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Saturday, June 21, 2014




In the room dedicated to events taken from the ENEIDE, TIEPOLO resumes a formal tone, underscored by more linear and classicizing framing devices.

I) The FIRST of the wall scenes is

VENERE's farewell to ENEA.

On the beach in LIBIA, where ENEA has just disembarked along with the faithful ACHATES, ENEA see his very mother, the goddess VENERE, flying off in the distance.

II) He will then go to CARTHAGO, where, and this is the subject of the second scene, he is presented to DIDONE.

CUPIDO, disguised as ENEA's son, ASCANIO, causes DIDONE to fall in love with ENEA.

III) But MERCURY intervenes, appearling to the sleeping ENEA (my favourite). to exhort him to abandon CARTHAGO and complete the mission with which he has been entrusted.

TIEPOLO is responsible for various monochromes in the room, such as VULCAN in his forge, busily preparing ENEA's weapons in the presence of VENERE and CUPIDO.

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