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Friday, February 8, 2013

Grey Gardens, East Hampton ----


Grey Gardens,
A wonderful movie. Both Jessica Lang and Drew Barrymore deserved an Oscar.

They were so convincing as Big and Little Edie.

I will watch it many more times.

My daughter and I fell in love with these crazy ladies with the original Maysles movie.

Drew Barrymore is stellar. "EDIE!!"

Drew Barrymore lives way up to her family's name.

I enjoyed it very much and it kept to the real story!

product arrived in perfect condition.

Co-worker recommended the movie.

It was as boring as she is..........not amazons fault for that..........thank you, the end

Bought this for my Mom.

Loved the movie, and thinking she will too.

She doesn't have HBO, so I was glad to be able to purchase

I first watched the documentary, "Grey Gardens".

By watching the documentary first, it gave a better understanding of the characters in the movie.

Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lang are outstanding.

They must have studied the documentary daily before filming.

A Must See!

It was not until a few weeks ago that I first watched "Grey Gardens."

My girlfriend's mother told me that if I loved Jessica Lange, then I had to see this movie and I can say I was floored by

-- the acting, tone, mood, and costumes.

Everything looked authentic, and I almost wanted to jump into the TV during the party where Mrs. Beale and Gould sang together.




If you watch the original first and then this you will see how spot on this movie is.

Acting is amaizing and it has won many awards.

Astounding Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange,

I had watched the real documentary before seeing this movie....and can not stress how much these actresses are on the money!

Their mannerisms and expressions you forget they are actresses since they are so true to their characters.

Would definitely watch again.

Grey Indeed,

This story has been done to death in documentaries but these two actresses truly bring a new life to the lives of the Big and Little Edie.

 It is hard to fathom how one's life can take such a down turn.

Sitting on a bed and eating ice cream while the world disintegrates around you.

These ladies had the title,
status, and connections
to come out and get back
into society but failed to do so.

You are what you are and it is a story to make you sit up and take notice.

Excellent, It think it is even better than when I had seen it several years ago on PBS...

I had recently named my Home "Grey Gardens" so now I can educate those whom didn't understand why.

A few people know this movie, but very, very few.

It is so very well done, the acting is superb. Jessica Lang, and Drew Barrymore are great.

never got to see it, the dvd that i purchased was damaged it skipped then would start then pause, i did not go back and reorder the movie from another vendor worried it would be bad cause it is old movie

I purchased this disk, Greay Gardens but when I went to view it, it skips. Cleaned the disk several times, nothing helped...bummed.

Grey Gardens is a fascinating tale of the Beale family in East Hampton during the 1930s.

Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange are wonderful in their parts.

Almost eerie they're so like the real people they portray.

Enjoyed this very much and because of the movie did more research into the life and times of the family.

I received this shortly after ordering it and that made it even more of a delight!

Gey Gardens addiction,

This is a hilarious, spooky, riveting and sad documentary about a family living in the past.

Mother and daughter live very strange lives surrounded by McMansions, with their own property sadly in need of repair.

You will love these characters and the daughter is beyond!

Amazing Performances Amazing Film,
A film that should not be missed.

We love this film for the performances, and the incredible way the director captured both a dramatic rendition of the story, but at the same time kept it feeling somewhat like a documentary.

Highly recommended.

This movie is based on a true story about the lives of two women little edie and big edie bouvier beale mother (jessica Lang) and daughter(Drew barrymore)who were closely related to Jackie O and who because of different disastrous events in their lives end up living day to day in a 28-room house with no running water or electricity.

It was a wonderful insight into the world before Grey Gardens and after.

These two actors(barrymore,Lang) worked wonderfully together in showing us the strong and unbreakable bond between mother and daughter.

This movie reiterated delicately the slow decline of two well-known and admired socialites into a downward spiral of filth, decay and too many cats.

Grey gardens house encapsulates these women and forever binds them in the past.

