Emperor Claudius as Ares, god of war (41-54
AD) |

Torso di Giovane con testa dell'Hermes di
Policleto |

Roman copy of a 5th C. AD Hermes by the Greek
sculptor Polykleitos |

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Hercules, Vatican Museum |

Cortile ottagonale del Belvedere, Museo
Pio-Clementino, Vatican Museum |

Octagonal Courtyard, Museo Pio-Clementino,
Vatican Museum |

Apollo Belvedere (Pythian Apollo) |

The Apollo Belvedere was found in
1489 |

The god Apollo has just loosed an arrow at his
enemy, the Python of Delphi |

Marble copy of a bronze original by Leochares,
350-325 BC |

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Sarcophagus with a statue of the
Personification of the Tigris River |

Personification of the Tirgis River, Museo
Pio-Clementino (inv 168) |

Personification of the Tirgis River, Museo
Pio-Clementino |

Figure on the sarcophagus with the
Personification of the Tigris River |

Laocoön Group, Museo Pio-Clementino, Vatican
Museum |

A Trojan priest, Laocoön had attempted to warn
against the accepting the Trojan Horse |

As punishment, Laocoön and His Sons were killed
by a snake sent by the gods supporting the Greeks |

"Do not trust the Horse, Trojans Whatever it is,
I fear the Greeks even bearing gifts." Virgil's Aeneid |

Equo ne credite, Teucri Quidquid id est, timeo
Danaos et dona ferentes |

Detail of Laocoön and the head of the
serpent |

Lacoön and His Sons, attributed to the Rhodian
sculptors Agesander, Athenodoros, and Polydorus, ca 40 BC |

A son of Laocoön struggling against the
serpent |

Laocoön and his Sons was rediscovered in 1506
near Nero's Golden House |

Statue of a dog, Roman Imperial period,
Pio-Clementino (inv 897) |

Statue of a dog, Roman Imperial period,
Pio-Clementino (inv 897) |

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Hermes (Belvedere Antinous) Museo
Pio-Clementino |

Hadrianic copy of a bronze Hermes by
Praxiteles |

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Herakles (Hercules) Pio-Clementino (inv
901) |

Herakles (Hercules) Pio-Clementino (inv
901) |

Herakles (Hercules) Pio-Clementino (inv
901) |

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Venus Felix, Museo Pio-Clementino |

Venus with her son Cupid, Museo
Pio-Clementino |

Detail of Venus Felix, Museo
Pio-Clementino |

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Male torso, Roman (Flavian) Pio-Clementino (inv
937) |

Male torso, Roman (Flavian) Pio-Clementino (inv
937) |

Male torso, Roman (Flavian) Pio-Clementino (inv
937) |

Male torso, Roman (Flavian) Pio-Clementino (inv
937) |

The Greek boxer Kruegas by Antonio Canova, Museo
Pio-Clementino |

The Greek boxer Cruegas of Epidamnos by Antonio
Canova, Museo Pio-Clementino |

The Greek boxer Cruegas of Epidamnos by Antonio
Canova, Museo Pio-Clementino |

Creugas was killed during the games at Nemea ca
400 BC by Damozenos (Damoxenos) |

Greek boxer Damoxenos of Syracuse who killed
Creugas with an illegal move, also by Antonio Canova |

Perseus with the Head of Medusa by Antonio
Canova, 1801 |

Perseus with the Head of Medusa by Antonio
Canova, Museo Pio-Clementino |

Hermes Ingenui, 2nd C. Roman copy of 5th C. BC -
Museo Pio-Clementino |

Athena, Roman Imperial Era,
Pio-Clementino |

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Ancient replica of the Apoxyomenos of Lysippos,
Museo Pio-Clementino |

Apoxyomenos discovered in 1849 in
Trastevere |

Apoxyomenos - "the scraper" - showing an athlete
scraping the grime from his body with a strigil |

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Female-headed winged sphinx, Vatican
Museum |

Museo Chiaramonti founded by Pope Pius VII
Chiaramonti and contains about 1000 Roman sculptures |

