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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Anifeteatro flavio: detail of the stucco reliefs decorating the "Anfiteatro flavio", Roma -- a winged figure hovering between two pairs of columns, and above a frieze of nude figures -- after a drawing attributed to Giovanni da Udine or Baldassare Peruzzu, c. 129 -- etching



Detail of the stucco reliefs decorating the Colosseum in Rome: a winged figure hovering between two pairs of columns, and above a frieze of nude figures; after a drawing attributed to Giovanni da Udine or Baldassare Peruzzi.  c.1729/40




Detail of the stucco reliefs decorating the Colosseum in Rome: a winged figure hovering between two pairs of columns, and above a frieze of nude figures; after a drawing attributed to Giovanni da Udine or Baldassare Peruzzi. c.1729/40

The attribution is debated and it has been successively given to 'Muzino da Siena' (inventory of the Jabach collection), Giovanni da Udine ('Recueil Crozat', an attribution accepted throughout the 19th century), and the school of Raffaello (inventory of the Cabinet des dessins by F. Reiset).

More recently N. Dacos suggested the drawing could be a copy after Giovanni da Udine ('La découverte de la Domus Aurea et la formation des grotesques à la Renaissance', Londres, 1969, p. 45, note f-g), and an attribution to Beccafumi has also been proposed (K. Oberhuber, 1991).

Cordellier & Py catalogue the drawing as 'Giovanni da Udine (?) ou Baldassare Peruzzi (?)', but conclude by saying that the manner is close to Peruzzi's style c.1516/24 (see 'Musée du Louvre, Musée d'Orsay, Département des Arts graphiques, Inventaire général des Dessins Italiens, V : Raphaël, son atelier, ses copistes', Paris, 1992, No.1069).

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