Opera Greco-Romana
Opera Greco-Romana

King of the Myrmidons; son of Peleus. Soldier in the Trojan Wars, best know for his weak ankle. His mother, the Nereid Thetis, dipped the baby Achilles into the Styx, thus rendering him invicible except at the heel by which she held him. Achilles killed Hector and was fatally wounded by Hector’s younger brother, Paris (or, according to another version of the story, by Apollo who assumed Paris’ shape). Hero of The Iliad. (Homer).

King of the Myrmidons; son of Peleus. Soldier in the Trojan Wars, best know for his weak ankle. His mother, the Nereid Thetis, dipped the baby Achilles into the Styx, thus rendering him invicible except at the heel by which she held him. Achilles killed Hector and was fatally wounded by Hector’s younger brother, Paris (or, according to another version of the story, by Apollo who assumed Paris’ shape). Hero of The Iliad. (Homer).
Agricola, G.F. 1765. Achille in Sciro
Amicaoni, A. 1772. Achille in Sciro
Anfossi, P. 1774. Achille in Sciro
Apell, J.P. 1785. Achille in Sciro
Arena,G. 1738. Achille in Sciro
Arne, T. 1773. Achilles in Petticoats
Barbier, F. 1864. Achille chez Chiron
Basili, F. 1797. Achille nell’ assedio di Troia
Basili, F. 1817. L’Ira d’Achille
Bernardini, M. 1794. Achille in Sciro
Bertoni, F.G. 1764. Achille in Sciro
Caldara,A. 1736. Achille in Sciro
Campra, A. 1735. Achille et Deidamie
Capello, G.M. 1789. Achille in Sciro
Charini, P. 1739. Achille in Sciro
Cimarosa, D. 1797. Achille all’ assedio di Troia
Coppola, P.A. 1825. Achille in Sciro
Corselli, F. 1738. Achille in Sciro
Donizetti, G. 1817. L’Ira d’Achille
Draghi, A. 1663. Achilles in Sciro
Draghi, A. 1663 Achille riconosciuto
Draghi, A. 1663 Achille in Tessalia
Draghi, A. 1693 L’Impresse dell’Achille di Roma
Gassmann, F.L. 1766 Achille in Sciro
Gazzaniga, G. 1782 Achille in Sciro
Giacomelli, G. 1739 Achille in Aulide
Giacomelli, G. 1739 Achille in Sciro
Hasse, J.A. 1739 Achille in Sciro
Hasse, J.A. 1759 Achille in Sciro
Jommelli, N. 1745 Achille in Sciro
Jommelli, N. 1771 Achille in Sciro (new setting)
Keiser, R. 1716 Der zerstörte Troja
Kreutzer, R. 1811 Le Triomphe du mois de Mars
Laurent de Rille, F.A. 1857 Achille a Scyros
Legrenzi, G. 1663 Achille in Sciro
Leo, L. 1740 Achille in Sciro
Logroscino, N.B. 1760 Il Natale d’Achille
Lotti, A. 1707 Achille Placato
Lulli, Giovanni Battista. 1687 Achille et Polyxene
Manna, G. 1745 Achille in Sciro
Marti, E. 1913 Achille chez Hycomede
Mazzoni, A.M. 1754 Achille in Sciro
Monza, C. 1764 Achille in Sciro
Nasolini, S. 1806 Achille e Patrocolo
Naumann, J.G. 1767 Achille in Sciro
Nebra, J. 1747 Antes que celos
Niccolini, G. 1814 L’Ira d’Achille
Paer, F. 1801 Achille
Paisiello, G. 1778 Achille in Sciro
Pugnati, G. 1785 Achille in Sciro
Runker, G.B. 1747 Achille in Sciro
Sales, P.P. 1774 Achille in Sciro
Sarro, D. 1737 Achille in Sciro
Sarti, G. 1759 Achille in Sciro
Sarti, G. 1779 Achille in Sciro
Scarlatti, A. 1698 Achille e Deidamia
Sciroli, G. 1751 Achille in Sciro
Staffa, G. 1828 Priamo alla tenda di Achille
Stuck, J.B. 1711 Thetis, ou La Naissance d’Achille
Thys, P. 1884 L’Education d’Achille
Tippett, M. 1962 King Priam
Verocaj, B. 1746 Achille in Sciro

Italy's national hero, a hero the Trojan Wars, the son of Anchises and Venus. Hero of Virgil’s Aeneid, which plots his story from the fall of Troy to his arrival in Italy. Revered as the ancestral hero of the Romans. (see also Dido).
Badia, C.A. 1702. Enea negli Elisi
Bernabei, G.A. 1679 Enea in Italia
Boretti, G.A. 1670 Enea in Italia
Boroni, A. 1778 Enea nel Lazio
Chaves, J. 179? Enee et Lavinie
Colasse, P. 1690 Enee et Lavinie
Dauvergne, A.L. 1758 Enee et Lavinie
Draghi, A. 1678 Enea in Italia
Fini, M. 1731 Gli Sposali d’Enea
Franck, J.W. 1680 Aeneas des Trojanischen Fürsten Abkufft in Italien
Fronduti, G.B. 1709 L’Impegni delle dei per le glorie d’Enea
Fux, J.J. 1731 Enea negli Elisi
Galuppi, B. 1765 L’Arrivo nel Lazio
Gardi, F. 1785 Enea nel Lazio
Giardini, F. 1764 Enea e Lavinia
Gibella, F.C. 1680 Enea in Cartagnie
Gibelli, L. 1731 Gli Sposali d’Enea
Guerrini, G. 1948 Enea
Guglielmi, P.A. 1785 Enea e Lavinia
Jommelli, N. 1755 Enea nel Lazio
Lampugnani, G.B. 1763 Enea in Italia
Lima, J.F. 1781 Enea in Tracia
Malipiero, G.F. 1958 Vergili Aeniis
Monteverdi, C. 1641 Le Nozze di Enea con Lavinia
Pallavicino, C. 1675 Enea in Italia
Perez, D. 1759 Enea in Italia
Piccinni, N. 1775 Enea in Cuma
Pollarolo, C.F. 1686 Enea in Italia
Porpora, N. 1734 Enea nel Lazio
Righini, V. 1793 Enea nel Lazio
Sacchini, A.M.G. 1779 Enea e Lavinia
Sarti, G. 1799 Enea nel Lazio
Scacchi, G.M. 1638 Enea
Steffani, A. 1695 Il Trionfo del fato, overo Le Glorie d’Enea
Stegmayer, M. 1799 Die travestierte Aeneas
Stegmayer, M. 1800 Aeneas in der Hölle
Telemann, G.P. 1731 Die Flucht des Aeneas nach Latien
Traetta, T.M. 1761 Enea nel Lazio
Uccelini, D.M. 1673 Le Nave d’Enea
Uttini, F.A.B. 1756 Enea in Cartagine
Ziani, P.A. 1680 Enea in Cartagine

King of Mycenae, brother of Menelaus, father of Electra and husband of Clytemnestra. Led the Greek army against Troy. Killed by Clytemnestra’s lover; Aegisthus. (See also Oresteia).
Brian, H. 1957 Agamennone.
Clarke, R 1975 Agamemnon
Cuclin, D. 1920 Agamemnon
Hervé, F. 1856 Agamemnon
Morris, R. 1969 Agamemnon
Soler, J. 1961 Agamemnon

Married to Alceste, daugther of Pelis, she saved her husband Admeto’s life by offering to die in place of him. Ercole then forced Death to save them both. Another version says that Persephone released her from the underworld. (see also Hercules)
Alexandre, C.G. 1755. Le Triomphe de l’Amour conjugal
Antonelli-Torre, F. 1811 Alceste
Appiani, A. 1811 Alceste
Benda, F.W.H. 1786 Alceste
Boughton, R. 1922 Alkestis
D’Ordonez, C. 1778 Alceste
De Leeuw, T. 1963 Alceste
Draghi, A. 1699 Alceste
Elwart, A.A.E. 1850 Alceste
Fiocco, P.A. 1681 Alceste
Floquet, E.J. 1776 Alceste (w./ Philidor)*
Franck, J.W. 1680 Alceste
Gambaro, A. 1882 Alceste
Georges, M. 1891 Alceste
Georges, M. 1891 Alceste
Gluck, Cristoforo. 1767 Alceste
Gresnick, A.F. 1786 Alceste
Gulielmi, P.A. 1768 Alceste
Haendel, Giorgio Frederico. 1727 Admento, re di Tessaglia
Lampugnani, G.B. 1744 Alceste
Lulli, Giovanni Battista. 1674 Alceste, ou Le Triomphe d’Alcide
Magni, G.P. 1702 Admento, re di Tessaglia
Magni, G.P. 1702 Admento, re di Tessaglia
Müller, W. 1806 Alceste
Philidor, F.A.D. 1776 Alceste (w./ Floquet)*
Ponzo, G. 1760 Alceste
Porsile, G. 1718 Alceste
Portugal, M.A. 1798 Alceste
Provenzale, F. 1661 Antigona delusa da Alceste
Raupach, H.F. 1758 Alceste
Schürmann, G.K. 1719 Die getreue Alceste
Schürmann, G.K. 1719 Die getreue Alceste
Schwitzer, A. 1773 Alceste
Seyfried, I.X. 1800 Alceste
Staffa, G. 1852 Alceste
Strungk, N.A. 1693 Alceste
Trenta, M. 1679 Alceste
Wellesz, E. 1924 Alkestis
Wolf, E.W. 1778 Alceste
Ziani, P.A. 1660 L’Antigona delusa da Alceste

