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Sunday, January 22, 2012



Antonio Vivaldi: the red priest of Venice - Page 136
Karl Heller (Dr. phil.) - 1997 - 360 pages - Preview
Period sources show that Vivaldi's opera sinfonias were played during his lifetime as independent concert pieces. ... As indicated in the list of operas contained in the appendix, nine of the fifteen Vivaldi operas that have come down ...

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Antonio Vivaldi: his life and work - Page 208
Walter Kolneder - 1970 - 288 pages - Preview
Lewis E. Rowell jr. has made a study of 'Four Operas of Antonio Vivaldi' ( Dissertation, University of Rochester, 1959). In 1964 Raffaele Monte- rosso published an edition of the opera La Fida Ninfa (Cremona, Ateneo Cremonese) which ...

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The operas of Antonio Vivaldi: Issue 1
Reinhard Strohm - 2008 - 790 pages - Snippet view
The status of opera seria Anyone interested in the revival of Vivaldi's operas, however, will deplore the extent to which they have been lost or forgotten.5 Although a much higher number of Vivaldian opera productions in his time has ...

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The rough guide to opera
Matthew Boyden, Nick Kimberley, Joe Staines - 2002 - 735 pages - Preview
But one Venetian who held his own in his native city, albeit briefly, was Antonio Vivaldi, a composer better known for his instrumental works but who from 1713 devoted much of his energy to opera. Vivaldi was not as progressive a ...

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The opera theater of Count Franz Anton von Sporck in Prague - Page 147
Daniel E. Freeman - 1992 - 384 pages - Preview
CHAPTER V: ANTONIO VIVALDI AND THE SPORCK THEATER Undoubtedly the most interesting aspects of the history of the Sporck theater ... These connections are multifaceted, involving not only performances of his operas, but also Vivaldi's ...

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The late operas of Antonio Vivaldi, 1727-1738
Eric Cross - 1981 - 287 pages - Snippet view
Quoted in Giazotto: Antonio Vivaldi, 233: "The Emperor has given a great deal of money to Vivaldi with a chain and a gold medallion; and tell him that he has made him a 'chevalier' . . . The Emperor talked about music for a long time ...

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The chamber cantatas of Antonio Vivaldi - Page 89
Michael Talbot - 2006 - 234 pages - Preview
... since Vivaldi's operas made their mark on the Venetian stage in the mid-1 7 10s, their composer became 'hot property'. ... ibid., viii (1987), 13-22; idem, 'La rappresentazione mantovana del "Tito Manlio" di Antonio Vivaldi', ibid., ...

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The Four Seasons
Antonio Vivaldi, Eleanor Selfridge-Field - 1999 - 80 pages - Preview
1n the same year he became active as a composer ol operas. Vivaldi lelt Venice to direct music lor Prince Philip ol Hesse-Darmstadt at his court in Mantua at the start ol 1718 and stayed lor three years. Vivaldi's theatrical activities ...

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Accent on Composers: Book & CD - Page 8
Jay Althouse, Judy O'Reilly - 2001 - 120 pages - Preview
Today, while his operas are again being performed, his orchestral works are most popular. Vivaldi claimed to have written 94 operas but musical scholars have found scores for only 50. Antonio Vivaldi was a pleasant man with a full head ...

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Hidden Harmonies: the Secret Life of Antonio Vivaldi - Page 328
André Romijn - 2006 - 319 pages - Preview
Pooling their resources, the two swiftly come up with an opera that, at its Ascension Day performance, is received by the snob-ridden audience ... It is the first time in many seasons that Michele Grimani has closed with a viable opera. ...

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The rough guide to opera
Matthew Boyden, Nick Kimberley, Joe Staines - 2002 - 735 pages - Preview
Baroque Opera Vivaldi to Handel Antonio Vivaldi 38 Ottone in villa 40 L' incoronazione di Dario 41 Giovanni Pergolesi 42 La serva padrona 43 Andre Campra 44 Idomenee 44 Jean-Philippe ...

