Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Songs of England -- A to Z ------------ * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


A-Beggin' I Will Go

A Believer, free from care (The Trembling Jailer)

A bold young farmer courted me (Died For Love)

A Brand plucked out of the Fire

A Brewer may be a Burgess grave (The Protecting Brewer)

A Caveat for Cutpurses

A Christmas Song When The Rump Was First Dissolved

A country life is sweet (The Useful Plow)

A Cup of Old Stingo

A debtor to mercy alone

A Drink For Each Song

A Friend That Sticketh Closer Than a Brother

A Garden contemplation suits (The Garden)

A good sword and a trusty hand (Trelawney)

A Lancaster leaving the Ruhr (Bless 'Em All)

A Light Heart's a Jewell

A little child the Saviour came

A miner’s life is like a sailor’s (The Miner’s Lifeguard)

A New Song of an Orange

A noble young squire that lived in the West (The Merry Broomfield)

A Nobleman lived in a village of late (The Nobleman's Generous Kindness)

A North Country maid up to London had strayed (The Oak and the Ash)

A New Dial

A shepherd of the downs being weary of his port (Shepherd Of The Downs)

A Sick Soul

A Third Touch of the Times

A wealthy young squire of Tamworth, we hear (The Golden Glove, The Squire of Tamworth)

A Word from Jesus calms the sea (Peter Walking Upon the Water)

A Worldling spent each day (The Rich Man and Lazarus)

Abide with me fast falls the eventide

Above the clear blue sky

Abroad for pleasure as I was a-walking (Holmfirth Anthem)

According to thy gracious word


Adam and Eve could never believe

Admiral Benbow

Adsons Saraband

Advent tells us Christ is near

Afflictions do not come alone (Love-Tokens)

Afflictions, though they seem severe (The Prodigal Son)

Again the morn of gladness

Al-a-Mode de France

Alas, and did my Saviour bleed (At the Cross)

Alas! Elisha's servant cried (More With Us Than With Them)

Alas, my love, you do me wrong (Greensleeves)

All la Mode de France

All Glory, Laud and Honour

All hail to the days that merit more praise (In Praise of Christmas)

All hayle to the days (Drive the Cold Winter Away)

All in a Garden Green

All praise to Thee, my God, this night

All things are quite silent, each mortal at rest

All things we have ready and nothing we want (Lustily, Lustily)

All ye that fear God's holy Name

All you that be true to the King and the State (Battle of Worcester)

All you that do desire to know (The Last News From France)

All you that merry lives doe lead (A Light Heart's a Jewell)

Alleluia, alleluia! Hearts to heaven and voices raise

Almighty Father, heaven and earth

Almighty God, Thy Word is cast

Almighty Lord, before Thy throne

Almighty Ruler of the skies

Am I a Soldier of the Cross

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound

Amidst thy wrath remember love

Among th' assemblies of the great

Among the princes, earthly gods

Amphitrite, The

An Old Song On Oliver's Court

An outlandish knight came from the North lands (Outlandish Knight)

Ancient of Days, who sittest, throned in glory

And can it be that I should gain

And did those feet in ancient time (Jerusalem)

And it's three score and ten (Three Score and Ten)

And now, to be brief, let's pass over the rest (King James I and the Tinkler)

And old man is a be full of Bones

And will the God of grace

And will the Judge descend

Angels from the Realms of Glory

Aniseed Robin

Ann O'Hethersgill

Another of Seafarers, describing Evil Fortune

Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat / The Effort

Are all the foes of Zion fools

Are sinners now so senseless grown

Are you going to SCARBOROUGH FAIR


Arise, my gracious God

Arise, O God, and shine

Arise ye workers from your slumbers

Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty Lord

Around the throne of God a band

Art thou weary, art thou troubled

Arthur and Molly

As birds their infant brood protect / Jehovah-Shammah

As I came down from Tottenham / The Maid of Tottenham

As I came thro' Sandgate ("Weel May THE KEEL ROW")

As I look'd over the castle wall / Lord Thomas of Winesberry

As I roved out on a fine summer's morning / Rocking the Cradle

As I walked forth one summer's morn / The New-Mown Hay

As I walked out one morning in May / Death and the Lady

As I was a-going to Derrydown Fair / Young Rambleaway

As I was a-walking down by the Lock Hospital / The Trooper Cut Down

As I was a walking one morning in May / The Green Bushes

As I was a walking one morning last autumn / Dido, Bendigo

As it fell on a holy day / John Dory

As needles point towards the pole / The Lodestone

As noble Sir Arthur one morning did ride / Arthur and Molly

As once for Jonah, so the Lord / The Gourd

As pants the hart for cooling streams 

As parched in the barren sands / Trust of the Wicked, and the Righteous Compared

As pretty POLLY OLIVER lay musing in bed 

As some tall rock amidst the waves / The Death of Stephen

As the serpent raised by Moses / Look Unto Me, and Be Ye Saved

As Tom was a-walking one fine summer's morn

As when the Hebrew prophet raised

As with gladness men of old

Ask What I Shall Give Thee

At even, when the sun did set

At the Cross

Auxville Love, The

Avington Pond

Away in a manger no crib for a bed

Awake, my soul, and with the sun

Awake, my soul, to joyful lays

Aye me - Melody Balaam's Wish

Balena, The

Ballad of Richard III

Bane ta Claapam town-gate lived an ond Yorkshire tike / The Yorkshire Horse Dealer

Banks of Allan Water

Banks of the Nile

Barbara Allen

Barley-Mow Song, The

Barren Fig-Tree, The

Barring of the Door


Basket of Eggs

Bath, The

Battle of Almanza, The

Battle of Worcester

Bay of Biscay, Oh!, The

Beauing, belleing, dancing, drinking / The Rakes of Mallow

Before Elisha's gate / Naaman

Before Jehovah's awful throne

Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme / The Faithfulness of God and His Promises

Beggar Boy

Beggar, The

Begone, dull care!

Behold a Stranger at the door

Behold the amazing gift of love

Behold the glories of the Lamb

Behold the Lamb of God

Behold, the lofty sky

Behold the love, the gen'rous love

Behold, the morning sun

Behold the Saviour of mankind

Behold the sure Foundation-stone

Behold the throne of grace! / Ask What I Shall Give Thee

Behold us, Lord, a little space

Believer's Danger, Safety, and Duty, The

Believer's Safety, The

Believer's Safety, The


Beneath the tyrant Satan's yoke / We Were Pharaoh's Bondmen

Beside the gospel pool / The Pool of Bethesda

Bestow, dear Lord, upon our youth / Prayer For a Blessing

Bitter, indeed, the waters are / The Bitter Waters

Bitter Waters

Blackleg Miner

Blasted fig-tree, The

Bless, O my soul! the living God

Bless 'Em All

Bless 'em All the long and the short and the tall

Blessed are the sons of God

Blessed Saviour, who hast taught me

Blest are the moments, doubly blest

Blest are the souls that hear and know

Blest be the tie that binds

Blest is the man, forever blest

Blest is the man who shuns the place

Blest is the man whose bowels move

Blest is the nation where the Lord

Blew Cap

Blow Away The Morning Dew

Blow the Candles Out

Blow the Wind Southerly

Blow the Winds, I-Ho

Boar's Head Carol


Bobbing Joe

Bobby Shaftoe's gone to sea

Bold Arder went forth one summer morning / Robin Hood and the Tanner

Bold Dighton

Book of Creation, The

Borrowed Axe, The

Botany Bay

Both sexes give ear to my fancy / Old Adam

Bowes Tragedy, The

Brave Earl Brand and the King of England's Daughter, The

Brave English Boys now rejoyce and be merry / A Third Touch of the Times

Breast the wave, Christian

Brightest and best of the sons of the morning

Brisk And Lively Lad, The

British Grenadiers, The

British Man O' War

British Soldier's Discharge Song


Browned Off

Bruton Town

Bunker Hill

Burton Ale

But One Loaf

Buttercup Joe

By faith in Christ I walk with God / Walking with God

By the Banks of Allan Water / Banks of Allan Water

By the poor widow's oil and meal / The Meal and Cruse of Oil

By various maxims, forms and rules / Looking Unto Jesus

By whom was David taught / Jehovah-Nissi, the Lord my Banner

Cadgwith Anthem

Cain and Abel

Calm on the Listening Ear of Night

Cameronian Cat, The

Canary's Coronation

Caper and Ferk It

Captain Wedderburn's Courtship

Carrion Crow, The


Catch, A

Cavalier, The

Cavalier's Farewell To His Mistress, Being Called ToThe Wars

Caveat To The Roundheads, A

Change, The

Charge of the Light Brigade, The

Cheare up kind countrymen, be not dismay'd The Parliament Routed, Or Here's A House To Be Let 

