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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Grice e Gobbo

 Federico Gobbo Curriculum vitæ

Born: March 26, 1974 in Padua, Italy Nationality: Italian

Mobile: +39-345-5135665

Office: +31-(0)20-5254884

Academic e-mail address: F.Gobbo@uva.nl Personal web site: federicogobbo.name Erdős number: 4

Orcid id: 0000-0003-1748-4921

Visiting address

University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities Spuistraat 134, kmr 6.30

AmsterdamNL-1012 VTTheNetherlands

Postal address

University of Amsterdam

Kuiperbergweg 32

AmsterdamNL-1101 AGTheNetherlands


June 14, 2023

                                    2016, April 2012

Language passport in a glance1

Understanding Speaking Writing

Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

Italian native speaker

C2 C2 C2 C2 C2

Esperanto L2

C2 C2 C2 C2 C2

English L2

C1 C2 C1 C1 C1

Dutch L2

B1 B1 A2 A2 A2

Spanish L2

B1 B1 A2 A1 A1

French L2

A2 B1 A1 A1 A1

German heritage semi-speaker

B1 A1 A1 A1 A1

Venetan (ISO 639-3: VEC) heritage semi-speaker

A1 A1 A1 A1 A1

Lombard (ISO 639-3: LMO) L2

A1 A1 A1 A1 A1

Sardinian (ISO 639-3: SRD) L2

A1 A1 A1 A1 A1


B1 Habilitations

BKO (Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs) at the University of Amsterdam

Italian Habilitation (ASN ) for being associate professor (seconda fascia) in Linguistics (SSD: LIN/01)

 1Self-assessment according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. English has been tested by British Language Training Centre BV, Amsterdam, in Dec 2016. Esperanto C1 has been certified by the Centre for Advanced Language Learning of the Eötvös Lorand University (ELTE ITK) at Hai Nan Dao, China, 2012, 7 Feb. However, self-assessment is C2.


2014–now 2016–now 2023




2020 2017–2020




2018, apr–may



2011–2012 2009–2010

2008-2010 2012, jan-feb 2009–2011

2005–2007 2000–2001

Teaching experience

Full Professor (Special Chair) in the courses of Interlinguistics and Esperanto, sponsored by the Universal Es-

peranto Association (UEA, Rotterdam). University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities, The Netherlands Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility in the courses of Davide Astori, on Multilingualism and Interlinguistics. University

of Parma, Dept. of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries, Italy

Teaching Fellow in Argument-Checking and Critical Thinking. Adam Mickiewicz University, EPiCUR European

Track Key Competences course, Poznań, Poland

Teaching of Italian language (brugklas). Gemeentelijk Gymnasium Hilversum, Taal naar Keuze Onderwijsin-

stelling, The Netherlands

Visiting Professor in Constructive Adpositional Grammars. Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Cognitive

Sciences and Psychology, Poznań, Poland

Coaching in Wikipedia Hackathon Amsterdam. University of Amsterdam, APPLY COST Action, Amsterdam, The


Teaching Fellow in Advanced Research Writing. Amsterdam University College, Academic Core, The Netherlands

Teaching Fellow in the course of Multilingualism in European Perspective I and II. Coordinator: Arjen Versloot. University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities, The Netherlands

Erasmus+ Staff Exchange in the International Week 2019. Contact: Miroslava Danadiová. University of Eco- nomics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Instructor in the teach-in The typology of planned languages of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT) be- fore the ALT2019 Conference. University of Pavia, Dept. of Humanities, Italy

Teaching Fellow in the course Pianificazione linguistica e lingue pianificate [Language Planning and Planned Lan- guages]. University of Turin School of Humanities, Italy

Visiting Professor in the course of Multilingualism, Mobility and Inclusion in Europe (TeachMob programme). University of Amsterdam / Turin, Faculty of Humanities / School of Humanities, The Netherlands / Italy

Instructor in the crash course Interlinguistics as extreme language planning at the LPLPE17 Summer School Uni- versity of Costa Rica, INIL – Institute of Linguistic Research, Costa Rica

Teaching Fellow in the course of European Minority Languages. Coordinator: Arjen Versloot. University of Am- sterdam, Faculty of Humanities, The Netherlands

Tutor in Linguistics. University of Milano-Bicocca, Faculty of Education “Riccardo Massa”, Italy

Teaching assistant in the workshop Interlinguistics for Philosophers. University of Milano, Faculty of Literature

and Philosophy, Italy

Teaching assistant in the seminar of Introduction in Computational Linguistics. University of Milano-Bicocca,

Faculty of Education“Riccardo Massa”, Italy

Visiting professor in the course Historio kaj Filozofio de la Informadiko [History and Philosophy of Computing],

Esperanto Winter School. Nanjing University, Haikou, Hainan, China

Teaching fellow in the courses Epistemologia, Etica e Deontologia dell’Informatica and Storia dell’Informatica e della Comunicazione Digitale [History and Philosophy of Computing]. University of Insubria, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences in Varese, Varese-Como, Italy

Teaching assistant in the course Epistemologia, Etica e Deontologia dell’Informatica [Computing and Philosophy]. University of Insubria, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences in Varese, Italy

Tutor for the Computer Labs with postgraduate Master in Information Technologies for the Humanities (MICSU). University of Milano, Departments of Philosophy and Computer Science, Italy

Teaching results in a glance

1 Supervised PhD theses 17 Supervised M.A. theses 10 Supervised B.A. theses

2 Instructor at summer schools

57 Invited lectures, talks, seminars and colloquia

2 Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility Exchanges opened

Nomination as UvA Lecturer of Year 2021 and 2020 (484 lecturers nominated, 1210 nominations in total) For full details on teaching results, please refer to the Appendix 2.



2012–2013 2009–2010 2004–2005

Research grants

Research grants. 7FP-funded EU Project MIME (Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe) in the Working Package 3 about Educational Linguistics. University of Milano-Bicocca. Supervisor: Gabriele Iannàccaro. Dep. of Educational Human Sciences “Riccardo Massa”’. e30,000

Research grant. Title: ‘Emepolis’. Area: Smartphone and social networks for the e-gov (C2G) of L’Aquila. Uni- versity of L’Aquila. Supervisor: Stefania Costantini. Dep. of Inf. Eng., Comp. Sc. and Maths – Disim. e18,000

Research grant. Title: ‘Theory and practice on new texts’. Area: Computing and Philosophy applied to Web 2.0. University of Insubria. Supervisor: Gaetano Aurelio Lanzarone. Dep. of Comp. Sc. and Comm. – Dicom e18,000

Research grant. Area: language structure aspects in the design of elearning for robotics. Part of TIGER Project (Italian FIRB) University of Insubria. Supervisor: Gaetano Aurelio Lanzarone. Dep. of Comp. Sc. and Comm. – Dicom. e18,000

Research results

38 Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

54 Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings

5 Books published as Author

4 Books published as Editor

63 Invited Articles and Chapters in Volumes

33 Conferences and Workshops without Proceedings

27 Book Reviews

32 Technical reports, working papers, posters and other essays

Research side results

32 Valorisation activities (including interviews) 3 Fiction

1 Software

1 Graphic novels

3 Original songs 2 Poems





J.2021.2 J.2021.1 P.2021.1

P.2020.2 J.2019.3

J.2019.2 P.2019.2

J.2018.1 J.2017.3 J.2017.1 P.2017.1 P.2017.3 J.2016.1 J.2015.2


J.2013.5 J.2011.2 J.2005.2

J.1998.1 J.1998.2

Most Relevant Peer-Reviewed Publications

Benini, Marco and Gobbo, Federico and Wagemans, Jean H.M. (2023). The logic of the arguer: representing natural argumentative discourse in adpositional argumentation. IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, 10(3):451– 483.

Gobbo, Federico (2023). Corpus at the Core: The Epistemology of Language Planning. In: Epistemological and The- oretical Foundations in Language Policy and Planning. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

doi 10.1007978-3-031-22315-0_4

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco and Wagemans, Jean H. M. (2022). More than Relata Refero: Representing the Various Roles of Reported Speech in Argumentative Discourse. Languages. 2022; 7(1):59.

doi 10.3390/languages7010059

Gobbo, Federico (2021). Coolification and Language Vitality: The Case of Esperanto. Languages. 6(2). 93. doi 10.3390/languages6020093.

Gobbo, Federico and Marácz, László (2021). Two Linguas Francas? Social Inclusion through English and Esperanto. Social inclusion. 9(1). 75-84. doi 10.17645/si.v9i1.3662.

Gobbo, Federico and Vardeu, Laura (2021). Which Sardinian for education? The chance of CLIL-based laboratories: A case study. In: Marco Tamburelli and Mauro Tosco Contested Languages: The hidden multilingualism of Europe. John Benjamins. 213-226. doi 10.1075/wlp.8.13gob

Gobbo, Federico (2020). International Auxiliary Language. In: Stanlaw, James (ed). The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. Wiley. doi 10.1002/9781118786093.iela0178

Gobbo, Federico and Wagemans, Jean H. M. and Benini, Marco (2019). Annotation with adpositional argumentation. Guidelines for building a Gold Standard Corpus of argumentative discourse. Intelligenza Artificiale.

doi 10.3233/IA-190028

Gobbo, Federico and Russo, Federica (2019). Epistemic Diversity and the Question of Lingua Franca in Science and Philosophy. Foundations of Science. doi 10.1007/s10699-019-09631-6

Gobbo, Federico (2019). Language Games Children Play: Language Invention in a Montessori Primary School. In Brunn, Stanley D. and Kehrein, Roland (eds). Handbook of the Changing World Language Map. Springer Live Refer- ence. doi 10.1007/978-3-319-73400-2_167-1.

Gobbo, Federico (2018). Inventare una lingua segreta in classe: consapevolezza metalinguistica e apprendimento L2. Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani. 33(1). 27-41. doi 10.18352/incontri.10233

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Beyond the Nation-State? The Ideology of the Esperanto Movement between Neutralism and Multilingualism. Social inclusion. 5(4). 38-47. doi 10.17645/si.v5i4.1140.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Are planned languages less complex than natural languages? Language Sciences. 60 (2017). 36-52. doi 10.1016/j.langsci.2016.10.003

Gobbo, Federico (2017). The lexicography of Esperanto. In: Patrick Hanks and Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (eds). Int’al Handbook of Modern Lexis and Lexicography. Berlin: Springer. doi 10.1007/978-3-642-45369-4_88-1.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Malantaŭ la kurtenoj: Esperanto kiel lingvoinventaĵo. En: Christer Kiselman (ĉefred), Re- nato Corsetti and Probal Dasgupta (red). Aliroj al Esperanto. Dobřichovice: Kava-Pech. 101–114.

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco (2016). What Can We Know of Computational Information? Measuring, Quan- tity, and Quality at Work in Programmable Artifacts. Topoi. 35(1). 203–212. doi 10.1007/s11245-014-9248-5

Gobbo, Federico (2015). Transnational communication in a ‘glocalized’ world: in search of balanced multilingual- ism. JKI (Język. Komunikacja. Informacja / Language. Communication. Information). Koutny, Ilona and Nowak, Piotr (red./eds.). 10/2015: 196–208.

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco (2013). Dependency and Valency: From Structural Syntax to Constructive Ad- positional Grammars. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Volume 258: Computational Dependency Theory. 113–115. doi 10.3233/978-1-61499-352-0-113

Gobbo, Federico (2013). Learning Linguistics by Doing: The Secret Virtues of a Language Constructed in the Class- rooom. Journal of Universal Language. vol 14, No 2. 113–135 Sejong Prize 2014

Gobbo, Federico (2011). The Case of Correlatives: A Comparison between Natural and Planned Languages. Journal of Universal Language. vol 12, No 2. 45–79

Gobbo, Federico (2005). The European Union’s Need for an International Auxiliary Language. Journal of Universal Language, March, 1–28

Gobbo, Federico (1998). Dirlo in Europanto. Italiano and Oltre, 5, 226–231

Gobbo, Federico (1998). Verbigerazione fantastica. Italiano and Oltre, 3/4, 151–154 For the full list of publications in detail, please refer to the Appendix 1.


since 2020

since 2020

since 2020

since 2014 2020-2023

2018-2023 2016–2019

2005-2017 2010–2012


2010–2011 2006–2008

2008-2011 2007–2010

2005 2002–2003 2001–2002

2022 2022 2019

2015 2013 2012 2011 2009 2005 2004 2000


2005–present 2006–present 2006–present

Service to the profession

Working Group 3 member. European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis. APPLY. COST Ac-

tion CA17132. University of Amsterdam.

Internal Working Group member. European Prnership for an Innovative Campus Unifying Regions. EPICUR.

University of Amsterdam.

Management Committee member. Language in the Human-Machine Era. LITHME. COST Action CA19102. Uni-

versity of Amsterdam.

Contributor to the Linguistic Bibliography. Brill, Leiden.

Working Group 3 member. Designing Public Argumentation and Policymaking. APPLY. European network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis. COST Action CA17132. University of Amsterdam.

Interlinguistics Editor. LPLP. Language Problems, Language Planning. John Benjamins, Amsterdam. Secretary of the Research Group on Language Policy. Gruppo di Studio sulle Politiche Linguistiche (Gspl),

Società di Linguistica Italiana.

Book Review Editor. LPLP. Language Problems, Language Planning. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.

Honorary Research Fellow in Constructive Linguistics, History and Philosophy of Computing, New Texts for High Education. University of Insubria Research Center “Informatica Interattiva” – Crii

New text specialist for Giovani Pensatori [Young Thinkers]. E-learning-by-doing project for High School students (Varese, Como, Italy and Canton Ticino, CH). In Italian.

Co-founder and Scientific Director. InKoj. Interlingvistikaj Kajeroj. University of Milan

Co-founder and Scientific Board of Essap, European Summer School in Agile Programming. 3 editions. For advanced students in Computer Science. University of Insubria

Consultant in Agile Methodologies for Linkgroup srl (Buguggiate). University of Insubria

Research Student of Pascal (Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning) and Pascal 2,

Network of Excellence, EU, FP7. University of Insubria Dep. of Comp. Sc. and Communication – Dicom

Session chair at LGC (Language, Globalization, Communication) Conference 2005.

