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Friday, February 17, 2012

Wagner in Italia


Wagner in Italia
Anna Amalie Abert, Giancarlo Rostirolla - 1982 - 481 pages - Snippet view


I rapporti tra Wagner e l'Italia interessano
non solo la storia della musica e le polemiche intorno
al wagnerismo, ma l'intero mondo della cultura e del
costume nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento. Per comprendere che cosa ...

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Wagner in Italia: Volume 2
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Mario Panizzardi - 1922 - 308 pages - No preview

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Wagner in Italia
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Giorgio Manera, Associazone Amici della Fenice, Guiseppe Pugliese - 1982 - 217 pages - No preview

List of performances of Wagner's
operas in Italy, together with conductors, orchestras and principal singers

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Wagner and Venice - Page 330
John W. Barker - 2008 - 404 pages - Preview

95-96, or, in Italian translation (of its Part 1 only) as
her essay

"La fortuna di Wagner in Italia,"

in Wagner in Italia ... See also Panizzardi, Wagner in Italia, vol. 2, 291-93. 1o. On the sojourn of 188o in general, we have Cosima's ...

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Richard Wagner: a guide to research - Page 391
Michael Saffle - 2002 - 440 pages - Preview

Wagner in Italia. 2 vols. Milan: Carisch & Janischen, 1914, 1923. ML410.W12P2 1922

A two-part survey of Wagner's activities in and relationship with Italy as a whole. Vol. 1 deals primarily with biographical issues and includes 36 ...

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Del dirigere - Page xlix
Richard Wagner - 1992 - 114 pages - Preview
Mario Panizzardi, Wagner in Italia, 2 voli., Palagi, Genova 1914-1923. Paul Gerhardt Dippel, Wagner und Italien, Lechte, Ems- detten 1966. Lamberto Trezzini e Claudio Santini, La questione wagneriana, in Due secoli di vita musicale.

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Opera in theory and practice, image and myth - Page 71
Lorenzo Bianconi, Giorgio Pestelli - 2003 - 456 pages - Preview

The first part (Ort- und zeitgebundene Wagner- Rezeption in Italien) appears in Italian translation in the miscellany "Wagner in Italia", ed. Giancarlo Rostirolla (Turin: ERI, 1982), 55–225.

This volume also contains the essay by Agostino ...

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Poemi e abbozzi non musicati - Page xli
Richard Wagner, Francesco Gallia - 1994 - 234 pages - Preview
Mario Panizzardi, Wagner in Italia, 2 voll., Palagi, Genova 1914-23. Paul Gerhardt Dippel, Wagner und Italien, Lechte, Ems- detten 1966. Lamberto Trezzini - Claudio Santini, La questione wagneriana, in Due secoli di vita musicale.

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Puccini: His International Art - Page 68
Michele Girardi - 2002 - 546 pages - Preview
... Wagner in Italia (Venice: Marsilio, 1982), 35-52; Giancarlo Rostirolla, ed., Wagner in Italia (Turin: ERI, 1982);
Julian Budden, "Wagnerian Tendencies in Italian Opera," in Music and Theatre: Essays in Honour ofWinton Dean, ed.

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Das Rheingold, Der Ring des Nibelungen, Richard Wagner - Page 77
Franco Manfriani - 2007 - 267 pages - Preview

Mario Panizzardi, nel suo ormai rarissimo volume

"Wagner in Italia" pubblicato nel 1914, ci ricorda come il giorno della partenza durante un'ultima sontuosa colazione all'Hotel de New York, venisse eseguito anche un quartetto d'archi del ...

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