Only because of her loyalty to her mother Little Edie stays in this decrepit house feeding racoons and cats unable to live her life the way she wanted to.

A truly heart-breaking movie as the story line is so delicately played out always teetering on the fine line of insanity and sorrow to extreme happiness and denial.

Loved this movie because of the winning performances from Lang and Barrymore and would recommend it to all.


I have read several books about Gray Gardens the home of Jackie O's aunt.

I was very disappointed in this movie. Drew did an excellent job but the movie was not well written.


This movie was wonderful! I would suggest that before you watch this watch the documentary first. Jessica and Drew did a WONDERFUL job in this movie.

When we started watching this DVD everything was ok but in the middle it starting having problems. There was 1/2 screen then black blocks and freeze-up's. It was a hot mess. So we got to watch the first 20 min. and the last 20 min. Totally disappointed

This movie is the true story of Jackie Kennedy`s aunt and cousin who lived in destitute squalour.

Drew Barrymore is absolutely amazing as edie as is Jessica Lange as her mother.

Never get tired of watching this lift-you-up movie!! 10/10

Great from the beginning ot the end.

This movie has been on my list of movies to see for years, and it wasn't until recently when "The kennedy's" came out and I had developed a bigger interest into history that I said, "OK I've got to see this".

I think it's great because it's a true story and anything associated with history and "based on a true story" has an advantage because it's true and when something is so great that hollywood wants to recreste it, you know it has to be something special.

Not only that, but the cast is an amazingly talented cast.

If you don't watch it because of any reason I've listed, then you'll enjoy it because it has a cast that you get to see acting in a way you have never seen before.

I think everyone who sees this will take a little something away from the film.

Overall, it is, as Jessica Lange said in a interview about the movie,

"A unique love story", because it's a love story between a mother and a daughter.

At the end you will be pleasantly left with a fulfilled feeling.

You won't walk away thinking "what's next?".

 It leaves you with a full circle story of life and love as it takes you from decade to decade of American history and the lives of these women through those times of happiness, sadness, peril, victory, regret, and contentment.

Wonderful, feel good movie!

I would watch it again and I would definitely say this is one for the collection!

Realistic &Well Done,
"Grey Gardens" is based on the documentary of the same name that was done in the 70's.

The Edie Bouvier Beales (Big Edie and Little Edie) were aunt and cousin to Jaqueline Bouvier Kennedy.

Living in East Hampton, Long Island, they found themselves very poor after the father divorced Big Edie.

With no money to really keep the house up and hard to meet daily living expenses, the two continued living in their home, called "Grey Gardens".

As the ladies grew older, the more the Beales and the house fell into disrepair (raccoons and rats and slews of cats with fleas moved in through decaying holes)

Their story is told by going from past (their glory days) to present, when their documentary was being filmed.

It gives one a whole picture of what went on there and how these society ladies ended up in practical squalor.

The two stars, Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore, stole the show.

Jessica Lange played the well-bred aristocratic Mrs. Beale so well, both in her younger and her older days.

Drew Barrymore was fabulous as Little Edie.

I have seen in the media people making fun of her accent in this movie, but that is the way Little Edie talked.

They even have her looking like Little Edie.

When this movie is playing, I really have to look to see if it's this movie or if it's the documentary with the real Beales.

I think one might appreciate this film more if they first see the original documentary.

The two Edies can be kind of shocking, and one might think are unbelievable if just the movie is viewed.

But they really were like this.

I enjoyed it all, especially the quite moving end.

Great performances,
Both Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange are amazing in this film.

This film is based on a true story. It's amazing how these ladies survived for so long in this condition.

While I enjoyed the acting by the actors involved and the story line, it was not the sort of movie I normally buy. I prefer war

I bought this as a gift for my daughter. The film tells the story so well. It came in good condition and right on time. I would use the seller again.