R and D for the virtual exibition Il ritratto in Lombardia da Moroni a Ceruti. Pumpkin Srl.

R and D for the project Virtuose, a VIRTual CommUnity Open Source Engine for Integrating Civic Networks and Digital Cities. Pumpkin Srl.

Honours, prizes and awards

Third prize at the Belartaj Konkursoj, branch essay, Universala Esperanto-Asocio, The Netherlands. Third prize at the Belartaj Konkursoj, branch lyrics, Universala Esperanto-Asocio, The Netherlands.

Finalist for the Krino project together with Federica Russo and Jean Wagemans, Amsterdam Science Innovation Award 2019, Category Alpha / Gamma, Innovation Exchange Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Prize Best Multilingual Poem of the Drongo Festival, Utrecht, The Netherland.

Award Journal of Universal Language Sejong Prize for the Best Linguistic Paper of the Year.

Honorary Adjunct of Cybernetics (Comp. Ling.). Int’ Academy of Sciences, San Marino

Award Chiasmus of the Month January 2011, Psammeticus Press, in Speculative Grammarian.

Honorary fellow in Interlinguistics and Esperantic Studies. University of Turin

Honorary fellow in Computing 􏰀 Philosophy. University of Insubria

Honorary fellow of Humanities (Applied Ling.). Int’ Academy of Sciences, San Marino

Special mention by Paolo Ferri (University of Milano-Bicocca) for Immersi-Sommersi [Dipped-Overflown], a collab- orative narrative hypertext in HTML, built within the M.Sc. MICSU

Lapenna Prize for the Best Master’s Thesis in Interlinguistics of the Year. Foundation Ivo Lapenna Professional Bodies

Member of Ced – Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems Individual Member of Uea – Universala Esperanto-Asocio

Member of Acl – Association of Computational Linguistics


2006–present 2008–present 2008–present 2011–present 2013–present 2013–present 2013–present 2016–present


2016–2020 2007–2011 2011

2011 2010–2011 2003–2004 2001–2003


2005–2010 2010 2006–2008 2005 2000–2006 1999–2006


2010–2011 2008–2010

2018–now 2004–2009 2001–2003 1995–2000


1998–2000 1998–2000 1998


Member of Ia-cap – The International Association for Computing and Philosophy

Member of Gspl – Gruppo di Studio sulle Politiche Linguistiche

Member of CiE – Association Computability in Europe

Member of Réseau de chercheurs de l’Observatoire international des droits linguistiques, Université de Moncton Member of HAPOC, Commission for the History and Philosophy of Computing

Member of π Research Network, Society for the Philosophy of Information Correspondant of the Academy of Esperanto

Advisory Board Member of the Digital Language Diversity Project (DLDP), an Erasmus+ Programme under the Grant Agreement No. 2015-1-IT02-KA204-015090

Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Universal Language Non-academic professional activities

Consultant in Linguistics and multilingualism at the Montessory School, via Milazzo, Milan, Italy. Voice Counselling Assistant of Francesca Gualandri, Spazio Ravizza and Hara Yoga, Milan, Italy. Online Branding Expert. For Camperio House Suites and Apartments, Milan, Italy.

Consultant in Cognitive Mapping and New Texts at the Centro Studi Casnati, Como, Italy. Constructive Conversation Analyst of psychotherapeutic settings. For therapists, Lombardy, Italy. Computer technician (level: C1) at the University of Milan, Italy.

R and D consultant on web technologies for Pumpkin srl, Milan, Italy. Side activities

Practitioner in oriental martial and health arts.

Ba Gua Zhang Traditional Kung Fu School Instructor. Third level (Mountain) obtained in 2021. Regular practice with Master Vincenzo Spasaro. Stages with Great Master Zhang Dugan (2010–2017). Qi Gong. Stages with Ma Xu Zhou.

Reiki Usui. First level.

Chut Sin Tong Long Kung Fu. School of Milan, Italy.

Aikido Yushinkai. Stage with Koretoshi Maruyama, Bologna, Italy.

Katsugen Undo. School of Breath, Milan, Italy.

Aikido Itsuo Tsuda. School of Breath, Milan, Italy.

Dancer in Lindy Hop and Charleston. Swing 99 group at L’Aquila.

Shamanic studies under a practical perspective.

Core shamanism with the Italian Center for Shamanic Studies, Villabartolomea, Italy. Affiliated to Michael Harner’s Foundation of Shamanic Studies, Mill Valley, CA.

Psychoshamanism and psychogenealogy with Cristóbal Jodorowsky at Hara Yoga, Milan, Italy.


Singer and songwriter in the project intErna idEo – with Fabrizio Rabacchi (Yellow Sound, Milan, Italy). Belcanto and Serge Wilfart Method – Pneumaphony with Serge Wilfart.

Vocalist in Piks rock band, Milan, Italy.

Chorister at Cappella Musicale del Duomo di Monza, Italy. Specialties in Gregorian chant.

Civil service with mental retarded people at the Centro Socio-Educativo (Cse) in Cologno Monzese, Italy.

Activist in the Esperanto Movement, young section.

Invited speaker in international Esperanto congresses (Switzerland, Germany, Croatia)

R and D of the eLearning course of Esperanto Kirek for the the Italian Esperantist Youth (Iej) Italian delegate at Tejo Congress at the European Youth Council in Budapest, Hungary

Press agency of the Italian Esperantist Youth (Iej) in the World Congress 1997, Assisi, Italy 7



J.2021.2 J.2021.1 J.2020.1 J.2019.3

J.2019.2 J.2019.1 J.2018.1 J.2017.3 J.2017.2


J.2016.6 J.2016.5


J.2016.2 J.2016.1 J.2015.2

J.2015.1 J.2014.5 J.2014.4

Appendix 1: Full List of Publications2 Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals (38)

Benini, Marco and Gobbo, Federico and Wagemans, Jean H.M. (2023). The logic of the arguer: representing natural argumentative discourse in adpositional argumentation. IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, 10(3):451– 483.

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco and Wagemans, Jean H. M. (2022). More than Relata Refero: Representing the Various Roles of Reported Speech in Argumentative Discourse. Languages. 2022; 7(1):59.

doi 10.3390/languages7010059

Gobbo, Federico (2021). Coolification and Language Vitality: The Case of Esperanto. Languages. 6(2). 93. doi 10.3390/languages6020093.

Gobbo, Federico and Marácz, László (2021). Two Linguas Francas? Social Inclusion through English and Esperanto. Social inclusion. 9(1). 75-84. doi 10.17645/si.v9i1.3662.

Gobbo, Federico (2020). Bonvenon! Un fumetto in esperanto per l’orientamento (meta)linguistico. Babylonia. Riv- ista svizzera per l’insegnamento delle lingue. Numero monografico: Graphic Novels. 2020/2. 60-64.

Gobbo, Federico and Wagemans, Jean H. M. and Benini, Marco (2019). Annotation with adpositional argumentation. Guidelines for building a Gold Standard Corpus of argumentative discourse. Intelligenza Artificiale.

doi 10.3233/IA-190028

Gobbo, Federico and Russo, Federica (2019). Epistemic Diversity and the Question of Lingua Franca in Science and Philosophy. Foundations of Science. doi 10.1007/s10699-019-09631-6.

Linghui (Eva) Gan and Gobbo, Federico (2019). Attitudes Towards the Official Recognition of Hong Kong Sign Lan- guage by Hong Kong Citizens. Journal of Linguistics and Education Research. 2(2). 27-41. doi 10.30564/jler.v2i2.639.

Gobbo, Federico (2018). Inventare una lingua segreta in classe: consapevolezza metalinguistica e apprendimento L2. Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani. 33(1). 27-41. doi 10.18352/incontri.10233.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Beyond the Nation-State? The Ideology of the Esperanto Movement between Neutralism and Multilingualism. Social inclusion. 5(4). 38-47. doi 10.17645/si.v5i4.1140.

Bonazzoli, Chiara and Gastaldi, Francesca and Gobbo, Federico (2017). L’invenzione linguistica alla scuola primaria: la didattica dell’italiano nell’esperienza montessoriana. / Language invention in primary school: teaching of Italian in a Montessori experience. Giornale Italiano della Ricerca Educativa – Italian Journal of Educational Research. anno X, numero speciale 2017. 75–88.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Are planned languages less complex than natural languages? Language Sciences. 60. 36–52. doi 10.1016/j.langsci.2016.10.003

Gobbo, Federico (2016). Aktualeco de la morala filozofio de Zamenhof. Esperanto. 1308(12). Decembro. 247. Gobbo, Federico (2016). Linguistic Justice, van Parijs, and Esperanto. Acta Univ. Sapientiae, European and Regional

Studies. 9. doi 10.1515/auseur-2016-0008

Gobbo, Federico in collaboration with Ilaria Adami, Chiara Bonazzoli, and Patrizia Pradella (2016). Orientation Towards Multilingualism in Class: A Montessori Experience. AMI Journal. Published by Association Montessori International. 2014-2015. Theme issue: Creativity in Montessori education. 87–92.

Gobbo, Federico (2016). The Unavoidable Charm of the Superintelligence and Its Risk. APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, vol 15, No 2. Spring. 11–12

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco (2016). What Can We Know of Computational Information? Measuring, Quan- tity, and Quality at Work in Programmable Artifacts. Topoi. 35(1). 203–212. doi 10.1007/s11245-014-9248-5

Gobbo, Federico (2015). Transnational communication in a ‘glocalized’ world: in search of balanced multilingual- ism. JKI (Język. Komunikacja. Informacja / Language. Communication. Information). Koutny, Ilona and Nowak, Piotr (red./eds.). 10/2015: 196–208.

Gobbo, Federico (2015). Machine Translation as a Complex System, and the Phenomenon of Esperanto. INDECS (INterdisciplinary DEscription of Complex Systems) 13(2):264–274. DOI: 10.7906/indecs.13.2.6

Gobbo, Federico (2014). Interlinguistics and Esperanto studies at universities: The experience at the University of Turin. Language Problems Language Planning Volume 38, number 3, 2016. 292–303.

Memarovich, Nemanja and Fels, Sidney and Anacleto, Junia and Calderon, Roberto and Gobbo, Federico and Carroll, 2For pre-prints, check the service at the University of Amsterdam (dare.uva.nl) or academic social networks, such as Academia.edu, Research-

Gate, ArXiv, or Zotero. In any case, feel free to contact the author(s) directly. 8


J.2014.3 J.2014.2












J.1998.1 J.1998.2


P.2023.2 P.2023.1





John M. (2014). Rethinking Third Places: Contemporary Design with Technology. Journal of Community Informatics 10(3). Special Issue on Urban Planning and Community Informatics.

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco (2014). The Minimal Levels of Abstraction in the History of Modern Computing. Philosophy and Technology. doi 10.1007/s13347-012-0097-0

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco (2014). Why zombies can’t write significant source code: The Knowledge Game and the Art of Computer Programming. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. 1–14. doi 10.1080/0952813X.2014.940142

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco (2013). Dependency and Valency: From Structural Syntax to Constructive Ad- positional Grammars. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Volume 258: Computational Dependency Theory. 113–115. doi 10.3233/978-1-61499-352-0-113

Gobbo, Federico (2013). What We Can Learn from the Failure of the Singularity. APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, vol 12, No 2. Spring. 30–31

Costantini, Stefania and Gobbo, Federico (2013). Elio Lanzarone: a life for science. Journal of Logic and Computation, 9 dec 2013. doi 10.1093/logcom/ext064

Gobbo, Federico (2013). Learning Linguistics by Doing: The Secret Virtues of a Language Constructed in the Class- rooom. Journal of Universal Language. vol 14, No 2. 113–135. Sejong Prize 2014

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco (2013). From Ancient to Modern Computing: A History of Information Hiding. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol 35, No. 3 33–39. doi 10.1109/MAHC.2013.1

Gobbo, Federico and Fößmeier, Reinhard (2012). A University mainly in Esperanto. RASK Internationalt tidsskrift for sprog og kommunikation. vol 35, April. 87–106

Gobbo, Federico (2011). The Case of Correlatives: A Comparison between Natural and Planned Languages. Journal of Universal Language. vol 12, No 2. 45–79

Gobbo, Federico (2010). The Translation Game. International Journal of Mind, Brain and Cognition. 1(1) jan-jun 2010. 45–55

Sica, Rosario and Gobbo, Federico (2008). Social network optimization: the case of BTicino. E-Mentor. 3(25). War- saw: Warsaw School of Economics

Gobbo, Federico and Vaccari, Matteo (2005). Open Standards for Higher Education in Robotics by Immersive Tele- laboratories. Learning Technology, volume 7, issue 3, July. 30–32

Gobbo, Federico (2005). The European Union’s Need for an International Auxiliary Language. Journal of Universal Language, Sejong Institution, March, 1–28

Gobbo, Federico (1998). Dirlo in Europanto. Italiano and Oltre, 5, 226–231

Gobbo, Federico (1998). Verbigerazione fantastica. Italiano and Oltre, 3/4, 151–154

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings (54)

Gazzola, Michele and Gobbo, Federico and Johnson, David C. and Leoni de León, José A. (2023). Conclusions. In: Epistemological and Theoretical Foundations in Language Policy and Planning. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. doi 10.1007/978-3-031-22315-0_6

Gobbo, Federico (2023). Corpus at the Core: The Epistemology of Language Planning. In: Epistemological and The- oretical Foundations in Language Policy and Planning. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. doi 10.1007/978-3-031-22315-0_4

Gazzola, Michele and Gobbo, Federico and Johnson, David C. and Leoni de León, José A. (2023). Introduction. In: Epistemological and Theoretical Foundations in Language Policy and Planning. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. doi 10.1007/978-3-031-22315-0_1

Gobbo, Federico (2022). L’alieno come metafora dello straniero: il caso delle lingue costruite. In: Elena Nuzzo, Elisabetta Santoro e Ineke Vedder (acd). Cinema e lingua: le caratteristiche pragmatiche e linguistiche del linguaggio filmico italiano. Franco Cesati Editori.