Amazons were a legendary war-like tribe of women descended from the god of war, Ares
and the naiad Harmonia. Amazon Queens incl. Hyppolita, Antope, and Penthesilea, who all got involved with Greek heros including Achilles, Theseus and Hercules.
Accorimboni, A. 1782 Il Regno delle Amazzone
Bayer, A. 1820 Die Böhmischen Amazonen
Beauplan, A. 1830 L’Amazone
Bertini, S. 1772 L’Impero delle Amazzoni
Blon, F. 1903 Die Amazonen
Boni, C. 1775 Le Amazzoni
Busca, L. 1670 Ippolita, regina delle Amazzoni
Chelleri, F. 1715 Aessandro fra le Amazzoni
De Angelis, A. 1707 Mitilene, regina delle Amazones
Destouches, A. 1699 Marthesie, première reine des Amazones
Elsner, F. 1800 Amazonki
Förtsch, J.P. 1690 Thalestris
Gyrowetz, A. 1806 Königin der Amazonen
Käfer, J.P. 1717 Die Königin der Amazonen Marthesia
Krieger, J.P. 1693 Herkule unter den Amazonen
Latilla, G. 1739 Le Amazzoni
Lindpainter, P.J. von 1831 Die Amazonen
Mathieu, M.J. 1777 Marthesie, première reine des Amazones
Mathieu, M.J. 1777 Marthesie, première reine des Amazones
Méhul, E.N. 1811 Les Amazones
Nasolini, S. 1791 Ippolita, regina dell’ Amazzoni
Orlandini, G.M. 1718 Le Amazzoni vinte da Ercole
Ottani, B. 1784 Le Amazzoni
Pallavicino, C. 1679 Le Amazoni nell’ isole fortunate
Pallavicino, C. 1679 Le Amazoni nell’ isole fortunate
Parma, V. 1904 Carine Amazonke
Pasquini, B. 1690 La Caduta del regno delle Amazone
Pasquini, B. 1690 La Caduta del regno delle Amazone
Pavesi, B. 1809 Ippolita, regina delle Amazzoni
Scarlatti, A. 1689 L’Amazone corsara, ovvero L’Alvilda
Thys, A. 1845 L’Amazone
Trento, V. 1821 La Conqusista delle Amazoni
Viviani, G.B. 1681 Mitilene, regina della Amazzoni
Walpurgis, M.A. 1760 Talestri, regina delle Amazoni
-- e Psiche. Psiche is the personification of the human soul and representation of Immortality, sought by Amore or Cupido whom she lost through her own curiosity. Eventually restored to him and made immortal.
Abeille, J.C.L. 1800 Amor und Psyche
Agricola, J.F. 1768 Amore e Psiche
Badia, C.A. 1703 La Psiche
Bagaduroff, W.A. 1915 Eros und Psyche
Breni, T. 1645 La Psiche
Caldara, A. 1720 Psiche
Candeille, P.J. 1780 L’Amour et Psyché
Cavalli, P.F. 1642 Amore innamorato
Fux, J.J. 1720 Psiche
Gassmann, F.L. 1767 Amore e Psiche
Grovelez, G.M. 1922 Psyche
Kauer, F. 1817 Amor und Psyche
Keiser, R. 1701 Die wunderschöne Psyche
Lampe, J.F. 1734 Cupid and Psyche
Leardini, A. 1649 La Psiche
Lenoble, J. 1780 L’Amour et Psyché
Leo, L. 1738 Le Nozze di Amore e d i Psiche
Locke, M. 1675 Psyche
Lully, G.B. 1678 Psyché (w/. Corneille, Quinault, Moliére)
Marcello, B. 1711 Psiche
Méhul, E.N. 1790 Psyché et l’Amour
Pilati, A. 1856 L’Amour et Psyche
Roser, F. 1815 Amor und Psyche
Rössler, J. 1797 Psiche e Amore
Rozycki, L. 1917 Eros i Psyche
Saint-Amans, L.J. 1778 Psyché et l’Amour
Scacchi, M. 1634 L’Amore di Cupido e di Psyche
Scacchi, M. 1634 L’Amore di Cupido e di Psyche
Scarlatti, A. 1683 Psiche, o veri Amore innamorato
Schuster, J. 1780 Amore e Psiche
Sciarrino, S. 1972 Amore e Psiche
Stevenson, J.A. 1810 Psyche
Thomas, C.L.A. 1857 Psyche
Traetta, T.M. 1773 Amore e Psiche
Vernon, A. 1956 Cupid and Psyche
Walch, G. 1652 Psyche
Wessely, K.B. 1789 Psyche
Winter, P. 1790 Psyché
Zenger, M. 1901 Eros und Psyche
husband of Andromaca (the daughter of Eetion), father of Astyanax. Eventually became the wife of
Hector’s brother, Helenus. Text by Racine (1667).
Aurisiccho, A. 1752 Andromaca
Bertoni, F.G. 1771 Andromaca
Bioni, A. 1729 Andromaca
Caladara, A. 1724 Andromaca
Chiochetti, P.V. 1725 Andromaca
Ellerton, J.L. 1830 Andromaca
Feo, F. 1730 Andromaca
Grétry, A.E.M. 1780 Andromaque *
Lampugnani, G.B. 1748 Andromaca
Leo, L. 1742 Andromaca
Martin Y Soler, V. 1780 Andromaca
Nasolini, S. 1790 Andromaca
Paisiello, G. 1797 Andromaca
Parez, D. 1750 Andromaca
Pavesi, S. 1804 Andromaca
Pucitta, V. 1821 Andromaca
Raimondi, P. 1815 Andromaca
Rossini, G. 1819 Ermione *
Sacchini, A.M.G. 1761 Andromaca
Sarti, G. 1760 Andromaca
Scolari, G. 1757 Andromaca
Tozzi, A. 1765 Andromaca
Tritto, G. 1807 Andromaca e Pirro
Valentini, M. 1754 Andromaca
Windt, H. 1932 Andromache

-- e Andromeda, aughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Chained to a rock to placate Neptune, she was
saved by her husband Perseus and placed among the stars by the goddess Athena.
Abos, G. 1749. Perseo ed Andromeda
Baumgartner, G. 1776 . Perseo ed Andromeda
Belli, D. 1618. Perseo ed Andromeda
Bernasconi, A. 1749. Perseo ed Andromeda
Bononcini, A.M. 1702. Perseo ed Andromeda
Campeggi, R. 1618. Perseo ed Andromeda
Cocchi, G. 1755. Perseo ed Andromeda
Cocchi, G. 1755. Perseo ed Andromeda
Colla, G. 1771. Perseo ed Andromeda
Collins, A.V.B. 1935. Perseo ed Andromeda
Dassoucy, C.C. 1650. Perseo ed Andromeda
Druschetzky, G. 1787. Perseo ed Andromeda
Duncan, W.E. 1892. Perseo ed Andromeda
Elsner, E. 1807. Perseo ed Andromeda
Fioroillo, I. 1771. Perseo ed Andromeda
Franck, J.W. 1675 Die unvergleiche Andromeda
Franck, J.W. 1679. Andromeda und Perseus
Gazzaniga, G. 1775. Andromeda e Perseo
Giacobbi, G. 1610. Perseo ed Andromeda
Handel, G.F. 1749. Perseo ed Andromeda
Hasse, J.A. 1749. Perseo ed Andromeda
Haydn, F.J. 1775 Andromeda e Perseo
Ibert, J. 1929 Persée et Andromede
Jommelli, J. 1749 Andromeda
Kusser, J.S. 1692 Andromeda
Leo, L. 1742 Andromeda
Löwe, J.J. 1659 Andromeda
Lully, J.B. 1682 Presee
Manelli, F. 1637 Andromeda
Marescalchi, L. 1784 Andromeda e Perseo
Mattioli, A. 1665 Perseo
Maurice, P. 1924 Andromeda
Monteverdi, C. 1617 Andromeda
Naumann, J.G. 1792 Andromeda
Orlandini, G.M. 1738 Le Nozze di Perseo e di Andromeda
Pasirello, G. 1774 Andromeda
Pavesi, S. 1804 Andromeda
Persichini, P. 1777 Andromeda e perseo
Philidor, F.A.D. 1780 Persee
Predieri, L.A. 1738 Perseo
Reichardt, J.F. 1788 Andromeda
Rossi, M.A. 1638 Andromeda
Sacchini, A.M.G. 1774 Perseo
Sarro, D. 1749 Andromeda
Sarro, D. 1749 Andromeda
Sarti, G. 1790 Andromeda
Schneider, J.C.F. 1807 Andromeda
Telemann, G.P. 1704 Perseus und Andromeda
Tortona, L. 1662 Andromeda
Trento, V. 1805 Andromeda
Wagenseil, G.C. 1749 Andromeda
Zimmermann, A. 1781 Andromeda und Perseus
Zingarelli, N. 1796 Andromeda
Daughter of Edipo, Antigona represents sisterly fidelity. (Text by Sophocles)
Brindle, R.S. 1972 Death of Antigone
Ghislanzoni, A. 1928 Antigone
Honneger, A. 1927 Antigone
Krejci, I. 1933 Antigonae
Liviabella, L. 1952 Antigonae
Orff, C. 1949 Antigonae
Pallantios, M. 1942 Antigone
Seymour, J.L. 1920 Antigone

