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Wednesday, February 15, 2012



Search ResultsThe Nibelungen lied
1887 - 442 pages - Snippet view

"Then of the Lady Brunhild and all her court around His leave took the knight Siegfried, son of King Siegmund, As well became the hero ; then rode he to the Rhine, Upon this earth there could not better messenger have been.

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Siegfried: music-drama in three acts. Third evening of The ring of ...
Richard Wagner - 1887 - 74 pages - Snippet view

We gradually approach the story of the Nibelungen Lied, which, however, is only utilized in part in the " GOtterdammerung," the last evening of the " Ring." In " Siegfried" Wagner virtually makes a new creation from the original ...

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Teutonic Legends in the Nibelungen Lied and the Nibelungen Ring - Page 51
W. C. Sawyer - 2003 - 352 pages - Preview




THERE was reared in the Netherlands a child called "Sieg-fried".

His father, "Sieg-mund", was a noble king, of the famous race of the "Vols-ungs",1 who trace their ancestry to Wotan 2 himself.

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The Nibelunger lied, lay of the Nibelung
1887 - 442 pages - Snippet view

"Stegfrieo goes to tbe Wbelunflen 3Lano,

Then strode the trusty Siegfried in his Tarnkappe Downward to the landing where their barque lay near ; Therein, unseen, stood quickly the child of Siegelind, Away the boat 'gan drifting, ...

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The Story of Siegfried - Page 55
James Baldwin - 2007 - 156 pages - Preview

Espying Siegfried, they called upon him to settle their dispute, offering him as reward their father's mighty sword Balmung.”—Auber Forestier's Translation of the Nibelungen Lied. We have here made some slight variations from the ...

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Choral music in print: Secular choral music: Volume 2
No cover image books.google.com
Thomas R. Nardone, James H. Nye, Mark Resnick - 1974 - 614 pages - Snippet view
DAS LIED VON LAUFENBURG see Suter. Hermann OAS LIEDLEIN VON DER DICKMADAM see Saar, Robart OAS LOS DES MENSCHEN aaa Lavaler ... Ol old (D337) easy) BAREN and new maaters DAS OUIESELCHEN see Borr Ii, Siegfried DAS REGENLIED aee Schwartz.

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Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama: Volume 3 - Page 97
Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, Marion Harland - 2004 - 588 pages - Preview
Nibe- lungen Lied, iii. (1210). Nibelungen Hoard, a mythical mass of gold and precious stones which

Siegfried [Sege.freed], prince of the Netherlands, took from Nibelungeland and gave to his wife as a dowry. The hoard filled thirty-six ...

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The reader's handbook of allusions, references, plots and stories: ...
Ebenezer Cobham Brewer - 1889 - 1170 pages - Snippet view
1 (1824). Nibelung, a mythical king of Nibe- longenland (Norway). lie had twelve paladins, all giants. Siegfried [Sege.- freed], prince of the Netherlands, slew the giants, and made Nibelungenland tributary. — Nibelungen Lied, iii.

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The reader's handbook of famous names in fiction, allusions, ...
Ebenezer Cobham Brewer - 1910 - 1243 pages - Snippet view
The Minnesingen: The Nibelungen Lied (1310).

Siegfried топ Lindenberg, the hero of a comic German romance, by Müller (1779). Very «musing and still popular. Sieglind [Seeg-lind], the mother of Siegfried, and wife of Siegmund king of the ...

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The Opera Companion: The synopses
George Whitney Martin - 1961 - Snippet view

Siegfried denies it. Bruennhilde then accuses him of betraying Gunther by forcing her love during the night just passed. (This is either a lie, or Siegfried lied to Gunther. In any event the allegory about the heroes has dwindled into ...

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