Melody
There were three ravens sat on a tree / The Three Ravens - Melody
There'll always be an England - Melody
There'll be blue birds over the White Cliffs of Dover / White Cliffs of Dover - Melody
There's a battery snug in the spinney / The Guns - Melody
There's a lusty liquor which / Stingo - Melody
There's a tear in my eye for the soldier / Joan of Arc, They're Calling You - Melody
There's no pleasures can compare / Somersetshire Hunting Song - Melody
They Shall Be Mine, Saith the Lord - Melody
They're moving father's grave to build a sewer - Melody
Thine forever, God of Love! - Melody
Think, mighty God, on feeble man - Melody
This Christmas time 'tis fit that we / A Christmas Song When The Rump Was First Dissolved - Melody
This day at thy creating word - Melody
This Is My Father’s World - Melody
This is the day of light - Melody
This is the day the Lord hath made - Melody
This spacious earth is all the Lord's - Melody
Thomas the Rhymer - Melody
Thou art coming, O my Saviour! - Melody
Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown - Melody
Thou to whose all-searching sight - Melody
Thou who the night in prayer didst spend - Melody
Thou whose almighty word - Melody
Though cloudy skies, and northern blasts / Waiting for Spring - Melody
Though in the outward church below / The Wheat and Tares - Melody
Though Jericho pleasantly stood / Jericho; or, The Waters Healed - Melody
Though troubles assail / The Lord Will Provide - Melody
Thousands Or More - Melody
Three Drunken Maidens - Melody
Three German Officers crossed the Rhine - Melody
Three in One, and One in Three - Melody
Three Maidens a-Milking - Melody
Three Merry Coblers, The - Melody
Three Ravens, The - Melody
Three Score and Ten - Melody
Throned upon the awe-full tree - Melody
Through all the changing scenes of life - Melody
Through every age, eternal God - Melody
Through the Groves - Melody
Thus far the Lord hath led me on - Melody
Thus I resolved before the Lord - Melody
Thus saith the holy One, and true / Philadelphia - Melody
Thus saith the Lord, The spacious fields - Melody
Thus saith the Lord to Ephesus / Ephesus - Melody
Thus saith the Lord, "Your work is vain" - Melody
Thy mansion is the christian's heart / The House of Prayer - Melody
Thy ways, O Lord, with wise design - Melody
Time How Short - Melody
Time How Swift - Melody
Time to Remember the Poor - Melody
Time, with an unwearied hand / Time How Short - Melody
'Tis a point I long to know / Lovest Thou Me? - Melody
'Tis by thy strength the mountains stand - Melody
'Tis good, Lord, to be here - Melody
'Tis Greenside wakes, we've come to the town / The Greenside Wakes Song - Melody
'Tis just a month come Friday next / Tavistock Goosey Fair - Melody
'Tis of a Nobleman's daughter / The Nobleman's Daughter - Melody
To Anacreon in Heaven - Melody
To God I cried with mournful voice - Melody
To our Redeemer's glorious name - Melody
To the Afflicted, Tossed With Tempests and Not Comforted - Melody
To thee, most Holy and most High - Melody
To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise - Melody
To Thee, our God, we fly - Melody
To thine almighty arm we owe - Melody
Tobacco's but an Indian weed / Tobacco - Melody
Today Thy mercy calls us - Melody
Token, The - Melody
Tom Pearse, Tom Pearse, lend me your grey mare / Widdicombe Fair - Melody
Tom Tinker - Melody
Tonight it is the New-year's night / Hagmena Song - Melody
Topman and the Afterguard - Melody
Trees Are Getting High, The - Melody
Trelawney - Melody
Trembling Jailer, The - Melody
Trooper Cut Down, The - Melody
Trotting Horse, The - Melody
Trouper, The - Melody
True Aaron, The - Melody
True subjects mourn, and well they may / The Mournful Subjects or The Whole Nation's Lamentation - Melody
True Thomas lay on Huntlie bank / Thomas the Rhymer - Melody
Trust of the Wicked, and the Righteous Compared - Melody
Tub-Preacher, The - Melody
Turn-Coat, The - Melody
Twas Christmas In The Trenches - Melody
'Twas for thy sake, eternal God - Melody
'Twas in the watches of the night - Melody
'Twas on a Monday morning, all in the month of May / Lisbon - Melody
'Twas on a summer's morning / White Cockade - Melody
'Twas on that dark, that doleful night - Melody
'Twas on the morn of sweet May-day / Jockey to the Fair - Melody
'Twas the commission of our Lord - Melody
Twelve Days of Christmas, The - Melody
Two Debtors, The - Melody
Two Magicians, The - Melody
Two maidens went milking one day / A Small Bird Or Two - Melody
Two Malefactors, The - Melody
Two were the sisters, one the bride / The Unquiet Grave - Melody
Undone! undone! the lawyers cry / The Lawyers' Lamentation For The Loss Of Charing-Cross - Melody