Gobbo, Federico and Linghui (Eva) Gan and Xuan Zheng (2022). Contested linguistic heritages: CODAs and de- naskuloj in comparison. In C. Moreau et al. (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on “Minority languages spoken or signed and inclusive spaces”, 44-49. INSHEA Publishing department: Suresnes. doi 10.5281/zenodo.5834265

Gobbo, Federico and Astori, Davide (2018). Traduzione e diacronia in esperanto: Dante e Pinocchio. Atti del Con- vegno internazionale “Traduttologia e traduzioni”, 7–9.12.2018. Università di Lodz. vol. II. Identità linguistica, iden- tità culturale, J. Ciesielka (ed.), WUŁ, Łódź. 131-140 doi 10.18778/8220-676-0.12

Gobbo, Federico (2021). Does Esperanto family use foster Europeanization? A pilot study. In: The language ide- ology of Esperanto. In: Ilona Koutny and Ida Stria and Michael Farris (eds). The Intercultural Role of Esperanto.


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P.2018.5 P.2018.4 P.2018.3




Wydawnictwo Rys. 135-146. doi 10.48226/978-83-66666-31-3

Gobbo, Federico (2021). The language ideology of Esperanto. In: Marco Tamburelli and Mauro Tosco (eds). Con-

tested Languages: The hidden multilingualism of Europe. John Benjamins. 213-226. doi 10.1075/wlp.8.15gob

Gobbo, Federico and Vardeu, Laura (2021). Which Sardinian for education? The chance of CLIL-based laboratories: A case study. In: Marco Tamburelli and Mauro Tosco (eds). Contested Languages: The hidden multilingualism of Europe. John Benjamins. 213-226. doi 10.1075/wlp.8.13gob

Gobbo, Federico and Bonazzoli, Chiara (2020). Analisi sintattico-simbolica: un laboratorio linguistico Montessori alla scuola primaria. In: Sansò, Andrea (acd). Insegnare Linguistica: basi epistemologiche, metodi, applicazioni. Atti del LIII Congresso Internazionale di Studi della SLI. Como, 19-21 set 2019. Università dell’Insubria. Officinaventuno. 223-242. doi 10.17469/O2104SLI000015

Gobbo, Federico (2020). International Auxiliary Language. In: Stanlaw, James (ed). The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. Wiley. doi 10.1002/9781118786093.iela0178

Gobbo, Federico and Wagemans, Jean H. M. (2020). Representing second-order arguments with Adpositional Argu- mentation (AdArg). In: Catarina Dutilh Novaes and Henrike Jansen and Jan Albert van Laar (eds). Reason to dissent. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Argumentation (ECA 2019, Groeningen). Volume II. College Publi- cations. 315-326.

Gobbo, Federico (2019). Tolkien and language planning: imagined words for an imaginary world. In: Astori, Da- vide and Sicuri, Elisa (eds). Creating Worlds through Languages Tolkien between Philology and Conlanging. Parma: Athenæum. 91–106.

Gobbo, Federico (2019). Alessandro Bausani, il glottoteta. L’eredità interlinguistica tra invenzione e comunicazione. In: Astori, Davide (acd). Alessandro Bausani (1921 - 1988) fra Orientalismo, Interlinguistica e Fede Bahá’í. A 30 anni dalla morte. Parma: Athenæum. 16–27.

Gobbo, Federico (2019) Constructive Linguistics for Computational Phraseology: the Esperanto Case. EUROPHRAS 2019. 78–85, Malaga, Spain, September 25-27. Tradulex. doi 10.26615/978-2-9701095-6-3_010.

Gobbo, Federico (2019). International Artificial Language. In: Stanlaw, James (ed). Handbook of the Changing World Language Map. Wiley-Blackwell.

Gobbo, Federico and Wagemans, Jean H. M. (2019). Adpositional Argumentation (AdArg): A new method for representing linguistic and pragmatic information about argumentative discourse. In: Actes JIAF 2019 Journées de l’Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale. AfIA: Association française pour l’Intelligence Artificielle. 101–107.

Gobbo, Federico and Wagemans, Jean H. M. (2019). Building argumentative adpositional trees: Towards a high- precision method for reconstructing arguments in natural language. In: Proceedings of the ISSA 9th International Conference on Argumentation. Amsterdam: SICSAT.

Gobbo, Federico (2019). Language Games Children Play: Language Invention in a Montessori Primary School. In Brunn, Stanley D. and Kehrein, Roland (eds). Handbook of the Changing World Language Map. Springer Live Refer- ence. doi 10.1007/978-3-319-73400-2_167-1

Gobbo, Federico and Wagemans, Jean H. M. (2019). A method for reconstructing first-order arguments in natural language. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Advances In Argumentation In Artificial Intelligence, co-located with XVII International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2018). CEUR Workshop Pro- ceedings 2296. 27-41.

Gobbo, Federico Gobbo, Federico, (2018). Cent’anni dopo: la filosofia di Zamenhof e l’esperanto A Ludwik Zamenhof nel centenario della morte. Conferenze 141. Roma: Accademia Polacca delle Scienze. 119-126.

Gobbo, Federico Gobbo, Federico, (2018). Cent jarojn poste: la Zamenhofa filozofio kaj Esperanto. Ludwik Zamen- hof okaze de la centa datreveno de la morto. Conferenze 141. Roma: Accademia Polacca delle Scienze. 107-114.

Iannàccaro, Gabriele and Dell’Aquila, Vittorio and Gobbo, Federico (2018). The Assessment of Sociolinguistic Jus- tice: Parameters and Models of Analysis. In: Michele Gazzola and Bengt-Arne Wickström and Torsten Templin (eds). Language Policy and Linguistic Justice: Economics, Philosophical and Sociolinguistic Approaches. Berlin: Springer. doi 10.1007/978-3-319-75263-1_12

Gobbo, Federico (2018). How to measure linguistic justice? Theoretical considerations and the South Tyrol case study of the Calvet Language Barometer. In: Kraus, Peter and Grin, François (eds). The Politics of Multilingualism: Europeanisation, globalisation and linguistic governance. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Orru, Giuliano and Gobbo, Federico and O’Sullivan, Decan and Longo, Luca (2018). An Investigation of the Impact of a Social Constructivist Teaching Approach, based on Trigger Questions, Through Measures of Mental Workload and Efficiency. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018). Volume 2. 292–302. SCITEPRESS.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Malantaŭ la kurtenoj: Esperanto kiel lingvoinventaĵo. En: Christer Kiselman (ĉefred), 10



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P.2014.2 P.2014.1



P.2013.2 P.2013.1




Renato Corsetti and Probal Dasgupta (red). Aliroj al Esperanto. Dobřichovice: Kava-Pech. 101–114.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). L’invenzione linguistica alla scuola primaria: la didattica delle lingue straniere nell’esperienza montessoriana. In: Coluccelli, Sonia 􏰀 Pietrantonio, Silvia (acd). Il metodo Montessori oggi. Riflessioni e percorsi per la didattica e l’educazione. Trento: Erickson. 129–143.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Lingue inventate: Quando una lingua non è ‘naturale’. In: Francesca Masini and Nicola Grandi (acd). Tutto ciò che hai sempre voluto sapere sul linguaggio e sulle lingue. Premio Nazionale di Divulgazione Scientifica 2017. Cesena: Caissa Italia. 109–112.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). The lexicography of Esperanto. In: Patrick Hanks and Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (eds). Int’nal Handbook of Modern Lexis and Lexicography. doi 10.1007/978-3-642-45369-4_88-1

Gobbo, Federico (2016). Il fascino discreto dell’interlinguistica in Giuseppe Peano e nei matematici suoi contem- poranei. In: Ferrara, F. e Giacardi, Livia e Mosca, M. (a cura di). Conferenze e Seminari dell’Associazione Subalpina Mathesis 2015-2016. Turin: Kim Williams Books. 13–25.

Gobbo, Federico and Miola, Emanuele (2016). Modificare l’immagine linguistica: esperanto e piemontese a con- fronto. In: Agresti, Giovanni e Turi, Joseph-G. (sous la direction de). Représentations sociales des langues et politiques linguistiques: Déterminismes, implications, regards croisés. Actes du Premier Congrès Mondial des Droits Linguis- tiques Vol Ier. Teramo-Giulianova-Villa Badessa 19-23 Mai 2015. Roma: Aracne editrice. 287–304.

Gobbo, Federico (2016). ‘Lingvo Internacia’ aŭ ‘internacia lingvo’? Kelkaj konsideroj pri la origina nomo de Es- peranto en diakrona perspektivo. En: Stanislav Košecký (red.) Prilingve en Nitro: politike, historie, teorie, instrue. Fakaj prelegoj prezentitaj kadre de la 101-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto. Roterdamo: UEA. 149–158.

Gobbo, Federico (2016). Inventare lingue segrete alla scuola primaria: due laboratori per l’orientamento al multilin- guismo. In: Gobbo, Federico (red / acd / ed.). Lingua, Politica, Cultura: Serta Gratulatoria in honorem Renato Corsetti. New York: Mondial. 259–279.

Di Mascio, Tania and Gobbo, Federico 􏰀 Tarantino, Laura (2015). Requirements and Open Issues for ISs Supporting Dynamic Community Bonding in Emergency Situations. In: Torre, Teresina and Braccini, Alessio Maria and Spinelli, Riccardo (eds). Empowering Organizations: Enabling Platforms and Artefacts. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation. Vol 11. Springer. 257–272. doi 10.1007/978-3-319-23784-8

Gobbo, Federico (2014). List of Selected Information Literacy Resources Available in the Esperanto (Esperanta lingvo) Language. In Horton, Forest Woody (ed.) Overview of Information Literacy Resources Worldwide. 2nd ed. 209–211. URL: hdl.handle.net/11245/1.4313249.

Gobbo, Federico and Durnová, Helena (2014). From Universal to Programming Languages. Local proceedings. CiE 2014, Budapest, Hungary, June 23-27, 2014. URL: dare.uva.nl/document/2/149299.

Benini, Marco and Gobbo, Federico (2014). Algorithms and Their Explanations. In A. Beckmann, E. Csuhaj-Varjú; and K. Meer (Eds.), Language, Life, Limits: 10th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2014, Budapest, Hun- gary, June 23-27, 2014: proceedings Vol. 8493. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. 32–41.

doi 10.1007/s11245-014-9248-5.

Di Mascio, Tania and Gobbo, Federico 􏰀 Tarantino, Laura (2013). Supporting dynamic community bonding in emer- gency situations. Discussion paper. Local proceedings of the 21st Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems. SEBD 2013, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Roccella Jonica, Italy.

Costantini, Stefania and Gobbo, Federico (2013). A History of Autonomous Agents: from Thinking Machines to Machines for Thinking. Informal Proceedings of Computability in Europe 2013 – The Nature of Computation: Logic, Algorithms, Applications. CiE 2013, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.

Caianiello, Pasquale and Costantini, Stefania and De Gasperis, Giovanni and Florio, Niva and Gobbo, Federico (2013). Application of Hybrid Agents to Smart Energy Management of a Prosumer Node. DCAI 2013, Salamanca, Spain.

Caianiello, Pasquale and Costantini, Stefania and Gobbo, Federico and Leombruni, Daniele and Tarantino, Laura (2013). The Adoption of Urban Public Space as a Driving Force for Third Places in the Remediation of Democracy. HCI3P Workshop Proceedings. CHI’13, Paris.

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco (2011). From Structural Syntax to Constructive Adpositional Grammars. In Gerdes, Kim and Hajičová, Eva and Wanner, Leo (eds.). Depling 2011 Proceedings. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra. 69–78

Wang, Xiaofeng and Gobbo Federico and Lane, Michael (2010). Turning Time From Enemy into an Ally Using the Pomodoro Technique. Chapter 10 in Šmite, Darja and Moe, Nils Brede and Ågerfalk, Pär (eds.) Agility Across Time and Space. Implementing Agile Methods in Global Software Projects. Berlin: Springer Verlag. 149–166

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Pianificare il lessico scientifico internazionale. Peano e Wüster a confronto. In Roero, Clara Silvia (a cura di). Peano e la sua scuola fra matematica, logica e interlingua. Atti del Congresso Internazionale di studi (Torino, 6-7 ottobre 2008). Torino: Deputazione Subalpina di Storia Patria. 563–574














A.2020.1 A.2019.1 A.2011.2 A.2011.1


Gobbo, Federico (2009). The Translation Game. In Vallverdú, Jordi (ed.). VIIth European Conference on Philosophy and Computing. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Proceedings of ECAP09, Barcelona, 2–4 july 2009. 176

Gobbo, Federico and Benini Marco (2009). A Constructive Mathematics approach for Natural Language formal grammars. In Vallverdú, Jordi (ed.). VIIth European Conference on Philosophy and Computing. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Proceedings of ECAP09. Barcelona, 2–4 july 2009. 10

Gobbo, Federico and Sica, Rosario (2008). Informal certification based on authentic trust. In Bynum, Terrel Ward and Calzarossa, Mariacarla and De Lotto, Ivo and Rogerson, Simon (eds.). Living, Working and Learning Beyond Tech- nology. ETHICOMP 2008. Proceedings of the 10th Int’ Conf. 298–303

Lanzarone, Gaetano A. and Gobbo, Federico (2008). Is Computer Ethics Computable? In Bynum, Terrel Ward and Calzarossa, Mariacarla and De Lotto, Ivo; Rogerson, Simon (eds.). Living, Working and Learning Beyond Technology. ETHICOMP 2008. Proceedings of the 10th Int’ Conf. 530–539

Gobbo, Federico and Vaccari, Matteo (2008). The Pomodoro Technique for Sustainable Pace in XP Teams. In Abra- hamsson, P. and Baskerville, R. and Conboy, K. and Fitzgerald, B. and Morgan, L. and Wang, X. (eds.) Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming 9th International Conference, XP 2008, Limerick, Ireland, June 10–14, 2008. Proceedings Series: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 9. Berlin: Springer Verlag. 180–184

Gobbo, Federico (2008). Planning languages and language planning: The contribution of Interlinguistics to cross- cultural communication. Proceedings of MACL, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 8–10 February 2006. In Boers, Franks and Darquennes, Jeroen and Kerremans, Koen and Temmerman, Rita (eds). Multilingualism and Applied Comparative Linguistics (Volume II). 24–60. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Gobbo, Federico and Bozzolo, Piero 􏰀 Girardi, Jacopo and Pepe, Massimiliano (2007). Learning Agile Methods in Practice: Advanced Educational Aspects of the Varese XP-UG Experience, in Concas G. et al (eds). Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming. XP 2007, LNCS 4536, 173-174. Berlin: Springer Verlag

Gobbo, Federico (2007). Improving Flickr discovery through Wikipedias. Proc. of the Workshop “BOF - Between On- tologies and Folksonomies” held in conjunction with the International Conference Communities and Technologies 2007, Michigan State University 28 June 2007, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol 312

Benini, Marco and Gobbo, Federico (2007). Virtual communities as Narrative Processes. Proc. of the Workshop “BOF - Between Ontologies and Folksonomies” held in conjunction with the International Conference Communities and Tech-

nologies 2007, Michigan State University 28 June 2007, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol 312

Gobbo, Federico and Lanzarone Gaetano A. (2006). A wiki-based active learning system; how to enhance learning material in epistemology of computer science and computer ethics. In Méndez-Vilas, A. and Solano Martin, A. and Mesa Gonzalez, J. and Mesa Gonzalez, J. A (eds.), Current Development in Technology-Assisted Education, (2006), Vol. II, Formatex, Badajoz (Spain): Formatex. 757–761

Gobbo, Federico and Chinosi, Michele and Pepe, Massimiliano (2006). Novelle, a collaborative open source writing tool software. In Karlgren, Jussi (ed.), NEW TEXT – Wikis and blogs and other dynamic text sources. Workshop in the 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2006). Trento, Italy, April 4, 2006. 40–47

Gobbo, Federico (2005). The Digital Way to Spread Conlangs. In Posteguillo, Santiago G. and Valor, M. Lluisa Gea and Renau Renau, Maria Luisa 􏰀 Esteve, Maria Jose and Insa, Salvador-Damia (eds.). Language at work: language learning, discourse and translation studies in Internet / 2nd International Conference on Internet and Language ICIL 2005. 27–28 October. vol. 1, pp. 45–53. Castellon: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (Spain)

Books as author (5)

Gobbo, Federico (2020). Introduction to Interlinguistics. Munich: GRIN.

