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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tin Pan Opera


Larry Hamberlin


Associate Professor of Music

Larry Hamberlin teaches courses in Western classical music, American music, jazz, rock, and musical theater. His publications include:

Tin Pan Opera Rag: Operatic Novelties in the Ragtime Era (Oxford University Press, 2011)

“The Beethoven Allusions in ‘Auf dem Strom’ (D.928),” in Unknown Schubert, ed. Barbara Reul (Ashgate, 2008)

“Visions of Salome: The Femme Fatale in American Popular Songs before 1920,” JAMS (2006)

“National Identity in Snyder and Berlin’s ‘That Opera Rag’” American Music (2004)

In 2004 the Society of American Music awarded the Mark Tucker Prize to his paper

“Caruso and His Cousins: Portraits of Italian Americans in the Operatic Novelty Songs of Edwards and Madden.”

Hamberlin has presented several papers, on topics ranging from music at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair to Puccini’s influence on American popular song, at meetings of the International and American Musicological Societies, the Society for American Music, and the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (U.S. branch), and has been an invited speaker at the universities of Michigan, Indiana, Iowa, and Columbia and at the College of William and Mary.

Hamberlin previously taught as a visiting assistant professor at Williams College and Tufts University.

In the summer he directs the town band and gives pre-concert talks for a chamber music concert series in Rochester, Vermont.


Courses offered in the past four years.
indicates offered in the current term
indicates offered in the upcoming term[s]
FYSE 1132 - Beethoven
MUSC 0101 - Introduction to Western Music
MUSC 0130 - Topics in Music
MUSC 0220 - Music History I
MUSC 0221 - Music History II
MUSC 0230 - Topics in Music
MUSC 0232 / AMST 0232 - Music in the United States
MUSC 0240 - Performing Chamber Music
MUSC 0400 - Senior Seminar
MUSC 0500 - Independent Study
MUSC 0704 - Senior Work
MUSC 1008 - Bob Dylan's America
MUSC 1017 - Beethoven

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