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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

IL PRINCIPE IGOR, Covent Garden, LONDRA -- July 26 1919. "after a scenario by Vl. Stasov, based on the twelfth-century poem, "Il canto della schiera d'Igor".


Alexander Porfir'yevich Borodin
Music title: Prince Igor (1890)
Librettist: Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin
Work definition: Opera in a prologue and four acts

After a scenario by Vladimir Stasov.
Based on the twelfth-century poem 'The Song of Igor's Campaign'
Language: Russian
World premiere: 23 October 1890, Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg
ROH premiere: 26 July 1919, Grand Opera Syndicate Limited
ROH company premiere: 1 February 1990, The Royal Opera, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London

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