Cherrily and Merrily

Cherry Ripe

Cherry Tree Carol


Children, in years and knowledge young

Children of the heavenly King

Chirping of the Larke

Chirping of the Nightengale

Christ a Redeemer and Friend

Christ, by heavenly host adored

Christ hath a garden

Christ the Lord is risen today

Christ, whose glory fills the skies

Christians, awake, salute the happy morn

Christmas Tree, The

Cities Loyaltie To The King, The

City Courting Their Own Ruin, The

Clean Contrary Way, The

Clown's Courtship, The

Cock Robin

Cockies of Bungaree, The

Cold and Haily Night

Colonel Venne's Encouragement To His Soldiers

Come all brother tradesmen who travel along / Hard Times of Old England

Come all ye jolly sailors brave / The Amphitrite

Come all ye seamen bold, and draw near / Admiral Benbow

Come all ye worthy Christians

Come all ye young men all, let this delight you / The Death of General Wolfe

Come all ye young men of learning / Botany Bay

Come all you bold heroes; give ear to my song / Fathom The Bowl

Come all you bold heroes that plough the rough main / Bold Dighton

Come all you jolly fellows and join us in song / A Drink For Each Song

Come, all you jolly ploughmen, of courage stout and bold / The Painful Plough

Come all you lads and lasses, I'd have you give attention / The Seasons

Come all you tender girls / The Sprig of Thyme

Come all you warlike seamen / Warlike Seamen

Come and do not musing stand / The Little Barly-Corne

Come, boys, fill us a bumper / The Courtier's Health or The Merry Boys Of The Times

Come cheer up my lads / Heart of Oak

Come, children, learn to fear the Lord

Come, come, let us drink / The Trouper

Come, come, my boys, with a hearty glee / Fairlop Fair Song

Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell

Come, drawer, some wine / The Royalist's Resolve

Come fill up your glasses and let us be merry / Cadgwith Anthem

Come, follow, follow me! / The Three Merry Coblers

Come, gentlemen all and I'll sing you a song / Avington Pond

Come, Holy Spirit, Come!

Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove

Come, lasses and lads, take leave of your dads / The Maypole

Come, let us join our cheerful songs

Come, let us join our friends above

Come let's drink, the time invites / A New Droll

Come, let's purge our brains from ale and grains / Canary's Coronation

Come, my soul, thy suit prepare / Ask What I Shall Give Thee

Come pass about the bowl to me / The Royalist

Come, Roger and Nell / Harvest Home

Come, sound His praise abroad

Come, Thou almighty King

Come, thou long-expected Jesus

Come to our poor nature's night

Come unto Me, ye weary

Come, we that love the Lord

Come write me down ye powers above / The Wedding Song

Come, ye thankful people, come

Come your ways, Bonny boys / The Commoners

Commoners, The

Confesse his Tune

Constrained by their Lord to embark / The Disciples at Sea


Contrite Heart, The

Cornish Midsummer Bonfire Song

Cornish Wassail

Coronation Day, The

Could the creatures help or ease us / The Ruler's Daughter Raised

Country Coll

Country Farmer's Vain Glory, The

Country Gardens

Courtier's Health, The

Covenant, The

Coventry Carol

Crafty Lover, The 

Craven Churn-Supper Song, The

Creatures in the Lord's Hands, The

Crossing the Bar

Crown Him with many crowns

Cruel War, The

Cuckolds all a row

Cuckoo, The

Cushie Butterfield

Dagon Before the Ark


Dalesman's Litany

Dance to your daddy


Darkness overspreads us here / Salvation Drawing Nearer

Daughters of Zion, come, behold

David rejoiced in God his strength

David's Fall

D-Day Dodgers

Dear Land of Hope, thy hope is crowned / Land of Hope and Glory

Dear mother, how pretty / The New Moon

Death and the Lady

Death of General Wolfe, The

Death of Queen Jane, The

Death of Stephen, The

Deep in our hearts let us record

Derry Down

Desert Blues

Dido, Bendigo

Died For Love

Ding dong merrily on high

Dirty Old Town

Disciples at Sea, The

Dissembling Love

Dissenting Parson's Text Under the Quaker's Petticoats, The

Do ye ken John Peel with his coat so grey? / John Peel

Dogger Bank, The

Dominion Of The Sword, The

Doves Figary

Dowie Dens of Yarrow, The

Down by a crystal river side / The Battle of Almanza

Down in Sandbank fields, two sailors they were walking / Basket of Eggs

Down in Those Valleys Below

Downfall of the Distressed Jesuits, The

Drawn to the Cross, which Thou hast blest

Drink To Me Only, With Thine Eyes

Drive the Cold Winter Away

Dull Sir John

Dwelling in Mesech

Early, my God, without delay

Early One Morning

Earthly pleasures vainly call me / I Would Be Like Jesus

Easter flowers are blooming bright

Edward, Edward

Effort, The

Elijah's example declares / Elijah Fed By Ravens

Ellen Vannen Tragedy

Encouraged by thy word / The Beggar

Englands Woe

Enslaved by sin and bound in chains


Ephraim Repenting

Ere God had built the mountains / Wisdom


Eternal Father, Strong to Save

Eternal Light! Eternal Light!

Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round

Every morning mercies new

Every star shall sing a carol


Exorcists, The

Faine I would if I could

Fair Fidelia, tempt no more / The Cavalier's Farewell To His Mistress, Being Called ToThe Wars

Fair Maid of Islington, The

Fairlop Fair Song

Faithfulness of God and His Promises, The

Faith's Review and Expectation

False Bride, The

Far as thy name is known

Farewell, my dearest Nancy / Banks of the Nile

Farewell to you, my own true love / The Leaving of Liverpool

Farmer's Boy, The

Farmer's Old Wife, The

Farmer's Son, The

Father, forgive the Saviour said / Father Forgive Them

Father Forgive Them

Father, how wide thy glories shine

Father, I sing thy wondrous grace

Father, in whom we live

Father, let me dedicate

Father of glory, to Thy name

Father of heaven, whose love profound

Father of mercies, in Thy Word

Father, who the light this day

Fathom The Bowl

Fervent persevering prayers / Peter Released From Prison

Fierce passions discompose the mind / Contentment

Fight on, brave soldiers, for the cause / The Clean Contrary Way

Fine Companion

Firm was my health, my day was bright

Foolish Virgins, The

Fools in their heart believe and say

For all the saints who from their labors rest

For all Thy saints, O Lord

For mercies, countless as the sands / What Shall I Render

For Thy mercy and Thy grace

For ever shall my song record

Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go

Forty days and forty nights

Forward! be our watchword

Free Parliament Litany, A

French Report, The

From all that dwell below the skies

From an extempore prayer and a godly ditty / The New Litany

From every stormy wind that blows

From Greenland's icy mountains

From Liverpool to 'Frisco a-rovin' I went / The Liverpool Judies

From pole to pole let others roam / The Lord Is My Portion

From Sheba a distant report / Queen of Sheba

Fryar and the Nun, The

Full merrily sings the cuckoo

Future Peace and Glory of the Church, The

Gallery Carol

Garden Gate, The

Garden, The

Gathering Peascods

Gently, Johnny, My Jingalo

George Ridler's Oven


Gideon's Fleece

Give me the wings of faith to rise

Give to our God immortal praise

Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame

Glorious things of thee are spoken / Zion, or the City of God

Glory of the west

Gloucestershire Wassail

Go forward, Christian soldier

God above, who rules all things / The Leathern Bottel

God gives his mercies to be spent / Vanity of the World

God hath sent his angels to the earth again

God, how endless is thy love!