"Time Waster"

I saw the documentary before this movie. The movie is a very good take on the documentary. I would recommend watching the documentary first.

Visiting Grey Gardens,

I'm just mad about this movie! Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore give some of their best work to date.The recreations are stunning and its sure to become a cult classic!

Excellence in Film-Making and Acting
Drew Barrymore is the descendant of the notable Barrymore clan.

Believe me, there must be an acting gene because this performance as Little Edie Bouvier Beale is perhaps her finest to date.

Jessica Lange is brilliantly casted as Big Edie Bouvier Beale.

Big Edie is Jackie Onassis's maternal aunt and Little Edie is her maternal cousin.

Jeanne Tripplehorn plays adult Jackie when she comes to visit them at their Grey Gardens estate in decay.

Anyway, Big Edie was right.

People would pay to see them.

There is something about Little Edie wearing shirts wrapped around her head to cover her baldness or alpacia (whatever it's called).

The Sayles brothers come to do a documentary regarding the Kennedys but they return because of the mother and daughter at Grey Gardens.

The story goes that Grey Gardens was in terrible shape in the 1970s and Jackie's relatives would have been evicted since it wasn't fit for human or animal habitation.

They had the habit of collecting cats and raccoons as pets.

Big Edie loves Grey Gardens, her home, and can't imagine leaving it unless she's dead.

In the flashbacks, we see the two Edies in their younger days before Big Edie's divorce from Phelan Beale.

They had two younger sons, "Phelan II Beale", and Bouvier Bouvier Beale better known as "Buddy".

When little Edie returns home from New York City after her disappointments there, she returns to become caretaker to her outspoken, opinionated mother.

Suddenly they shut themselves off from the outside world.

They still bicker and feud like a married couple and even sleep in the same bedroom of the sprawling estate.

Still we want more about the two Ediths.

There have been a few documentaries and even inspired a Broadway musical which played in London's West End as well.

The story of the mother and daughter can relate to all of us in some way.

I wished the film showed more on the DVD.

We see a little of the behind the scenes and a comparison of the original documentary which became a cult hit and made little Edie Beale a star of her own even for just a little while.

The comparisons between the film and documentary are amazing as how Lange and Barrymore became this mother and daughter.

The accolades and honors are well deserved.

Both deserve best actress equally in this film.

They are just stunning and this film should be mandatory viewing in acting classes as well.

We see what we want to see,

I have watched the original documentary and the HBO version and I, like the previous reviewer, can't get the two "Edies" out of my head.

I found their existence strangely fascinating as they totally ignored what they didn't want to see.

Like when Jackie O walks in the front door and "Big" Edie says (when Jackie points out that the cat was urinating on her portrait)

"Oh Edie isn't a very good housekeeper" (UNDERSTATEMENT alla Grice)

 as if they had just skipped a day or two of housekeeping when the entire house was full of trash and animal waste, including wild animals( a racoon) walking around and a tree growing through the window.

The fact that it is true is absolutely amazing.

How we humans have the ability to block out reality when necessary for survival.

Some of their expressions and the way they spoke have become a part of my lexicon - when "little" Edie was going to get cat food and "Big" Edie yells at her from the front porch as she is driving away

"Edie, get some ice CREAM!"

with the emphasis on CREAM. It's hilarious.

The way they interact with each other is heart-wrenching - when they can't find "Big" Edie's favorite cat Whiskers and then during an argurement when little Edie runs outside and happens to find the cat and brings it back to her Mother even though she is angry with her and "Big" Edie is so grateful and relieved they both had come back.

My daughter and I now upon entering the house sometimes yell out


like they did.

They have become part of our lives.

At first I felt odd that this story resonated so strongly with me but after reading some of the other reviewers I can see I'm not alone..... I highly recommend both versions


You have to watch the documentary of the same name to realize how brilliant the performances of both Barrymoore and Lang. THEY NAILED IT! Spot on!