ED ARIANNA, daughter of King Minos of Crete, she fell in love with Theseus andgave him a sword to kill the Minotaur. They went to Naxos but he abandoned her there. Bacchus then married her and gave her a crown which transformed on her death into a celestial constellation.
Abos, G. 1748 Arianna e Teseo
Adolfati, A. 1750. Teseo ed Arianna
Anfossi, P. 1781 Il Trionfo d’Arianna
Badia, C.A. 1702. L’Arianna abbandonata da Teseo.
Balbi, M. 1791 Arianna e Teseo
Benda, J.A.G. 1775 Ariadne auf Naxos
Benvenuti, N. 1810 Arianna e Teseo
Boero, F. 1920 Ariana e Dionisio
Bonacossi, F. 1641 Ariadne abbandonata da Teseo
Boniventi, C. 1719 Arianna abbandonata
Bossenberger, H.J. 1868 Ariadne auf Naxos
Bouvard, F. 1729 Ariane et Bacchus
Brambach, J.K. 1891 Ariadne
Broschi, R. 1731 Arianna e Teseo
Cafaro, P. 1766 Arianna e Teseo
Carcano, G. 1759 Arianna e Teseo
Conradi, J.G. 1691 Ariadne
Edelman, J.F. 1782 Ariane dans l’isle de Naxos
Ferrari, B. 1640 Arianna
Fischetti, D. 1777 Arianna e Teseo
Fisher, A. 1809 Theseus und Ariadne (w./ Seyfried)
Fux, J.J. 1726 La Corona d’Arianna
Galuppi, B. 1760 Arianna e Teseo
Galuppi, B. 1763 Arianna e Teseo
Grabu, L. 1674 Ariane, ou Le Mariage de Bacchus
Goehr, A. 1994 Arianna (Reworking of Monteverdi’s opera)
Handel, G.F. 1734 Arianna
Haug, H. 1943 Ariadne
Hess, L. 1909 Ariadne
Holzbauer, I.J. 1756 Le Nozze d’Arianna e di Bacco
Insanquine, G. 1773 Arianna e Teseo
Keiser, R. 1722 Ariadne
Klein, B. 1824 Ariadne
Kusser, J.S. 1692 Ariadne
Leo, L. 1721 Arianna e Teseo
Leo, L. 1728 Arianna
Majo, G. 1747 Arianna e Teseo
Marais, M. 1696 Ariane et Bacchus
Marcello, B. 1727 Arianna
Marinelli, G. 1786 Il Trionfo d’Arianna
Martinu, B. 1961 Ariadne
Massenet, J. 1906 Ariane
Mayr, J.S. 1815 Arianna in Nasso
Mayr, J.S. 1815 Arianna in Nasso
Mazzoni, A.M. 1758 Arianna e Teseo
Milhaud, D. 1928 L’Abandon d’Ariane
Monteverdi, C. 1608 L’Arianna
Mouret, J.J. 1717 Ariane
Orlandini, G.M. 1739 Arianna
Paradies, M.T. 1791 Ariadne und Bacchus
Pasque, G. 1763 Arianna e Teseo
Pasquini, B. 1685 L’Arianna
Pescetti, G.B. 1750 Arianna e Teseo
Ponzo, G. 1762 Arianna e Teseo
Porpora, N.A. 1714 Arianna in Nasso
Porta, G. 1723 Arianna nell’isola di Nasso
Potjes, E. 1903 Ariane
Righini, V. 1793 Il Trionfo d’Arianna
Ristori, G.A. 1736 Arianna
Rocheforte, J.B. 1791 Ariana et Bacchus
Rothstein, J. 1903 Ariadne auf Naxos
Rubino, P. 1932 Il Filo d’Arianna
Sarti, G. 1756 Arianna e Teseo
Satzenhofer, F. 1803 Die travestierte Ariadne auf Naxos
Schmidt, A. 1958 Der Faden der Ariadne
Seyfried, I.X. 1809 Theseus und Ariadne (w./ Fisher)
Strauss, R. 1912 Ariadne auf Naxos
Tarchi, A. 1784 Arianna e Bacco
Weigl, T. 1803 Bacchus und Ariadne
Winter, P. 1792 I Sacrifizi di Creta
e le Bacchae (or Maenads). Followers of Bacchus, the god of vine. Based on text by Euripide.
Ghedini, G.F. 1948 Le Baccanti
Henze, H.W. 1966 Die Bassariden
Valdambrini, F. 1971 Pentheus
Wellesz, E. 1931 Die Bachantinnen

Calisto was an Arcadian nymph who was changed into a bear by Jupiter, as was her son, Arca. Jupiter
then turned them into constellations which are known as the Great Bear and Little Bear.
Cavalli, F. 1651 La Calisto

Calypso. Queen of Ogygia, the island on which Ulysses was shipwrecked. She kept him there for
seven years with the promise of immortality. (See Telemachus).

-- son of Hermes and Herse, accidentally shot his jealous wife (CEFALO RAPITO) Procri, daughter of King Erechtheus of Athens) who was spying on him in the woods.
Araia, F. 1755 Cephalus i Prokris
Benda, J.A.G. 1805 Cephalus und Prokris
Bonocini, G. 1704 Gli Amor di Cefalo e Procris
Bronner, G. 1694 Cephalus und Procris
Caccini, G. 1600 Il Rapimento di Cefalo
Capuzzi, G.A. 1792 Cefalo e Prokcri
Gilliers, J.C. 1711 Céphalus et Procris
Gretry, A.E.M. 1773 Céphalus et Procris, ou L’Amour conjugal
Hidalgo, J. 1660 Celos aun del aye matan
Johnsen, E.H.F. 1778 Procris och Cephal
Kaiser, R. 1694 Procris und Cephalus
Kerpen, F.H. 1783 Cephalus und Prokris
Krenek, E. 1933 Cefalo e Procri
Krieger, J.F. 1689 Cephalus und Procris
LaGuerre, E.J. 1694 Céphale et Procris
Mattioli, A. 1650 Il Ratto di Cefalo
Reichardt, J.F. 1777 Prokris und Cephalus
Schürmann, G.K. 1734 Prokris und Cephalus
Stuck, J.B. 1710 Cephale

sorceress, sister of Aetes, who turned Ulysses’ friends into swine when they landed on the
isle of Aeaea. Ulysses resisted the spells with a herb concoction given to him by Mercury. see also Ulysses and Telemachus)
Albertini, G. 1785 Circe ed Ulisse
Anfossi, P. 1788 La Maga Circe
Astaritta, G. 1790 Circe ed Ulisse
Badia, C.A. 1709 Gli Amori di Circe con Ulisse
Beaujoyeulx, B. 1581 Le Ballet comique de la royne
Boniventi, G. 1711 Circe delusa
Brunal, R. 1903 Circe
Bungert, A. 1898 Kirke
Buongiorno, C. 1892 Circe e Calipso
Chapi, R. 1902 Circe
Cimarosa, D. 1782 Circe
Desmartes, H. 1694 Circe
Egk, W. 1948 Circe
Freschi, D. 1679 Circe
Gassaniga, G. 1786 Circe
Gilliers, J.C. 1705 Circe
Gluck, C.W. 1765 Telemacco, ossia L’Isola di Circe
Graupner, W. 1791 Circe
Hillemacher, P.L. 1907 Circe
Keiser, R. 1696 Circe, oder Ulysses erster Theil (see also Ulysses and Penelope) (first setting)
Keiser, R. 1734 Circe (second setting)
Mysilweczek, J. 1779 Circe
Orefice, A. 1713 Circe delusa
Paer, F. 1791 Circe
Peri, A. 1843 Circe
Perrino, M. 1819 Uliise nell’ isola di Circe
Pollarolo, C.F. 1692 Circe abbandonata da Ulisse
Pollarolo, C.F. 1692 Circe abbandonata da Ulisse
Romberg, B. 1807 Ulysses und Circe
Sabadini, B. 1692 Circe abbandonata da Ulisse
Stradella, A. 1667 Circe
Strungk, N.A. 1697 Circe
Taylor, R. 1783 Circe and Ulysses
Vernizzi, O. 1619 Ulisse e Circe
Visee, R. 169? Circe
Visee, R. 169? Circe
Winter, P. 1788 Circe
Ziani, P.A. 1665 Circe
Clitemnestra. Agamemnon’s wife whose lover, Aegisthus, murdered him. She was slain by her son
Orestes. See also Orestes and Oresteia. Text by Aeschylus.
Antoniou, T. 1968 Clytemnestra
Eaton, J. 1980 The Cry of Clytemnestra

