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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Italia -- tenori eroici


We need a hero!: Heldentenors from Wagner's time to the present-- ...
Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold - 1989 - 450 pages

The German tradition separates the "jugendlicher Held" from the "Heldentenor" proper , assigning to the former the lighter, more youthful roles such as Walther von Stolzing in Meistersinger, Erik in Der Fliegende Hollander, Lohengrin, ...

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Music magazine: Volumes 10-11
1987 - Snippet view

Wolfgang Windgassen received his share of negative reviews, especially in America where his novel leichter Held approach suffered in comparison to the Melchior mode. Other post-war "Heldentenors" have met similar fates: Jess Thomas, ...

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The NPR Classical Music Companion: An Essential Guide for ... - Page 272
Miles Hoffman - 2005 - 320 pages - Preview

""Held" is German for hero, and "Heldentenor" means "heroic tenor.""

"The heroic task for the "heldentenor" is to make himself heard over huge Wagnerian orchestras for hours at a time without dying before he's supposed to."

countertenor: The ...

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Music clubs magazine: Volumes 82-83
National Federation of Music Clubs - 2002 - Snippet view

In December, Dr. William Roberts (heldentenor) and Zoe Vandermeer (soprano), with Dimitri Cogan at the piano, ... In exchange, the club received an invitation to use the clubhouse for the 2003 student competition held by the club.

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Concise English Dictionary - Page 419
Wordsworth Editions, Limited - 2007 - 1093 pages - Preview

n. heist'er. [Variant of hoist.] hejira. See hegira. held pa.t. and pa.p. of hold1.

"Heldentenor" held'an-ten'ar, held'sn-te-nor', n. (a man with)

a powerful tenor voice, particularly suitable for roles in Wagnerian operas.

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The Chambers Dictionary - Page 745
- Preview
[Gr helkos an ulcer] held pal and tap of hold1.

Heldentenor held'.m-ien'jr or held m-ie-nor'. n

(a man with) a powerful tenor voice, particularly suitable for heroic roles in (esp \Vagnerian) operas: — pi Helden- tenors or Heldentenore ...

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Melchior's Tristan - 25 Dec 1944 - Page 29
LIFE - Vol. 17, No. 26 - 76 pages - Magazine - Full view


His majestic 250-lb. bulk draped with knightly garments (above) and held in by a corset (see next page), opera's greatest "Heldentenor" (heroic tenor) once again enacted the musical passion of one of opera's greatest lovers.

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The virtuosi: classical music's legendary performers from Paganini ...
Harold C. Schonberg, Harold C. Schonberg - 1988 - 509 pages - Snippet view

It belongs, he said, to a "jugendlicher Held" (a young Heldentenor with a lighter voice).

"The music [of Die Meistersinger] lies more in the top of the voice. The heldentenor goes from low to high, then downhill, ...

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National schools of singing: English, French, German, and Italian ...
Richard Miller - 1997 - 237 pages - Snippet view

German "Held", which will be considered in a moment.

The exaggerated spinto quality is produced by a sternum incorrectly elevated ...

"The robusto (tenore drammatico) is the Italian vocal
category nearest in size to
the German Heldentenor."

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New Directions 29 - Page 51
James Laughlin, Fredrick R. Martin, Peter Glassgold - 1974 - 192 pages - Preview

... i remember going to his funeral i remember driving out there with a wagnerian heldentenor named friedrich bonhoffer ... this immense heldentenor who was driving this tiny broken-down Volkswagen that was being held together like with ...

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