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Saturday, August 3, 2013



I. 1. I've got a longing way down in my heart
for that old gang that has drifted apart
they were the best pals that I ever had
I never thought that I'd want them so bad
gee but I'd give the world to see
I can't forget that old quartette that sang 'Sweet Adeline'
goodbye forever old fellows and gals
goodbye forever old sweethearts and pals
god bless them
gee but I'd give the world to see
that old gang of mine
gee but I'd give the world to see
that old gang of mine
Last night I strolled to that old neighborhood
there on that corner I silently stood
I felt so blue as the crowds hurried by
nobody knew how I wanted to cryGee but I'd give the world to see
that old gang of mineI can't forget that old quartette that sang "Sweet Adeline"Goodbye forever, old fellows and galsGoodbye forever, old sweethearts and pals(God bless them)Gee but I'd give the world to seeThat old gang of mine
Last night 'neath a street lamp I silently stood
On the same corner back in that old neighborhoodA
s I gazed at the houses, unchanged by the yearsIn my throat came a lump and my eyes filled with tearsI looked at the lamppost, the pump and the stoopAnd again I could picture us kids in a groupThere was Shorty, and Yeller and Skinny and MikeAnd the rich kid who had ball bearing skates and a bikeAnd down near the school I could see the brick wallWhere we used to go for a game of handballAnd the crabby old janitor who chased us awaySay, what I wouldn't give to just see him today!
And then came the parties and dances-- that's whyWe didn't notice the years going byAnd the first thing we knew we were all twenty-oneBut the Gang stuck together in a fight or in fun-And then came the War- the crowds in the street-The blast of the Bugle- the tramp of the feetAnd the gang, that old gang of mineWas the first gang that hit the Von Hindenburg line.
But the war is all over and last night as I stood
On the same corner back in that old neighborhoodI couldn't help brushing a tear from my eyeFor I knew not a face in the crowds that went byGone forever are the pals that I loveThere isn't a trace or a signOf that regular honest to goodness old bunchThat I call that old gang of mine

I-2.  But I'm BIDIN’ MY TIME
‘Cause that's the kind of guy I'm,
While other folks grow dizzy,
I keep busy,
Bidin' my time.
Next year, next year,
Somethin's bound to happen,
This year, this year,
I'll just keep on mappin',
And bidin' my time,
"Cause that's the kind of guy I'm,
There's no regrettin',
When I'm settin',
Bidin' my time.
I'm bidin' my time,
"Cause that's the kind of guy I'm,
Beginnin' on a Monday,
Right through Sunday,
Bidin' my time.
Give me, give me,
Glass that's bright and twinkles,
Let me, let me,
Dream like Rip Van Winkle.
He's bided his time,
Like that Winkle guy,
I'm chasin' 'way flies,
How the day flies,
Bidin' my time.
Some fellows love to tiptoe through the tulips
Some fellows go on singing in the rain
Some fellows keep on painting skies with sunshine
Some fellows must go swinin’ down the lane
They only told me we were parting
The same old harbor lights that once brought you to me
I watched the harbor lights
How could I help if tears were starting
Goodbye to tender nights beside the silv'ry sea
I long to hold you near and kiss you just once more
But you were on the ship and I was on the shore
Now I know lonely nights
For all the while my heart is whisp'ring
Some other harbor lights will steal your love from me
I long to hold you near and kiss you just once more
But you were on the ship and I was on the shore
Now I know lonely nights
For all the while my heart is whisp'ring
Some other harbor lights will steal your love from me


4. I wonder who's kissing her now, Wonder who's teaching her how?
Wonder who's looking in to her eyes? Breathing sighs! Telling lies!
I wonder if she's got a boy? The girl who once filled me with joy, Wonder if she ever tells him of me? I wonder who's kissing her now?