Unquiet Grave, The - Melody
Unto thine hand, O God of truth - Melody
Up aloft amid the rigging / Rolling Home - Melody
Up tayles all - Melody
Up to your waist in water / Oh it's a lovely war! - Melody
Upon a Summers day - Melody
Upon His Majesty's Coming To Holmby - Melody
Upon The Cavaliers Departing Out Of London - Melody
Upon The General Pardon Passed By The Rump - Melody
Useful Plow, The - Melody
Vanity of Life - Melody
Vanity of the Creature Sanctified - Melody
Vanity of the World - Melody
Vicar of Bray, The - Melody
Vive Le Roy - Melody
Waiting for Spring - Melody
Waken, lords and ladies gay / Hunting Song - Melody
Walking with God - Melody
Walking with God - Melody
Warlike Seamen - Melody
Warwickshire R.H.A., The - Melody
Wassail, wassail all over the town / Gloucestershire Wassail - Melody
Watchman, tell us of the night - Melody
Water is Wide, The - Melody
Watt's Cradle Song - Melody
We are a garden walled around - Melody
We are Fred Karno's army - Melody
We are in Kitchener's army - Melody
We are the D-Day Dodgers / D-Day Dodgers - Melody
We bless the Lord, the just, the good - Melody
We give Thee but Thine own - Melody
We have a King, and yet no King / A Mad World, My Masters - Melody
We love thee, Lord, and we adore - Melody
We meet today in Freedom's cause / Hold the Fort - Melody
We sing the almighty power of God - Melody
We Three Kings of Orient Are - Melody
We were homeward bound one night on the deep / Lord Franklin - Melody
We Were Pharaoh's Bondmen - Melody
Wealth breeds care, love, hope, and fear / The Whigs Drowned In An Honest Tory Health - Melody
Wearied by day with toils and cares - Melody
Weary of wandering from my God - Melody
Wedding Song, The - Melody
Weel May the Keel Row - Melody
Weeping Mary - Melody
Welcome, sweet day of rest - Melody
We'll Meet Again - Melody
We'll sing the praise of future days / The Optimistic Laborites - Melody
We're Coming In On The Wing and a Prayer - Melody
We're going to hang out the washing on the Siegfried Line - Melody
We're laying in Surrey Dock one day / Stormy Weather Boys - Melody
West Country Wager, The - Melody
What a mournful life is mine / Dwelling in Mesech - Melody
What Booker doth prognosticate /When The King Enjoys His Own Again - Melody
What Child is This, Who, Laid to Rest - Melody
What creature's that, with his short hairs / The Roundhead - Melody
What pen can well report the plight / Another of Seafarers, describing Evil Fortune - Melody
What Shall I Render - Melody
What think you of Christ? is the test / What Think Ye of Christ? - Melody
What though the zealots pull down the prelates / Vive Le Roy - Melody
Wheat and Tares, The - Melody
Wheear 'as ta bin sin ah saw thee / Ilkley Moor - Melody
When Adam fell he quickly lost / Cain and Abel - Melody
When All Men Sing - Melody
When all thy mercies, O my God - Melody
When any turn from Zion's way / Will Ye Also Go Away? - Melody
When Britain first at Heaven's command / Rule Britannia - Melody
When captaines couragious, whom death cold not daunte / Mary Ambree - Melody
When Christ to judgment shall descend - Melody
When descending from the sky / The Foolish Virgins - Melody
When first I came to P.T.S / Jumping Through the Hole - Melody
When first I went a-waggoning / The Jolly Waggoner - Melody
When first my soul enlisted / Saul's Armor - Melody
When first to make my heart his own / Dagon Before the Ark - Melody
When God is nigh, my faith is strong - Melody
When good King Richard / Ballad of Richard III - Melody
When Hannah pressed with grief - Melody
When Harry the tailor was twenty years old / Harry the Tailor - Melody
When HMS Hood went down in the deep / The HMS Hood - Melody
When I can read my title clear - Melody
When I first landed in Liverpool / Jackie Brown - Melody
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - Melody
When I was a lad I served a term - Melody
When I was apprenticed in London / Blow the Candles Out - Melody
When I was bound apprentice / The Lincolnshire Poacher - Melody
When in the field of Mars we lye / The Loyal Soldier - Melody
When Isr'el sins, the Lord reproves - Melody
When Israel heard the fiery law / The Golden Calf - Melody
When Israel's tribes were parch'd with thirst / That Rock was Christ - Melody
When Israel was from Egypt freed / He Led Them By a Right Way - Melody
When Jesus claims the sinner's heart / Satan Returning - Melody
When Joseph his brethren beheld / Joseph Made Known to His Brethren - Melody
When Joseph was an old man / Cherry Tree Carol - Melody
When Joshua, by God's command / Gibeon - Melody
When man grows bold in sin - Melody