And the film has the added benefit of bridging the gaps left from the documentary, outlining the history of Big and Little Edie adding greater meaning to the

NEUROTIC relationship ("emotional incest") between both mother and daughter.

 Its a story of regret, regret for what the choices one made and for the opportunities not taken culminating in a final acceptance of reality which was finally reached with the Grey Gardens documentary.

The movie is thoroughly entertaining and heart-breaking as well as an interesting study of the limited choices women have had to confront as well as how our choices can lead to neurosis and deep disappointment.

Dumbing it down a shade,

The original documentary GREY GARDENS was a landmark film.

Its makers didn't lead its flamboyant and willing participants, they simply allowed them to reveal themselves to us as they wished.

Even if you find the endeavour exploited the Beales just by showing the squalid conditions in which they reside, or if you feel that big and little Edie are clueless as to how odd or tragic their lives seem, the original Grey Gardens draws no conclusions and makes no judgment.

It just "is" and that's its strength.

Though both women have their regrets, neither seem as torn up about their decline as we are to behold its severity.

They even seem to thrive.

So WHY make a drama that tries to suppose what happened to Edie & Edie?

You got me.

The film tries to read sub-text into the women's actual quotes and tie them to a largely fabricated past, giving a presumed dramatic narrative to their decline.

The result is a film that never stands on its own feet, and tries to impose conventional motivations on two very unconventional women.

The original documentary never sought to wrap things up in a neat little package, unfortunately this dramatization of life does nothing but.

WOW! First of all, as a fan of Drew Barrymore and knowing that she won a Golden Globe for this HBO's film.. my first thought was... OK...I need to see it.

I just can say that after seeing it, I can only have more words of admiration for both, Drew and Jessica...their work in this film is beyond words...

 they incarnated the real women that lived at Grey Gardens.

This is a must see!

I was truly captivated!! I grew up in East Hampton, Long Island and remembered reading about this in Newsday.

These were outstanding performances by Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange--they, of course, had the documentaries to base their portrayal of Big and Little Edie.

I watched the screenplay first and then was able to view the documentaries that I have since purchased also.

I am a fan of these ladies and the mother-daughter relationship that has been entertainingly portrayed. Another classic to be added to my collection. I have gone on and purchased other related Grey Gardens items!!

Truly a dysfunctional family..,
The actors did a very good job with this true story.

Mom living in a fairy tale and refusing to face reality issues.

 A perfect example of "letting your house go."

Also, sad to see the mother holding her daughter back from reaching her dreams!

It held my attention to the end.

Fantastic movie!,

After seeing the documentary several times on Netflix, this movie was just too cool.

It brings everything together so you don't have to wonder how they ended up the way they did.

And it is very true to life; if you Google Grey Gardens, you will find many, many sites that talk about the real lives of the Beales which ties with the movie to a "T"!

An Eerie Reflection of the Two Beales,
Both Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange do beautiful jobs of showing these two women to us.

Their resemblance to the Beales is eerie, after watching the real two Beales in the Maysles brothers' documentary.

But more important than impersonations, they show us the women during the period only referred to but obviously not a literal part of the documentary.

And here it is -- the sad story of

"Body Beautiful" Beale

who almost had a life -- but then saw it slip away as fate (and parents) dragged her back to East Hampton  for "an early death," a false life spent in disarray and dismay.

All told, a sad story for both women.

Interesting story!

Very interesting story, about Jacqueline Kennedy's cousins.

Drew Barrymore & Jessica Lange were excellent!

Disappointed in the quality of the DVD by HBO, had to return the 1st one due to skips & pixel distortion, I thought it was from the disc being loose in the container. Received the 2nd one and it was better but there were a few spots that skipped but it was watchable.

English teachers/Jackie devotees' girls' night flick,
My dear friend, like myself a former English teacher and lifelong Jackie Kennedy devotee, was coming for a visit, so one of our treats was a chick-flick evening at home with this delightful movie.