we'll have a barrel of fun
we’ve got the blues on the run
zing boom tararrel
ring out a song of good cheer
now's the time to ROLL OUT THE BARREL
for the gang's all here
6. the bird with feathers of blue
is waiting for you
you'll see your castles in Spain
thru your window pane
oh you can go to the East
go to the West
but someday you'll come
weary at heart
back where you started from
you'll find your happiness lies
right under your eyes

Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me
Anyone else but me, anyone else but me, no, no, no

Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me
Till I come marching home
Don't go walking down lovers' lane with anyone else but me
Anyone else but me, anyone else but me, no, no, no
Don't go walking down lovers' lane with anyone else but me
Till I come marching home
I just got word from a guy who heard
From the guy next door to me
The girl he met just loves to pet
And it fits you to a "T"
So don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me
Till I come marching home,
Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me
(With anyone else but her)
No, no, no, not a single soul but
No, no, no, don't you sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me
Not till you see me, not until you see me marching home
Home, home, home, home sweet home
Don't go walking down lovers' lane with anyone else but me
(With anyone else but her)
No, no, no, not a single soul but
No, no, no, don't you go walking down lovers' lane
With anyone else but me
Not till you see me, not until you see me marching home
Home, home, home, home sweet home
Just wait till I come marching home
No, don't go walking down lovers' lane
No, walking down lovers' lane till you see
When you see me marching home
Then we'll go arm in arm and
Sit down under the apple tree
Baby, just you and me
When I come marching home


Moonlight Bay

8 b. Your lips tell me no, no
But there's yes, yes
in your eyes
I've been missin' your kissin'
Just because I wasn't wise
I'll stop my scheming
and dreaming
'Cos I realize
Your lips tell me no, no
But there's yes, yes
in your eyes
I never knew just what to do You had me fooled somehow You made me guess, but I confess I know your secret now Your lips tell me no, no But there's yes, yes in your eyes I've been missin' your kissin' Just because I wasn't wise I'll stop my scheming and dreaming 'Cos I realize Your lips tell me no, no But there's yes, yes in your eyes
You fooled me, dear, now for a year My heart you tantalize But without a doubt, I have found out The secret in your eyes
I-9. On top of Old Smoky, All covered with snow, I lost my true lover, For courting too slow.
For courting’s a pleasure,
But parting is grief,
And a false-hearted lover,
Is worse than a thief.
A thief will just rob you,
And take what you have,
But a false-hearted lover,
Will lead you to your grave.
The grave will decay you,
And turn you to dust,
Not one boy in a hundred
A poor girl can trust.
They’ll hug you and kiss you,
And tell you more lies
Than cross ties on a railroad,
Or stars in the sky.
So come ye young maidens,
And listen to me,
Never place your affection
In a green willow tree.
For the leaves they will wither,
The roots they will die,
And you’ll be forsaken,
And never know why.
I-10. Ev'ry morning, ev'ry evening  AIN'T WE GOT FUN
Not much money
Oh, but honey
Ain't we got fun
The rent's unpaid
We haven't a bus
But smiles were made
For people like us
In the winter in the Summer Don't we have fun Times are bum and getting bummer Still we have fun There's nothing surer The rich get rich and the poor get children In the meantime, in between time Ain't we got fun?
-- Bill collectors gather 'round and rather Haunt the cottage next door Men the grocer and butcher sent Men who call for the rent But within a happy chappy And his bride of only a year Seem to be so cheerful, here's an earful Of the chatter you hear
-- Just to make their trouble nearly double Something happened last night To their chimney a gray bird came Mister Stork is his name And I'll bet two pins, a pair of twins Just happened in with the bird Still they're very gay and merry Just at dawning I heard Ev'ry morning, ev'ry evening Don't we have fun Twins and cares, dear, come in pairs, dear Don't we have fun We've only started As mommer and pop Are we downhearted I'll say that we're not Landlords mad and getting madder Ain't we got fun? Times are so bad and getting badder Still we have fun There's nothing surer The rich get rich and the poor get laid off In the meantime, in between time Ain't we got fun? When the man who sold 'em carpets told 'em He would take them away They said, "Wonderful, here's our chance Take them up and we'll dance" And when burglars came and robbed them Taking all their silver, they say Hubby yelled, "We're famous, for they'll name us In the pepers today Night or daytime, it's all playtime Ain't we got fun? Hot or cold days, any old days Ain't we got fun If Wifey wishes To go to a play Don't wash the dishes Just throw them away Streetcar seats are awful narrow Ain't we got fun? They won't smash up our Pierce Arrow We ain't got none They've cut my wages But my income tax will be so much smaller When I'm laid off, I'll be paid off Ain't we got fun?