God in his earthly temple lays

God is our stronghold and our stay

God is the Name my soul adores

God is the refuge of His saints

God, Lord of Sabaoth, Thou who ordainest

God moves in a mysterious way

God, my supporter and my hope

God of mercy, God of grace

God of my childhood and my youth

God of my life, look gently down

God of my life, to Thee I call / Looking Upwards in a Storm

God of the morning! at whose voice

God rest ye merry, gentlemen

God rest you, merry gentlemen! / The Craven Churn-Supper Song

God save our gracious Queen / God save the Queen (King)

God save the best of kings, King Charles! / The Royal Feast

God, that madest earth and heaven


Golden Calf, The

Golden Glove, The

Golden harps are sounding

Good is the Lord, the heav'nly King

Good People come buy / A New Song of an Orange

Good Physician, The

Good Samaritan, The

Good That I Would I Do Not, The

Goodness Mercy! Listen Percy / I Don't Want to Go to War

Gourd, The

Grace, 'tis a charming sound

Gracious Lord, our children see / Prayer for Children

Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd

Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost

Graies Inne Maske

Great Boobee

Great God, attend, while Zion sings

Great God, how infinite art Thou!

Great God, how oft did Isr'el prove

Great God, indulge my humble claim

Great God, the heav'ns' well-ordered frame

Great God, we sing that mighty hand

Great God, what do I see and hear?

Great God, whose universal sway

Great is the Lord, our God

Great King of nations, hear our prayer

Great Shepherd of thine Israel

Great Tribunal, The

Green Bushes, The

Green Grow the Rushes, O

Greenside Wakes Song, The



Greenwood Tree

Grey Hawk, The


Gun, The

Guns, The

Gypsy Rover

Gypsy Rover, The
Hagmena Song

Hail the glorious golden city

Hail, Thou once despised Jesus

Hail, Thou Source of every blessing

Hail to the Lord's anointed, great David's greater Son


Half a league, half a league / The Charge of the Light Brigade

Halfe Hanikin

Hanging on the Old Barbed Wire

Happy the home when God is there

Happy the man to whom his God

Happy the man whose cautious feet

Hard Times of Old England

Hares On the Mountain

Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding

Hark, my soul! it is the Lord / Lovest Thou Me

Hark now the drums beat up again / Over the Hills and Far Away

Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes

Hark! the herald angels sing

Hark! the song of jubilee

Hark! the sound of holy voices

Hark! the voice eternal

Hark! what mean those holy voices

Harry courted modest Mary / Harry's Courtship

Harry the Tailor


Harvest Home

Have at thy Coat old woman

Have you seen the old man in the closed down market / The Streets Of London

Haymaker's Song, The

He dies! the Friend of sinners dies

He Led Them By a Right Way

He that is a clear Cavalier / The Cavalier

He That Will Not Merry, Merry Be

He that would a new courtier be / An Old Song On Oliver's Court

Heal me, O my Saviour, heal

Heal us, Emmanuel, here we are / Jehovah-Rophi I am the Lord That Healeth Thee

He who on earth as man was known / The Refuge, River, and Rock of the Church

Hearts ease

Health, love and peace be all here in this place / The King

Health to Betty


Hear us, thou that broodedst

Hear what God the Lord hath spoken / The Future Peace and Glory of the Church

Hear what the Lord in vision said

Hear what the Lord, the great Amen / Laodicea

Heart of Oak

Heart Taken, The

Heavenly Joy on Earth

Help, Lord, for men of virtue fail

Here at Bethesda's pool, the poor / The Pool of Bethesda

Here in Thy name, eternal God

Here we come a wassailing among the leaves so green

Here's a health to the barley mow! / The Barley-Mow Song

Here's a health unto his Majesty

Here's a health unto our master / Suffolk Harvest-home Song

Here's a letter to you madam / Richies Lady

Here's adieu sweet lovely Nancy

Hey, Then, Up Go We

Hide Parke

Hiding Place, The

High in the heavens, eternal God

Hinky-dinky parlez-vous

His master taken from his head / On the Death of a Minister

Hit or misse

Hitchin May Day Song, The

Hitler, he only had one ball / Hitler Has Only Got One Ball

HMS Hood, The

Hockley i'th hole

Hold out, brave Charles, and thou shaft win the field / Upon His Majesty's Coming To Holmby

Hold the Fort

Holly And The Ivy, The

Holy Father, cheer our way

Holy Father, in Thy mercy

Holy Ghost, with light divine

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!

Holmfirth Anthem

Honey though the bee prepares / Vanity of the Creature Sanctified

Hosanna to the living Lord!

House of Prayer, The

How awful is thy chast'ning rod!

How beauteous are at their feet

How beauteous were the marks divine

How blest the righteous are / Balaam's Wish

How David, when by sin deceived / David's Fall

How fast their guilt and sorrows rise

How hurtful was the choice of Lot / Lot in Sodom


How long, O Lord, shall I complain

How long wilt thou conceal thy face?

How lost was my condition / The Good Physician

How pleasant a sailor's life passes / Why Should We Quarrel For Riches

How pleasant, how divinely fair

How precious is the Book Divine

How shall the young secure their hearts

How sweet and aweful is the place

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds

How tedious and tasteless the hours / None Upon Earth I Desire Besides Thee

How vast the benefits divine

Humbled and Silenced By Mercy

Hunting Song

Hush! my dear, lie still and slumber / Watt's Cradle Song

I am a jolly ploughboy / The Ploughboy

I am a jolly ploughboy / The Warwickshire R.H.A.

I Am, saith Christ our glorious head / The Resurrection and the Life

I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus

I can sport as fine a trotting horse as any swell in town / The Trotting Horse

I come to charge ye that fight the clergy / A Caveat To The Roundheads

I Don't Want to Go to War

I don't want to join the Army

I gave My life for thee

I heard a sound of voices

I know that my Redeemer lives

I Know Where I'm Going

I left my home and I left my job / Poor Old Soldier / The Rogue's March

I Lift my soul to God

I love my King and country well

I loved no King since forty-one / The Turn-Coat

I mean to speak of Englands sad fate / Englands Woe

I met my love by the gas works wall / Dirty Old Town

I Saw Three Ships come sailing in

I Set the Lord before my face

I should like for to have in the winter of life / In The Winter Of Life

I sing th' almighty power of God

I sowed the seeds of love / Seeds of Love

I Thank You Twice

I vow to thee, my country

I waited patient for the Lord

I want to go home

I was broke and out of a job / Paddy Get Back

I went to my psychiatrist to be psychoanalyzed / Jolly Old Sigmund Freud

I will extol thee, Lord, on high

I Will praise thee every day / O Lord, I Will Praise Thee

I Would Be Like Jesus

I would, but cannot sing / The Good That I Would I Do Not

Ich have house and land in Kent / Wooing Song of a Yeoman of Kent's Sonne

Idle Days in Summertime

If all the World were Paper

If I live to grow old, for I find I go down / The Old Man's Song

If none be offended with the scent / The Resurrection of the Rump

If Paul in Caesar's court must stand / Paul's Voyage

If Solomon for wisdom prayed / Ask What I Shall Give Thee

If the Lord our leader be / Jacob's Ladder

If you wake at midnight, and hear a horse’s feet / The Smugglers Song

If you want to find the lance-jack / Hanging on the old barbed wire

If you want to join a merchant ship ("Lime juice ship")

