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Friday, August 3, 2012

Statuaria romana antica


Sculpture bibliography

General Handbooks

  • Boardman, J., Greek Sculpture: the Archaic Period (London, 1978).
  • _________, Greek Sculpture: the Classical Period (London, 1985).
  • Carpenter, R., Greek Sculpture (Chicago, 1971).
  • Stewart, A., Greek Sculpture (New Haven and London, 1990).
  • Lawrence, A.W., Classical Sculpture (1972).
  • Lullies, R. and Hirmer, M., Greek Sculpture (London, 1960).


Private collections:

  • Michaelis, A., Ancient Marbles in Great Britain.
  • Haynes, D.E.L., The Arundel Marbles (1975).

Literary Sources:

  • Stuart-Jones, H., Passages from ancient authors (1895).
  • Jex-Blake, K. and Sellers, E., The Elder Pliny's chapters on the History of Art (1896).
  • Pollitt, J.J., The Art of Greece. 1400-31 BC (1990).
  • __________, The Ancient View of Greek Art (1974), esp. part 2.

Functions and settings

Sculpture on architecture:

  • Any architecture handbook, e.g. Berve, H. and Gruben, G., Greek Temples, Theatres and Shrines (1963).

Cult requirements:

  • Burkert, W., History of Greek Religion part II 5,3-4.


  • Kurtz, D.C. and Boardman, J., Greek Burial Customs (1971).

Materials and Techniques

Chapters in the basic handbooks:
  • Stewart, A., Greek Sculpture (New Haven and London, 1990).
  • Boardman, J., Greek Sculpture: the Archaic Period (London, 1978).
  • _________, Greek Sculpture: the Classical Period (London, 1985).


  • Higgins, R.A., Greek Terracottas (1967).

Marble analyses:

  • Renfrew, C., Annual of the British School at Athens 63, 45-66.
  • Ashmole, B., ibid. 65, 1-2.

Egypt and proportions:

  • Levin, K., American Journal of Archaeology 68, 13-28.
  • Ridgway, B., ibid. 70, 68-70.
  • Guralnick, E., ibid. 82, 461-72.


  • Blumel, K., Greek Sculptors at Work (1969).
  • Adam, S., TheTechnique of Greek Sculpture (1966).


  • Rolley, C., Greek Bronzes (1986) ch.1.
  • Mattusch, C.C., Greek Bronze Statuary from the beginnings through the Fifth Century (1988).

Marble and Bronze:

  • Haynes, D., The Muses at Work (ed. C.Boulter, 1969) chs. 3, 4.

Artists, originals and copies

Names and signatures:

Chapters in the handbooks:
  • Stewart, A., Greek Sculpture (New Haven and London, 1990).
  • Boardman, J., Greek Sculpture: the Archaic Period (London, 1978).
  • _________, Greek Sculpture: the Classical Period (London, 1985).
See also:
  • Stuart-Jones, H., Passages from ancient authors (1895).
  • Jex-Blake, K. and Sellers, E., The Elder Pliny's chapters on the History of Art (1896).
  • Pollitt, J.J., The Art of Greece. 1400-31 BC (1990).
  • __________, The Ancient View of Greek Art (1974), esp. part 2.


  • Burford, A., in Parthenos and Parthenon (1963).
  • ________, in Craftsmen in Greek and Roman Society (1972).


  • Chapters in the handbooks:
    Stewart, A., Greek Sculpture (New Haven and London, 1990).
  • Boardman, J., Greek Sculpture: the Archaic Period (London, 1978).
  • _________, Greek Sculpture: the Classical Period (London, 1985).
  • Bieber, M., Ancient Copies (1977).
  • Ridgway, B., Roman Copies of Greek Sculpture (1984).

Greek statues in Rome:

  • Pollitt, J.J., The Art of Rome. c.753 BC-337 AD (1983).
  • _________, in Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 108 (1978) 155-74.


  • Richter, G.M.A., Ancient Italy (1955) 105-16.

Baiae plaster casts:

  • von Hees-Landwehr, C., Griechische Meisterwerke in romischen Abgussen (1982).

Archaic sculpture

  • Richter, G.M.A., Archaic Greek Art (1949). Lectures on the various centres of art.
  • _________, Kouroi (1960, enlarged 3rd ed. 1970). Definitive publication of standing nude male statues.
  • _________, Korai (1968). Comparable treatment of the draped females.
  • Payne, H. and Young, G.M., Archaic marble sculptures from the Acropolis (1950). Masterly criticism of the most important sculptures from the Acropolis, with excellent photographs.
  • Ashmole, B., Late Archaic and Early Classical Greek Sculpture in South Italy and Sicily (British Academy Lecture, 1934).
  • Harrison, E., Athenian Agora XI: Archaic and Archaistic Sculpture. Introductory chapter on chronology.
  • Ridgway, B.S., The Archaic Style in Greek Sculpture (1977). Many unorthodox views.

Fifth-century sculpture

  • Ashmole, B., Architect and Sculptor in Ancient Greece (1972). Illuminating lectures on the sculptures from Olympia, the Parthenon and the Mausoleum.
  • Ridgway, B.S., The Severe Style in Greek Sculpture (1970). Generally clear and sensible.
  • Ashmole, B. and Yalouris, N., Olympia (1967). Excellent photographs, useful text.
  • Ridgway, B.S., Fifth-century Styles in Greek Sculpture (1981). Incomplete and sometimes unorthodox coverage.
  • Morgan, C.H., Hesperia Vol.31 (1962) 210-35 and Vol.32 (1963) 91-108. The architectural sculpture of the Hephaisteion.Greece and Rome, supplement 1963: Parthenos and Parthenon. Includes accounts of the organisation of work and the political background.
  • Brommer, F., The Sculptures of the Parthenon (1979). Excellent photographs with brief, factual text.
  • Robertson, M., The Parthenon Frieze (1975). Photographs of the whole frieze, with brief text.
  • Leipen, N., Athena Parthenos: a reconstruction (1971)
  • Thompson, H.A., Hesperia Vol.21 (1952) 47ff. Reliefs attributed to the Altar of Pity in the Athenian Agora.
  • Carpenter, R., The sculpture of the Nike Temple parapet (1929). Discussion and attribution of all the surviving sculptures.

Fourth-century sculpture

  • Ashmole, B., Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol.71 (1951) 13ff. Discussion of the Demeter of Cnidus and the identification of a master's style.
  • Bieber, M., The Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age (1955). The first chapters.
  • Waywell, G.B., Annual of the British School at Athens Vol.66 (1971) 373-82. The Piraeus Athena and Athena Mattei.
  • Stewart, A.F., Skopas of Paros (1977). Full account of the Tegea sculptures and attempt to reconstruct the artist's work and career.


  • Richter, G.M.A., Archaic Attic Gravestones (1961). All the Athenian archaic grave reliefs collected and studied.
  • Friis Johansen, K., The Attic grave-reliefs of the Classical period (1951). An excellent general discussion: subjects rather than styles.


  • Richter, G.M.A., The Portraits of the Greeks (1966); but the concise edition revised by R.R.R.Smith (1984) is more useful.

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