11. I wandered today to the hill
to watch the scene below
the creek and the rusty old mill
where we sat in the long, long ago
the green grove is gone from the hill
where first the daisies sprung
the old rusty mill is still
since you and I were young.
A city so silent and lone
where the young and the gay and the best
in polished white mansion of stone
have each found a place of rest
is built where the birds used to play
and join in the songs that were sung
for we sang just as gay as they
when you and I were young.
They say I am feeble with age
my steps are less sprightly than then
my face is a well written page
but time alone was the pen
they say we are aged and grey
as spray by the white breakers flung
but to me you're as fair as you were
MaggieWhen you and I were young.
And now we are aged and grey

The trials of life nearly done
Let us sing of the days that are gone
When you and I were young.

12. K-K-K-Katy
beautiful Katy  
you're the only g-g-g-girl that I adore
when the m-m-m-moon shines
over the cowshed  
I'll be waiting at the k-k-k-kitchen door
II. 1. nothing could be finer
than to be in  
no one could be sweeter than my sweetie
when I meet her in the morning where the morning glories twine around the door whispering pretty stories I long to hear once more strolling with my girlie where the dew is pearly early in the morning
butterflies all flutter up & kiss each buttercup at dawning

if I had Aladdin's lamp for only a day I'd make a wish & here's what I'd say n
othing could be finer
than to be in

2. Jeannine, I dream of lilac time
Your eyes, they beam in the lilac time
Your winning smile
and cheeks blushing like the rose
Yet all the while, you sigh when nobody knows
Jeannine, my queen of lilac times
When I return, I'll make you mine
For you and I, our love dream will never die
3.  o my darling o my darling
you are lost & gone forever
dreadful sorry Clementine.
In a cavern, in a canyon
excavating for a mine
dwelt a miner forty niner
& his daughter Clementine
light she was & like a fairy
& her shoes were number nine
herring boxes without topses
sandals were for Clementine
drove she ducklings to the water
ev'ry morning just at nine
hit her foot against a splinter
fell into the foaming brine
ruby lips above the water
blowing bubbles soft & fine
but alas I was no swimmer
so I lost my Clementine
how I missed her how I missed her
how I missed my Clementine
but I kissed her little sister
I forgot my Clementine.
4. mairzy doats & dozy doats & liddle lamzy divey
a kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
if the words sound queer
& funny to your ear
a little bit jumbled and jivey,
mares eat oats & does eat oats & little lambs eat ivy


5. Oh, how we danced on the night we were wed!
We vowed our true love, though a word wasn't said.
The world was in bloom. there were stars in the skies,
Except for the few that were there in your eyes.
Dear, as I held you close in my arms,
Angels were singing a hymn to your charms.
Two hearts gently beating, murmuring low,
"Darling, I love you so."
The night seemed to fade into blossoming dawn.
The sun shone anew, but the dance lingered on.
Could we but relive that sweet moment sublime,
We'd find that our love is unaltered by time.

6. DOWN BY THE OLD MILL STREAM where I first met you,
With your eyes of blue, dressed in gingham too,
It was there I knew that you loved me true,
You were sixteen, my village queen, by the old mill stream.

