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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Enchanted Island: pasticcio -- Vivaldi, Ferrandini, &c.



The score for "The Tempest, or, The Enchanted Island" (La tempesta; ossia, l'isola incantata" comprises selections from a variety of Baroque operas, cantatas, and oratorios, many of which are rarely performed in contemporary opera houses.

The score includes music from many Handel works, specifically nine of his operas (alphabetically): "L'isola di Alcina" (overture), "Amadigi di Gaula", "Ariodante", "Atalanta", "Deidamia", "Partenope", "Semele", "Tamerlano", and "Teseo".

Also from Hendel's oratorios (alphabetically): "Hercules", "Judas Maccabaeus", "La Resurrezione", "Susanna", and "Il Trionfo del Tempo a del Disinganno".

Also from Handel's cantatas “Tanti strali al sen mi scocchi” and “Notte placida e cheta”.

Also from his “L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato”.

And “Zadok the Priest,” one of the composer’s Four Coronation Anthems.


The other works represented in The Enchanted Island are Vivaldi’s six operas (in alphabetic order): "L'Argippo", "Il Bajazet", "Farnace", "Griselda", "Tito Manlio", and "La Verità in Cimento".

Also Vivaldi's cantata “Cessate, omai cessate".

Also, Vivaldi's motet for contralto.

Rameau’s operas Castor et Pollux, Hippolyte et Aricie, and Les Indes Galantes.

Also Andre Campra’s opera Idoménée.

Also Ferrandini’s cantata “Il Pianto di Maria,” often attributed to Handel.

Finally, Leclair’s opera Scylla et Glaucus.

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