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The Harvard biographical dictionary of music - Page 954
Don Michael Randel - 1996 - 1013 pages - Preview
Eric Cross, The Late Operas of Antonio Vivaldi, 1727-38 (Ann Arbor, Mich., 1981) . Opera and Vivaldi, ed. Michael Collins and Elise K. Kirk (Austin, 1984). Michael Stegemann, Antonio Vivaldi in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten ...

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Reconstruction of Vivaldi's "Armida al campo d'Egitto". - Page 1
Dana M. Jones - 2009 - 517 pages - Preview
Some important studies of Vivaldi's opera career include numerous articles by Eric Cross, as well as bis two-volume book The Late Operas of Antonio Vivaldi, 1727- 1 738, Reinhard Strohm's Essays on Handel and Italian Opera, ...

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Antonio Vivaldi: a guide to research
Michael Talbot - 1988 - 197 pages - Snippet view
... Antonio Vivaldi's career as a priest and the places where the composer lived and worked (items 411-18). ... The style of Vivaldi's operas, briefly considered already by Kolneder, was examined by Hellmuth Christian Wolff in 1968 and ...

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A short history of opera - Page 175
Donald Jay Grout, Hermine Weigel Williams - 2003 - 1030 pages - Preview
Handel was in Dresden for several months in 1719 and may well have attended the opening of the new opera house."" Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) was also a most successful composer of op- eras.'7Just how prolific and successful he was in ...

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For the love of music: festschrift in honor of Theodore Front on ... - Page 44
Darwin Floyd Scott - 2002 - 307 pages - Preview
1519) in 1722, and in 1728, La Stravaganza Concerti da D. Antonio Vivaldi. Opera Quarta. Vivaldi's Extravaganzas in Six Parts for Violins and Other Instruments . . . (RISM V 2216; Walsh no. 1524.) The appraisal (fol. ...

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Operas by Antonio Vivaldi: List of Operas by Vivaldi, Bajazet, ...
Books Llc - 2010 - 66 pages - No preview

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Janáček and Czech music: proceedings of the international ... - Page 124
Michael Brim Beckerman, Glen Bauer - 1995 - 402 pages - Preview
The text borrowings appear to have been drawn repeatedly from only a small repertory of Vivaldi operas and do not have the character of a random ... 38.4; Eric Cross, The Late Operas of Antonio Vivaldi 1727-1738 1 (Ann Arbor: 1980), pp . ...

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The operas of Leonardo Vinci, Napoletano - Page 102
Kurt Sven Markstrom - 2007 - 394 pages - Preview
In several biographical entries on Vinci, Ifigenia in Tauride is described as the composer's first opera. ... see Michael Talbot "Antonio Vivaldi" in The New Grove Italian Baroque Masters, 281; Michael Talbot Vivaldi, 2nd ed., ...

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Cantatas for solo voice: - Page vii
Antonio Vivaldi, Meneve Dunham - 1979 - 120 pages - Preview
... edition of the composer's works has been undertaken by the Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi in cooperation with Ricordi & Co. ... Some twenty other volumes of the Foà collection contain Vivaldi operas, oratorios, motets, and arias. ...

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Tonal space in the music of Antonio Vivaldi - Page 80
Bella Brover-Lubovsky - 2008 - 357 pages - Preview
Annida al campo d'Egitto (Palazzi, after Opera Ottone in villa (Lalli), RV 729, Vicenza — delle Garzerie, 1713 Venice — S Angelo, 1714 Anh. 84, Venice— S Angelo , 1714 Venice — S Angelo, 1716 RV 719, Venice— S Angelo, 1717 Teuzzone ...

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Opera & Vivaldi
Michael B. Collins, Elise Kuhl Kirk - 1984 - 398 pages - Snippet view
Lorenzo Bianconi and Giovanni Morelli (Florence, 1982); and Eric Cross, The Late Operas of Antonio Vivaldi, 172.7—1738 (Ann Arbor, Mich., 1981). 4. E. Garbero, " Drammaturgia Vivaldiana: Regesto e concordanze dei libretti," in Antonio ...

