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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tenore eroico, eroe


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We need a hero!: Heldentenors from Wagner's time to the present-- ...
Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold - 1989 - 450 pages - Snippet view

echt Tenor, "jugendlicher Held" timbre and a flawless "leichter Held" lyricism.

If he occasionally was carried away by the ...

The proliferation of "Heldentenor" talent in this time period spoke for the healthy state of the post-war heroic ...

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Music magazine: Volumes 10-11
1987 - Snippet view

With his pure "jugendlicher Held" voice and persuasive stage presence, his career holds high promise.

That glorious race of heroes — the Heldentenors — have travelled a considerable evolutionary distance from their origins.

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The NPR Classical Music Companion: An Essential Guide for ... - Page 272
Miles Hoffman - 2005 - 320 pages - Preview

Held is German for hero, and Heldentenor means "heroic tenor." The heroic task for the heldentenor is to make himself heard over huge Wagnerian orchestras for hours at a time without dying before he's supposed to. countertenor: The ...

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The virtuosi: classical music's legendary performers from Paganini ...
Harold C. Schonberg, Harold C. Schonberg - 1988 - 509 pages - Snippet view

He once described the "Heldentenor" ("heroic tenor") as "a singer with a voice a little darker-colored than the ordinary ... dramatic or heroic Wagner tenor, the so-called "Schwer-held" ["heavy hero"] — Siegfried, Tristan and Tannhauser.

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Melchior's Tristan - 25 Dec 1944 - Page 29
LIFE - Vol. 17, No. 26 - 76 pages - Magazine - Full view

He wears it not for reasons of vanity, but support, Tristan is exhausting, requires its hero to be on stage almost four ... garments (above) and held in by a corset (see next page), opera's greatest Heldentenor (heroic tenor) once again ...

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The Chambers Dictionary - Page 745
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Heldentenor held'.m-ien'jr or held m-ie-nor'. n (a man with) a powerful tenor voice, particularly suitable for heroic roles in (esp \Vagnerian) operas: — pi Helden- tenors or Heldentenore (-ie-na n>). [Ger. hero tenor. from He Ul hero] ...

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The Facts on File dictionary of foreign words and phrases - Page 194
Martin H. Manser, David Pickering, Alice Grandison - 2008 - 469 pages - Preview

Heimweh (himvay) german [home woe] noun homesickness. hejab See hijab. heldentenor (heldbntbnor, heldbn- tenbr)

German ["hero tenor", from Held hero] noun (in music) a man with a powerful tenor voice of wide range, suitable for heroic ...

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Engels woordenboek: Volumes 1-2; Volumes 1-2
No cover image books.google.com
Jozef R. S. Cauberghe, Jozef R. S. Cauberghe - 1949 - 1857 pages - No preview

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Scandinavian review: Volume 88, Issues 1-2; Volume 88, Issues 1-2
American-Scandinavian Foundation, American-Scandinavian Foundation - 2000 - Snippet view
Stig Andersen, A Heroic Tenor Who Aims for the Nuances by Matthew Gurewitsch

One last question for Stig Andersen (the G is silent), ... Held, meaning hero, we associate the term above all with the heroic music dramas of Wagner.

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Newsweek: Volume 78, Issues 18-26; Volume 78, Issues 18-26
Jean Strouse, Jean Strouse - 1971 - Snippet view

Thomas, who shows a rare intelligence singing Wagner, held his own throughout. He didn't try to match Nils- son's ... Stamina:

"It's not only the heroic voice but
the heroic CHARACTER that defines
"heldentenor" for me," says Thomas.

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