The actresses are equally excellent in their portrayals, and the movie was perfect for the occasion.

Will the REAL Edith Beale please stand up!,

This HBO film is a movie version of the 1975 documentary of the same name.

From the moment it started, my family and I were mesmerized!

Great acting by Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange - they captured the mannerism and the characteristics of the Beales perfectly.

In the Bonus Feature, it showed the REAL Big Edie and REAL Little Edie Beale.

We couldn't distinguish between the real person and the actor!

Little Edie, when she was younger, was as beautiful and as glamorous as Barrymore portrayed her.

She was definitely ahead of her time in terms of fashion and personality. (She passed away on January 2002.)

Interestingly enough, the day after we watched this film, we saw the Grey Gardens as it looked today on TV.

The house is now owned by Sally Quinn and she has restored it to its former beauty


Fine performances and very interesting subject matter.

We always expect a fine performance from Jessica Lange, Drew Barrymore has been in easy films for a while now, and I finally saw her stretch and saw fine acting chops in this film.

In fact, she stole the show.

 It was hard not going to her and her reactions whenever she was in the scene.

I was pleasantly surprised to see how talented she truly is.

 Her portrayal of this tragic society family was so touching, so sad and haunted and much of that simply from her conveying it through a look in her eyes.

And even more fascinating is the true story and background that this film is based on.

It lead me to read more on this mother and daughter and their life that became two wounded souls clinging together, adrift on the ocean of life.

You can't really say too much more about this film that hasn't been already said.

Everything about this film is top notch, as one has come to expect from HBO.

Barrymore is a revelation as Little Edie and Lange is superb as ever as Edith Sr.

This is the type of film that tells the story without putting everything in your face.

As with other well written pieces, it's up to the reader to fill in the spaces as to the characters motivation for acting a certain way.

Yes Edith Sr. certainly kept Little Edie at home to satisfy her own needs, including an obvious sense of abandonment by the world that she felt she was a part of.

Conversely why did Little Edie never truly leave?

This is mostly explained in the scene where she finds her mother's missing cat, she realizes that her mother needs the cat much as she needs little Edie for simple survival.

Her eccentricities obviously drove all those around her away.

Yet the true Edith Sr. is only shown in glimpses, mostly when she's singing or lets her guard down during the filming of the documentary Grey Gardens.

Overall a can't be missed dramatic film that truly shows that HBO is making better films than those making it to your local theater.

Loved this remake!!!

This story is a remake of the original made many years ago. When you watch this you'll understand why Drew Barrymore won the award for this. Jessica Lange did a wonderful job in this movie also. This is a wonderful touching story of wealth gone wrong.

='Great' You need to know the premise,

If you have ever seen Grey Gardens the documentary, and liked it, you will enjoy the film version. Drew and Jessica are absolutely remarkable in this movie.

At first I thought Drew and Jessica were too young to play the parts...but not only did the makeup artists do a very good job creating the age they needed to be...the actors came through with flying colors (no pun intended) and made you believe they were "Big Eddie and Little Eddie". Remarkable.

Both actresses were deserving of the awards they received for this film, and then some.

Drew Barrymore's dedication to her role was extremely apparent, as was Jessica Lange's dive into Big Edie.

Nothing but wonderful things to say about this movie...now I just want to make sure it makes it to blu ray!

Another great film from HBO.,

I think the thing I liked best about Grey Gardens was it NEVER set out to MAKE FUN of Little Edie or Big Edie.

It is true that they are over the top, and some may say crazy characters.

I think that the filmakers did a really smart thing.

They make the Edies relatable to their viewers.

I thought that Drew and Jessica were fantastic in their roles as the Edies.

Perfect Gem of a movie.,

Wow! this movie is powerful.

It's a perfect cinematic character study of two delusional females.

If you like perfectly drawn characters, and are able to throw away plot, you'll like this movie.

But don't bother if you want an interesting plot, because there isn't one.