Ilkley Moor

I'll bless the Lord from day to day

I'll praise my Maker while I've breath

I'll sing you one, O / Green Grow the Rushes, O

I'll speak the honors of my King

I'm a north countrie-man, in Redesdale born / Jack and Tom

I'm but a stranger here

I'm going to get lit up / When the Lights Go Up In London

I'm just tired of seeing Eastern moons / Desert Blues

I'm Seventeen Come Sunday

Importunate Widow, The

In an old Australian homestead / Sulva Bay / Suda Bay

In anger, Lord, rebuke me not

In Bruton Town there lived a noble man / Bruton Town

In good King Charles's golden days / The Vicar of Bray

In His Temple now behold Him

In Judah God of old was known

In London town where I was born / Barbara Allen

In mercy, not in wrath, rebuke / Pleading For Mercy

In praise of a dairy I purpose to sing / The Praise of a Dairy

In Praise of Seafaring Men, in Hope of Good Fortune

In Praise of Christmas

In spring we sow the harvest mow / Ramble In The New Mown Hay

In the Cross of Christ I glory

In the merry month of June / The Haymaker's Song

In the name which earth and heaven

In the Parliament House, a great rout has been there / Lord Delaware

In The Winter Of Life

In those twelve days let us be glad / A New Dial

In vain my fancy strives to paint / On the Death of a Believer

Incarnate God! the soul that knows / The Believer's Safety

Inspirer and hearer of prayer

Inward Warfare, The

Irish Lady

Irish trot

I's a broken hearted keelman / Cushie Butterfield

Is This Thy Kindness to Thy Friend

Israel in ancient days / Old-Testament Gospel

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear

It fell upon the Martinmas time / Barring of the Door

It Was a Lover and his Lass

It was down in yonder meadow / British Man O' War

It was on the seventeenth by brake of day / Bunker Hill

It was one summer's morning, as I went o'er the moss / The Summer's Morning

It's coming down to Manchester / The Manchester Angel

It's hard when folks can't find their work / The Dalesman's Litany

It's in the evening, after dark / Blackleg Miner

It's Lamkin was a mason good / Lamkin

It's of a brisk and lively lad / The Brisk And Lively Lad

It's of a pretty shepherdess, kept sheep all on the plain / The Knight and the Shepherd's Daughter -

It's often I sat on my true love's knee / Sweet William

It's our time to go now / Sailors Farewell Hymn

Jack and Tom


Jacke Pudding's vagary

Jackie Brown

Jacob's Ladder

Jake has gone to wear the horn / Hal-An-Toe

Jehovah Our Righteousness


Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord Will Provide

Jehovah-Nissi, the Lord my Banner

Jehovah-Rophi I am the Lord That Healeth Thee

Jehovah-Shalem, The Lord Send Peace


Jenny pluck Pares

Jericho; or, The Waters Healed


Jerusalem, my happy home 

Jesus! and shall it ever be

Jesus came, the heavens adoring

Jesus Christ, the Lord's anointed / On One Stone Shall be Seven Eyes

Jesus, faithful to His word, shall with a shout descend

Jesus, Lord of life and glory

Jesus, Lover of my soul

Jesus loves me! this I know

Jesus, my great High Priest

Jesus, my Truth, my Way

Jesus! Name of wondrous love

Jesus shall reign wherever the sun

Jesus! the Name high over all

Jesus, the very thought of Thee

Jesus, Thine all victorious love

Jesus, Thou everlasting King

Jesus, Thy Church with longing eyes

Jesus, to what didst thou submit / The Woman of Samaria

Jesus, united by Thy grace

Jesus, where'er thy people meet / On Opening a Place For Social Prayer

Jesus, whose blood so freely streamed / Jehovah-Shalem, The Lord Send Peace

Joan of Arc, They're Calling You

Joan's Ale Was New

Jockey to the Fair

Jog on

John Dory

John in vision saw the day / The Great Tribunal

John Peel

Johnny Has Gone

Join all the glorious names

Jolly Old Sigmund Freud

Jolly Waggoner, The

Jolly Well Drunk

Jone O'Greenfield's Ramble

Joseph Made Known to His Brethren

Jovial Beggar, The

Jovial Hunter of Bromsgrove, The

Joy fills our inmost hearts to-day

Joy is a fruit that will not grow / The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength

Joy of the Lord is Your Strength, The

Joy to the world! the Lord is come

Jubilee, The

Judge eternal, throned in splendor

Judge me, O Lord, and prove my ways

Judges, who rule the world by laws

Jumping Through the Hole

Just are thy ways, and true thy word

Just as I am, without one plea

Keeper, The

Kemps Jeg

Kettle Drum

King and the Countryman, The

King Charles The Second's Restoration, 29th May

King James I and the Tinkler

King, The

Kiss Me Good-Night, Sergeant-Major

Knees up Mother Brown

Knight and the Shepherd's Daughter, The

Know this, my brethren, heaven is clear / Hey, Then, Up Go We

Lady Alice was sitting in her bower window / Lady Alice

Lady Cullen

Lady lye neare me

Lady spillers

Lamb of God, we fall before Thee


Lamp of our feet whereby we trace

Land of Hope and Glory

Laodicea -

Lass of Richmond Hill, The

Last News From France, The


Lawyer Outwitted, The

Lawyers' Lamentation For The Loss Of Charing-Cross, The

Lay by your pleading, law lies a bleeding / The Dominion Of The Sword

Lead on, O King Eternal

Leathern Bottel, The

Leaving of Liverpool, The

Legion was my name by nature / The Legion Dispossessed

Leper, The

Let all that are to mirth inclined

Let all the earth their voices raise

Let Carthage Queen be now no more / The Bowes Tragedy

Let children hear the mighty deeds

Let Christians all with joyful mirth / Yeoman's Carol

Let every man with tongue and pen / The Jubilee, Or The Coronation Day

Let God arise in all his might

Let sinners take their course

Let songs of praises fill the sky

Let thoughtless thousands choose the road

Let us adore the grace that seeks / The Lord's Call to His Children

Let Us the Infant Greet, in worship before Him fall

Let Zion in her King rejoice

Let's leave off our labour, and now let's go play / A Catch

Let's say goodbye with a smile, dear / We'll Meet Again

Lift the strain of high thanksgiving

Lift up, lift up your voices now!

Like silver lamps in a distant shrine

Lime Juice Ship

Lincolnshire Poacher, The


Listen to me and you shall hear / The World Turned Upside Down

Little Barly-Corne, The

Little Book, The

Liverpool Judies, The

Lodestone, The

London Gentlewoman

Long Parliament, The

Long Preston Peg to proud Preston went

Look Unto Me, and Be Ye Saved

Looking Unto Jesus

Looking Upwards in a Storm

Lord Bateman was a noble lord

Lord Delaware

Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing

Lord, for to-morrow and its needs

Lord Franklin

Lord, hast thou cast the nation off?

Lord, I am thine; but thou wilt prove

Lord, I am vile, conceived in sin

Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes

Lord, I will bless thee all my days

Lord, I would spread my sore distress

Lord, if thine eye surveys our faults

Lord, if thou dost not soon appear

Lord, in the morning Thou shalt hear

Lord Is My Portion, The

Lord, it belongs not to my care

Lord of Glory, who hast bought us

Lord of heaven and earth and sea

Lord of my life, whose tender care

Lord of the Church, we humbly pray

Lord of the harvest, hear

Lord of the worlds above, how pleasant and how fair

Lord Thomas of Winesberry

Lord, thou hast called thy grace to mind

Lord, thou hast seen my soul sincere

Lord, thou hast won, at length I yield / The Rebel's Surrender to Grace, Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?

Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray

Lord, 'tis not that I did choose Thee

Lord, we confess our numerous faults

Lord, we have heard thy works of old

Lord, what a feeble piece

Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I

Lord, what was man, when made at first

Lord, when thou didst ascend on high

Lord, when we bend before Thy throne

Lord, while for all mankind we pray

Lord, who at Cana's wedding-feast

Lord, who throughout these forty days

Lord Will Provide, The -

Lord's Call to His Children, The

Lot in Sodom

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Love Has Brought Me To Despair


Lovest Thou Me

Loyal Soldier, The

Loyalist's Encouragement, The

Lulling beyond thee

Lustily, Lustily - Melody Mad World, My Masters

Mademoiselle from Armentieres

Mage on a Cree

Maid of Tottenham, The

Maker and sovereign Lord

Manchester Angel, The


Manna Hoarded

MANNA to Israel well supplied

Marching to Zion

Martha her love and joy expressed / Martha and Mary

Mary Ambree

Mary to her Saviour's tomb / Weeping Mary


May Day Carol

May we Thy precepts, Lord, fulfil

Maybe it's Because I'm a Londoner

Mayd peept out of the window

Mayden Lane

Maypole, The

Me have of late been in England / The French Report

Meal and Cruse of Oil, The

Mercy, O thou Son of David! / Bartimaeus

Merry Boys Of The Times, The

Merry Broomfield, The

Merry Fellows, The

Merry Merry Milke Mayds

Milch Kine Drawing the Ark: Faith's Surrender of All


Milisons Jeg

Milk-Maid's Life, The

Milke Mayds Bob

Milking-Pail, The

Miller and His Sons, The

Miller of Dee, The

Mine eyes and my desire

Miner’s Lifeguard, The

Miracle at Usher's Well

More ballads! - here's a spick and span new supplication / A Free Parliament Litany

More love to Thee, O Christ

More With Us Than With Them

Morning breaks upon the tomb

Most gracious and omnipotent / The Long Parliament

Mournful Subjects, The

Mow, The -

Mummer's Song, The

My barns are full, my stores increase / The Worldling

My Boy Willie - Melody My cap is frozen to my Head / Cold and Haily Night

My dear Redeemer and my Lord

My Father, for another night

My friend, if you will understand / Great Boobee

My God, accept my heart this day

My God, how many are my fears

My God! how perfect are thy ways! / Jehovah Our Righteousness

My God, how wonderful You are

My God, in whom are all the springs

My God, my everlasting hope

My God, my Father, while I stray

My God, my King, Thy various praise

My God, permit my tongue

My God, the Spring of all my joys

My God, the steps of pious men

My God! till I received thy stroke / Ephraim Repenting

My Grace is Sufficient For Thee

My heart rejoices in thy name

My hope is built on nothing less

My Jesus I Love Thee

My Lord Willoughbies Welcome Home

My masters, and friends, and good people, draw near / A Caveat for Cutpurses

My Name is Jacob

My never-ceasing songs shall show

My refuge is the God of love

My Savior and my King

My Savior, my almighty Friend

My Shepherd is the living Lord

My Shepherd will supply my need

My song shall bless the Lord of all / Jehovah-Jesus

My soul, be on thy guard

My soul, how lovely is the place

My soul once had its plenteous years / Plenty in a Time of Dearth

My soul, repeat His praise

My spirit looks to God alone

My spirit sinks within me, Lord -

My sweetheart, come along! / The Sweet Nightingale / Down in Those Valleys Below

My trust is in my heav'nly Friend


Nancy Dawson

Nay, I cannot let Thee go / My Name is Jacob

Near Woodstock town in Oxfordshire / The Auxville Love

New Boe peepe

New castle

New Courtier, The

New Droll, A

New every morning is the love

New Exchange

New Game At Cards, A

New Litany, The

New Moon, The

New-Mown Hay, The

New New Nothing

New-Year's Gift For The Rump, A

Night Peece

Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square, A

Nobleman's Daughter, The

Nobleman's Generous Kindness, The

None such

None Upon Earth I Desire Besides Thee

Not all the blood of beasts

Not comin' back to-night, matey / Matey

Not to the terrors of the Lord

Now, all you blokes, take my advice / The Cockies of Bungaree

Now be my heart inspired to sing

Now Christmas is comen and New Year begin / Cornish Wassail

Now do I be a very young country boy / Buttercup Joe

Now fare thee well, London / Upon The Cavaliers Departing Out Of London

Now from the altar of my heart

Now from the roaring lion's rage

Now I'm convinced the Lord is kind

Now is the Hour When we must say good-bye

Now let our lips with holy fear

Now let our mournful songs record

Now may He who from the dead

Now may the God of power and grace

Now Orange is on Brittish shore / The Prince of Orange's Triumph

Now our work's done, thus we feast / The Mow

Now plead my cause, Almighty God

Now shall my solemn vows be paid

Now, since we're met, let's merry, merry be / The Merry Fellows

Now some folks'll tell you that drinkings a curse / Jolly Well Drunk

Now the day is over

Now the light has gone away

Now the Rump is confounded / The Second Part of St. George for England

Now the winter is come with its cold chilling breath / Time to Remember the Poor

O bless the Lord, my soul!

O Blessed souls are they

O Blow the Man Down

O, Come, All Ye Faithful

O could I speak the matchless worth

O day of rest and gladness, of day of joy and light

O dear! What can the matter be

O did you ever hear of the brave Earl Brand  & the King of England's Daughter

O Father, all creating

O! for a closer walk with God / Walking with God

O, for a faith that will not shrink

O for a shout of sacred joy

O For a Thousand Tongues

O God, my refuge, hear my cries

O God of God, O Light of Light

O God of grace and righteousness

O God of Jacob, by whose hand

O God of mercy, God of might

O God of mercy, hear my call

O God, the help of all Thy saints

O happy nation, where the Lord

O help us, Lord, each hour of need

O holy night! the stars are brightly shining

O hope of every contrite heart

O! I went into the stable, and there for to see / Old Wichet and His Wife

O it's a lovely war

O Jesus, crucified for man

O light, whose beams illumine all

O Little Town of Bethlehem

O Lord, how many are my foes

O Lord, I Will Praise Thee

O Lord of heaven and earth and sea

O Lord of hosts, whose glory fills

O Lord, our heav'nly King

O Lord, our Lord, how wondrous great

O Lord, Who in Thy love divine

O mother dear, Jerusalem

O, No John

O one with God the Father

O perfect life of love

O perfect Love, all human thought transcending

O Saviour, bless us ere we go

O Saviour, precious Saviour

O Saviour, whom this holy morn

O sisters too, How may we do / Coventry Carol

O soldier, soldier, won't you marry me

O take me in your arms, love / The Willow Tree

O That I Were As In Months Past

O, that the Lord would guide my ways

O the cuckoo she's a pretty bird / The Cuckoo

O the holly and the ivy / The Holly And The Ivy

O Thou from whom all goodness flows

O Thou that hear'st when sinners cry

O Thou whose justice reigns on high

O what a stiff rebellious house

O what's the matter with you my lass / The Recruited Collier

O Word of God Incarnate -

O worship the King, all glorious above

Oak and the Ash, The

Of a rich counsellor I write / The Crafty Lover / The Lawyer Outwitted

Of all the trades in England / A-Beggin' I Will Go

Oft as THE LEPERr's case I read

Oil of Barley

Old Adam

Old Barbed Wire, The

Old Jemmy is a lad

Old Man and His Three Sons, The

Old Man's Song, The

Old Mole -

Old Protestant's Litany, The

Old Sir Robert Bolton had three sons / The Jovial Hunter of Bromsgrove

Old-Testament Gospel

Old Wichet and His Wife

Old Year now away has fled, The

On Christmas night all Christians sing

On the Death of a Believer

On Ilkley Moor Baht 'at
On man, in his own image made / Adam

On One Stone Shall be Seven Eyes

On Opening a Place For Social Prayer

On our way rejoicing

On Richmond Hill there lives a lass / The Lass of Richmond Hill

On the 23rd of February / The 23rd of February

On the Death of a Minister

On the first day of Christmas / The Twelve Days of Christmas

On the noble fleet of whalers out sailing from Dundee / The Balena

On what has now been sown

On wings of living light

On yonder hill there stands a maiden / O, No John

Once a woman silent stood / The Two Debtors

Once I had a hawk, and a pretty grey hawk / The Grey Hawk

Once I loved a Mayden faire

Once I was a civvy lad / Browned Off

Once perishing in blood I lay / Humbled and Silenced By Mercy

One aweful word which Jesus spoke / The Blasted fig-tree

One there is, above all others / A Friend That Sticketh Closer Than a Brother

One Thy Light, the Temple filling

Onward Christian soldiers

Onward, Christian soldiers! / Christians At War

Oppressed with unbelief and sin / My Grace is Sufficient For Thee

Optimistic Laborites, The

Our God, our help in ages past

Our Lord, who knows full well / The Importunate Widow

Our oats they are howed, and our barley's reaped / The Country Farmer's Vain Glory

