The Palazzo del Capitaniato in Vicenza was designed by Palladio in 1579.
The Palazzo is built entirely of warm red brick except for the stone podium and stone bases of the huge composite columns.
The Palazzo consists of two storeys of arcading supported on massive piers and betweeneach great brick pillars run from base to cornice.
One side of the Palazzo is unfinished.
Of teh side shown heree, only the lower stage is arched and the opening is flandked by pilasters surmounted by graceful helmeted figures posed against a background which is the most original feature of the whole design.
The red brick wall supports an array of white stucco ornament flung across the surface with exuberance and an apparent lack of order.
The Romans sometimes used trophies of arms and scattered pieces of military equipment on their triumphal arches, but never with the vigour and freedom with which Palladio mingles the embles of battle and victory, breastplates, helmets, greaves, shields and gauntlets, standards, lion heads, swags of fruit, cornucopias, and crowns in a wile yet rhythmic swirl.
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