Museo Chiaramonti was organized in 1807 by
Antonio Canova (and can handle an upgraded presentation) |

Roman busts in the Museo Chiaramonti, Vatican
Museum |

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Portrait of Gaius or Lucius Caesar (20BC-4AD)
(inv 1228) |

Hercules and Telephus, Roman copy, Museo
Chiaramonti (inv 1314) |

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Hermes, Roman copy - Museo Chiaramonte (inv
1) |

Dionysos with a young satyr, Museo Chiaramonte
(inv 1375) |

Dionysos with a young satyr, Museo Chiaramonte
(inv 1375) |

Museo Chiaramonti |

Ganymede wearing the Phyrgian cap, Vatican
Museum |

Ganymede and Zeus - Museo Chiaramonti (inv
1376) |

Γανυμήδης - Roman Imperial Era, Museo
Chiaramonti |

Statue of Ganymede with markings where his fig
leaf was removed, 3rd C. AD (inv 1871) |

Ganymede with Zeus in eagle-form, Museo
Chiaramonti (inv 1867) |

Old woman, Museo Chiaramonte (inv
1392) |

Early Hellenistic Silen (center), Roman (Trajan)
Museo Chiaramonti (inv 1441) |

Statue of Eros Bending His Bow, ca 330 BC copy
of the bronze by Lysippus |

Statue of Eros Bending His Bow, Museo
Chiaramonti (inv. 1509) |

Statue of Eros Bending His Bow, Museo
Chiaramonti (inv. 1509) |

Statue of the Emperor Tiberius, 1st C.
AD |

Statue of the Emperor Tiberius, Museo
Chiaramonte (inv 1511) |

Statue of a youth, Museo Chiaramonte (inv
1512) |

Statue of a youth, Roman, 3rd C.
AD |

Statue of a Young Boy, Museo Chiaramonte (inv
1512) |

Statue of the Emperor Claudius (41-54AD) Museo
Chiaramonte (inv 1505) |

Hermes, Roman-Hadrianic, Museo Chiaramonte (inv
1576) |

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Apollo, Roman (Claudius) Museo Chiaramonti (inv
1765) |

Dionysos, Roman copy - Museo Chiaramonte (inv
1763) |

Youth with the head of Caracalla, Roman, Museo
Chiaramonte (inv 1849) |

Dionysos (Bacchus) Roman (Claudius-Nero) Museo
Chiaramonti (inv 1934) |

Head of Oceanus, 2nd C. AD, Museo Chiaramonti
(inv 1924) |

Leading Satyr, Roman (Flavian) Museo Chiaramonti
(inv 1951) |

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Hellenistic male torso (Satyr pouring win) Museo
Chiaramonti (inv 1940) |

Torso of Herakles, Roman, Museo Chiaramonti (inv
2131) |

Main with raised arm, Roman 2nd C. AD, Museo
Chiaramonti (inv 2150) |

Return to the Museo Pio-Clementino after
dark |

Laocoön Group, Museo Pio-Clementino |

Laocoön Group, Museo Pio-Clementino |

Detail of one of the sons of Laocoön |

Perseus with the Head of Medusa by Antonio
Canova |

The Greek boxer Cruegas of Epidamnos by Antonio
Canova, Museo Pio-Clementino |

Apollo Belvedere, Museo
Pio-Clementino |

Sala degli animale, Museo Pio-Clementino,
Vatican Museum |

Mithras killing a steer, Roman 2nd C. AD,
Pio-Clementino (inv 437) |

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Belvedere Torso, 1st. C. BC - Vatican
Museum |

Belvedere Torso, Vatican Museum |

Belvedere Torso by Apollonius 1st C. BC, Museo
Pio-Clementino |

Antinoüs, the lover of Emperor Hadrian, who
elevated him to the god Osirantinoos after his death |

Gilded bronze statue of Hercules, 2nd C, Sala
Rotonda |

Gilded bronze statue of Hercules from the
Theater of Pompey, 2nd C |

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Augusto, Roman, Museo Pio-Clementino (inv
191) |

Augusto, Romano, Sala a Croce Greca |
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