Gobbo, Federico (2019). Amikaro: Lernolibro de Esperanto. Amsterdam: AnyBook Press.

Gobbo, Federico (2011). Analisi conversazionale costruttiva: per un’applicazione terapeutica. Monaco: GRIN.

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco (2011). Constructive Adpositional Grammars: Foundations of Constructive Lin- guistics. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Gobbo, Federico (2009). Fondamenti di interlinguistica ed esperantologia: Pianificazione linguistica e lingue pianificate. Milano: Raffaello Cortina.


E.2019.1 E.2016.1 E.2013.1








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B.2016.5 B.2016.4 B.2016.3

B.2016.2 B.2016.1

Books as editor (4)

Magris, Claudio (2019). La Muzeo de Milito. Prezentis kaj redaktis Federico Gobbo, elitaligis Carlo Minnaja. Dezajno de Valeria Miele. Antverpeno: Flandra Esperanto-Ligo.

Gobbo, Federico, red / acd / ed. (2016). Lingua, Politica, Cultura: Serta Gratulatoria in honorem Renato Corsetti. New York: Mondial.

Allo, Patrick and Baumgaertner, Bert and D’Alfonso, Simon and Fresco, Nir and Gobbo, Federico and Grubaugh, Carson and Iliadis, Andrew and Illari, Phyllis and Kerr, Eric and Primiero, Giuseppe and Russo, Federica and Schulz, Christoph and Taddeo, Mariarosaria and Turilli, Matteo and Vakarelov, Orlin and Zenil, Hector, eds. (2013). The Philosophy of Information: An Introduction. Version 1.0. Society for the Philosophy of Information

Valore, Paolo and Gobbo, Federico, eds. (2010). Artificial Languages: Themes in Linguistics and Philosophy. Munich: GRIN.

Invited Articles and Chapters in Volumes (63)

Gobbo, Federico (2022). La fundamentaj leĝoj de esperantista stulteco. Belarta rikolto 2022. Premiitaj verkoj de la Belartaj Konkursoj de Universala Esperanto-Asocio. 3-a premio, branĉo Eseo. Redaktinta teamo: Miguel Gutiérrez Adúriz, Miguel Fernández, Ulrich Becker. Mondial, Novjorko. 81-92

Gobbo, Federico (2021). Daniele Marignoni e l’Interlinguistica: dal Volapük all’Esperanto. In: “Annali della Bib- lioteca Statale e Libreria Civica di Cremona” LXIII, 2021 (“Studi e bibliografie”, 8), a cura di Barbierato Raffaella, Direttore della Biblioteca Statale di Cremona. 273-292

Gobbo, Federico (2021). L’alieno come metafora dello straniero: il caso delle lingue costruite. XXIV Convegno AIPI. Scienza, arte e letteratura. Lingue, culture, narrazioni che si incrociano. Area tematica 6. Scienze sociali ed espressione artistica. Cinema e lingua: le caratteristiche pragmatiche e linguistiche del linguaggio filmico italiano. Università di Ginevra. 28-30 giugno 2021.

Gobbo, Federico (2021). Does Esperanto family use foster Europeanization? A pilot study. In: Ilona Koutny and Ida Stria and Michael Farris (Editors – Redaktoroj – Redakcja). Proceedings of the Interlinguistic Symposium, AMU, Poznań, 17-18 Sep 2020. The Intercultural Role of Esperanto. Interkultura rolo de Esperanto. Międzykulturowa rola esperanta. 135-146

Gobbo, Federico (2019). L’interlinguistica alle soglie degli anni Venti del Duemila. In: Astori, Davide (acd). Dieci anni (2009-2019) di Premio “G. Canuto” per tesi di laurea in Interlinguistica ed Esperantologia. Parma: Athenæum. 101–126.

Gobbo, Federico (2019). L’esperanto e il federalismo europeo. In: Lala, Riccardo (acd). Es Patrida Gaian: Lingue per la patria europea. Torino: Alpina Dialexis. 31-58.

Gobbo, Federico (2019). Le lingue di Hollywood. L’esperanto.

Gobbo, Federico (2019). Instrui interlingvistikon universitate. Revuo Esperanto, jan 1331(1) 2019.

Gobbo, Federico (2018). Insegnare interlinguistica. L’esperanto, numero speciale (95) 3/2018.

Gobbo, Federico (2018). Le lingue pianificate tra lessicografia e terminologia. L’esperanto, lug/set (95) 3/2018.

Gobbo, Federico (2018). La Zamenhofa Heredaĵo en la Muzeo pri la Judoj en Pollando. Fenikso, mrt/apr (23) 2/2018.

Gobbo, Federico (2018). L’eredità di Zamenhof al Museo dell’eredità ebraica in Polonia. L’esperanto, apr/giu (95) 2/2018.

Gobbo, Federico (2018). Lingue pianificate derivate dal latino. L’esperanto, apr/giu (95) 2/2018.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Alle origini dell’interlinguistica: Cartesio e Leibniz. L’esperanto, gen/mar (94) 2/2017.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Lingue inventate. In: Grandi, Nicola and Masini, Francesca. Tutto ciò che hai sempre voluto sapere sul linguaggio e sulle lingue. Cesena: Caissa Italia.

Gobbo, Federico (2016). De EU na brexit: een nieuwe kans voor Esperanto? linguaan. 27/4. winter. 4-9. Vertaalt vanuit Esperanto door Marlijne Hemelaar in samenwerking met Federico Gobbo.

Gobbo, Federico (2016). EU post la eliro de Britio – ĉu ŝanco por Esperanto? libera folio, laste modifita: 2016-07-22. Gobbo, Federico (2016). I fratelli de Saussure e l’esperanto. L’esperanto, ott/dic (95) 4/2016.

Gobbo, Federico (2016). La convergenza tra pianificazione linguistica e lingue pianificate. L’esperanto, lug/set (94) 3/2016.

Gobbo, Federico (2016). Il difficile compito di classificare le lingue pianificate. L’esperanto, mag/giu (93) 2/2016. 19–23.

Gobbo, Federico (2016). Prefazione. In: Caligaris, Irene Una lingua per tutti, una lingua di nessun paese: una ricerca 13


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B.2010.10 B.2010.9

B.2010.8 B.2010.7


sul campo sulle identità esperantiste. Roma: Aracne. 1–10.

Gobbo, Federico (2015). Kien iras Artefarita Inteligenteco? Malfermaj etikaj problemoj. En: Vergara, José Antonio (red). Internacia Kongresa Universitato (IKU. 68-a Sesio. Lillo, Francio, 25 julio – 1 aŭgusto 2015. Rotterdam: Univer- sala Esperanto-Asocio.

Astori, Davide and Gazzola, Michele and Gobbo, Federico (2015). Erster Weltkongress über Sprachenrechte. Inter- linguistische Informationen 96-97(3/4): 4

Gobbo, Federico (2015). Interlinguïstiek, een vak voor meertaligheid. Interlingvistiko, fako por multlingvismo. In- terlinguistics, a discipline for multilingualism. Oratie 532 van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Uitgesproken bij de aan- vaardiing van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar ‘Interlinguïstiek en Esperanto’ aan de faculteit der Geestesweten- schappen op 13 maart 2015. Amsterdam University Press. URL: pure.uva.nl/ws/files/52845511/FGw_2015_Gobbo.pdf

Gobbo, Federico (2014). Über Multilingualism in Genf. Interlinguistische Informationen, (92) 3/2014. 2.

Gobbo, Federico (2014). Über Interlinguistik und die Geschichte der Informatik in Budapest. Interlinguistische Infor-

mationen, (92) 3/2014. 3.

Gobbo, Federico (2014). Una subcultura nell’esperanto. L’esperanto, nov/dic (91) 6/2010. 17–22. Numero speciale

Gobbo, Federico (2014). Interlingvistiko kaj historio de informadiko en Budapeŝto. Informilo por Interlingvistoj (IPI), 3/2014. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio. 4

Gobbo, Federico (2014). Pri multlingvismo en Ĝenevo. Informilo por Interlingvistoj (IPI), 3/2014. Rotterdam: Univer- sala Esperanto-Asocio. 3–4

Gobbo, Federico (2013). Etica dell’informatica: l’esperienza insubre 2005–2011. Il Protagora, anno XL, gen-giu 2013, n. 19. Milano-Udine: Mimesis. 175–182

Gobbo, Federico (2013). Universitato de Torino (IT): Retrospektive al kursoj pri interlingvistiko en la lastaj jaroj. Informilo por Interlingvistoj (IPI), 3/2013. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio. 7–9

Gobbo, Federico (2013). Utopio iĝis realo: resumo de la prelego pri la Esperanto-Urboj en Pescara, Italio. Informilo por Interlingvistoj (IPI), 1-2/2013. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio. 3–4

Gobbo Federico. (2013.) Gli esperimenti mentali in informatica come veicolo d’innovazione / La pensaj eksperimen- toj en informadiko kiel iloj por novigo. En: Barandovská-Frank, Věra (ed.) Littera scripta manent. Serta in honorem Helmar Frank. Paderborn: Akademia Libroservo, Institut für Kybernetik. 275–284

Gobbo, Federico (2012). L’esperanto nelle scuole Montessori in Australia. Il Quaderno Montessori. Numero 115. au- tunno 2012. 49–52

Gobbo, Federico (2012). Alan Turing filozofo de lingvaĵo. Literatura Foiro. jaro 43, junio 2012, n-ro 257. 122–127 Gobbo, Federico (2012). Alan Turing creator of Artificial Languages / Alan Turing kreinto de Artefaritaj Lingvaĵoj.

InKoj. vol 3, No 2. 181–194

Gobbo, Federico (2012). Lingvoplanado kaj Planlingvoj ĉe la Universitato de Torino. Informilo por Interlingvistoj

(IPI), 2/2012. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio. 10–11

Gobbo, Federico (2012). Filozofio kaj historio de informadiko per E-o. IPR Internacia Pedagogia Revuo. jarkolekto

42, No 12/2. 17–19

Gobbo, Federico (2011). Language Whistling: a Comparison between Silbo and Solresol / Lingva fajfado: komparo

inter Silbo kaj Solresol. InKoj. vol 2, No 1. 61–71

Gobbo, Federico (2011). The Heritage of Gaetano Aurelio Lanzarone. APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computing.

vol 11, No 1. 33–34

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Interactive Fiction as Educational Gaming for L2 English Improvement. In Edvardsen, Frej and Kulle, Halsten (eds.) Educational Games: Design, Learning and Applications. Nova Publishers. Chapter 15. 339– 349

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Lingvoplanado kaj planlingvoj. En: Blanke, Detlev and Lins, Ulrich (red). La arto labori kune - Festlibro por Humphrey Tonkin. Roterdamo: Universala Esperanto-Asocio. 104–108

Astori, Davide and Gobbo, Federico and Minnaja, Carlo and Silfer, Giorgio (2010). La visione ideale di Zamenhof. In Minnaja, Carlo (a cura di). Le grandi personalità dell’Unesco: Lazzaro Ludovico Zamenhof. Antologia. Milano: Fed- erazione Esperantista Italiana. 13–39

Astori, Davide and Gobbo, Federico (2010). Lettera a Javal. In Minnaja, Carlo (a cura di). Le grandi personalità dell’Unesco: Lazzaro Ludovico Zamenhof. Antologia. Milano: Federazione Esperantista Italiana. 107–114

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Modelli pedagogici per l’apprendimento linguistico a distanza. Il caso dell’Esperanto. / Pedagogiaj modeloj por la distanca lingvolernado. La kazo de Esperanto. Lingvaj rajtoj, lingvolernado kaj edukado por ĉiuj. Aktoj de la Simpozio 2006-07-26. Materialoj de ILEI-konferencaj Simpozioj. Roterdamo: ILEI. 37–46

Gobbo, Federico (2006). L’esperanto e la traduzione automatica: Storia, risultati e prospettive esperantologiche 14







B.2008.1 B.2006.3

B.2006.2 B.2006.1 B.2005.1

B.2005.2 B.2005.3 B.2004.1 B.2004.2

B.2004.3 B.1999.1

O.2022.1 O.2021.7 O.2021.6 O.2021.5 O.2021.4 O.2021.3

O.2021.2 O.2021.1


dell’approccio statistico, in Tosco, Mauro e Borbone, Pier Giorgio e Mengozzi Alessandro (a cura di / edited by / redaktis). Loquentes linguis. Studi linguistici e orientali in onore di Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti. Linguistic and Orien- tal Studies in Honour of Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti. Lingvistikaj kaj orientaj studoj honore al Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 319–327