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Antonio Vivaldi: da Venezia all'Europa
Francesco Degrada, María Teresa Muraro - 1978 - 161 pages - Snippet view
Op. V VI Sonate /Quatro a Violino Solo e Basso je due/ a due Violini e Basso Continuo /di /Antonio Vivaldi/ Opera Quinta /O Vero Parte Seconda del Opera Seconda /A Amsterdam /chez Jeanne Roger no 418 [1716-1717]. Altre ediz. ...

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Antonio Vivaldi: teatro musicale, cultura e società: Volume 1
Lorenzo Bianconi - 1982 - 609 pages - Snippet view
Of the four operas produced at S. Moisè in that season, three are ascribed to Albinoni, Porta, and GM Buini, respectively; ... He presented the same opera, under its original title ha pace per amore, and therefore - perhaps - with the ...

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Antonio Vivaldi: la simbologia musicale nei concerti a programma - Page lii
Cesare Fertonani - 1992 - 171 pages - Preview
P. Ryom, Antonio Vivaldi: les relations entre les operas et la musique instrumentale, in Venezia e il melodramma nel Settecento, cit., I, (1978), pp. 249-262. N. Ohmura, I «concerti senza orchestra» di Antonio Vivaldi, in «Nuova Rivista ...

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Italian Opera in the Age of the American Revolution - Page 128
Pierpaolo Polzonetti - 2011 - 408 pages - Preview
This opera has received considerable scholarly attention after the rediscovery of Vivaldi's score: Vivaldi, Motezuma, RV 723, ms. score at D-Bsa (on deposit in DB), SA1214. Reinhard Strohm, The Operas of Antonio Vivaldi, 2 vols. ...

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Opera: a research and information guide
Guy A. Marco - 1984 - 373 pages - Snippet view
The opera is the subject of a volume in the Collana series (l973). Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) 484. Pincherle, Marc. Vivaldi. Paris: Editions de Bon Plaisir, Librairie Plon, 1955. 278p. ML 410 V82 P532. In English: Vivaldi, Genius of ...

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The illustrated encyclopedia of recorded opera
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Peter Gammond - 1979 - 256 pages - No preview

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Opera and church music, 1630-1750
Anthony Lewis, Nigel Fortune - 1975 - 869 pages - Snippet view
See, on the operas in particular, Marc Pincherle, Vivaldi (Paris, 1955); Eng. trans. (London, 1958), pp. 200-16; Walter Kolneder, Antonio Vivaldi (Wiesbaden, 1965); Eng. trans. (London, 1970), pp. 156-88; and Wolff, 'Vivaldi und der ...

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Antonio Vivaldi, documents of his life and works
Walter Kolneder - 1982 - 239 pages - Snippet view
(Op. V) VI Sonate/Quatro a Violino Solo e Basso/e due/a due Violini e Basso Continuo/di Antonio Vivaldi/Opera Quinta/ O Vero Parte Seconda del Opera Seconda /A Amsterdam /chez Jeanne Roger n? 418. Published c. 1716. ...

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Vivaldi: genius of the Baroque
Marc Pincherle - 1958 - 278 pages - Snippet view
Opus 5: VI Sonate Quatto a Violino Solo e Basso e due a due Violini e Basso Continuo di Antonio Vivaldi Opera Quinta O Vero Parte Seconda del Opera Seconda A Amsterdam chez Jeanne Roger, No. 418, ca. 17 16. ...

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A Short-title catalogue of music printed before 1825 in the ... - Page 127
Fitzwilliam Museum, Valerie Rumbold, Iain Fenlon - 1992 - 168 pages - Preview
MU. 1413 La Stravaganza. Concerti da D. Antonio Vivaldi. Opera quarta. Vivaldis Extravaganzas in six parts . . . Opera 4ta. [4 parts only, with a second copy of organo e violoncello]. I: Walsh . . . and loseph Hare: London, [1728] sol. ...

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Il concerto funebre di Antonio Vivaldi: contributi storici e ... - Page 9
Fabio Ricci - 2002 - 91 pages - Preview
41 R. STROHM, Vivaldi's career as an opera producer, in L. BIANCONI e G. MORELLI (a cura di), Antonio Vivaldi. Teatro musicale cultura e società, I, Firenze, Olschki, 1982, p. 45, Studi di musica veneta. Quaderni vivaldiani, II. ...