Danae. Zeus had intercourse with Danae in the shape of a stream of gold which poured into her
lap through the roof of her prison, resulting in the birth of Perseus (founder of Mycenae).
Strauss, R. 1940 Die Liebe der Danae

e Dafne. Dafne pursued by Apollo (under the influence of a love dart from Eros), Daphne denied all
love. Turning to flee from Apollo she turned into a laurel bush.
Aldrovandini, G.A.V. 1696 Dafni
Astorga, E. 1709 Dafni
Barbazza, A. 1634 Apollo e Dafne
Bird, A. 1895 Daphne
Boismortier, J. 1748 Daphne
Bontempi, G.A. 1671 Die in Lorbeer verwandelte Daphne
Caccini, G. 1598 La Dafne
Caccini, G. 1598 La Dafne
Caldara, A. 1719 Dafne
Cavalli, P.F. 1640 Gli Amori d’Apollo e di Dafne
Corsi, J. 1597 La Dafne
Duron, S. 1700 Apolo y Dafne
Ferron, A. 1892 Daphne
Fux, J.J. 1714 Dafni in lauro
Gagliano, G. 1608 La Dafne
Handel, G.F. 1708 Daphne
Hensel, J.D. 1799 Daphne
Legat de Furcy 1790 Apollon et Daphne
Mayer, A. 1782 Apollon et Daphne
Mulder, E.W. 1935 Dafne
Mulé, D. 1928 Dafni
Paschatti, G. 1634 Dafne cangiuto in lauro
Peranda, M.G. 1671 Die in Lorbeer verwandelte Daphne
Peri, J. 1597 La Dafne, Palazzo Corsi, Firenze. Peri played the role of Apollo.
Porta, G. 1738 Dafne
Reutter, J.A.K.G. 1734 Dafne
Sabadini, B. 1690 Gli Amori di Apollo e di Dafne
Scarlatti, A. 1700 Dafni
Schütz, H. 1627 Dafne
Stadler, E. 1866 Le Bois de Daphne
Strauss, R. 1938 Daphne
Valentini, P.F. 1623 La Transformazione di Dafne
Vernizzi, O. 1621 La Coronzione di Apollo per Dafne conversa in lauro