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Pianificare una lingua pianificata. L’Accademia di Esperanto tra tradizione e innovazione. Atti della giornata di studi del 25 novembre 2008 a Firenze dedicata al tema: “2008: Anno Internazionale delle Lingue DirittiUmanieDirittiLinguistici”. MultilinguismoeSocietà.Pisa:Edistudio.85–92

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Fondamenti delle grammatiche adposizionali / Fundamentoj de la adpoziciaj gramatikoj. InKoj. vol 1, No 1. 35–63

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Stojan Ĝuĝev - Interlingvistika Utopiismo. Antaŭparolo. [Preface to Ĝuĝev’s classic article] InKoj. Interlingvistikaj Kajeroj. vol 1, No 2. 194–196

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Pianificazione linguistica e lingua pianificate. In Astori, Davide (a cura di), Quattro lezioni tra democrazia linguistica e minoranze L’esperanto, sett/ott (87) 5/2010. 19–23. Numero speciale

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Giornata di studi sull’infanzia e l’adolescenza, ma non solo. Il Quaderno Montessori. Anno XXVII, numero 105. primavera 2010. 15–17

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Interlingvistiko por filozofoj ĉe Universitato de Milano. Informilo por Interlingvistoj (IPI), 4/2010. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio.15–16

Gobbo, Federico (2008). La neceso reinventi Budapeŝton. Esperanto, 1218(10): 206–207

Gobbo, Federico (2006). Prezento, unuoj 31-40. Traduzione dall’italiano all’esperanto di Mezzadri, Marco. Esenca lernolibro de la itala lingvo. Gramatika lernolibro por komencantaj lernantoj akompananta ĝis meza nivelo. Kun testoj de memtaksado. Perugia: Guerra Edizioni. 73–94

Gobbo, Federico (2006). L’aikido e il conflitto. Metabasis. Marzo. Anno 1, Numero 1.

Gobbo, Federico (2006). Interlingvistiko en Italio. Informilo por Interlingvistoj (IPI), n-ro 56 (1/2006). 10–12

Ferrari, Antonietta and Gobbo, Federico (2005). Il gioioso Sentiero. Arti d’Oriente, Settembre-Ottobre 2005. Milano: Oriental Press. 48–53. English version in Aikido Journal

Gobbo, Federico (2005). Klopodu organizi, ne vane! L’esperanto, 36: 5

Gobbo, Federico (2005). La filosofia morale di Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof per il nuovo millennio. Erewhon, 2005, 1

Gobbo, Federico (2004). Linukso kiel malterorisma vojo al informadiko. La Gazeto, 112. 16–23

Gobbo, Federico (2004). Per una politica linguistica ecologica in Europa. Aspetti di prognosi linguistica nell’Unione Europea a venticinque membri. L’esperanto, 35: 8. 1–16

Gobbo, Federico (2004). Alle lingue, cittadini d’Europa. Erewhon, 2004, 7/8 Gobbo, Federico (1999). Eŭropo, la lingvejo por ni? Esperanto, 1110(1). 12

Conferences and Workshops without Proceedings (33)

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco and Wagemans, Jean H. M. (2022). Adpositional Argumentation: How Logic

Originates In Natural Argumentative Discourse. Logic4Peace Event. University of Amsterdam. 22-23 April 2022. Gobbo, Federico (2021). Lingua di contatto e mobilità: il caso dell’esperanto. Migrazioni e appartenenze: Identità

composite e plurilinguismo. Università degli Studi di Catania. 4-5 Nov 2021.

Gobbo, Federico (2021). The Religious Dimensions of the Esperanto Collective Identity. Religious Dimensions of

Nationalism: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. 21-22-13 Oct 2021.

Gobbo, Federico (2021). Assessing linguistic unease to understand (socio)linguistic justice. Colloquium A: Linguistic

Justice and Global English. Applied Linguistic and Political Theoretical Intersections. BAAL 2020. 10 Sep 2021. Gobbo, Federico (2021). Vid’ al vide: poresperanta agado en Nederlando dumkovime. ViMF: Amsterdama Katedro,

Esperanto Nederland. 2a Virtuala Kongreso de Esperanto. 19 jul 2021.

Gobbo, Federico (2021). Esperanto in the web after Covid: Current challenges and opportunities for a linguistic community of practice. Seminario de Política Lingüística, Planificación Lingüística y Evaluación en Centroamérica y el Caribe: Realidades y Necesidades. PLPLE21. Universidad de Costa Rica. 17 Jun 2021.

Gobbo, Federico (2021). Dumkovime: defioj kaj oportunoj por Esperanto. 8-a Irana Esperanto-Kongreso. 6 aug 2020. Gobbo, Federico (2021). Interfake Esplori: Lingvistiko Renkontas Argumentoteorion. Internacia Reta Interfaka Sim-

pozio. 2-5 aprilo 2021.

Gobbo, Federico (2020). Aŭtora Momento pri “La muzeo de milito” de Claudio Magris. 1a Virtuala Kongreso de Esperanto. 9 apr 2021.


O.2020.3 O.2020.2 O.2020.1


O.2017.3 O.2017.2

O.2017.1 O.2016.3


O.2016.1 O.2015.2



O.2014.1 O.2013.3

O.2013.2 O.2013.1




Gobbo, Federico (2020). Enkonduko de Esperanto en Montessori-lernejon per komikso. Virtuala Kongreso de Es- peranto. 4 aug 2020.

Gobbo, Federico (2020). Ses difinoj serĉantaj fakon: Interlingvistiko inter komuniko kaj fikcio. VEKI, Virtuala Esperanto-Konferenco ILEI. 28 jul 2020.

Gobbo, Federico and Wagemans, Jean H. M. (2020). From climate change to emergency: the adpositional argu- mentation of Greta Thunberg’s speech in Paris. Reasons, Citizens and Institutions. International Conference on Argumentation and Public Policy (APPLY 2020). 4-6 mar 2020, University of Wrocław.

Gobbo, Federico (2018). Coolification vs contestedness and the digital world: lessons learnt from Hollywood lan- guages and Esperanto. Contested Languages in the Old World, 3rd edition (CLOW3). University of Amsterdam. 3-4 May 2018.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Is Esperanto a neutral language? The political paradoxes of the Esperanto Movement. The Politics of Multilingualism.. University of Amsterdam. 22-24 Apr 2017.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Is Esperanto a contested language? Towards a multifaceted definition of contestedness through the case-study of Esperanto in Italy. 1st International Conference on Revitalization of Indigenous and Minori- tized Languages. Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya. 19-21 Feb 2017.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Globalizzazione linguistica: lingue locali nei mercati globali / Linguistic globalisation: local languages in global markets. CILVE1, Camposampiero, 18 Feb 2017.

Gobbo, Federico and Alcalde, Javier (2016). Towards a tool to analyze linguistic justice: Essential interdisciplinary parameters. JDL2016 / GDL2016 (X Days of Linguistic Rights). University of Teramo. 14-16 May 2015. Presented by J. Alcalde.

Gobbo, Federico and Bonazzoli, Chiara (2016). L’invenzione linguistica come ponte interculturale: due laboratori in una scuola primaria Montessori [Language invention as a building bridge: two laboratories in a Montessori pri- mary school]. Building Bridges / Tra le due sponde. L’educazione interculturale all’epoca dei nuovi fondamentalismi. Quarta giornata interculturale Bicocca. University of Milano-Bicocca. 26 May 2016.

Gobbo, Federico (2016). The art of language invention in school: Two language laboratories in a Montessori school in Milan. MIME Expertmeeting. University of Amsterdam. 15 March 2015.

Gobbo, Federico and Miola, Emanuele (2015). Modificare la rappresentazione linguistica: piemontese ed esperanto a confronto [How to change the language representation: Piedmontese and Esperanto in comparison]. CMDL 2015 (IX Days of Linguistic Rights). University of Teramo. 19 May 2015. Presented by F. Gobbo.

Dell’Aquila, Vittorio and Gobbo, Federico and Iannàccaro, Gabriele (2015). The assessment of sociolinguistic jus- tice: parameters and models of analysis. Symposium “Economics, Linguistic Justice and Language Policy” Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin, 2-3 March 2015. Presented by V. Dell’Aquila.

Gobbo, Federico (2014). Translational communication and ‘glocalisation’: The impact on language policy. LPP 2014 Colloquium: Comparing language policies at different levels of governance against the back-drop of globalization. University of Calgary, Canada. 4 Sep 2014.

Gobbo, Federico (2014). Is the Calvet Language Barometer useful to measure linguistic justice? RECODE Workshop. The Politics of Multilingualism. University of Geneva, Switzerland. 19-20 Jun 2014.

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco (2013). The epistemology of programming language paradigms. In Bullynck, Marteen and Joinet, Jean-Baptiste (chairs). Book of Abstracts of second HaPoC conference. École Nationale Supérieure. 28-31 October 2013. Presented by F. Gobbo.

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco (2013). What can we know of computational inforgs? 5th Workshop on the Phi- losophy of Information. University of Hertfordshire, 27-28 March 2013. Presented by F. Gobbo.

Benini, Marco and Gobbo, Federico (2013). Measuring computational complexity: the qualitative and quantitative intertwining of algorithm comparison. 5th Workshop on the Philosophy of Information. University of Hertfordshire, 27-28 March 2013. Presented by M. Benini.

Gobbo, Federico and Preziosi, Riccardo (2012). Constructive Conversation Analysis in psychotherapy: cognitive relevance of actants in terms of linguistic constructions. 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, King’s College, Lon- don, 10-12 July 2012. Presented as a poster together with R. Preziosi.

Gobbo, Federico and Benini, Marco (2011). From Computing Machineries to Cloud Computing: The Minimal Levels of Abstraction of Inforgs through History. In De Mol, Liesbeth and Primiero, Giuseppe (chairs). Book of Abstracts of first HaPoC conference. Ghent University November 7-10.

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Interlinguistica in Italia oggi e domani. Cento anni di esperanto in Italia: per relazioni tra i popoli più giuste e più pacifiche. Convegno organizzato dalla Federazione Esperantista Italiana in collaborazione con il Comune di Firenze e con il patrocinio della Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l’Unesco. Firenze, Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei Duecento, 20 Marzo 2010.


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R.2014.2 R.2014.1



R.2012.2 R.2012.1 R.2011.2


R.2010.4 R.2010.3

Gobbo, Federico and Fössmeier, Reinhard (2008). A University mainly in Esperanto. CALPIU ’08. Transnational Student Mobility. Roskilde, Denmark, 14–17 December 2008.URL: hdl.handle.net/1800/6667

Gobbo, Federico (2007). Enhancing Collaborative Distance Learning through Wiki and Cognitive Mapping. NA-CAP 2007. Loyola University, Chicago, IL. July 2007

Gobbo, Federico and Lanzarone, Gaetano Aurelio (2007). Writing Spaces as Cognitive Tools in the Teaching of Phi- losophy and Computing. ECAP 2007. University of Twente, NL. June 2007

Gobbo, Federico (2006). Blogs, politics and ethics – The case of Beppe Grillo. ECAP 2006, University of Trondheim, Norway, June 2006

Gobbo, Federico (2005). May European Union Adopt A Lingua Franca? LGC Conference 2005, Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd, July 7–9

Book reviews (27)

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Esther H. Schor. Bridge of words: Esperanto and the dream of a universal language. New

York: Metropolitan Books. Language Problems Language Planning Volume 41, number 3, 2017. 321–323.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). David J. Peterson. The art of language invention: From horse-lords to dark elves, the words behind the world-building. New York: Penguin. Language Problems Language Planning Volume 41, number 2, 2017. 214–216.

Gobbo, Federico (2017). Claudio Marazzini and Alessio Petralli. La lingua italiana e le lingue romanze di fronte agli anglicismi. Accademia della Crusca, Firenze, goWare. Language Problems Language Planning Volume 41, number 2, 2017. 210–213.

Gobbo, Federico (2016). Nenad Stojanović. Dialogo sulle quote: Rappresentanza, eguaglianza e discriminazione nelle democrazie multiculturali. Bologna: Il Mulino. Language Problems Language Planning Volume 40, number 1, 2016. 108–111.

Gobbo, Federico (2015). Du esaroj, du Zamenhofoj. Recenzo de Aleksander Korĵenkov (2011). Homarano: La vivo, verkoj kaj ideoj de d-ro L. L. Zamenhof, eld. Sezonoj, Kaliningrado, kaj Litova Esperanto- Asocio, Kaunas, dua el- dono; kaj Jean Amouroux, Zofia Banet-Fornalowa, Masayosi Higasida kaj Bernhard Westerhoff (2015, komp.) Por ke la tagoj de la homaro estu pli lumaj. La originala verkaro de Lidia Zamenhof, eld. Flandra Esperanto-Ligo, Antver- peno. Beletra Almanako Volumo 23, 2015. 133–135.

Gobbo, Federico (2014). Wera Blanke. Pri terminologia laboro en Esperanto: Elektitaj publikaĵoj. Nov-Jorko: Mon- dial. Language Problems Language Planning Volume 38, number 1, 2014. 91–93.

Gobbo, Federico (2014). Albert Bastardas-Boada. Language and identity policies in the ‘glocal’ age: New processes, effect, and principles of organization. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics. Language Problems Language Plan- ning Volume 38, number 1, 2014. 87–90.

Gobbo, Federico (2013). Nicoletta Calzolari, Bernardo Magnini, Claudia Soria and Manuela Speranza. The Italian Language in the Digital Age / La lingua italiana nell’era digitale. Language Problems Language Planning Volume 37, number 2, 2013. 199–201.