Out of the deep I call

Outlandish Knight

Over the Hills and Far Away

Oxford and Cambridge shall agree / When The King Comes Home In Peace Again

Oyle of Barly, The

Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag

Paddy Get Back

Painful Plough, The

Parliament Routed, The, Or Here's A House To Be Let

Parsons farwell

Paul's Steeple

Paul's Voyage

Paul's Wharfe

Pensive, doubting, fearful heart / To the Afflicted, Tossed With Tempests and Not Comforted

Peppers black

Peter Released From Prison

Peter Sinning and Repenting

Peter Walking Upon the Water

Petticoat wag


Physician of my sin-sick soul / A Sick Soul

Picking of sticks

Pleading For Mercy

Plenty in a Time of Dearth

Plough's Praise, The

Ploughboy, The

Polly Oliver

Pool of Bethesda, The

Pool of Bethesda, The

Poor ESAU repented too late

Poor Joe, the marine, was at Portsmouth well known / Poor Joe the Marine

Poor Old Horse, The

Poor Old Soldier

Poor sinners! little do they think / Belshazzar

Poor, weak and worthless though I am / Is This Thy Kindness to Thy Friend

Power and Triumph of Faith, The

Power of the Sword, The

Praise, my soul, the King of heaven

Praise of a Dairy, The

Praise, oh, praise, our God and King

Praise the Lord! O Heavens, adore him

Praise to God, immortal praise

Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for thee

Praise we the Lord this day

Praise ye the Lord, my heart shall join

Prattle Your Pleasure Under The Rose

Prayer an answer will obtain / Woman of Canaan

Prayer For a Blessing

Prayer for Children

Prayer for the Lord's Promised Presence

Preserve me, Lord, in time of need

Pretty Flowers

Prince of Orange Welcome to London, The

Prince of Orange's Triumph, The

Prince Ruperts March

Private Jones came in one night / Kiss Me Good-Night, Sergeant-Major

Prodigal Son, The

Protecting Brewer, The

Punks delight

Puritan, The - Melody Queen Jane O! Queen Jane O! What a lady was she / The Death of Queen Jane

Queen Jane was in travail / The Death of Queen Jane -

Queen of Sheba

Quoth John to Joan, wilt thou have me? / The Clown's Courtship

Rakes of Mallow, The

Ramble In The New Mown Hay

Rebel's Surrender to Grace, Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do

Rebellion and Tyranny Revived

Rebellion hath broken up house / The Sale Of Rebellion's House-Hold Stuff

Recruited Collier, The

Redeemed, restored, forgiven

Refuge, River, and Rock of the Church, The

Rejoice, rejoice, ye Cavaliers / Upon The General Pardon Passed By The Rump

Rejoice, the Lord is King!

Rejoice, ye pure in heart

Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord

Remember, Lord, our mortal state

Remember us poor Mayers all! / The Hitchin May Day Song -

Resurrection and the Life, The

Resurrection of the Rump, The

Return, O God of love, return

Return, O wanderer, return

Rich Man and Lazarus, The

Richies Lady

Ring out the old, ring in the new

Rise, crowned with light, imperial Salem, rise!

Roast Beef of old England

Robin Hood and the Tanner

Rock of Ages, cleft for me

Rocking the Cradle

Rogue's March, The

Rolling Home

Rose is red, and Rose is white

Round me falls the night

Roundhead, The

Row well ye Marriners

Royal Feast, The

Royal Oak

Royalist, The

Royalist's Resolve, The

Rufty, tufty

Rule Britannia

Ruler's Daughter Raised, The

Run Rabbit Run -

Rural Dance About the May-Pole

Safely through another week / Saturday Evening

Sailing over the Dogger Bank / The Dogger Bank

Sailors Farewell Hymn

Saint Turned Sinner, The

Saints Martins

Sale Of Rebellion's House-Hold Stuff, The

Salvation Drawing Nearer

Salvation is for ever nigh

Sampson's Lion



Satan Returning

Saturday Evening

Saturday Night and Sunday Morne

Saul's Armor

Save me, O God, the swelling floods

Save me, O Lord, from every foe

Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raise

Saviour, blessed Saviour

Saviour, breathe an evening blessing

Saviour shine and cheer my soul / The Change

Saviour, when in dust to Thee

Saviour, when night involves the skies

Saw you the State's money new come from the Mint? / The State's New Coin

Says Jone to his wife, on a hot summer's day / Jone O'Greenfield's Ramble

Scarborough Fair

Scotch Cap

Seasons, The

Second Part of St. George for England, The


See Aaron, God's anointed priest / The True Aaron

See, the Conqueror mounts in triumph

See! the corn again in ear! / Harvest

See the gloomy gath'ring cloud / The Hiding Place

Seeds of Love

Sellenger's Round

She left her father's castle gate / Gypsy Rover

Shepheards Holyday

Shepherd Of The Downs

Shepherds are the cleverest lads / Stormy Winds

Shine, mighty God, on Britain shine

Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive

Simon, beware! the Saviour said / The Believer's Danger, Safety, and Duty

Simphony, The

Since it must be so then so let it go / The New Courtier

Sinful, sighing to be blest

Sing, all ye nations, to the Lord

Sing Me to Sleep where bullets fall

Sing, O sing, this blessed morn

Sing to the Lord aloud

Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands

Sir Arthur and Charming Mollee

Sir Richard Grenville's Farewell


Slip, The

Small Bird Or Two, A

Smugglers Song, The


Snaefell Tynwald, Ben-my-Chree / Ellen Vannen Tragedy

So let our lips and lives express

Sod 'em all

Softly now the light of day

Soldiers of Christ, arise

Soldiers of the Cross, arise

Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules / The British Grenadiers

Somersetshire Hunting Song

Son of God! thy people's shield / Prayer for the Lord's Promised Presence

Songs of praise the angels sang

Songs of thankfulness and praise

Soon as I heard my Father say

Souldiers Life -

Sovereign grace has pow'r alone / The Two Malefactors

Sower, The

Spanish Jepsies


Spirit Divine, attend our prayers

Sprig of Thyme, The

Squire of Tamworth, The

Staines Morris

Stand to your glasses

State's New Coin, The

Step Stately


Stormy Weather Boys

Stormy Winds

Strange and mysterious is my life / The Inward Warfare

Streets Of London, The

Strong Son of God, immortal love

Suda Bay

Suffolk Harvest-home Song

Sulva Bay

Summer's Morning, The

Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dear

Sunset and evening star / Crossing the Bar

Supported by the word / The Power and Triumph of Faith

Sure there's a righteous God

Sweet is the work, my God, my King

Sweet Nelly! my heart's delight! / The Farmer's Son

Sweet Nightingale, The

Sweet the moments, rich in blessing 

Sweet was the time when first I felt / Oh That I Were As In Months Past

Sweet William

Sword-Dancers' Song, The - Melody Take my life and let it be

Tarry with me, O my Saviour

Tavistock Goosey Fair

Teach me the measure of my days

Ten thousand times ten thousand

That certain night, the night we met / A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square