E DIDONE -- v. ENEA. ‘Dido’ is Virgil’s name for ‘Elissa’, Queen of Carthage. Fell in love with Aeneas who was compelled by Mercury to leave the quen. She then threw herself onto a funeral pyre.
(see also Aeneas)
Adolfati, A. 1747 Didone abbandonata
Albinoni, T. 1724 Didone abbandonata
Andreotti, G. 1784 Didone abbandonata
Anfossi, P. 1775 Didone abbandonata
Araia, F. 1758 Didone abbandonata
Arne, T.A. 1734 Dido and Aeneas
Astaritta, G. 1780 Didone abbandonata
Auletta, P. 1758 Didone abbandonata
Aurisicchio, A. 1745 Didone abbandonata
Berlioz, H. 1863 Les Troyens a Carthage
Bernasconi, A. 1738 Didone abbandonata
Bernasconi, A. 1756 Didone abbandonata
Bertoni, F.G. 1748 Didone abbandonata
Beveridge, T. 1958 Dido and Aeneas
Blangini, T. 1866 Didon
Bonno, J 1752 Didone abbandonata
Brivio, G.F. 1739 Didone abbandonata
Brunetti, G. 1759 Didone abbandonata
Capotorti, L. 1800 Enea in Cartagine
Caputi, A. 1754 Didone abbandonata
Cavalli, P.F. 1641 Didone abbandonata
Celoniat, L. 1769 Didone abbandonata
Cherubini, L. 1786 Didone abbandonata
Ciampi, V.L. 1754 Didone abbandonata
Colla, G. 1770 Enea in Cartagine (first setting)
Colla, G. 1773 Didone abbandonata (second setting)
Desmartes, H. 1693 Didon
Duni, E.R. 1739 Didone abbandonata
Fasch, F. 1712 Die getreue Dido
Ferrandini, A. 1760 Didone abbandonata
Fioravanti, V. 1810 Didone abbandonata
Fiorillo, I. 1751 Didone abbandonata
Fioroni, G.A. 1755 Didone abbandonata
Galluppi, B. 1740 Didone abbandonata
Galuppi, B. 1764 Didone abbandonata
Gazzaniga, G. 1787 Didone abbandonata
Gibella, F.C. 1680 Enea in Cartagine
Graupner, C. 1707 Dido, Königin von Darthago
Handel, G.F. 1737 Didone
Hasse, J.A. 1742 Didone abbandonata
Haydn, F.J. 1777 Didone abbandonata
Holtzbauer, I.J. 1779 Der Tod der Dido
Hook, J. 1771 Dido
Horn, C.E. 1828 Dido
Insanguine, G. 1770 Didone abbandonata
Jommelli, N. 1747 Didone abbandonata
Klein, B. 1823 Dido
Kozeluh, J.A. 1795 Didone abbandonata
Kraus, J.M. 1799 Aeneas I Carthago
Lampert, E. 1845 Dido
Lampugnani, G.B. 1739 Didone abbandonata
Lavranga, D. 1909 Dido
Litares, A. 1700 Dido y Eneas
Liverati, G. 1807 Enea in Cartagine
Majo, G.F. 1769 Didone abbandonata
Manna, G. 1751 Didone abbandonata
Marino, S. 1798 Didone abbandonata
Marshall-Hall, G.W.L. 190? Dido and Aeneas
Mattioli, A. 1656 Didone abbandonata
Mazzoni, A.M. 1752 Didone abbandonata
Mercadantes, S. 1823 Didone abbandonata
Mombelli, D. 1776 Didone abbandonata
Monza, C. 1784 Enea in Cartagine
Moratelli, S. 1688 Didone
Morolin, F. 1799 Le Seconde nozze di Didone
Mortellari, M.C. 1772 Didone abbandonata
Naumann, J.G. 1790 Didone
Neitzel, O. 1884 Dido
Neitzel, O. 1884 Dido
Ottani, B. 1779 Didone abbandonata
Paer, F. 1811 Didone abbandonata
Paganelli, G.A. 1738 Didone abbandonata
Paisiello, G. 1794 Didone abbandonata
Pallavicino, C. 1686 Didone delirante
Pederzuoli, G.B. 1685 Didone costante
Perez, D. 1747 Didone abbandonata
Piccinni, N. 1769 Didone abbandonata (first setting)
Piccinni, N. 1783 Didon (second setting)
Piticchio, F. 1780 Didone abbandonata
PonciniF.J. 1752 Didone abbandonata
Porpora, N.A. 1725 Didone abbandonata
Portugal, M.A. 1803 Didone abbandonata
Purcell, H. 1689 Dido and Aeneas
Reissiger, K.G. 1824 Didone abbandonata
Risori, G.A. 1748 Didone abbandonata
Sacchini, A.M.G. 1775 Didone abbandonata
Sarro, D. 1724 Didone abbandonata
Sarti, G. 1762 Didone abbandonata
Scalabrini, P. 1744 Didone abbandonata
Scarlatti, A. 1696 Didone delirante (first setting)
Scarlatti, A. 1724 Didone abbandonata (second setting)
Schiassi, G.M. 1735 Didone abbandonata
Schiassi, G.M. 1735 Didone abbandonata
Schirer 1776 Didone abbandonata
Schuster, J. 1776 Didone abbandonata
Schwanenberg, J.G. 1765 Didone abbandonata
Scolari, G. 1752 Didone abbandonata
Scolari, G. 1763 Didone abbandonata
Storace, S. 1792 Dido, Queen of Carthage
Telemann, G.P. 1731 Die Flucht dea Aeneas nach Latien
Terradellas, D. 1750 Didone
Traetta, T.M. 1757 Didone abbandonata
Vinci, L. 1726 Didone abbandonata
Zanetti, F. 1766 Didone abbandonata
Ziani, P.A. 1680 Enea in Cartagine
Zoppis, F. 1758 Didone abbandonata
ed Electtra
daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, she assisted her brother Orestes in avanging
their father’s death by killing their mother.(see Orestes and Iphigenia. Text by Sophocles c.441 B.C.)
Lemoyne, J.B. 1782 Electre
Levy, M.D. 1967 Mourning becomes Electra
Strauss, R. 1909 Elektra
Euridice: wife of Orpheus; God of Music. Killed by a snake and taken to Tartarus (Hades) where
Oprheus went to claim her back. (see Orpheus)
Ecuba: mother of Cassandra; Queen of Troy. Text by Euripedes. See also ‘The Trojan Women’.
Malpiero. G.F. 1941 Ecuba
Martinon, J. 1956 Hécube
Elena: daughter of Zeus and Leda, wife of Meneleus (King of Sparta). Eloped with Paris, thus
bringing about the destruction of Troy. (see Homer’s
Offenbach, J. 1864 La Belle Helene Opera Buffa
Ercole: mighty Greek hero, son of Jupiter and Alcmena. Gained immortality by completing the
‘Twelve Labours of Hercules’. Killed by Deianira, his wife, and then placed among the
stars. (see also Alceste and Amazons)
Aglioti, P. 1799 Lcide in Culla
Albinoni, T. 1701 Diomede punito fatica d’ Ercole
Anonymous 1721 Hercule filiant
Ariosti, A. 1703 La Piu gloriosa fatica d’Ercole
Arne, T.A. 1766 The Birth of Hercules
Badia, C.A. 1708 Ercole vincitore di Gerione
Ballarotti, F. 1709 L’Alcide (w./ Gasparini/Pollarollo)
Bioni, A. 1730 Ercole sul Termodonte
Boretti, G.A. 1671 Ercole in Tebe
Bortniansky, D.S. 1778 Alcide
Caballero, M.F. 1881 Hazanes de Hercules
Cavalli, P.F. 1662 Ercole amante
Dauvergne, A.L. 1761 Hercule mourent
Dos Santos, L.X. 1778 Alcide al bivio
Dos Santos, L.X. 1785 Ercole sul Tago
Draghi, A. 1677 Ercole acquisitatore della immortalita
Eaton, J. 1968 Heracles
Fiore, S.A. 1710 Ercole in cielo
Fux, J.J. 1710 La Decima fatica d’Ercole
Gasparini, F. 1709 L’Alcide (w./ Ballaroti/ Pollarollo)
Gluck, C.W. 1747 Le Nozze d’Ercole e d’Ebe
Gräfe, J.F. 1771 Herkules auf dem Oeta
Graff, K. 1859 Herkules
Graupner, C. 1708 Il Fido amico, oder Der getreue Freund, Herkules und Theseus
Greene, M. 1740 The Judgement of Hercules
Haffner, J.C.F. 1793 Alcides inträde i verladen
Hasse, J.A. 1746 Lo Sternuto d’Ercole
Hasse, J.A. 1760 Alcide al bivio
Heinichen, J.D. 1714 Herkules
Käfer, J.P. 1716 Herkules
Keiser, R. 1700 Herkules und Hebe
Krieger, J.P. 1694 Herkules unter den Amazonen
Lacepede, B.G.E.L. 1771 Omphale
Langle-Langlois, H.F. 1801 Le Choix d’Alcide
Leroux, X.H.N. 1901 Astarte
Lima, J.F. 1785 Le Nozze d’Ercole e d’Ebe
Lully, L. 1693 Alcide (w./ Marais)
Majo, G.F. 1764 Alcide negli Orti Esperidi
Manelli, F. 1651 Ercole nell’Erimanto
Marais, M. 1693 Alcide (w./ Lully)
Martino, D. 1929 Ercole
Mauprey, A. 1912 Alcide
Mayr, J.S. 1803 Ercole in Lidia
Mayr, J.S. 1809 Ercole in Lidia
Mayr, J.S. 1816 Le Feste d’Ercole
Melani, J. 1661 Ercole in Tebe
Mercadante, S. 1819 L’Apotesi d’Ercole
Mestrozzo, P. 1887 Die Familie Herkules (w./ Wallner)
Mestrozzo, P. 1887 Die Familie Herkules (w./ Wallner)
Nasolini, S. 1791 Ercole in Termodonte
Orlandini, G.M. 1718 Le Amazzoni vinte da Ercole
Paisiello, G. 1780 Alcide al bivio
Pavesi, S. 1809 Ippolita, regina delle Amazzoni
Peri, Jacopo. 1600. "Iole ed Ercole", Firenze.
Peri, Jacopo. 1605 "Il Natale d’Ercole", Firenze.
Piccinni, N. 1793 Ercole in Termodonte
Pollarollo, C.F. 1709 L’Alcide (w./ Gasparini/ Ballaroti)
Pollarolo, C.F. 1695 Ercole in cielo
Porpora, N.A. 1744 Le Nozze d’Ercole e d’Ebe
Provenzale, F. 1679 La Fatiche d’Ercole per Deianira
Rampini, G. 1715 Ercole sul Termodonte
Reeve, W. 1794 Hercules and Omphale (w./ Shield)
Reichardt, J.F. 1804 Der Tod dea Herkules
Reutter, J.G. 1729 Alcide trasformato in dio
Righini, V. 1790 Alcide al bivio
Rodriguez, P. 166? Hercules y Anteo
Roques, L. 1869 Hercues au pieds d’Omphale
