Deer Island, on the Saint Lawrence River, is owned entirely by the Russell Trust Association and is used as a Skull and Bones (Yale) retreat.
The island lies near Boldt Castle and can be seen up close from several Canadian and U.S. tour vessels that operate in the local waterways.
The land on the island is densely overgrown, with a small lodge on the southern corner of the island.
"Skull and Bones" doesn't own an opulent island hide away like the one depicted in The Skulls.
"Skull and Bones" does own an island on the St. Lawrence River — Deer Island, in Alexandria Bay.
The forty-acre retreat is intended to give bonesmen an opportunity to get together and rekindle old friendships.
A century ago the island sported tennis courts and its softball fields were surrounded by rhubarb plants and gooseberry bushes.
Catboats waited on the lake.
Stewards catered elegant meals.
But although each new Skull and Bones member still visits Deer Island, the place leaves, some say, something to be desired.
Now it is just a bunch of burned-out stone buildings, a patriarch sighs.
It's basically ruins.
Another Bonesman says that to call the island rustic would be to glorify it.
It's a dump, but it's beautiful.
The fading of Deer Island exemplifies the dwindling finances of Skull and Bones, which can no longer claim the largest society endowment at Yale.
Unlike members of other societies, Bonesmen pay no dues, though patriarchs receive an annual letter requesting a voluntary contribution to the Russell Trust Association.
In truth, Skull and Bones has never been wealthy.
The island is covered in indigenous trees, made up of mostly White Pine, Black Oak, Hemlock, and Sugar Maple — typical of the Canadian Shield — as is much of the surrounding area. There are several abandoned ruins located throughout the 50-acre (20 ha) island, now overgrown and barely visible beneath the growth.
References[edit source | editbeta]
External links[edit source | editbeta]
Deer Island: A Brief History
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