That man no guard or weapons needs / The Believer's Safety

That Rock was Christ 

That thou wilt be pleased to grant our requests / The Old Protestant's Litany

The Army, the Navy and the Air Force

The Bells of Hell go ting-a-ling-a-ling

The boar's head in hand bear I / Boar's Head Carol

The bonny month of June is crowned / Cornish Midsummer Bonfire Song

The book of nature open lies / The Book of Creation

The breeze was fresh, the ship was in stays / The Token

The carrion crow he sat upon an oak / The Carrion Crow

The castle of the human heart / The Heart Taken

The church a garden is / The Barren Fig-Tree

The Church's one foundation

The cruel war is raging, Johnny has to fight

The day is gently sinking to a close

The day is past and gone

The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended

The day was spent, the moon shone bright / The Garden Gate

The earth forever is the Lord's

The evils that beset our path / Vanity of Life

The fairest maids o' Britain's Isle / Ann O'Hethersgill

The fifteenth day of July / My Lord Willoughbies Welcome Home

The First Nowell the Angel Did Say

The first that enters on the floor / The Sword-Dancers' Song

The God of Abraham praise

The God of our salvation hears

The heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord

The hierarchy is out of date / I Thank You Twice

The Keeper would a-hunting go

The kine unguided went / The Milch Kine Drawing the Ark: Faith's Surrender of All

The king, O Lord, with songs of praise

The King of Love my Shepherd is

The King of saints, how fair his face

The lady sits at her own front door / The Two Magicians

The Laird of Rosslyn's daughter / Captain Wedderburn's Courtship

The Law commands and makes us know

The lion that on Sampson roared / Sampson's Lion

The Lord Jehovah reigns; His throne is built on high

The Lord my pasture shall prepare

The Lord my Shepherd is

The Lord of glory is my light

The Lord proclaims his grace abroad! / The Covenant

The Lord, the Judge, before his throne

The Lord, the Judge, his churches warns

The Lord, the Sovereign, sends his summons forth

The Lord will happiness divine / The Contrite Heart

The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want

The man is ever blest

The manna favored Israel's meat / Manna Hoarded

The message first to SMYRNA Smyrna sent

The moon in silver glory shone

The moon shines bright, the stars give a light / May Day Carol

The name is Francis Tolliver / Twas Christmas In The Trenches

The old year now away has fled

The Pilot he looks out ahead / Whup Jamboree

The praise of Zion waits for thee

The Prince Van Orange he is come to this Land / The Prince of Orange Welcome to London

The prophets sons, in time of old / The Borrowed Axe

The radiant morn hath passed away

The saints on earth and those above

The saints should never be dismayed / Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord Will Provide

The Saviour calls; let every ear

The Saviour kindly calls

The sea is England's glory

The shades of night were falling fast / Excelsior

The shadows of the evening hours

The signs which God to Gideon gave / Gideon's Fleece

The Son of God goes forth to war

The stwons that built George Ridler's oven / George Ridler's Oven

The sun had set behind yon hills / The Farmer's Boy

The sun is sinking fast

The time passes over more cheerful and gay / Thousands Or More

The topman and the afterguard were walking one day / Topman and the Afterguard

The voice that breathed o'er Eden

The water is wide; I can't cross o'er

The water stood like walls of brass / The Creatures in the Lord's Hands

The week before Easter, the day being fair / The False Bride

The wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought

The word of Christ, our Lord / The Word Quick and Powerful

Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength

Then the apostle wonders wrought / The Exorcists

There is a blessed home

There is a fountain filled with blood / Praise For the Fountain Opened

There is a land of pure delight

There is an old proverb which all the world knows / Prattle Your Pleasure Under The Rose

There lived a wife at Usher's Well / The Wife Of Usher's Well

There was a Cameronian cat / The Cameronian Cat

There was a crafty miller / The Miller and His Sons

There was a fair maid of Islington / The Fair Maid of Islington

There was a jolly miller once liv'd on the river Dee / The Miller of Dee

There was a jovial tinker / Joan's Ale

There was a lady in the north / The Dowie Dens of Yarrow

There was a knight both young and fair / Blow Away The Morning Dew

There was a shepherd's son / Blow the Winds, I-Ho!

There was an old chap in the west country / The King and the Countryman

There was an old farmer in Sussex did dwell / The Farmer's Old Wife

There was an old man, and sons he had three / The Old Man and His Three Sons

There were six jovial tradesmen / Joan's Ale Was New

There were three drunken maidens / Three Drunken Maidens

There were three gypsies a come to my door / The Wraggle Taggle Gypsies

There were three ravens sat on a tree / The Three Ravens

There'll always be an England

There'll be blue birds over the WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER

There's a battery snug in the spinney / The Guns

There's a lusty liquor which / Stingo

There's a tear in my eye for the soldier / Joan of Arc, They're Calling You

There's no pleasures can compare / Somersetshire Hunting Song

They Shall Be Mine, Saith the Lord

They're moving father's grave to build a sewer

Thine forever, God of Love

Think, mighty God, on feeble man

This Christmas time 'tis fit that we / A Christmas Song When The Rump Was First Dissolved -

This day at thy creating word

This Is My Father’s World

This is the day of light

This is the day the Lord hath made

This spacious earth is all the Lord's

Thomas the Rhymer

Thou art coming, O my Saviour

Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown

Thou to whose all-searching sight

Thou who the night in prayer didst spend

Thou whose almighty word

Though cloudy skies, and northern blasts / Waiting for Spring

Though in the outward church below / The Wheat and Tares

Though Jericho pleasantly stood / Jericho; or, The Waters Healed

Though troubles assail / The Lord Will Provide

Thousands Or More

Three Drunken Maidens

Three German Officers crossed the Rhine

Three in One, and One in Three

Three Maidens a-Milking

Three Merry Coblers, The

Three Ravens, The

Three Score and Ten

Throned upon the awe-full tree

Through all the changing scenes of life

Through every age, eternal God

Through the Groves

Thus far the Lord hath led me on

Thus I resolved before the Lord

Thus saith the holy One, and true / Philadelphia

Thus saith the Lord, The spacious fields

Thus saith the Lord to EPHESUS

Thus saith the Lord, "Your work is vain"

Thy mansion is the christian's heart / The House of Prayer

Thy ways, O Lord, with wise design

Time How Short

Time How Swift

Time to Remember the Poor

Time, with an unwearied hand / Time How Short

'Tis a point I long to know / Lovest Thou Me?

'Tis by thy strength the mountains stand

'Tis good, Lord, to be here

'Tis Greenside wakes, we've come to the town / The Greenside Wakes Song

'Tis just a month come Friday next / Tavistock Goosey Fair

'Tis of a Nobleman's daughter / The Nobleman's Daughter

To Anacreon in Heaven

To God I cried with mournful voice

To our Redeemer's glorious name

To the Afflicted, Tossed With Tempests and Not Comforted

To thee, most Holy and most High

To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise

To Thee, our God, we fly

To thine almighty arm we owe

Tobacco's but an Indian weed / Tobacco

Today Thy mercy calls us

Token, The

Tom Pearse, Tom Pearse, lend me your grey mare ("Widdicombe Fair")
Tom Tinker

Tonight it is the New-year's night / Hagmena Song

Topman and the Afterguard

Trees Are Getting High, The


Trembling Jailer, The

Trooper Cut Down, The

Trotting Horse, The

Trouper, The

True Aaron, The

True subjects mourn, and well they may / The Mournful Subjects or The Whole Nation's Lamentation
True Thomas lay on Huntlie bank / Thomas the Rhymer

Trust of the Wicked, and the Righteous Compared

Tub-Preacher, The

Turn-Coat, The

Twas Christmas In The Trenches

'Twas for thy sake, eternal God

'Twas in the watches of the night

'Twas on a Monday morning, all in the month of May / Lisbon

'Twas on a summer's morning / White Cockade

'Twas on that dark, that doleful night

'Twas on the morn of sweet May-day / Jockey to the Fair

'Twas the commission of our Lord

Twelve Days of Christmas, The

Twenty-third of February, The
Two Debtors, The

Two Magicians, The

Two maidens went milking one day / A Small Bird Or Two

Two Malefactors, The

Two were the sisters, one the bride / The Unquiet Grave

Undone! undone! the lawyers cry / The Lawyers' Lamentation For The Loss Of Charing-Cross -