Rovetta, P.G. 1645 Ercole in Lidia
Sabadini, B. 1688 L’Ercole trionfante
Saint-Saëns, C. 1911 Dejanire
Sartorio, A. 1678 Ercole sul Termodonte
Schmittbauer, J.A. 1771 Herkules auf dem Oeta
Schürer, J.G. 1747 Ercole sul Termodonte
Schweitzer, A. 1771 Herkules auf dem Oeta
Schwietzer, A. 1773 Die Wahl des Herkules
Shield, W. 1794 Hercules and Omphale (w./ Reeve)
Staudinger, J.G. 1781 Die Wahl des Herkules
Steffani, A. 1689 La Lotta d’Ercole con Achelao
Stiavia, D. 1657 Ercole perseguitato
Tarchi, A. 1790 L’Apotesio d’Ercole
Telemann, G.P. 1724 Omphale
Terrasse, C. 1901 Les Travaux d’Hercule
Vasseur, L. 1896 Le Royaume d’Hercules
Vivaldi, A. 1723 Ercole sul Termodonte
Wallner, H.M. 1887 Die Familie Herkules (w./ Mestrozzo)
Wilderer, J.H. 1697 Quinto Fabio Massimo
Wolfram, J.M. 1825 Herkules
Ziani, M.A. 1706 L’Ercole vincitore dell’invidia
Ziani, P.A. 1662 La Fatiche d’Ercole per Deianira
Zingarelli, N. 1789 Alcide al bivio
IPPOLITO: bastard son of Theseus with Hippolyte (an Amazon). Text by Euripides.
Bell, W.H. 1920 Hippolytus
Drysdale, L. n/k Hippolytus
Humphreys, H. 1981 Sea-ThornBell, W.H. 1920 Hippolytus
Drysdale, L. n/k Hippolytus
Rameau, J-P. 1733 Hippolyte et Aricie
Senilov 1915 Hippolytus
Idomeneo: king of Crete
Campra, A. 1712 Idomenée
Della Maria, P.A.D. 1784 Idomenée
Farinelli, G. 1811 Idomeneo
Federici, V. 1806 Idomeneo
Fuchs, J.N. 1879 Idomeneus, König von Kreta
Galuppi, B. 1756 Idomeneo
Gazzaniga, G. 1790 Idomeneo
Mozart, J.C.W.A. 1781 Idomeneo, re di Creta
Paer, F. 1794 Idomeneo
Paisiello, G. 1792 Il Ritorno d’Idomeneo in Creta
Petrilli, R. 1712 Idomeneo
Rolle, J.H. 1782 Idamante, oder Das Gelübe
Daughter of Agamemnon. Under the pretext of her marriage Achilles, Agamemnon sent
Iphigenia to be sacrificed to appease Artemis. She survived and an animal was sent in
her place. Two main Euripedean text sources are Iphigenia in Aulis and Iphigenia in
Abos, G. 1745 Ifigenia in Aulide
Agricola, J.F. 1765 Ifigenia in Tauride
Aliprandi, B. 1739 Iphigenia
Araia, F. 1758 Ifigenia in Tauride
Arne, T.A. 1750 The Sacrifice of Iphigenia
Avossa, G. 1745 Ifigenia in Aulide
Benitou, P. 1968 Jertfirea Ifigeniei
Bertoni, F.G. 1762 Ifigenia in Aulide
Caldara, A. 1718 Ifigenia in Aulide
Campra, A. 1704 Iphegénie Tauride
Carafa, M. 1817 Ifigenia in Tauride
Cherubini, L. 1788 Ifigenia in Aulide
Coletti, A.B. 1707 Ifigenia in Aulide
Curcio, G.M. 1799 Ifigenia in Aulide
Danzi, F. 1807 Ifigenia in Aulide
Desmarets, H. 1704 Iphegénie Tauride
Federici, V. 1809 Ifigenia in Aulide
Federici, V. 1804 Ifigenia in Tauride
Franchi, C. 1766 Ifigenia in Aulide
Galuppi, B. 1768 Ifigenia in Tauride
Giordani, G. 1786 Ifigenia in Aulide
Gluck, C.W. 1774 Iphigénie en Aulide
Gluck, C.W. 1779 Iphegénie Tauride
Graun, C.H. 1748 Ifigenia in Aulide
Guglielmi, P.A. 1768 Ifigenia in Aulide
Jommelli, N. 1751 Ifigenia in Aulide
Jommelli, N. 1771 Ifigenia in Tauride
Käfer, J.P. 1716 Iphegenia
Keiser, R. 1699 Die Wunderbar-errettet Iphigenia
Löwe, J.J. 1661 Iphigenia
Majo, G.F. 1762 Ifigenia in Aulide
Majo, G.F. 1764 Ifigenia in Tauride
Martin y Soler, V. 1779 Ifigenia in Aulide
Mayr, J.S. 1806 Ifigenia in Aulide
Mayr, J.S. 1811 Il Sacrifizio d’Ifigenia (Second setting)
Mayr, J.S. 1817 Ifigenia in Tauride
Mazzoni, A.M. 1756 Ifigenia in Tauride
Mei, R. 1786 Ifigenia in Aulide
Moneta, G. 1789 Il Sacrifizio d’Ifigenia
Monza, C. 1784 Ifigenia in Tauride
Mosca, G. 1799 Ifigenia in Aulide
Orlandini, G.M. 1732 Ifigenia in Aulide
Orlandini, G.M. 1719 Ifigenia in Tauride
Parolini, P.G. 1819 Ifigenia in Aulide
Piccinni, N. 1781 Iphegénie Tauride
Pizzetti, I., 1950 Ifegenia
Pleyel, I.J. 1785 Ifigenia in Aulide
Porpora, N.A. 1735 Ifigenia in Aulide
Porta, G. 1738 Ifigenia in Aulide
Prati, A. 1784 Ifigenia in Aulide
Pündter, L.B. 1779 Iphigenia
Reutter, J.A.K.J. 1735 Il Sacrifizio in Aulide
Rossi, L. 1784 Ifigenia in Aulide
Salari, F. 1776 Ifigenia in Aulide
Sarti, G. 1777 Ifigenia in Aulide
Scarlatti, A. 1713 Ifigenia in Aulide
Scarlatti, D. 1713 Ifigenia in Tauride
Tarchi, A. 1785 Ifigenia in Aulide
Tarchi, A. 1785 Ifigenia in Tauride
Traetta, T.M. 1753 Ifigenia in Aulide
Traetta, T.M. 1763 Ifigenia in Tauride
Trento, V. 1804 Ifigenia in Aulide
Uttini, F.A.B. 1778 Iphigénie
Vinci, L. 1725 Ifigenia in Tauride
Zingarelli, N. 1787 Ifigenia in Aulide
Son of the Thessalian King Aeson; leader of the Argonautis claim of the Golden Fleece
from Aetes, King of Colchis. Aided and abbetted by Aetes’ daughter, Medea, who he then
deserted for Cresa. (see also Medea).
Acciajoli, F. 1671 Il Novello Giasone
Andreozzi, G. 1784 Giasone e Medea
Bach, P. 1876 Medea
Bastide, P. 1911 Médée
Benda, J.A.G. 1775 Medea
Bernabei, E. 1674 La Conquista dell’ Vello d’Oro
Bononcini, A.M. 1717 La Conquista dell’ Vello d’Oro
Brunetti, G. 1768 Jason.ossia La Conquista del Vellocino
Brusa, G.F. 1726 Medea e Giasone
Bryars, G. 1982 Medea
Buschop, J.A.G. 1874 La Toison d’Or
Canonica, P. 1953 Medea
Cavalli, P.F. 1649 Giasone
Celli, F. 1838 Medea
Charpentier, M.A. 1693 Médée
Cherubini, L. 1797 Médée
Coccia, C. 1815 Medea e Giasone
Colasse, P. 1696 Jason, ou La Toison d’Or
DiGiovanni, R. 1955 Medea
Draghi, A. 1678 La Conquista dell’ Vello d’Oro
Elkus, J. 1970 Medea
Engel, L. 1935 Medea
Farberman, H. 1961 Medea
Fontenelle, G. 1813 Médée et Jason
Framery, N.E. 1790 Médée
Gazzaniga, G. 1787 Gli Argonauti in Colce
Gazzaniga, G. 1790 Giasone e Medea (second setting)
Gebel, G. 1752 Medea
Guidi-Drei, C. 1973 Medea
Handel, G.F. 1713 Teseo
Henderson, A. 1972 Medea
Holmes, A.M.A. 1881 Les Argonauts
Isola, G. 1791 La Conquista dell’ Vello d’Oro
Keiser, R. 1720 Jason
Kerll, J.K. 1662 Medea vendicativo
Kovach, A. 1967 Medea
Krempelsetzer, G. 1866 Das Orakel
Kusser, J.S. 1692 Jason
Langlé-Langlois, H.F. 1805 Médée
Lees, B. 1974 Mdea in Corinth
Lirou, J.F.E. 1775 Jason
Luke, R.E. 1979 Medea
Malpiero, G.F. 1950 Mondi celesti e infernali
Marinelli, G. 1792 La Vendetta di Medea
Mayr, J.S. 1813 Medea in Corinto
Mele, G.B. 1748 Il Vello d’Oro conquistato
Mercadante, S. 1851 Medea
Milhaud, D. 1939 Médée
Müller, W. 1822 Die neue Medea
Mysliweczek, J. 1764 Medea
Naumann, J.G. 1788 Medea in Colcide
Osterc, S. 1931 Medea
Pacini, G. 1843 Medea
Pavesi, S. 1804 La Vendetta di Medea
Perez, D. 1744 Medea
Piticchio, F. 1798 La Vendetta di Medea
Psecetti, G.B. 1738 La Conquista dell’ Vello d’Oro
Quintieri, G. 1931 Il Vello d’Oro
Rommasini, V. 1906 Medea
Roncaglia, B. 1654 La Nave d’Argo
Rösler, J. 1810 Jasons Vermählung
Salomon 1713 Médée et Jason
Schürmann, G.K. 1707 Giasone
Scolari, G. 1749 Il Vello d’Oro
Selli, P. 1839 Medea in Corinto
Silva, A. 1735 Os Encantos de Medea
Sordelli, G. 1745 La Conquista dell’ Vello d’Oro
Tintori, G. 1961 Medea Senecae Fragmina
Vento, M. 1767 La Conquista dell’ Vello d’Oro
Vogel, J.C. 1786 Le Toison d’Or
Winter, P. 1798 Medea und Jason
Zanettini, A. 1675 Medea in Atene
Tale by Aristophanes that portrays the women of Athens teaming up with the women of
Sparta to force their husbands to end the Peloponnesian War.
Lysistrata is the principal character and spokesperson for the women.
? 1963-7 Lysitrata and the War ? collaborative production planned by
Wayne State University; Detroit.
Dendrino, G. 1960 Lysistrata
Dutacq, A. 1892 Lysistrata
Feautrier, E. 1885 Lysistrata
Gunsbourg, R. 1923 Lysistrata
Hiles, F. 1885 War in the Household
Husson, A. 1972 Lysistrata
Kalmanoff, M. 1959 Lizzie Strotter
Kirk, T. 1972 The Lib: 393 B.C.
Kont, P. 1961 Lystrate
Lincke, P. 1902 Lysistrata
Schubert, F.P. 1823 Die Verschworenen,
oder das häusliche Krieg
Sorceress, daughter of Aetes, King of Colchis, who decevied him to help Jason gain the
Golden Fleece. He then deserted her so she killed his new wife and their childern with a
poisoned garment and married Aegeus , the father of Theseus. Later tried to make Aegeus
