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Monday, March 4, 2024

Grice ed Amelio


Amelius was a follower of Plotinus, who used to call him 'Amerius' (suggesting indivisibility). He came from Etruria where he studied with Lysimachus [3]. He arrived in Rome in AD 246 and studied with Plotinus for 24 years, becoming a close friend of Porphyry in the process. He wrote a great deal. He took copious notes of the lectures of Plotinus and wrote them up into a series of volumes for the benefit of his adopted son Hostilianus Hesychius. He wrote another series of volumes attacking the views of the gnostic Zostrianus, and he also produced a book defending Plotinus against charges of plagiarising the works of Numenius of Apamea. Given his output, there may be some truth in the suggestion of Cassius Longinus that Amelius tended to write at greater length than was necessary. He left Rome for Apamea in around AD 270.

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