Unquiet Grave, The

Unto thine hand, O God of truth

Up aloft amid the rigging / Rolling Home

Up tayles all

Up to your waist in water ("OH IT'S A LOVELY WAR")

Upon a Summers day

Upon His Majesty's Coming To Holmby

Upon The Cavaliers Departing Out Of London

Upon The General Pardon Passed By The Rump

Useful Plow, The

Vanity of Life, The

Vanity of the Creature Sanctified 

Vanity of the World

Vicar of Bray, The

Vive Le Roy

Waiting for Spring

Waken, lords and ladies gay / Hunting Song

Walking with God

Walking with God

Warlike Seamen

Warwickshire R.H.A., The

Wassail, wassail all over the town / Gloucestershire Wassail

Watchman, tell us of the night

Water is Wide, The

Watt's Cradle Song

We are a garden walled around

We are Fred Karno's army

We are in Kitchener's army

We are the D-Day Dodgers / D-Day Dodgers

We bless the Lord, the just, the good

We give Thee but Thine own

We have a King, and yet no King / A Mad World, My Masters

We love thee, Lord, and we adore

We meet today in Freedom's cause / Hold the Fort

We sing the almighty power of God

We Three Kings of Orient Are

We were homeward bound one night on the deep / Lord Franklin

We Were Pharaoh's Bondmen

Wealth breeds care, love, hope, and fear / The Whigs Drowned In An Honest Tory Health

Wearied by day with toils and cares

Weary of wandering from my God

Wedding Song, The

Weel May the Keel Row

Weeping Mary

Welcome, sweet day of rest

We'll Meet Again

We'll sing the praise of future days / The Optimistic Laborites

We're Coming In On The Wing and a Prayer

We're going to hang out the washing on the Siegfried Line

We're laying in Surrey Dock one day / Stormy Weather Boys

West Country Wager, The

What a mournful life is mine / Dwelling in Mesech

What Booker doth prognosticate /When The King Enjoys His Own Again

What Child is This, Who, Laid to Rest

What creature's that, with his short hairs / The Roundhead

What pen can well report the plight / Another of Seafarers, describing Evil Fortune

What Shall I Render

What think you of Christ? is the test / What Think Ye of Christ?

What though the zealots pull down the prelates / Vive Le Roy

Wheat and Tares, The

Wheear 'as ta bin sin ah saw thee ("ON ILKLEY MOOR baht'at")

When Adam fell he quickly lost / Cain and Abel

When All Men Sing

When all thy mercies, O my God

When any turn from Zion's way / Will Ye Also Go Away?

When Britain first at Heaven's command ("RULE BRITANNIA")

When captaines couragious, whom death cold not daunte / Mary Ambree

When Christ to judgment shall descend

When descending from the sky / The Foolish Virgins

When first I came to P.T.S / Jumping Through the Hole

When first I went a-waggoning / The Jolly Waggoner

When first my soul enlisted / Saul's Armor

When first to make my heart his own / Dagon Before the Ark

When God is nigh, my faith is strong

When good King Richard / Ballad of Richard III

When Hannah pressed with grief

When Harry the tailor was twenty years old / Harry the Tailor

When HMS Hood went down in the deep / The HMS Hood

When I can read my title clear

When I first landed in Liverpool / Jackie Brown

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

When I was a lad I served a term

When I was apprenticed in London / Blow the Candles Out

When I was bound apprentice / The Lincolnshire Poacher

When in the field of Mars we lye / The Loyal Soldier

When Isr'el sins, the Lord reproves

When Israel heard the fiery law / The Golden Calf

When Israel's tribes were parch'd with thirst / That Rock was Christ

When Israel was from Egypt freed / He Led Them By a Right Way

When Jesus claims the sinner's heart / Satan Returning

When Joseph his brethren beheld / Joseph Made Known to His Brethren

When Joseph was an old man / Cherry Tree Carol

When Joshua, by God's command / Gibeon

When man grows bold in sin

When mighty Roast Beef Was the Englishman's food / Roast Beef of old England

When, overwhelm'd with grief

When Peter boasted, soon he fell / Peter Sinning and Repenting

When sinners utter boasting words / They Shall Be Mine, Saith the Lord

When snow transforms the hedgerow thorn / When All Men Sing

When, streaming from the eastern skies

When the beloved disciple took / The Little Book

When the disciples crossed the lake / But One Loaf

When the fighting was at its fiercest / British Soldier's Discharge Song

When the great Judge, supreme and just

When The King Comes Home In Peace Again

When The King Enjoys His Own Again

When the Lights Go Up In London

When this lousy (bleeding) war is over

Where shall the man be found

Whigs Drowned In An Honest Tory Health, The

While I keep silence, and conceal

While men grow bold in wicked ways

While shepherds watched their flocks

While with ceaseless course the sun / Time How Swift



Whistling Gypsy came over the hill / The Gypsy Rover

White Cliffs of Dover

White Cockade

Who comes this way so blithe and gay? / The Christmas Tree

Who killed COCK ROBIN

Who seeks the way to win renown / Sir Richard Grenville's Farewell

Who shall ascend thy heav'nly place

Who shall inhabit in thy hill

Whole Nation's Lamentation, The

Whup Jamboree -

Why did the Jews proclaim their rage

Why did the nations join to slay

Why do the proud insult the poor

Why do the wealthy wicked boast

Why do we mourn departing friends

Why does your brand sae drop wi' blude / Edward, Edward

Why doth the Lord stand off so far

Why doth the man of riches grow

Why has my God my soul forsook

Why kept your train-bands such a stirre? / The Cities Loyaltie To The King

Why should I vex my soul, and fret

Why Should We Quarrel For Riches

Widdicombe Fair

Wife Of Usher's Well, The

Will God for ever cast us off

Will Ye Also Go Away

Willow Tree, The

Win At First And Lose At Last

Winster Wakes there's ale and cakes


Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye

With broken heart and contrite sigh

With earnest longings of the mind

With face and fashion to be known / The Puritan

With face and fashion to be known / The Tub-Preacher

With fife and drum he marched away / Johnny Has Gone

With my whole heart I'll raise my song

With rev'rence let the saints appear

With Satan, my accuser, near / A Brand plucked out of the Fire

Within the Father's house

Woman of Canaan

Woman of Samaria, The


Wooing Song of a Yeoman of Kent's Sonne

Word Supreme, before creation

World Turned Upside Down, The

Worldling, The

Wraggle Taggle Gypsies, The

Write to Sardis, saith the Lord / Sardis

Ye choirs of new Jerusalem

Ye gentlemen of England who live home / The Bay of Biscay, Oh

Ye holy souls, in God rejoice

Ye mad caps of England who merry would make

Ye merry hearts that love to play / A New Game At Cards: Or, Win At First And Lose At Last

Ye nations round the earth, rejoice

Ye nymphs and sylvan gods / The Milking-Pail

Ye sons of earth prepare the plow / The Sower

Ye sons of pride, that hate the just

Ye watchers and ye holy ones

Yeoman's Carol

"Yet," saith the Lord, if David's race

Yorkshire Horse Dealer, The

You brave loyal Churchmen / King Charles The Second's Restoration, 29th May

You Friends to Reformation / The Saint Turned Sinner

You gentlemen and sportsmen (The Mummer's Song)

You may have heard of the politique snout (A New-Year's Gift For The Rump)

You Royalists all, now rejoice and be glad (The Loyalist's Encouragement)

You rural goddesses, that woods and fields possess (The Milk-Maid's Life)

Young Rambleaway

Young women they run like hares on the mountain (Hares On the Mountain)

ZACCHEUS climbed the tree 

Zion, or the City of God

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