poison his own son but was discovered and fled. (see also Jason)
Text by Euripedes
Andreozzi, G. 1784 Giasone e Medea
Bach, O. 1876 Medea
Bastide, P. 1911 Medea
Benda, J.A.G. 1775 Medea
Brusa, G.F. 1726 Medea e Giasone
Bryars, G. 1982 Medea
Canonica, P. 1953 Medea
Cavalli, P. 1649 Giasone
Celli, F. 1838 Medea
Charpentier, M.A. 1693 Médée
Cherubini, L. 1797 Médée
Coccia, C. 1815 Medea e Giasone
DiGiovanni, R. 1955 Medea
Elkus, J. 1970 Medea
Engel, L. 1935 Medea
Farberman, H. 1961 Medea
Fontenelle, G. 1813 Médée et Jason
Framéry, N.E. 1790 Médée
Gazzaniga, G. 1790 Giasone e Medea
Gebel, G. 1752 Medea
Guidi-Drei, C. 1973 Medea
Handel, G.F. 1713 Teseo
Henderson, A. 1972 Medea
Kerll, J.K. 1662 Medea
Kovach, A. 1967 Medea
Krempelsetzer, G. 1866 Das Orakel in Delphi
Kusser, J.S. 1692 Jason
Langlé-Langlois, H.F. 1805 Médée
Lees, B. 1974 Medea in Corinth
Luke, R.E. 1979 Medea
Malpiero, G.F. 1950 Mondi celesti e infernali
Marinelli, G. 1792 La Vendetta di Medea
Mayr, J.S. 1813 Medea in Corinto
Mercadante, S. 1851 Medea
Milhaud, D. 1939 Médée
Müller, W. 1822 Die neue Medea
Mysliweczek, J. 1764 Medea
Naumann, J.G. 1788 Medea in Colchide
Osterec, S. 1931 Medea
Pacini, G. 1843 Medea
Pavesi, S. 1804 La Vendetta di Medea
Perez, D. 1744 Medea
Piticchio, F. 1798 La Vendetta di Medea
Salomon 1713 Médée et Jason
Selli, P. 1839 Medea in Corinto
Silva, A. 1735 Os Encantos de Medea
Tintori, G. 1961 Medea Senecae Fragina
Tommasini, V. 1906 Medea
Winter, P. 1789 Medea und Jason
Zanettini, A. 1675 Medea in Atene
Daughter of Alcinous, King of the Phaecians, who entertains Ulysses when he is
shipwrecked. Text from Homer’s
Bungert, A. 1901 Nausikaa
Glanville-Hicks, P. 1961 Nausicaa
Hahn, R. 1919 Nausicaa
Reutter, H. 1967 Nausikaa
(see Ulysses)
Theban hero who guessed the riddle of the Sphynx and so became King of Thebes.
(Texts based on Oedipus at Colonnus (c.401 B.C.) and Oedipus Tyrannus (c. 430 B.C.)
by Sophocles
Aytano, A. 1932 Edipo re
Bastide, P. 1934 Oedipe-Roi
Desaugier, M.A. 1779 Le Petit Oedipe
Eder, H. 1960 Oedipus
Enesco, G. 1936 Oedipe
Gebel, G. 1751 Oedipus
Kovarivic, K. 1894 Edip kral
Lassen, E. 1874 Oedipus in Kolonus
Leoncavallo, R. 1920 Edipo re
Mereaux, N.J. 1791 Oedipe a Thebes
Orff, C. 1959 Oedipus der Tyrann
Sacchini, A.M.G. 1786 Oedipe à Colonne
Soler, J. 1974 Oedipus e Jocasta
Stravinsky, I. 1927 Oedipus Rex
Torri, P. 1729 Edipo a Colona
Travis, R. 1968 The Passion of Oedipus
Zingarelli, N. 1802 Edipo a Colona
Daughter of Statira and Alexander, who plans to marry Cassander but then discovers
that he killed her father. (Story by Voltaire)
Spontini, G.L.P. 1819 Olympie
Tale by Aeschylus. See also Agamemnon, Orestes, and Clytemnesta.
Demuth, N. 1950 The Oresteia
Guglielmi, F. 1905 Le Eumendidi
Lim, L. 1993 The Oresteia
Storm, R. 1958 El Regresso
Taneiev, E.A. 1895 Oresteia
Weiss, A. 1973 The Libation Bearers
ORESTE: son of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon who killed his mother to revenge his father’s death,
ORESTE: son of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon who killed his mother to revenge his father’s death,
he was pursued by the Furies until purified by Minerva. (see also Electra and Iphiginia)
Agricola, J.F. 1772 Oreste e Pilade
Alberti, C. 1872 L’Oreste
Badings, H. 1954 Orestes
Bordese, L. 1892 Oreste e Pylade
Caldara, A. 1718 La Forza dell’amicizia in Oreste e Pilade
Cimarosa, D. 1783 L’Oreste
Demuth, N. 1950 The Orestes
Federici, V. 1804 L’Oreste in Tauride
Federici, V. 1804 L’Oreste in Tauride
Feo, F. 1738 L’Oreste
Galliard, J.E. 1749 Oreste e Pilade
Guglielmi, F. 1905 Le Eumendidi
Handel, G.F. 1734 Oreste
Horzizky, F. 1786 L’Oreste
Krenek, E. 1930 Das Lebendes Orest
Kreutzer, K. 1818 Orestes
Langle-Langlois, H.F. 1783 Oreste et Tyndaro
Micheli, B. 1722 L’Oreste
Moneta, G. 1798 Oreste
Monza, C. 1766 Oreste
Morlacchi, F. 1808 L’Oreste
Perez, D. 1744 Oreste
Perti, G. 1685 Oreste
Pollarolo, C.F. 1697 Oreste
Reutter, J.A.K.G. 1718 La Forza dell’amicizia in Oreste e Pilade
Testi, F. 1956 Li Fuore di Oreste
Thys, A. 1844 Oreste et Pylade
Weingartner, P.F. 1902 Oreste
ORFEO: god of music, husband of Euridice who he loved so much that he followed her to Hades after her untimely death to try and save her. Based on Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses’
Akutagaw, Y. 1970 Orpheus in Hiroshima
Amendola, G. 1788 Orfeo
Asplmayr. 1780 Orpheus & Euridice
Austin, J. 1967 Orpheus
Bach, J.C. 1770 Orfeo ed Euridice
Bachmann, G. 1798 Der Tod des Orpheus
Barthelemon, F.H. 1767 Orpheus
Belli, D. 1616 Il Pianto d’Orfeo
Benda, F.W.H. 1785 Orpheus
Benda, J.A.G. 1789 Orpheus (second setting; first lost)
Bertoni, F.G. 1776 Orfeo ed Euridice
Bianchi, R. 1938 Proserpina
Caccini, G and Peri, J. 1600 Euridice
Caccini, G. 1602 Euridice
Campra, A. 1699 Orfeo nell’ inferni
Cannabich, C.A. 1802 Orpheus
Casella, A. 1932 La Favola d’Orfeo
Charpentier, G. 1972 Orpheus
D’Arquino, C. 1652 Orfeo
D’Azevedo 1907 Orpheus Dood
Damase, J.M. 1972 Eurydice
Dauvergne, A.L. 1770 La Mort d’Orpheé
Deshayes, P.D. 1794 Le Petit Orphée
Dessau, P. 1930 Orpheus
DiDia, G. 1676 Orfeo
Dittersdorf, K. 1787 Orpheus der Zweite
Draghi, A. 1683 La Lira d’Orfeo
Ducasse, R. n/k Orphée
Ferrari, B. 1637 Orfeo
Fomin, E.I. 1790 Orpheus
Fux, J.J. 1715 Orfeo ed Euridice
Gabold, I. 1970 Seven Visions to Orpheus
Gast, P. 1881 Orpheus und Dionysos
Gluck, C.W. 1762 Orfeo ed Euridice
Grassi, B. 1631 Orfeo
Graun, C.H. 1752 Orfeo ed Euridice
Guglielmi, P.A. 1770 Orfeo
Haug, H. 1955 Orphée
Haydn, F.J. 1791 Orfeo ed Euridice
Hill, J. 1740 Orpheus
Hulshohn-Droste, M. 1791 Der Tod des Orpheus
Kanne, F.A. 1807 Orpheus
Kauer, F. 1813 Orpheus und Euridice
Keiser, R. 1698 Orpheus
Konradin, K.F. 1867 Orpheus im Dorfe
Krenek, E. 1926 Orpheus und Eurydike
Krieger, J.P. 1683 Orpheus und Euridice
Kuhnau, J. 1689 Orpheus
Lamberti, L. 1791 Orfeo
Lampe, J.F. 1740 Orpheus and Euridice
Landi, S. 1619 La Morte d’Orfeo
Locke, M. 1673 Orpheus and Euridice
Lopez, A. 1660 Euridice y Orfeo
Lorentzen, B. 1969 Euridice
Löwe, J.J. 1659 Orpheus aus Thracien
Lully, L. 1690 Orphée
Lupi, R. 1957 La Nuova Euridice
Malpiero, G.F. 1915 L’Orpheide
Milhaud, D. 1926 Les Malheurs d’Orfée
Monteverdi, C. 1607 La Favola d’Orfeo
Morolin, F. 1796 Orfeo ed Euridice
Naumann, J.G. 1786 Orpheus og Euridice
Offenbach, J. 1858 Orpheé aux enfers
Orff, C. 1940 Orpheus
Paer, F. 1791 Orphée et Euridice
Porsile, C. 1682 Orfeo
Provenzale, F. 1677 Orfeo
Ramous, G. 1960 Orfeo A.D.MCMXLVII
Reeve, W. 1792 Orpheus and Euridice
Respighi, O. 1935 Orfeo
Rieti, V. 1928 Orfeo tragedia
Ristori, G.A. 1749 I Lamenti d’Orfeo
Rossi, L. 1647 L’ Orfeo
Rossi, L. 1647 L’ Orfeo
Rypdal, T. 1972 Orfeus
Sabadini, B. 1694 L’Orfeo
Santinelli, A. 1660 Gli Amori di Orfeo ed Euridice
Sartorio, A. 1672 L’Orfeo
Savino, A. 1950 Orfeo vedovo
Schipa, T. 1970 Orfeo 9
Teleman, J.P. 1726 Orpheus
Torelli, L. 1781 Orfeo
Tozzi, A. 1789 Orfeo ed Euridice
Trento, V. 1789 Orfeo negli Elisi
Valentini, P.F. 1620 La Matra
Wagenseil, G.C. 1740 I Lamenti d’Orfeo
Weldon, J. 1710 Orpheus and Euridice
Zarlino, G. 1647 Orfeo ed Euridice
PENELOPE: character from The Odyssey by Homer; the wife of Ulysses who waits 20 years for his
return from the Trojan Wars. (see also Ulysses)
Chelleri, F. 1716 Penelope la Casta
Cimarosa, D. 1794 La Penelope
Conti, F.B. 1724 Penelope
Draghi, A. 1670 La Casta Penelope
Fauré, G.U. 1913 Pénèlope
Fiore, S.A. 1707 La casta Penélope
Galuppi, B. 1741 Penelope
Keiser, R. 1696 Penelope, oder Ulysses zweiter Theil (see
Ulysses for second setting)
Liebermann. R. 1954 Penelope
Niccolini, F. 1685 Penelope la Casta
Palavicino, C. 1685 Penelope la Casta
Perti, G.A. 1696 Penelope la Casta
Piccinni, N. 1785 Penelope
Portugal, M.A. 1818 Penelope
Rota, G. 1866 Penelope