My darling I am dreaming of the days gone by,
When you and I were sweethearts beneath the summer sky;
Your hair has turned to silver, the gold has faded too;
But still I will remember, where I first met you.

The old mill wheel is silent and has fallen down,
The old oak tree has withered and lies there on the ground;
While you and I are sweethearts the same as days of yore;
Although we've been together, forty years and more.

7. Come and sit by my side if you love me;
Do not hasten to bid me adieu,
But remember the RED RIVER VALLEY
And the girl that has loved you so true.

From this valley they say you are going,
We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile,
For they say you are taking the sunshine
Which has brightened our pathways a while.      

I've been thinking a long time, my darling,
Of the sweet words you never would say,
Now, alas, must my fond hopes all vanish?
For they say you are going away.

Won't you think of the valley you're leaving,
Oh, how lonely and sad it will be,
Just think of the fond heart you're breaking,
And the grief you are causing to me.

From this valley they say you are going,
When you go, may your darling go too?
Would you leave her behind unprotected,
When she loves no one other than you.

As you go to your home by the ocean,
May you never forget those sweet hours,
That we spent in the Red River Valley,
And the love we exchanged 'mid the flowers.

I have promised you, darling, that never
Will a word from my lips cause you pain,
And my life, it will be yours forever,
If you only will love me again.

They will bury me where you have wandered,
Near the hills where the daffodils grow,
When you're gone from the Red River valley,
For I can't live without you I know.


BEAUTIFUL OHIO where the golden grain Dwarf the lovely flowers in the summer rain. Cities rising high, silhouette the sky. Freedom is supreme in this majestic land; Mighty factories seem to hum in tune, so grand. Beautiful Ohio, thy wonders are in view, Land where my dreams all come true.

"HEART OF MY HEART" I love that melody "HEART OF MY HEART" brings back a memory

when we were kids on the corner of the street

we were rough and ready guys

but o how we could harmonise


meant friends were dearer then

too bad we had to part

I know a tear would glisten

if once more I could listen

to the gang that sang "HEART OF MY HEART"



that I overlooked before one leaf is sunshine, the second is rain third is the roses that grow in the lane no need explaining, the one remaining is somebody I adore I’M LOOKING OVER A FOUR LEAF CLOVER that I overlooked before


YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE  my only sunshine
you make me happy when skies are gray
you'll never know dear how much I love you
please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you & make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me to love another
You'll regret it all someday
The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
And I hung my head & cried


I LOVE YOU TRULY truly dear

life with its sorrow life with its tears

fades into dreams when I feel you are near

for I LOVE YOU TRULY truly dear.

you've got the cutest little
there's not another one could take your place
my poor heart is jumpin’
you sure have started somethin’
I'm up in heaven when I'm in your fond embrace
I didn't need a shove ’cos I just fell in love
with your pretty


there'll be no more sobbin'

when he starts throbbin' his old sweet song

wake up wake up you sleepy head

get up get up get out of bed

cheer up cheer up the sun is red

live love laugh & be happy

what if I were blue now I'm walking thru fields of flowers

rain may glisten but still I listen  for hours & hours

I'm just a kid again doing what I did again singing a song



 JEEPERS CREEPERS where'd you get them peepers Jeepers, creepers  Where'd you get those eyes Gosh oh, git up
How'd they get so lit up?
Gosh oh, gee oh
How'd they get that size?

Golly gee
When you turn them heaters on
Woe is me
Got to put my cheaters on

Jeepers, creepers
Where'd ya get them peepers
Oh, those weepers
How they hypnotize

Jeepers, creepers
Where'd your get them peepers
Oh, those weepers
How they hypnotize
Where did your get those
Golly where'd your get those
Where did your get them there eyes?



Across the ocean wild and wide

To where your heart has ever been

Since you were first my bonnie bride.

The roses all have left your cheek.