When mighty Roast Beef Was the Englishman's food / Roast Beef of old England - Melody
When, overwhelm'd with grief - Melody
When Peter boasted, soon he fell / Peter Sinning and Repenting - Melody
When sinners utter boasting words / They Shall Be Mine, Saith the Lord - Melody
When snow transforms the hedgerow thorn / When All Men Sing - Melody
When, streaming from the eastern skies - Melody
When the beloved disciple took / The Little Book - Melody
When the disciples crossed the lake / But One Loaf - Melody
When the fighting was at its fiercest / British Soldier's Discharge Song - Melody
When the great Judge, supreme and just - Melody
When The King Comes Home In Peace Again - Melody
When The King Enjoys His Own Again - Melody
When the Lights Go Up In London - Melody
When this lousy (bleeding) war is over - Melody
Where shall the man be found - Melody
Whigs Drowned In An Honest Tory Health, The - Melody
While I keep silence, and conceal - Melody
While men grow bold in wicked ways - Melody
While shepherds watched their flocks - Melody
While with ceaseless course the sun / Time How Swift - Melody
Whirligig - Melody
Whish - Melody
Whistling Gypsy came over the hill / The Gypsy Rover - Melody
White Cliffs of Dover - Melody
White Cockade - Melody
Who comes this way so blithe and gay? / The Christmas Tree - Melody
Who killed Cock Robin? / Cock Robin - Melody
Who seeks the way to win renown / Sir Richard Grenville's Farewell - Melody
Who shall ascend thy heav'nly place - Melody
Who shall inhabit in thy hill - Melody
Whole Nation's Lamentation, The - Melody
Whup Jamboree - Melody
Why did the Jews proclaim their rage? - Melody
Why did the nations join to slay - Melody
Why do the proud insult the poor - Melody
Why do the wealthy wicked boast - Melody
Why do we mourn departing friends - Melody
Why does your brand sae drop wi' blude / Edward, Edward - Melody
Why doth the Lord stand off so far? - Melody
Why doth the man of riches grow - Melody
Why has my God my soul forsook - Melody
Why kept your train-bands such a stirre? / The Cities Loyaltie To The King - Melody
Why should I vex my soul, and fret - Melody
Why Should We Quarrel For Riches - Melody
Widdicombe Fair - Melody
Wife Of Usher's Well, The - Melody
Will God for ever cast us off? - Melody
Will Ye Also Go Away? - Melody
Willow Tree, The - Melody
Win At First And Lose At Last - Melody
Winster Wakes there's ale and cakes - Melody
Wisdom - Melody
Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye - Melody
With broken heart and contrite sigh - Melody
With earnest longings of the mind - Melody
With face and fashion to be known / The Puritan - Melody
With face and fashion to be known / The Tub-Preacher - Melody
With fife and drum he marched away / Johnny Has Gone - Melody
With my whole heart I'll raise my song - Melody
With rev'rence let the saints appear - Melody
With Satan, my accuser, near / A Brand plucked out of the Fire - Melody
Within the Father's house - Melody
Woman of Canaan - Melody
Woman of Samaria, The - Melody
Woodycock - Melody
Wooing Song of a Yeoman of Kent's Sonne - Melody
Word Supreme, before creation - Melody
World Turned Upside Down, The - Melody
Worldling, The - Melody
Wraggle Taggle Gypsies, The - Melody
Write to Sardis, saith the Lord / Sardis - Melody

Ye choirs of new Jerusalem - Melody
Ye gentlemen of England who live home / The Bay of Biscay, Oh! - Melody
Ye holy souls, in God rejoice - Melody
Ye mad caps of England who merry would make - Melody
Ye merry hearts that love to play / A New Game At Cards: Or, Win At First And Lose At Last - Melody
Ye nations round the earth, rejoice - Melody
Ye nymphs and sylvan gods / The Milking-Pail - Melody
Ye sons of earth prepare the plow / The Sower - Melody
Ye sons of pride, that hate the just - Melody
Ye watchers and ye holy ones - Melody
Yeoman's Carol - Melody
"Yet," saith the Lord, if David's race - Melody
Yorkshire Horse Dealer, The - Melody
You brave loyal Churchmen / King Charles The Second's Restoration, 29th May - Melody
You Friends to Reformation / The Saint Turned Sinner - Melody
You gentlemen and sportsmen / The Mummer's Song - Melody
You may have heard of the politique snout / A New-Year's Gift For The Rump - Melody
You Royalists all, now rejoice and be glad / The Loyalist's Encouragement - Melody
You rural goddesses, that woods and fields possess / The Milk-Maid's Life - Melody
Young Rambleaway - Melody
Young women they run like hares on the mountain / Hares On the Mountain - Melody
Zaccheus climbed the tree / Zaccheus - Melody
Zion, or the City of God - Melody

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