Gobbo, Federico (2013). Senad Čolić, ed. (2011). Eŭropa Unio hieraŭ hodiaŭ morgaŭ: lingvaj kaj kulturaj aspek- toj. Referaĵoj kaj diskutintervenoj. Sarajevo: Savez za esperanto. Language Problems Language Planning Volume 37, number 1, 2013. 75–77. doi 10.1075/lplp.37.1.06gob

Gobbo, Federico (2012). Elly van Gelderen, eds (2009). Cyclical Change. John Benjamins. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 32 (2). 291–292

Gobbo, Federico (2012). Emanuele Mambretti e Remo Bracchi. Dizionario etimologico-etnografico dei dialetti di Livigno e Trepalle DELT. Language Problems Language Planning Volume 36, number 2, 2012. 183–186

Gobbo, Federico (2011). Alan Libert. Daughters of Esperanto. München: Lincom Europa. 2008. Language Problems Language Planning, Volume 35, number 3, 2011. 273–275.

doi 10.1075/lplp.35.3.05gob. ISI Unique-ID: 000300359200005

Gobbo, Federico (2011). Paolo Coluzzi. Minority Language Planning and Micronationalism in Italy: An Analysis of the Situation of Friulan, Cimbrian and Western Lombard with Reference to Spanish Minority Languages. Bern: Peter Lang. 2007. Language Problems Language Planning, Volume 35, number 2, 2011. 177–179.

doi 10.1075/lplp.35.2.06gob

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Mejloŝtono en la esplorado pri la temoj ĉirkaŭ Esperanto, Esperanto, 1240(10): 205–206

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Humphrey Tonkin. Una lingua e un popolo. Problemi attuali del movimento esperantista. Recensione. [A language and a people. Current issues with the Esperantist movement. Review] Language Problems Language Planning, Volume 34, number 3, 2010. 276–278



R.2010.1 R.2009.3

R.2009.2 R.2009.1 R.2008.2


R.2007.1 R.2007.3

R.2007.2 R.2006.1 R.2005.1

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Christo Moskovsky and Alan Libert. Essays on Natural and Artificial Languages. Bern: Peter Lang. Review. Language Problems Language Planning, Volume 34, number 3, 2010. 285–286.

doi 10.1075/lplp.34.3.11gob

Gobbo, Federico (2010). Jennifer Jenkins. English as a Lingua Franca: Attitude and Identity. Review. Language Problems Language Planning, Volume 34, number 1, 2010. 81–83

Gobbo, Federico (2009). Luci e ombre sulle tesi dell’opera. Recensione di Andrea Chiti-Batelli (2007), L’Europa in- tera parlerà solo inglese? Per un’interlinguistica “scientifica”, Franco Angeli, Milano. L’esperanto, gen/feb 2009 (86) 1. 16–18

Gobbo, Federico (2009). Celita por universitatanoj. Recenzo de Minnaja, Carlo and Sejpak, Anatolo (2006), Elektitaj lekcioj de scienco kaj tekniko, MGIU, Moskvo. L’esperanto, mar/apr 2009 (86) 2

Gobbo, Federico (2009). Monumento al la fruktoj de niaj verdaj floroj. Recenzo de Sutton, Geoffrey (2008), Concise Encyclopedia of the Original Literature of Esperanto, Mondial, New York. La Gazeto, n-ro 143. 30–31

Gobbo, Federico (2008). Carlo Minnaja. L’esperanto in Italia. Alla ricerca della democrazia linguistica. Recensione [Esperanto in Italy. The search for linguistic democracy] Language Problems Language Planning, Volume 32, number 3, 2008. 300–302. ISI Unique-ID: 000262928200012

Gobbo, Federico (2008). John Myhill. Language, Religion and National Identity in Europe and the Middle East. Re- view. Language Problems Language Planning, Volume 32, number 2, 2008. 211–212

Gobbo, Federico (2007). Abel Montagut. La enigmo de l’ araneo. Recenzo. La Gazeto, n-ro 131. 29

Gobbo, Federico (2007). Ulrich Ammon and Grant McConnell. English as an Academic Language in Europe. A

Survey of its Use in Teaching. Review. Language Problems Language Planning, Volume 31, number 1, 2007. 62–64 Gobbo, Federico (2007). Santiago Posteguillo. Netlinguistics. Language, Discourse and Ideology in Internet. Review.

Language Problems Language Planning, Volume 31, number 1, 2007. 73–76

Gobbo, Federico (2006). Umberto Broccatelli. Dizionario Esperanto-Italiano. Zanichelli. 2004. Recensione. Lan-

guage Problems Language Planning, Volume 30, number 2, 2006. 208–211

Gobbo, Federico (2005). The Language Revolution by David Crystal (2004). Review in The LINGUIST List, 16.1500.

Message 1. Eastern Michigan University / Wayne State University. 10-May-2005




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Technical reports, working papers, posters and other essays (32)

Sayers, Dave and Sousa-Silva, Rui and Höhn, Sviatlana et al. (2021). The Dawn of the Human-Machine Era: A fore- cast of new and emerging language technologies. Report for EU COST Action CA19102 ‘Language In The Human- Machine Era’. doi 10.17011/jyx/reports/20210518/1

Gobbo, Federico (2020). Sed mi ne povis forlasi la ideon, kaj mi transiris Rubikonon. Repliko al la recenzo de Jansen pri Gobbo 2020. Beletra Almanako, 38. 139-142

Gobbo, Federico, red (2016). Bulteno de la Amsterdama Katedro. L’ A’dama Kat’, 3/2016 sep n-ro 32. Gobbo, Federico, red (2016). Bulteno de la Amsterdama Katedro. L’ A’dama Kat’, 1-2/2016 maj n-ro 30/31. Gobbo, Federico, red (2015). Bulteno de la Amsterdama Katedro. L’ A’dama Kat’, 3/2015 sep n-ro 29.

Gobbo, Federico and Caligaris, Irene (2015). “Mi ne identiĝas kun nenia nacieco, mi estas de la monda nacieco.” Enketo pri plurlingveco kaj lingvoidenteco de la Esperanto-parolantoj [“I do not identify myself with no nation, I belong to the worldwide nation.” A survey about plurlingualism and language identity of Esperantophones]. Poster presented at the World Esperanto Congress n. 100, Lille, France.

Gobbo, Federico, red (2015). Bulteno de la Amsterdama Katedro. L’ A’dama Kat’, 2/2015 maj n-ro 28.

Gobbo, Federico (2015). La holivudaj planlingvoj, n-ro 10. Esperanto, 1291 (5) Majo. 112–113.

Gobbo, Federico (2015). Planlingvoj inter leksikografio kaj terminologio, n-ro 9. Esperanto, 1290 (4) Aprilo. 92–93.

Gobbo, Federico (2015). Kial tiom da latinidaj planlingvoj, n-ro 8. Esperanto, 1289 (3) Marto. 68–69.

Gobbo, Federico (2015). La du Lazaroj; du vivoj, du lingvoj, n-ro 7. Esperanto, 1288 (2) Februaro. 32–33.

Gobbo, Federico, red (2015). Bulteno de la Amsterdama Katedro. L’ A’dama Kat’, 1/2015 jan n-ro 27.

Gobbo, Federico (2015). Gloro kaj falo de Volapuko, n-ro 6. Esperanto, 1287 (1) Januaro. 18–19.

Gobbo, Federico (2014). Van science fiction naar Esperanto. Kat Blad, # 105, Juni. 6.

Gobbo, Federico (2014). La praavoj de Interlingvistiko: Kartezio kaj Lejbnico, n-ro 5. Esperanto, 1286 (12) Decembro. 258–259.

Gobbo, Federico and Marácz, László (2014). An interdisciplinary working paper series on multilingualism. A’dam Multiling, Working Paper #0.

Gobbo, Federico (2014). La fratoj de Saussure kaj Esperanto Serio Interlingvistiko por Esperantistoj, n-ro 4. Esperanto, 1285 (11) Novembro. 224–225.

Gobbo, Federico, red (2014). Bulteno de la Amsterdama Katedro. L’ A’dama Kat’, 3/2014 sep n-ro 26.

Gobbo, Federico, red (2014). Bulteno de la Amsterdama Katedro. L’ A’dama Kat’, 2/2014 maj n-ro 25.

Gobbo, Federico, red (2014). Bulteno de la Amsterdama Katedro. L’ Adam’a Kat’, 1/2014 jan n-ro 24.

Gobbo, Federico (2014). La kunfluo de lingvoplanado kaj planlingvoj. Serio Interlingvistiko por Esperantistoj, n-ro 3. Esperanto, 1283 (9) Septembro. 188–191.

Gobbo, Federico (2014). La malfacila tasko klasifiki planlingvojn. Serio Interlingvistiko por Esperantistoj, n-ro 2. Esperanto, 1282 (7–8) Julio-Augusto. 164–165.

Gobbo, Federico (2014). Interlingvistiko: unu vorto, multaj signifoj. Serio Interlingvistiko por Esperantistoj, n-ro 1. Esperanto, 1281 (6) Junio. 136–137.

Gobbo, Federico (2013). Programma TFA Informatica di Base. Technical report. University of L’Aquila, March Gobbo, Federico (2010). CoCAL white paper. Technical report. Unpublished

Gobbo, Federico (2009). Enterprise 2.0 Adoption: Technological and non-technological factors. Technical Report. Varese, University of Insubria, March

Gobbo, Federico (2009). Agile, a mind map as a poster. Enterprise 2.0 Forum, 3 June 2009

Gobbo, Federico (2008). Lingvo kaj Artefariteco: Interlingvistiko kaj Lingvoplanado en Varezo, Italio. Konferenco de Universitatoj kie Esperanto aŭ Interlingvistiko estas instruata Amsterdamo, Nederlando. Fakartikolo kaj mensmapo. Neeldonita

Gobbo, Federico (2007). Workshop: Raccontare storie (d’uso). Italian Agile Day. Bologna, Italy, 2007, November, 23 Gobbo, Federico and Vaccari Matteo (2007). The Pomodoro Technique. XP Days Benelux. Mechelen, Belgium, 2007,

November, 15–16

Gobbo, Federico (2007). Wikimaps = mind maps + wikis. RailstoItaly. Pisa, Italy, 2007, October

Gobbo, Federico and Vaccari, Matteo (2006). Progetto TIGER. Un’applicazione web per l’e-learning avanzato in robotica. Expo del Capitale Umano 2006. Fieramilanocity 15–18 Marzo. Milano


F.2019.1 F.2018.1 F.2012.1 F.2011.1

S.2019.1 S.2016.1


M.2021.2 M.2021.1 M.2020.1 M.2019.1

Y.2021.1 Y.2016.1


Fiction (3)

Gobbo, Federico, (2019). Please, confirm you are human Becoming Human AI. Medium.com

Gobbo, Federico, membro de la Krikenhara Sepopo (2018). UEA. Monato. Flandra Esperanto-Ligo

Gobbo, Federico (2011). Il nobile cavalier Leonardo e il drago Yans. Milano: SBF Narcissus. e-Isbn 9788863698435 Gobbo, Federico (2011). Mary Everest e il Mistero del Pantelegrafo. Milano: SBF Narcissus. e-Isbn 9788863692624

Software (1)

Benini Marco and Gobbo, Federico (2016). adtrees - Macros for drawing adpositional trees. Version 1.1. CTAN

Comprehensive TeX Archive.

Benini Marco and Gobbo, Federico (2016). adtrees - Macros for drawing adpositional trees. Version 1.0. CTAN

Comprehensive TeX Archive. Graphic Novels (1)

Gobbo, Federico and Gamberoni, Yuri (2018). Bonvenon! Laŭra kaj Petro malkovras Esperanton. New York: Mondial. Isbn 9781595693839.

Music (3)

Gobbo, Federico and Rabacchi Fabrizio (2020). Letero al Duolingano. In: Interna Ideo. EP. Distributed through Soundrop.

Kjara (Raggi, Chiara) (2021.) Mozaiko. Elitaligo de Gobbo, Federico. Rimini: Musica di Seta. Winner of the fan- based Eurovision Song Festival for Minority Languages 2022

Gobbo, Federico and Rabacchi Fabrizio (2020). Mi Ne Komprenas Kial. In: Interna Ideo. EP. Distributed through Soundrop.

Gobbo, Federico and Rabacchi Fabrizio (2019). Jen. In: Interna Ideo. EP. Distributed through Soundrop. Poetry (2)

Gobbo, Federico (2021). Multlingva Poème Challenge. Polyglot Gathering 2021. Jury Member.

Gobbo, Federico (2016). Lingua bastarda. In: Festschrift for Sijmen Tol, on the occasion of his retirement. Bijdragen

verzameld en bezorgd door: Eline van der Veken, Katja Bobyleva, René Genis. FST 00100. Leiden: Brill. 18.

Gobbo, Federico. (2016). Drongo. In: Festschrift for Sijmen Tol, on the occasion of his retirement. Bijdragen verzameld en bezorgd door: Eline van der Veken, Katja Bobyleva, René Genis. FST 00100. Leiden: Brill. 19.





Z.2019.2* Z.2019.1*

Z.2018.1* Z.2017.1 Z.2016.2 Z.2016.1*









Appendix 2: Supervised theses (28)3 Supervised PhD theses (1)

Longo, Luca. PhD in Computer Science. Formalising mental workload as a defeasible computational concept. Trinity College Dublin. Advisor: Vincent Wade. 2014

Supervised M.A. theses (17)

Rositani, Alessandra. M.A. in Language Sciences. “Ai miei figli parlerò solo rom!” La forza della marginalità. Uno studio sulla minoranza romaní a Torino. [“To my kids I’ll speak only Romaní!” The strength of being at the margins of society. A study on the Romaní minority in Turin]. University of Turin. 2020.

Repetti, Veronica. M.A. in Language Sciences. Avere o non avere: questo è il dilemma. Uno studio sulle strutture linguistiche del possesso nelle lingue pianificate. [To have, or not to have, that is the question. A study of possessive forms in planned languages]. University of Turin. 2020.

Beltman, Anne. M.A. in Language and Society. A Model for the Implementation Of Non-Formal Language Acquisition In Language Revitalization: The Case Study of Irish. University of Amsterdam. 2019.

Musella, Grazia. M.A. in Language Sciences. “Il dialetto, una delle cose più preziose che porto con me nella valigia”. Uno studio sul mantenimento linguistico nelle nuove forme di mobilità [“The vernacular, one of the most important things I bring with me in my suitcase.” A study on language maintenance in new forms of mobility]. University of Turin. 2019.