I've watched them fade away and die

Your voice is sad when e'er you speak

And tears bedim your loving eyes.

Oh! I will take you back, Kathleen

To where your heart will feel no pain

And when the fields are fresh and green

I'II take you to your home again!


I know you love me, Kathleen, dear

Your heart was ever fond and true.

I always feel when you are near

That life holds nothing, dear, but you.

The smiles that once you gave to me

I scarcely ever see them now

Though many, many times I see

A dark'ning shadow on your brow.


To that dear home beyond the sea

My Kathleen shall again return.

And when thy old friends welcome thee

Thy loving heart will cease to yearn.

Where laughs the little silver stream

Beside your mother's humble cot

And brightest rays of sunshine gleam

There all your grief will be forgot.


5. you can bring Pearl -- she's a darn nice girl  -- but


You can bring Rose -- with the turned-up nose -- but


Lulu always wants to do

what the folks don't want her to.

when she struts her stuff around,

London bridge is falling down.

you can bring cake -- or a porterhouse steak -- but


Lulu gets blue and goes cuckoo -- like the clock upon the shelf.

she's the kind of smarty breaks up every party,

Hullabaloo loo -- DON'T BRING LULU -- I'll bring her myself

III-6. Nights are long since you went away
I think about you all through the day


no body
quite so true

Miss your voice, the touch of your hand

Just long to know that you understand

MY BUDDY, my buddy

Your buddy misses you

you're wonderful to see,
o what a hit you would be
your voice would thrill a nation,
your face would be adored,
you'd make a great sensation
with wealth & fame your reward;
& if you should kiss the way you kiss,
when we're alone,
you'd make ev'ry girl and man
a fan worshiping at your throne.
you oughta shine as brightly
as Jupiter and Mars;


III.8. Now is the hour
For me to say goodbye
Soon I'll be sailing
Far across the sea
While I'm away
Oh please remember me
When I return
I'll find you waiting here

III. 9. o we ain't got a barrel of money
maybe we're ragged and funny
but we'll travel along
singing a songs
don't know what's comin' tomorrow
maybe it's trouble and sorrow
but we'll travel the road
sharing our load
thru all kinds of weather
what if the sky should fall?
just as long as we're together
it doesn't matter at all
when they've all had their quarrels & parted
we'll be the same as we started
just a-traveling along
singing a song

III.10. I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair,
Borne like a vapor on the sweet summer air;
I see her tripping where the bright streams play,
Happy as the daisies that dance on her way.
Many were the wild notes her merry voice would pour
Many were the blithe birds that warbled them o'er:
I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair,
Floating, like a vapor, on the soft summer air.
I long for Jeanie with the daydawn smile,
Radiant in gladness, warm with winning guile;
I hear her melodies, like joys gone by,
Sighing round my heart o'er the fond hopes that die:
Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,
Waiting for the lost one that comes not again:
I long for Jeanie, and my heart bows low,
Never more to find her where the bright waters flow.
I sigh for Jeanie, but her light form strayed,
Far from the fond hearts round her native glade;
Her smiles have vanished and her sweet songs flown,
Flitting like the dreams that have cheered us and gone.
Now the nodding wild flowers may wither on the shore
While her gentle fingers will cull them no more:
Oh! I sigh for Jeanie with the light brown hair,
Floating, like a vapor, on the soft summer air.

sailing over a cardboard sea
but it wouldn't be make-believe
if you believed in me
yes it's only a canvas sky
hanging over a muslin tree
but it wouldn't be make-believe
if you believed in me

without your love
it's a honky-tonk parade
without your love
it's a melody played in a penny arcade

it's a Barnum & Bailey world
just as phony as it can be
but it wouldn't be make-believe
if you believed in me


till we meet tomorrow


sleep will banish sorrow

tears and parting may make us forlorn

but with the dawn

a new day is born


tho' I'm not beside you


still my love will guide you

dreams enfold you

in each one I'll hold you

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