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The Grove book of opera singers - Page 618
Laura Williams Macy - 2008 - 626 pages - Preview
618 s LIST OF OPERAS Olimpiade, L', Baldassare Galuppi Olimpiade, L', Niccolò Jommelli Olimpiade, L', Leonardo Leo ... George Frideric Handel Ottone in villa, Antonio Vivaldi Our Man in Havana, Malcolm Williamson Owen Wingrave, ...

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Opera observed: views of a Florentine impresario in the early ... - Page 38
William Holmes - 1994 - 256 pages - Preview
He stated, among other things, that if the expenses were too high, he would have to find another opera. ... year 1735 are the twenty-five letters addressed to Antonio Vivaldi regarding the commission of Ginevra principessa di Scozia.12 ...

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Arie d'opera per mezzosoprano/contralto
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Antonio Vivaldi, Federico Maria Sardelli - 2005 - 59 pages - No preview

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Vivaldi's music for flute and recorder - Page 287
Federico Maria Sardelli - 2007 - 336 pages - Preview
Inventory of the Works for Recorder and Flute by Antonio Vivaldi This inventory lists all the known works by Vivaldi ... merely in order to distinguish them from the flautino that appears in the same two operas (see Chapter 13). ...

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Music as social and cultural practice: essays in honour of ... - Page 214
Melania Bucciarelli, Berta Joncus - 2007 - 443 pages - Preview
... which – let it be remembered – was made at a time when very few of Vivaldi's operas had achieved a staged, ... The present author's edition for the New Critical Edition of the Works of Antonio Vivaldi published by the Istituto ...

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A new chronology of Venetian opera and related genres, 1660-1760 - Page 46
Eleanor Selfridge-Field - 2007 - 778 pages - Preview
The most important new composer is Antonio Vivaldi, who cultivates an alternative career as an impresario and finds countless private patrons as a violinist. His operas encounter a mixed reception. A reform of comedy complements an ...

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The sacred vocal music of Antonio Vivaldi
Michael Talbot, Istituto italiano Antonio Vivaldi - 1995 - 565 pages - Snippet view
... especially when compared with the ample literature on Vivaldi's operas that has appeared in the same half-century. ... 64 No particular trend over time can 61 RE Fort, An Analysis of Thirteen Vesper Psalms of Antonio Vivaldi ...

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Opera Production and Its Resources - Page 77
Lorenzo Bianconi, Giorgio Pestelli - 1998 - 460 pages - Preview
For the eighteenth century, one notable study on an eminent musician-impresario by Reinhard Strohm should be added to the list of Strohm's studies above: " Vivaldi's Career as an Opera Producer," in Antonio Vivaldi: Teatro musicale, ...

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Essays on Handel and Italian Opera
Reinhard Strohm - 2008 - 316 pages - Preview
In this valuable collection of essays, published to coincide with the tercentenary of Handel's birth, Reinhard Strohm examines the relationship between Handel's great operas and the earlier European Baroque tradition, focusing on the ...

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Opera and the Enlightenment - Page 99
Thomas Bauman, Marita P. McClymonds - 1995 - 317 pages - Preview
As for the writing of sinfonias, let us consider an example by the antipode of the Neapolitans in matters of contemporary opera, Antonio Vivaldi. Vivaldi's Ciustino, performed at Rome in Carneval of 1724, is a work that stands outside ...

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Babetta meets Antonio Vivaldi
Monica E. Lapenta - Davide Grassi - Preview
You know, the most important fact or Opera wasn^t the Opera itself, but the singers, the real protagonists of the event. Yvdl the singers had every ... |n my Operas) these aia not happen: during the performances, the singers were only a ...

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Giustino: dramma per musica di Nicolò Beregan : RV 717: Volume 37
Istituto italiano Antonio Vivaldi, Reinhard Strohm - 1991 - 120 pages - Snippet view
I. Vivaldi and his operas today Today, Antonio Vivaldi is admired above all for his instrumental works. These already formed part of his reputation in his own lifetime - but only part: the activity for which he was known to many ...