Mathiulaki, Marianna. M.A. in General Linguistics. The Art of Translation in Esperanto vs. English: A case study in Sapphic translation. University of Amsterdam. 2018.

Hoffman, Lara W. Research M.A. in Art Studies. Underrated Understanding: Towards an Aesthetics of ‘Non-Translation’ University of Amsterdam. 2017.

Dires, Rahel T. M.A. in Language Sciences. I situativi in somalo e amarico nell’ambito della linguistica dello spazio [Linguistics of space: situatives in Somali and Amharic]. University of Turin. Advisor: Mauro Tosco. 2016.

Albano, Chiara. M.A. in Language Sciences. Mappare le difficoltà di lettura: l’indice sintattico Sintykli e la riscrittura semi-automatica del testo [Mapping reading difficulties: the syntactic index Sintykli and text semi-automatic rewrit- ing]. University of Turin. 2016.

Vardeu, Laura. M.A. in Language Sciences. “A noi il sardo te lo imparano i tuoi genitori e l’italiano a scuola”: Una sper- imentazione linguistica in Sardegna [“To us Sardinian parents learn to you, Italian at school”: a linguistic fieldwork in Sardinia]. University of Turin. 2015.

Caligaris, Irene. M.A. in Language Sciences. “Una lingua per tutti, una lingua di nessun paese”: Una ricerca sul campo sulle identità esperantiste [“A language for everybody, a language of no country”: a fieldwork on Esperanto identi- ties]. University of Turin. 2015. Premio di Laurea ‘Giorgio Canuto’ 2015.

Preziosi, Riccardo Amedeo. M.A. in Clinical Psychology. Geometrie grammaticali: Un approccio basato sulle costruzioni nell’analisi della conversazione clinica. [Grammar geometries: a construction-based approach of clinical conversation analysis.] Catholic University of Milan. Advisor: Patrizia Bevilacqua. 2011

Galantucci, Gabriella. M.A. in Translation Studies. Lingue pianificate e terminologia nell’opera di Eugen Wüster. [Planned languages and terminology in the works by Eugen Wüster.] University of Turin. Advisor Mario Squartini. 2010

Macchi, Luca M.A. in Computer Science. Individuazione, sperimentazione e valutazione di ausili informatici per utenti con disabilità motorie e di linguaggio, atti a favorire l’interazione uomo-macchina: un caso di studio. [Evaluation of human-computer interfaces for users with language and motion disabilities. A case study.] University of Insubria. Advisor: Gaetano A. Lanzarone. 2008

Pepe, Massimiliano. M.A. in Computer Science. Novelle. Uno strumento per la scrittura collaborativa open source. [Novelle. An open source software for collaborative writing.] University of Insubria. Advisor: Gaetano A. Lan- zarone. 2007. see also {P.2006.3}

Landoni, Tullio. B.A. in Computer Science. Applicazione basata su Ruby on Rails per la gestione e simulazione didattica di un braccio meccanico, nell’ambito del progetto TIGER. [A web app developed in Ruby on Rails for distant education in robotics (project TIGER).] University of Insubria. Advisor: Matteo Vaccari. 2006

Puliafito, Mirko. M.A. WeTT : Web Telelaboratory for TIGER. University of Insubria. Advisor: Matteo Vaccari. 2006 3Dissertations supervised as the main internal advisor are marked with a star (*). In case of non-marked dissertations, the role can be different:

co-advisor, second promotor, external advisor, etc. In these cases, the main internal advisor is explicitly mentioned.



Z.2022.1* Z.2017.1* Z.2015.3 Z.2013.2



Z.2010.2 Z.2009.1

Z.2008.1 Z.2007.1

Z.2022.1* Z.2019.1* Z.2018.1*


PWS.2017.1 PWS.2016.3 PWS.2016.2 PWS.2016.1

Fabbri, Caterina. M.A. Il ruolo dell’esperanto nella nuova Europa. [The role of Esperanto in the new Europe.] Univer- sity of Parma. Advisor: Davide Astori. 2005

Supervised B.A. theses (10)

Štrakl, Katja. B.A. in Linguistics. Ty mene razumějěs? [Do you understand me?] Intelligibility of Interslavic to Slovene

native speakers. University of Amsterdam. 2022.

Verhoeven, Romy. B.A. in English Language and culture Sciences. Challenging Patriarchal Language and Thinking:

an Investigation into Suzette Haden Elgin’s Láadan. University of Amsterdam. 2017.

Konijn, Emma. B.A. in English Language and culture Sciences. Language Alienation: Klingon vs. English. Advisor:

Olga Fischer. University of Amsterdam. 2015.

Grimaldi, Matteo. B.A. in Computer Science. Tipologia della personalità tramite text mining di conversazioni su in so- cial network [Personality Type Indication based on social network chats] University of L’Aquila. Advisor: Pasquale Caianiello. 2013

Leombruni, Daniele. B.A. in Information Engineering. Sviluppo di applicazioni mobili multipiattaforma: Applicazione tramite tecnologia PhoneGap [Cross-platform development for smartphones using PhoneGap: a case study] Univer- sity of L’Aquila. Advisor: Laura Tarantino. 2013

Bozzolo, Piero. B.A. in Computer Science. Open Mind Map: Un’applicazione collaborativa per creare mappe mentali e dialogiche. [Open Mind Map: a collaborative app for mind and dialogue mapping] University of Insubria. Advisor: Matteo Vaccari. 2012

Calandro, Luca. B.A. in Communication Sciences. Creatività e cultura hacker nell’economia della società delle reti. [Creativity and hacking culture in net economics.] University of Insubria. Advisor: Mario Astuti. 2010

Gagliati, Marco. B.A. in Communication Sciences. La ricerca della lingua perfetta. Strategie comunicative nei Con- gressi Universali in Italia [The Search of the Perfect Language. Communicative strategies in the Universal Congresses in Italy.] University of Insubria. Advisor: Gianmarco Gaspari. 2009

Marini, Domenico. B.A. in Computer Science. Agile Tracking. University of Insubria. Advisor: Matteo Vaccari. 2008

Russo, Luana. B.A. in Computer Science. Multilang Engine. Un motore multilingue per la ricerca di immagini su Flickr. [Flickrpedia. A multilingual engine to dig Flickr.] University of Insubria. Advisor: Gaetano A. Lanzarone 2007

Supervised tutorials (3)

van Beemdelust, Angelica. Tutorial 2 for the Research B.A. in Linguistics. Phonological processes in Esperanto: a case

study of voice assimilation. University of Amsterdam. 2022.

Linghui (Eva) Gan. Tutorial 2 for the Research B.A. in Linguistics. Attitudes Towards the Official Recognition of Hong

Kong Sign Language by Hong Kong Citizens. University of Amsterdam. 2019.

van Boven, Cindy. Tutorial for the Research B.A. in Linguistics. New speaker motivations: Differences and similarities

between adults learning Frisian and adults learning Sign Language of The Netherlands. University of Amsterdam. 2018. Supervised profielwerkstukken (5)

de Bruijne, Zita and Bemelmans, Puck. Waarom is Esperanto er niet in geslaagd een wereldtaal te worden? Profiel- werkstuk. Begeleider: Ingrid van Lindert. Vossius Gymnasium. 2017

Lisa van der Feer, Lisa. Profielwerkstuk. Vitus College Bussum. 2017

Stuhlmacher, Jane and Baudoin, Shanti. Profielwerkstuk. Cygnus Gymnasium. 2016

van Boxtel, Femke. Profielwerkstuk. Udens College. 2016

Dijkstra, Sietske and Putter, Berbele. Esperanto: het nieuwe Engels? In hoeverre is Esperanto geschikt als de nieuwe internationale taal van Europa? Profielwerkstuk. Begeleider: Florence Lionarons. Gymnasium Leiden. 2016


L.2022.6 L.2022.5

L.2022.4 L.2022.3 L.2022.2 L.2022.1 L.2021.7 L.2021.6 L.2021.5 L.2021.4

L.2021.3 L.2021.2

L.2021.1 L.2020.4 L.2020.3

L.2020.2 L.2020.1 L.2019.10

L.2019.9 L.2019.8

L.2019.7 L.2019.6 L.2019.5 L.2019.4 L.2019.3 L.2019.2

Academic invited lectures et similia (57)

Invited Talk L’esperanto nei Paesi Bassi: un internazionalismo alternativo. Invited by Marco Prandoni, Università

degli Studi di Bologna. Aula VIII, Dip Lingue Lett e Cult Mod, 7 Oct 2022.

Invited Talk L’utilizzo di lingue inventate come strumento di educazione interculturale in una scuola primaria montes- soriana di Milano. Officine dell’Interculturalità. Invited by Marco Prandoni, Università degli Studi di Bologna. Aula VIII, Dip Lingue Lett e Cult Mod, 5 Oct 2022.

Invited Lecture Cinema and Esperanto. Invited by Davide Astori. Cinema and (Inter)linguistics seminar. Univer- sity of Parma. Online + Aula K3. 13 Sep 2022.

Invited Talk Esperanto, an international language from project to life. Three Webinars on Constructed languages. Invited by Paolo Coluzzi, Universiti Malaya. Online. 30 Jun 2022.

Invited Talk Esperanto in the East Asia: Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam. Invited by Confucius Institute, organizer: Elisabetta Ragagnin, Università Ca’ Foscari. Aula B, Ca’ Cappello, Venezia. 24 May 2022.

Invited Talk Esperanto in China: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Invited by Confucius Institute, organizer: Elisabetta Ragagnin, Università Ca’ Foscari. Aula 5, Rio Nuovo, Venezia. 23 May 2022.

Guest Seminar Le lingue di minoranza: Il caso dell’esperanto. Invited by Sabina Fontana. Università degli Studi di Catania. SDS Lingue, Aula Magna, Ragusa. 3 nov 2021.

Invited Lecture Spinoza e Zamenhof. Invited by Davide Astori. Università degli Studi di Parma. Aula C Plesso D’Azeglio, Parma. 11 ott 2021.

Guest Lecture L’esperanto in 15 minuti. Invited by Anna Maria Thornton. Università degli Studi de L’Aquila. 7 ott 2021.

Guest Seminar Artificial languages and language constructions: Observations on the relation between the concepts of naturalness and culture. Invited by Philippe Planchon. Seminar. École Doctorale Humanités et Langues. Université de Tours. 21 Apr 2021.

Invited Lecture Lingue inventate tra fine Otto- e inizio Novecento., Giornata in memoriam Daniele Marignoni. Su invito di Raffaella Barbierato. Biblioteca Statale di Cremona, 5 maggio 2021.

Invited Lecture Kia interlingvistiko en Amsterdamo. Seminario al la kurso pri Interlingvistiko. ’Centro Linguistico di Ateneo’ (CLA), Universitato de Parmo, laŭ invito de Davide Astori. Kadre de la Erasmusplusa-interŝanĝo inter la Universitatoj de Amsterdamo kaj Parmo. 31 Mar 2021.

Invited Lecture La Insulo de la Rozoj kaj la aliaj: promenado inter la kinarto kaj Esperanto hieraŭ kaj hodiaŭ. Ret- prelego laŭ invito. Londona kaj Antverpena kluboj, 15 jan 2021.

Invited Lecture La mesaĝo de Zamenhof hodiaŭ; Esperanto kaj ne nur. Internacia Retseminario pri Esperanto, Uni- versitato de Ŝirazo, Irano, 23,25-26 nov 2020.

Invited Lecture Language diversity in Europe: Challenges for the education systems. Invitation by Prof. Giri Rao for programme Studying Language and Literature. Azim Premji University, 15 Oct 2020.

Guest Lecture Lingva kafejo: Esperanto. Studievereniging VOS. University of Amsterdam, 11 mar 2020. Seminar The world(s) of planned languages: Interlinguistics in the 21st century. VUB Bruxelles, 21 Feb 2020

Guest Lecture Reconstructing arguments using the Periodic Table of Arguments in a real-case corpus. Research Master class in Current Research, University of Amsterdam, 20 Nov 2019

Podiumdiskussion Das Ende von Babel?. Dahlem Humanities Center, Freie Universität Berlin, 7 Nov 2019

Lecture Hollywood Languages: The Challenge of Interlinguistics in the New Millenium. Planned languages and lan- guage planning, Symposium in the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Esperanto Museum, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 24-25 Oct 2019

Lecture Language Regimes of the European Union. 9th International Teaching and Training Week, University of Economics in Bratislava, 16 Oct 2019

Lecture Language policy and planning : Between Economics and Identity. 9th International Teaching and Training Week, University of Economics in Bratislava, 15 Oct 2019

Lecture From Esperanto to Dothraki: languages as works of art and why they matter. Institut für Turkologie Frei Universität Berlin, 11 July 2019

Talk Languagy Policy and Planning at the time of Brexit: toward a new Scientific Babel?. Forschungscolloquium Ro- manistische Sprachwissenschaft Summer term 2019. Frei Universität Berlin, 10 July 2019

Talk Multilingualism in the EU after Brexit (or not): challenges and opportunities. Polyglot Gathering, University of Economics in Bratislava, May 2019

Lecture International Auxiliary Languages: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Invitation by Lee Malomo, the instructor of 23

L.2019.1 L.2018.1 L.2017.3

L.2017.2 L.2017.1 L.2016.2 L.2016.1 L.2015.11


L.2015.9 L.2015.8

L.2015.7 L.2015.6

L.2015.5 L.2015.4 L.2015.3

L.2015.2 L.2015.1 L.2014.5

L.2014.4 L.2014.3 L.2014.2 L.2014.1

The Global Challenge of Linguistic Diversity course, William Peace University.

Lecture Italiani, bilingui inconsapevoli. Viaggio in Italia, Paese multilingue. Università di Amsterdam su invito di

Elisabetta Materassi e Mauro Scorretti, 13 Mar 2019, Amsterdam.

Lecture Italiani, bilingui inconsapevoli. Viaggio in Italia, Paese multilingue. Università di Amsterdam su invito di Elisabetta Materassi e Mauro Scorretti, 14 Mar 2018, Amsterdam.

Lecture Inventare una lingua segreta in classe: consapevolezza metalinguistica e apprendimento L2. Acquisizione e didattica dell’italiano L2. Università di Amsterdam, Università di Leiden in collaborazione con Levende Talen, 19 Mag 2017, Amsterdam.