This is a slice-of-life movie.

The acting is exceptional, so is the makeup.

There is a scene where Jackie Kennedy drops by.

She looks elegant, and she's eloquent and elegant.

But her lips are nasty.

At first, i thought "Why isn't she 100% perfect?

 It would be easy to make her lips glimmering."

But the defect adds to the scene, adds to the characterization.

To me, this movie (biography would be more appropriate) is perfect.

I watched it three times, and i still want to see it again.

I haven't enjoyed an artistic experience this much since i listened to "The Great Gatsby" about 18 months ago, and discovered how perfect that book is. (I missed all of it as a 16yr old.)

A good companion piece to the 1975 documentary,
I had some trouble deciding how many stars to give this movie, not because I didn't like it a lot, which I did, but because I couldn't help but wonder how much it can be appreciated as a stand alone work.

Having just seen the documentary for the first time last week, I have been fascinated by the lives of Big Edie and Little Edie, which not doubt increased my enjoyment of this movie.

The documentary painted a fascinating portrait of these two women as they were in their late 70's (Big Edie) and late 50's (Little Edie), and this HBO movie helps to complete that portrait by filling in the gaps and showing us how 2 once vibrant women became the eccentric - okay, crazy - ladies that they are in the documentary.

After watching the documentary, I had thought that Big Edie was not so much crazy as selfish - she just didn't want to be left alone in that big old mansion - and that Little Edie was a victim of her mother's selfishness.

But after watching this movie, I realized that the relationship between these 2 is a lot more complex than I thought.

While Big Edie was selfish in some ways, there exists
some kind of co-dependence
between her and her daughter that can't be broken.

Little Edie is every bit as weak as Big Edie is strong and willfull, which is why one can't completely blame Big Edie for Little Edie's entrapment in that mansion.

Like Little Edie said toward the end of the movie, she could have left any time she wanted to, she just chose not to.

So, for those of us who have seen the documentary, this is a very good movie enlivened by two superb performances from Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore.

For those who have not seen the documentary, however, I'm not sure how much they will be able to enjoy the movie, as it is kind of disjointed and does not really provide enough insight to the two central characters' lives.

It is for that reason alone that I am giving this movie 3 stars and not higher.

A crap movie about a masterpiece doc?,
If you have rated this 5 stars, have you seen the original? do you have taste??

Let me first state that I DID see the whole movie, and I am a fan of the original doc.

I think you should at least be familiar with a work before you can review... too many of these reviews say they've only seen half of this movie??? Why review??)

Okay so I am a HUGE fan of the DOC, I get excited even thinking about the first words spoken from

Big Eddie upstairs in the house when the cameras are coming in the downstairs... "EEDIEE!, OOOHHHH EEEEDIE!!!" Ugh, I could quote this for days!

I feel like movies lately are all just re-makes and not that great?

any one else feel this way?

The original doc is more or less the first "reality show" and its really quite fascinating.

It's not really a story per se but more like a string of scenes meant to show the viewer a glimpse of the Bouvier Beale women.

I just thought the new movie was terrible.

I didn't feel for the characters at all.

I felt like it was very much plastic whereas the original it was super raw, real, and not very pretty.

It gets under my skin that people tell me they have seen "Grey Gardens" and than they follow with Drew Barrymore was really weird ... THIS IS NOT GREY GARDENS!

The story in this movie is terrible, and there is no development.

It is trying to rekindle the immense adoration for the original, and falls on its face.

Watch the original, it is a true work of art ... gritty, odd, and quotable ... and leave this one to some movie channel that will play it every week for 5 years with tons of commercial breaks ...

Mother wanted me to wear my Komono.. We had quite the fight,
This movie was very touching. Great acting from Drew and Jessica. It is sad and funny at the same time

Stark Portrait of Two Independent Women, June 29, 2010

"Grey Gardens" is movie a spin-off of the famous documentary the Maysles brothers did over thirty-five years ago.