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Babetta incontra Antonio Vivaldi
Monica E. Lapenta - Davide Grassi - Preview
(_jià qualche anno dopo, questa mia opera fu ristampata: ea spese delreditore! Capete cosa significa? ... Comunque, il vero grande successo rho avuto con la pubblicazione della mia terza opera: [jestro armonico, una raccolta ai aoa\c\ ...

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World's Greatest Orchestral, Opera & Ballet Themes: 57 Best-Loved ... - Page 115
Dan Fox - 2006 - 128 pages - Preview
Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi was one of the most prolific and important composers of the Baroque period. His group of concertos entitled The Four ... SPRING (from The Four Seasons) Allegro moderato С Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) ...

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"The four seasons" and other violin concertos: in full score, opus ...
Antonio Vivaldi, Eleanor Selfridge-Field - 1995 - 238 pages - No preview

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String Explorer, Bk 2: Teacher's Resource Kit: Book 2 - Page 18
Andrew Dabczynski, Richard Meyer, Bob Phillips - 2003 - 98 pages - Preview
Antonio Vivaldi was trained in music of the first category. With a father who made a living as a church musician, ... It is not surprising that Vivaldi created quite a controversy when he began to compose operas, as the Church did not ...

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La fida ninfa: opera in 3 acts
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Antonio Vivaldi, Raffaello Monterosso - 1964 - No preview

The glory of the Baroque in Bohemia: essays on art, culture and ...
Vít Vlnas, Národní galerie v Praze - 2001 - 355 pages - Snippet view
Denzio's company performed a total of 57 operas, presenting a repertoire of Venetian authors such as Antonio Vivaldi (7 operas),21 Tomaso Albinoni (6 operas ), Antonio Bioni (5 operas) and Antonio Lotti (4 operas). ...

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Bella Italia - Page 101
D. Jean Lang M.S. C.A.S., Jean Lang - 2009 - 120 pages - Preview
Antonio Vivaldi A trip to Venezia would not be complete without an Antonio Vivaldi concert. ... He wrote several operas along with many concertos. Bach transcribed six compositions of Vivaldi's for harpsichord. To me, Vivaldi's music is ...

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Bravo!: Greatness of Italian Music - Page 101
Guy Graybill - 2008 - 256 pages - Full view
An acknowledged leader in the music world of his time, he wrote considerable music, including several operas. ANTONIO VIVALDI (1678-1741) ~ Although Antonio Vivaldi was among Italy's great operatic composers (about 50 written and about ...

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Opera: a history
Christopher Headington, Roy Westbrook, Terry Barfoot - 1987 - 399 pages - Snippet view
In the autumn of the same year he returned to Venice and, for reasons that are not clear, abandoned opera in favour of sacred music. The forty-odd operas of Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) were written between 17 13 and 1739, mostly for his ...

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Music & letters: Volume 61
JSTOR (Organization), Oxford Journals (Firm), Project Muse - 1980 - Snippet view
DENIS ARNOLD // Teatro Musicale di Antonio Vivaldi. By Mario Rinaldi. pp. vii + 279. ... Mario Rinaldi has already shown interest in Vivaldi's operas in several smaller studies over the years, but anyone hoping that the present volume ...

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Music & culture in eighteenth-century Europe: a source book - Page 206
Enrico Fubini, Bonnie J. Blackburn - 1994 - 421 pages - Preview
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741), though greatly admired as a violinist, was quite frequently criticized as a composer; Tartini s attitude was not shared by Goldoni, who reported that Vivaldi's operas were mostly well received. [BJB] 14. ...

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Selected essays on opera - Page 175
Ulrich Weisstein, Walter Bernhart - 2006 - 383 pages - Preview
... Gründen gesellte sich im Falle Marcellos ein beruflicher: die nachweisliche Rivalität mit Antonio Vivaldi, ... mit dem ‚President' De Brosses gesagt haben: „I have been asked to write operas for Venice but I never consented, ...

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Environment & the world - Page 109
Serena Brodie-Hall, Olivia Mottram - 2004 - 112 pages - Preview
He changed the Italian opera, with its traditional set pieces and emphasis on vocal display, into a joined musical and dramatic show. His operas are among those most frequently produced in the world today. Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741) ...