Scarlatti, A. 1696 Penelope la Casta
Verocaj, C. 1740 Penelope
FEDRA: daughter of King Minos of Crete, she fell in love with her stepson, Hippolytus. Mother of
Demophon and Acamas. Text by Jean Racine (1639-1699)
Lemoyne, J.B. 1786 Phédre
FILEMONE: with Bauci, aged couple who gave shelter to two gods in disguise. In return the gods granted the couple’s wish that they would die at the same time.
FILEMONE: with Bauci, aged couple who gave shelter to two gods in disguise. In return the gods granted the couple’s wish that they would die at the same time.
Agathe, K.C. 1791 Philemon und Baucis
Böhm, J. 1776 Philemon und Baucis
Cordeiro da Silva, J. 1789 Bauce e Filemone
Gossec, F.J. 1775 Philémon et Baucis
Gounod, C. 1859 Philémon et Baucis
Haydn, F.J. 1773 Philemon und Baucis
Kaffka, J.C. 1792 Philemon und Bauce
Matho, J.B. 1703 Philémon et Baucis
Monsigny, PA. 1766 Baucis et Philémon
Schweitzer, A. 1771 Philemon und Baucis
Spindler, F.S. 1788 Philemon und Baucis
Stegmann, K.D. 1778 Philemon und Baucis
PLUTO: The son of Iasion and Demeter, associated with Irene, the goddess of peace. Was blinded
by Jupiter so that he would bestow his gifts on all men, good and bad.
Mamangakis, Nikos 1965 Plutos
PRIAMO: king of Troy; father of Paris and Hector, husband of Hecuba. Pleaded with Achilles for
the body of his dead son, Hector, but eventually he too was killed by Achilles.
Tippett, M. 1961 King Priam
PROMETEO: Titan God, nailed to Mount Caucasus on the orders of Zeus, for giving fire to mankind. Text based on Aeschylus.
Cortese, L. 1951 Prometeo
Hanus, J. 1965 Pochoden Prometheova
Orff, C. 1968 Prometheus
Wagner-Régeny, R. 1959 Prometheus
PIRAMO: Ill-fated lover of Tisbe. They run away together. Pyramus sees Thisbe’s cloak covered in blood and assumes her dead so he kills himself. Thisbe returns and does likewise.
Andreozzi, G. 1803 Pyramo e Tisbe
Bandelloni, L. 1800 Pyramo e Tisbe
Bianchi, F. 1783 Pyramo e Tisbe
Bierey, G.B. 1811 Pyramus und Thisbe
Bonni, J. 1757 Colloquio amoroso fra Pyramo e Tisbe
Borghi, G.B. 1783 Pyramo e Tisbe
Britten, B. 1960 A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Bruce, M. 1967 Pyramus und Thisbe
Eberl, A. 1794 Pyramus und Thisbe
Eisrich, K.T. 1816 Pyramus und Thisbe
Eisrich, K.T. 1816 Pyramus und Thisbe
Françoeur, F. 1726 Pyrame et Thisbé (w./ Rebel, F.)
Fuss, J.E. 1800 Pyramus und Thisbe
Gellert, L. 1872 Pyramus und Thisbe
Ghisi, F. 1955 Pyramus und Thisbe
Hasse, J.A. 1768 Pyramo e Tisbe
Koning, S. 1714 Piramus en Thisbe
Kusser, J.S. 1694 Pyramus und Thisbe
Lampe, J.F. 1745 Pyramus and thisbe
Leveridge, P. 1716 Pyramus and Thisbe
Manfroce, N.A. 1811 Pyramo e Tisbe
Mison, L. 1760 Pyramo y Tisbe
Rauzzini, V. 1775 Pyramo e Tisbe
Rebel, F. 1726 Pyrame et Thisbé (w./ Françoeur)
Rochefort, J.B. 1785 Pyrame et Thisbé
Rossi, Giuseppe 1792 Pyramo e Tisbe
Sforza, R. 1825 Pyramo e Tisbe
Spindler, F.S. 1785 Pyramus und Thisbé
Trémisot, E. 1904 Pyrame et Thisbé
Türk, D.G. 1787 Pyramus und Thisbe
Vavalli, G. 1904 Tisbe
Weil, O. 1879 Pyramus und Thisbe
Zorlig, K. 1912 Pyramus und Thisbe
Zorlig, K. 1912 Pyramus und Thisbe
SATYRICON: comic “Satire”, which ‘stars’ Ariadne and Minotaurs but is really a commentary on Roman politics and culture. Text by Petrionius.
Bentzon, J. 1944 Saturnalia
Fortner, W. 1952 Die Witwe von Ephesus
Hurd, M. 1971 The Widow of Ephesus
Maderna, B. 1973 Satyricon
Reutter, H. 1954 Die Witwe von Ephesus
Ten Brink, J. 1970 Calonice
Zanon, S. 1946 La Matrona di Efeso
SEMIRAMIDE: queen of Goddesses; the mother of all Roman and Greek Gods, although not a character that is fully integrated into Greek drama or myth. Semiramis is the Greek name, originating from a real queen called "Sammu-ramat", who was the mother of the Assyrian king Adad-Nirari III (reigned 810-783 B.C.) Tale by Voltaire as well as known story. Text on her story by Voltaire. Operatic examples include:
Gluck. C.W. 1748 Semiramis
Handel, G.F. 1733 Semiramide
Meyerbeer, G. 1819 Semiramide
Respighi, O. 1910 Semirama
Rossini, G. 1823 Semiramide
Scarlatti, A. 1701 Semiramide
Vivaldi, A. 1732 Semiramide
TELEMACO: only son of Ulysses and Penelope who helped his father slay Penelope’s suitors. Text from Homer’s
Odyssey. See Circe.
Ahlefedt, M.T. 1792 Telemak paa Galypsos Øe
Bertoni, F.G. 1776 Telemaco nell’isola di Calipso
Bishop, H.R. 1815 Telemachus and Calypso
Boieldieu, F.A. 1806 Télèmâque
Calegari, A. 1792 Telemacco in Sicilia
Campra, A. 1704 Telemaque
Carcano, G. 1749 Telemaco
Cipolla, F. 1785 Telemaco e Calipso
Cordeiro da Silva, J. 1764 Telemacco
Destouches, A. 1714 Télèmâque
Draghi, A. 1702 Il Telemacco, ossia Il Valore coroato
Galliard, J.E. 1712 Calypso and Telemachus
Gazzaniga, G. 1776 Gli Errori di Telemaco
Gilliers, J.C. 1715 Télèmâque
Gluck, C.W. 1765 Il Telemacco, ossia L’Isola di Circe
Graupner, C. 1711 Telemach
Grua, F.P. 1780 Telemaco
Guglielmi, P.A. 1775 Telemaco
Hofmeister, F.A. 1795 Der Königsshon asu Ithaka
Kozeluch, L. 1798 Telemach auf der Insel Ogygia
Leseur, J.F. 1796 Télèmâque dans l’isle de Calypso
Mayr, J.S. 1797 Telemaco nell’isola di Calipso
Mercadante, S. 1824 Le Nozze di Telemaco
Meucci,G.V. 1773 Telemaco nell’isola di Calipso
Müller, Ad. 1817 Der travestierte Telemach
Rebora, N.A. 1885 Una Avventura di Telemacco
Rogel, J. 1866 El Joven Telémaco
Scarlatti, A. 1718 Telemaco
Schiff. 1901 Les Aventures de Télèmâque
Schürmann, G.K. 1706 Télèmâque
Sor, F. 1797 Telemaco nell’isola di Calipso
Traetta, T.M. 1777 Telemaco
Triebensee, J. 1824 Telemach auf der Insel Ogygia
TROILO: son of Priam; King of Troy, in love with Cressida, daughter of Calchas. Text by Wm. Shakespeare (1601)
Walton, W. 1954 Troilus and Cressida
Zillig, W. 1951 Troilus und Cressida
ULISSE: Odisseo: main character from the Odyssey and Iliad by Homer; Ulysses is the Roman name for Odysseus. (see also Penelope and Circe)
Albertini, G. 1785 Circe und Ulysses
Alessandri, F. 1790 Il Ritorno d’Ulisse a Penelope
Alessandri, F. 1790 Il Ritorno d’Ulisse a Penelope
Astaritta, G. 1790 Circe ed Ulisse
Badia, C.A. 1700 La Costanza d’Ulisse
Badia, C.A. 1709 Gli Amori di Circe con Ulisse
Basili, F. 1798 Il Ritorno d’Ulisse
Berg, J. 1967 Odysseuv navrat
Berkeley, L. 1967 Castaway
Brandt-Buys, J. 1937 Ulysses
Bungert, A. 1896, 1903. Odysseus Heimkehr, Odysseus Tod (see also Circe and Nausicaa)
Caldara, A. 1729 La Partenza di Ulisse
Cesek, H. 1907 Odysseus Heimkehr
Dal Gaudio, A. 1681 Ulisse in Feaccia
Dallapiccola, L. 1968 Ulisse
Gazzaniga, G. 1779 Il Ritorno d’Ulisse
Giordani, G. 1782 Il Ritorno d’Ulisse
Gundry, I. 1941 The Return of Odysseus
Heger, R.. 1932 Der Bettler namenlos
Hervé, F. 1862 Le Retour d’Ulysse
Keiser, R. 1696 Circe, oder Ulysses erster Theil (see
Keiser, R. 1722 Ulysses
Majo, G.F. 1769 Ulisse
Mauprey, A. 1907 Ulysse
Mayr, J.S. 1808 Il Ritorno d’Ulisse
Melani, F. 1689 Il Ritorno d’Ulisse
Michelides, S. 1950 Ulysses
Monteverdi, C. 1941 Il Ritorno d’Ulisse in patria
Perez, D. 1774 Il Ritorno d’Ulisse in Itaca
Perrino, M. 1819 Ulisse nell’ isola di Circe
Pollarolo, C.F. 1692 Circe abbandonata da Ulisse
Pollarolo, C.F. 1698 Ulisse sconsciuto in Itaca
Porsile, G. 1707 Il Ritorno d’Ulisse
Porta, G. 1725 Ulisse
Pugno, S.R. 1889 Le Retour d’Ulysse
Rebel, J.F. 1703 Ulusses et Penelope
Reutter, H. 1942 Odysseus (see Nausicaa)
Ricci, L. 1828 Ulisse in Itaca
Romberg, B. 1807 Ulysses und Circe
Sabadini, B. 1692 Circe abbandonata da Ulisse
Sacrati, F.P. 1644 Ulisse errante
Schmidt, L. 1913 Die Heimkehr des Odysseus
Sciroli, G. 1749 Ulisse ettante
Smith, J.C. 1733 Ulysses
Taylor, R. 1783 Circe and Ulysses
Telemann, G.P. 1703 Ulysses
Treu, D.G. 1726 Ulisse e Telemacco
Vernizzi, O. 1619 Ulisse e Circe
Zamponi, G. 1650 Ulisse all’ isola di Circe
Ziani, M.A. 1696 La Finta pazzia d’Ulisse
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