Lecture Interlinguistics in the 21st century: planned languages as a tool to learn linguistics by doing. ACLC Lecture Series, University of Amsterdam, 24 Mar 2017, Amsterdam.

Talk Deliberate metaphors in Esperanto: Building a cosmopolitan culture from scratch. Metaphor Lab, University of Amsterdam, 14 Mar 2017, Amsterdam.

Lecture Word order and information structure in Esperanto. Scriptiemarkt, University of Amsterdam, 11 Nov 2016, Amsterdam. Together with Francesc Torres-Tamarit and Edoardo Cavirani.

Talk The art of language invention in school: Two language laboratories in a Montessori school in Milan. MIME expert meeting: Meertaligheid in het Onderwijs, University of Amsterdam. 15 Mar 2016, Amsterdam

Talk Word order in the diachrony of Esperanto: A corpus-based study of noun-adjective collocation. Meeting of the international network on The Structure, Emergence and Evolution of Pidgin and Creole Languages (SEEPiCLa). Uni- versity of Amsterdam. 14 dec 2015, Amsterdam.

Lecture Il fascino discreto dell’interlinguistica in Giuseppe Peano e i matematici suoi contemporanei [The discrete charm of interlinguistics in Giuseppe Peano and other mathematicians of his time]. Associazione Subalpina Mathe- sis. University of Turin. 19 nov 2015.

Lecture Behind the curtain of a paper: Interdisciplinary research from the idea to dissemination. Module ‘Research Methods and Proposal writing’ in the School of Computing. Dublin Institute of Technology. 7 Nov 2015.

Lecture Interlinguistica e multilinguismo: Sociolinguistica dell’esperanto, oggi [Interlinguistics and multilingualism: sociolinguistics of Esperanto nowadays]. Premio di Laurea ‘Giorgio Canuto’ 2015. Lapenna Prize 2015. University of Parma. 20 Oct 2015.

Lecture An alternative globalisation: Why learn Esperanto today? Spui 25, in cooperation with the Faculty of Hu- manities, University of Amsterdam. 8 oct 2015.

Colloquium Kien estas iranta Esperantologio? Defioj kaj proponoj por la ĵusa estonteco [Where are Esperanto Studies going? Challenges and proposals for the upcoming future]. World Esperanto Congress n. 100, Lille, France, 30 jul 2015.

Lecture L’interlinguistica in Italia: Un’introduzione [Interlinguistics in Italy: an introduction]. BA Italiaanse taal en cultuur [Italian language and culture]. University of Amsterdam, 19 jun 2015.

Lecture A journey into Tolkien’s fascination for words and languages. Event organized by ACE of EtCetera, the English Studies student association at the University of Amsterdam. Public library, Doelenzaal, 18 jun 2015.

Seminar Kien iras Artefarita Inteligenteco? Ekde la entuziasmo al la realeco; La graveco de etiko por la nuntempa AI; Malfermaj etikaj problemoj [Where is A.I. going? From enthusiasm to reality; the importance of ethics for today’s A.I.; Open ethical issues]. In cooperation with the International Academy of Sciences San Marino. World Esperanto Congress n. 100, Lille, France, 27-28 jul 2015.

ACLC seminar Interlinguistics and Esperanto Studies in the new millennium. Within the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC). University of Amsterdam. 27 mar 2015.

MIME workshop Linguae francae between communication and identity: theoretical issues. Within the 7FP-funded EU Project ‘Mobility and Inclusion in a Multilingual Europe’ (MIME). University of Amsterdam. 9 mar 2015.

MIME workshop Linguistic (in)justice and communication models: A pledge for a balanced multilingualism. Within the 7FP-funded EU Project ‘Mobility and Inclusion in a Multilingual Europe’ (MIME). University of Milano-Bicocca. 12 dec 2014.

Lecture La klara lingvo: Enkonduko al konstruiva adpozicia gramatiko de Esperanto [The crystal clear language: in- troduction to Constructive Adpositional Grammar (CxAdGram) of Esperanto]. La Amsterdama Rondo. 21 nov 2014.

DIP Colloquium Natural language formalization meets constructive mathematics. ILLC Seminar Room F1.15, Uni- versity of Amsterdam. 17 oct 2014.

Talk Interlinguistics and Esperanto since 2014: where I come from, what I do here, now and then. Introductory Session new UvA staff. Maagdenhuis, University of Amsterdam. 19 mar 2014.

Informal Talk The phonology of Esperanto: state-of-the-art and open questions. Phonetics Lab Meetings. P.C. 24

L.2013.1 L.2012.1






Hoofthuis, University of Amsterdam. 26 feb 2014.

Talk Esperanto and Minority Languages: Challenges and Opportunities. A Taste of Esperanto Event. Department

of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, University of Liverpool, UK. 17 October 2013.

Seminar Da Turing a Facebook: Attuali direzioni di ricerca in Epistemologia ed Etica dell’Informatica [From Turing to Facebook: current Research Directions in Computing 􏰀 Philosophy] at the PhD School in Computer Science of University of L’Aquila, Italy. May 2012

Seminar Analisi Conversazionale Costruttiva: applicazioni ai trascritti terapeutici [Constructive Conversation Anal- ysis: applications to transcripts of therapeutic sessions] at ASAG-CEAT (European Center for Therapeutic Assess- ment) of the Catholic University of Milan, Italy. 2010–2011

Lecture Translating into and out of a planned language : what does it mean?. Invited lecture in the series Les mardis à l’ETI by François Grin and Michele Gazzola, Ecole de Traduction et d’Interprétation (ETI), University of Geneva, Swizerland

Lecture Introduzione alle grammatiche adposizionali [Introduction to adpositional grammars]. Invited lecture by Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti in the course of Interlinguistica ed Esperantologia [Interlinguistics and Esperantic Studies], University of Turin, Italy

Lecture Pianificazione linguistica e lingue pianificate [Planned languages and language planning]. Invited lecture by Paolo Valore in the lecture series Linguaggi artificiali nel Novecento [Artificial Languages in the 20 century] in the course of Storia della Metafisica Contemporanea [History of Contemporary Metaphysics], University of Milan, Italy

Lecture Politiche linguistiche dell’Unione Europea. [Language policy in the EU]. Invited lecture by Davide Astori in the course of Linguistica generale [General Linguistics], University of Parma, Italy


V.2022.6 V.2022.5 V.2022.4 V.2022.3 V.2022.2 V.2022.1

V.2021.4 V.2021.3 V.2021.2

V.2021.1 V.2020.1 V.2019.7 V.2019.6 V.2019.5 V.2019.4 V.2019.3 V.2019.2 V.2019.1 V.2018.3 V.2018.2 V.2018.1 V.2017.4 V.2017.3 V.2017.2 V.20167.51


Valorisation activities (including interviews) (32)

Exhibition EDL Speak dating 2022. Esperanto. European Commission w/EUNIC NL. Amsterdam Public Library (OBA). 29 Sep 2022.

Invited Talk Please, do not follow my example: Sometimes it’s hard to be a linguist, but it is worth the journey. Invited by VOS. Linguistic Career Day, University of Amsterdam. Doelenzaal, Amsterdam. 15 May 2022.

Invited Talk Daŭripova lingvopolitiko kaj -planado: Kadre de la Eŭropa kunteksto. Invited by Germana Esperanto- Asocio, Germana Esperanto-Kongreso. Oldenburg. 4 Jun 2022.

Invited Talk Reflecting upon the European Day of Languages: Multilingualism and Language Regimes. Invited by Claude Macko. The British School of Amsterdam. Auditorium. 28 Sep 2022.

Invited Lecture Una lingua comune per l’Europa? Invited by Davide Astori. Quale/i lingua/e per l’Europa? Gior- nata di studio. Università degli Studi di Parma. Online + Aula Magna, Parma. 10 May 2022.

Invited Talk Interlinguistica ed esperantologia oggi: l’esperienza di Amsterdam. Invited by Peter Baláž, E@I. Polyglot Gathering Online 2022. 1 May 2022.

Eppur si muove: l’esperanto oggi, tra tecnologia e pandemia. Linguisticamente, 26 luglio 2021.

Europe’s Stories. Connecting Past, Present and Future. Interview. europeanmoments.com, 12 May 2021.

Esperanto Lectura Dantis. Flash Mob Baci dal Mondo / Worldwide Kisses. Voĉoj: Nicola Ruggiero (Dante), Jasper van der Heide (Vergilio), Alessandra Rositani, Monica Beretti, Sara Pasquet (Francesca). Francesca da Rimini 2021, 8 mar 2021.

L’esperanto in movimento: varietà sociolinguistiche e sviluppo diacronico. Chiasmo, Treccani. Intervista di Alessio Sacha Giordano, 23 gennaio 2021.

Deze filosofen maken een argumentatiemachine die, hopen zij, drogredenen uit toespraken kan vissen Volkskrant, interview bij Maarten Van Gestel, 21 februari 2020.

What is Esperanto, and what place does it have in a post Brexit EU? Interview by Olivia Høj Fällingand and Lasse Bækhus. url oliviahfa.wixsite.com/esperanto

Een slank figuur, lange benen en perfekt Esperanto! Interview bij Peter van der Aa. Opinieblad Argus, 59/23 juli 2019.

Moderation of the debate: Language hegemony in the world–– any chance to avoid it? Polyglot Gathering, Univer- sity of Economics in Bratislava, May 2019.

Participation in the survey on Multilingualism in the EU institutions by the European Ombudsman, February 2019. See Annex here: ombudsman.europa.eu/it/correspondence/en/110044

La Amsterdama Katedro post kvin jaroj: nuntempaj vojoj al Interlingvistiko. 5 majo 2019. Hispana Esperanto- Kongreso, Hispana Esperanto-Federacio, Malago

Flankefikoj de (ebla) Briteliro: La publika opinio tra Eŭropo malkovras lingvopolitikon. Laŭinvita prelego. 3 majo 2019. Hispana Esperanto-Kongreso, Hispana Esperanto-Federacio, Malago

L’Atelier Esperanto. Presentazione. 9 aprile 2019. Riunione Associazione Me.Mo, Scuola “Riccardo Massa”, via Quarenghi, Milano

Il monzese che insegna la lingua nata per superare i confini: “Con l’esperanto si vince questa epoca di paure”. Il Cittadino. Monza. 20 luglio 2018. Intervista di Federica Fenaroli. Disponibile online

Lecture Multilinguismo, esperanto, traduttori digitali e altre strategie di comunicazione internazionale. Borgo La Ro- vere evento Villecastella, xxii edizione, 29 Giu 2018, Mondavio (PU), Italia.

Lecture Lingue segrete in classe: un percorso montessoriano. Giornata Psicogrammatica Montessori. Palazzo del Cinema Anteo, Milano in collaborazione con Bookcity, 27 Gen 2018, Milano.

Talk La Zamenhofa filozofio: ĉu daŭre aktuala?. Aranĝo de Kataluna Esperanto-Asocio. Vilaweb, 21 Apr 2017, Barcelono.

Lecture Zamenhof tra religione e filosofia: Lezioni per il XXI secolo. Convegno Homo Sum. Centro Studi Sereno Regis, Turin. 11 Mar 2017.

Da Star Trek al latino sine flexione gli idiomi inventati sono seimila. La Stampa. Torino. 14 aprile 2017. Intervista di Elisabetta Pagani. Disponibile online.

Il sogno di una lingua parlata in tutto il mondo. Tagadà. La7. 4 dicembre 2017. Disponibile su YouTube. Lecture Esperanto kiel vivanta lingvo / Esperanto als levende taal / Esperanto as a living language. Drongo taalfestival / lan- guage festival. 1 Oct 2016, Utrecht.

Lecture Esperanto, a language for a Global Identity: Can Esperanto foster European identity? de Brakke Grond. 1 Jun 2016, Amsterdam. Conference Global Identities: A Conference on Statelessness, Citizenship and Migration.




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Talk Perché inventare una lingua segreta a scuola? L’esperienza dell’anno scolastico 2015-16. [Why do we invent a secret language at school? The experience of the school year 2015-16]. Scuola Montessori di via Milazzo. 16 Mag 2016, Milano. Together with Chiara Bonazzoli.

Lecture Kion oni lernas planante sekretan lingvon? Lingvolaboratorio en Montesori-bazlernejo en Milano [What do you learn planning a secret language? A language laboratory in a Montessori primary school in Milan]. Malferma Tago. Centra Oficejo de Universala Esperanto-Asocio. 30 Apr 2016, Roterdamo.

Talk An alternative globalisation: Esperanto and European identity. Open Classroom #3: Babel. With the research collective Monnik. New Europeans, 2 mar 2016, Amsterdam.

Lecture Esperanto kiel vivanta lingvo / Esperanto als levende taal / Esperanto as a living language in cooperation with Esperanto Nederland. Drongo taalfestival / language festival, Utrecht, 25 sep 2015.

Seminar Fulmokurso de Esperanto! Kiu lingvo estas Esperanto? Kiel ĝi funkcias? [Crash course of Esperanto! Which language is Esperanto? How does it work?]. Drongo post-festival. 5 oct 2014.

Talk Lingvoj planitaj por fikcio [Languages planned for fiction]. 39-a Malferma Tago, Universala Esperanto-Asocio, Roterdamo, NL. 30 nov 2013.

Lecture Instrui interlingvistikon hodiaŭ [Teaching Interlinguistics today]. 39-a Malferma Tago, Universala Esperanto- Asocio, Roterdamo, NL. 30 nov 2013.

Lecture Europa: quale futuro? Lingua, storia e cultura prima della finanza [Europe: which future? Language, history and culture before finance]. Invited by Enrico Del Vescovo, Gruppo Esperantista Tuscolano. Scuderie Aldobrandi, Frascati, Italy. 28 june 2013.

Lezione Matrice ebraica e umanitarismo nel pensiero di Zamenhof: cosa rimane oggi? / Hebrea matrico kaj homaranismo en la Zamenhofa penso: kio restas hodiaŭ? [Jewish origin and humanitarism in Zamenhof’s thought: what remains today?] Giornata di studi “150 anni fa nasceva Ludovico Lazzaro Zamenhof”. Trieste, giovedì 10 dicembre 2009. As- sociazione Esperantista Triestina.

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