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Classics for two: 10 masterwork duets from the Renaissance through ... - Page 96
Patrick M. Liebergen, Giulio Caccini, Antonio Vivaldi - 2007 - 99 pages - Preview
Although he traveled extensively, he eventually became a very influential musician in Vienna as the court composer and director of the Italian opera and also court Kapellmeister. Salieri received a number of honors and awards because of ...

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Cum notis variorum: the newsletter of the Music Library, ...: Issues 120-136
University of California, Berkeley. Music Library - 1988 - Snippet view
In his "Checklist of Opera Composers and their Major Works," Marco lists only one work for Vivaldi: La Griselda (1735), presumably because of the attention paid to it by Eric Cross' book The Late Operas of Antonio Vivaldi, 1727-1738," ...

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Vivaldi, The four seasons and other concertos, op. 8 - Page 97
Paul Everett - 1996 - 104 pages - Preview
2 See Cross, The Late Operas of Antonio Vivaldi, pp. 57-8, 71, 98, 100-1 and 123 . 3 Since Venetian dialect does not use double consonants, local writers employing standard I talian (Tuscan) often 'hypercorrected' - making single ...

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Babetta incontra Antonio Vivaldi
Monica E. Lapenta - Davide Grassi - Preview
[_a mia attività ai compositore per il teatro, portò anche una novità nel modo comune ai concepire Fattività teatrale in quegli anni. dovete sapere, inratti, cne, ai tempi, la cosa più importante delropera teatrale non era tanto r opera ...

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Singers of Italian Opera: The History of a Profession - Page 232
John Rosselli - 1995 - 292 pages - Preview
... Baldini's contracts with Vivaldi for Teatro S. Angelo, Venice, ('.1727, in F . Degrada and MT Muraro, eds., Antonio Vivaldi. ... 34 Rosselli, Opera Industry, p. 116. 35 Roberto Stagno to Carlo D'Ormeville, 17 Jan. 1888, MTS Coll. ...

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Italy's Most Wanted: The Top 10 Book of Roman Ruins, Wonderful ...
Luciano Mangiafico - 2007 - 336 pages - Preview
ANTONIO VIVALDI (1678–1741) Vivaldi was such a prolific music composer that some of his music is still being discovered: he wrote about four hundred concertos, seventy-three sonatas, twenty-three symphonies, and over ninety operas. ...

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The ultimate art: essays around and about opera - Page 9
David Littlejohn - 1992 - 303 pages - Full view
against opera badly produced and performed. Tolstoy declaiming in 1889 against thick legs, cheesy costumes, ... and produce Italian operas in the modern fashion"), addressed in part to his colleague and fellow Venetian Antonio Vivaldi. ...

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Venice & the Veneto: city guide - Page 45
Alison Bing - 2010 - 300 pages - Preview
Among the maestri hired to conduct these orchestras was one Antonio Vivaldi, who in the course of his 30-year ... Between 1637 and 1700, some 358 operas were staged in 16 theatres to meet the musical demands of a population of 140000. ...

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Ezra Pound and Music - Page 330
Murray Schaffer R - 1977 - 548 pages - Preview
7-10 and 56; "Letters of Antonio Vivaldi" in The Listener, October 28, 1936, p. 834; "Catalogo Tematico delle Opera Strumentali di Antonio Vivaldi" (the Turin catalogue), in Antonio Vivaldi: Note ...

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Dizionario dell'opera - Page 475
Piero Gelli, Filippo Poletti - 2007 - 1718 pages - Preview
La Dramma per musica in tre atti di Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) su libretto di Scipione Maffei. ... Nonostante la lontananza, Licori lo ama e gli è fedele (da qui il titolo dell'opera), ma non lo riconosce nelle vesti di Morasto, ...

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A history of music in Western culture
Mark Evan Bonds - 2006 - 701 pages - Snippet view
Operas. Vivaldi wrote 46 operas in the opera seria tradition, of which 21 have survived. ... Antonio Vivaldi. This caricature from 1 723 by Pier Leone Ghezzi captures a certain levity and mischievousness that characterizes a good bit of ...

