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Monday, February 12, 2024

Grice e Servio

 The second version was named the Egyptian, which is a puzzling name since the first reference to this particular descent/ascent concept seems to come from a commentary on Book IV of the Aeneid of Publius Vergilius Maro, or Virgil, by the commentator Servius Marius Honoratus (4th-5th century CE). In the Servius version each planetary sphere is associated with one of the seven major vices. The list is as follows: avarice from Saturn; desire for dominance and gluttony from Jupiter; violent passions or anger from Mars; pride from the sun; lust from Venus; envy from Mercury; and sluggishness from the moon. Some classical authors differ as to which vice to assign to which planet, for example, sluggishness is often assigned to Saturn instead of the Moon. It should be noted that each of these vices, which latter Christianity will call the Seven Deadly Sins, are all psychological characteristics as is befitting of a soul.

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