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Opera 2002. Annuario dell'opera lirica in Italia - Page 9
G. Pugliaro - 2002 - 440 pages - Preview
... Ariosto Libretto di Grazio Braccioli Musica di ANTONIO VIVALDI Edizione critica dell'Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi ... Milano Attrezzeria Opera Barga, Barga (LU) Tre rappresentazioni (l9, 2l e 22 lug.) Botteghino presenze l. 300 ...

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Quarter notes and bank notes: the economics of music composition ... - Page 63
Frederic M. Scherer - 2004 - 264 pages - Preview
... Handel's contemporary Antonio Vivaldi was less fortunate in taking on impresario functions. Vivaldi claimed to have written 94 operas, many of them lost to posterity, as a sideline to his teaching and maestro di cappella duties at ...

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Six Chamber Cantatas for Solo Voice: - Page xv
Girolamo Polani, Michael Talbot - 2011 - 50 pages - Preview
On this legal wrangle, see Beth Glixon and Micky White, ”Creso tolto a le fiamme : Girolamo Polani, Antonio Vivaldi and Opera Production at the Teatro S. Angelo, 1705-1706,” Studi vivaldiani 8 (2008), 3-20. 8. ...

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D'une scène à l'autre, l'opéra italien en Europe: La musique à ... - Page 95
Damien Colas, Alessandro Di Profio - 2009 - 532 pages - Preview
All these operas were performed in Venice, especially at the S. Cassiano and S. Giovanni Grisostomo theatres, ... Antonio Vivaldi Vivaldi lived and worked in Venice – but on the other side of this class-determined barrier of good taste: ...

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Vivaldi, "Motezuma" and the opera seria: essays on a newly ...
Michael Talbot - 2008 - 218 pages - Snippet view
'Nuove scoperte sulT Argippo praghese', paper delivered at the conference " Antonio Vivaldi. Passato e futuro" (Venice, June 2007). A discussion of Macek's recent reconstruction of the opera and of an anonymous Argippo given in 1730 at ...

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Bianconi/Pestelli: Opera in Theory and Practice, Image and Myth - Page 67
Lorenzo Bianconi, Giorgio Pestelli - 2003 - 456 pages - Preview
only to give birth to opera, has been brilliantly analyzed and exploded by Nino Pir- rotta, “Temperamenti e tendenze nella ... melodrammatica nel primo Settecento,” in Antonio Vivaldi: Teatro mu- sicale, cultura e società, 2 vols., ed. ...

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The Cambridge music guide - Page 179
Stanley Sadie, Alison Latham - 1990 - 544 pages - Preview
Beginning in 1713, he wrote over 45 operas, several for performance in Venice but many for other cities in north Italy ... Antonio Vivaldi Works bom Venice, 1678; died Vienna, 1741 Concertos (c500) c230 violin concertos, c70 orchestral ...

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Opera Canada: Volumes 18-19
Canadian Opera Guild, Canadian Opera Association - 1977 - Snippet view
There, in 1714, Vivaldi's Orlando jinto pazzo (Orlando feigned madman) became the first of his many operas to be presented bet ween 1714 and 1739. Antonio Vivaldi inaugurated Verona's Teatro Filarmonico with the opera La ninfa jida on ...

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The new Grove dictionary of opera
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Stanley Sadie - 1992 - No preview

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Opera: composers, works, performers
András Batta, Sigrid Neef - 2000 - 923 pages - Snippet view
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Posterity tends to forget that the epoch-making figure in the revival of Italian instrumental music in the Baroque era, the inexhaustible genius of the concerto, turned his talents to opera in the second half ...

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Il teatro musicale di Antonio Vivaldi
Mario Rinaldi - 1979 - 279 pages - Snippet view
Filosofo (II), intermezzo per l'Aristide di Vivaldi, opera rappresentata a Venezia, al Teatro S. Samuele nel 1735, ... Forse opera di altro autore con l' inserzione dell'aria di Vivaldi. 14. Monsieur Petiton, forse un intermezzo per ...

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