This is a behind-the-scenes reality show of how "Big Edie" (Jessica Lange) and "Little Edie" (Drew Barrymore) go from riches to rags.

They are raised in the charm school ways of the rich and privileged.

 Big Edie is an Aunt of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis.

Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange exquisitely capture the flavor and spirit of their characters featured in the 1975 documentary.

Both are show business wannabes, and also have a symbiotic relationship that transcended public opinion on how they lived.

We watch as forty years pass from plenty of money in the wonderful life and then adapting to less and less as Big Edie's divorce is finalized, and then using up the small trust her ex-husband left her when he died.

She ferociously holds on to her Grey Gardens home in East Hampton, though both of her sons encourage her to sell and downsize her life.

The home ages with them, falling apart with overgrown vines, leaves, weeds, and raccoon and cat boarders.

It is an unusual life, and seems a bit like an expose, but in the end you admire the women for hanging on to their home and their past.

Both are fiercely independent as they stake their odd claim to fame

Thank you!,)
Thank you for this wonderful movie. It is a must see! I appreciate your speedy delivery and great quality of the dvd.

Kept me spellbound.Drew and Jessica were so real in this together.Sad but also very intresting.

superb acting,)
Barrymore and Lange did and excellent job of portraying these interesting individuals.

After watching the original documentary it really showed me how great these actresses were in the mannerisms of the two Ediths.

I particularly like the fact that unlike the original documentary the viewer was given some background on the family and what led to the descent.

There are many people who live like the two Ediths but the spotlight was on them due to their association with Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

There are many lessons one can learn from the lives of these two extraordinary women, live within your means, follow your dreams, and women should always have a plan B in case the man leaves.

well worth watching,
I saw parts of the documentary, catching it by accident on TV years ago.

It was both fascinating and DISTURBING.

I wondered, and still wonder, how people of such high society and prominent upbringing could end up so "bottom of the barrel".

They looked like a couple of crazy, odd women who have lost touch with the real world.

Seeing the film helped bring the story together for me.

I thought it was well made and well acted.

Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange brought these two women back to life.

I can see the humanity in this mother and daughter duo, even if I don't understand how they could have stooped so low to end up living in a decaying, isolated environment.

Excellent Perfomances,
The acting was superb and so true.

This movie is a reflection of people who put a hold on life and it slips away.

It moved me in so many ways.

It made me think and appreciate every day I live.

It's definitely on my list of favorite movies.

Kudos to Jessica Lang and Drew Barrymore for transcending the Hollywood ideal and daring to appear less than gorgeous.

As this movie started, Jessica was right on target as marginal socialite Edith Bouvier Beale, but Drew was a bit young for the role as debutante "Little Edie".

Never fear. Their resemblance to each other is uncanny. And the story vacillates between the 1930's and the 1970's, with these two actresses demonstrating the chutzpah to portray old.

Since I was awake and aware during the '70's, I'm sorry to report that I had never heard of these people, in spite of the documentary of their lives produced by Maysles brothers at the time.


No matter, now I know.

Edie the younger had been groomed to make a proper, prosperous marriage, according to her business magnate father.

Her mother, however, was a show biz wanna-be, who taught her daughter to be a freer sort of spirit, but somehow young Edie's dreams also failed to materialize.

Long story short, mother and daughter end up genteel paupers, raising generations of cats amid the decaying East Hampton "summer cottage" owned by the mother.

Jeanne Tripplehorn was spot on as newlywed Jackie Kennedy Onassis, who intervened to rehabilitate her aunt's home when the story hit the tabloids.

Gray Gardens is a quiet, bittersweet story about mothers and daughters and their intermingled hopes and dreams.

HBO produced this movie, and they deserve recognition for their attempts to provide quality programming on television. Watch it for its stellar performances by some true professionals.


Last night, pumped up after WHIP IT, I watched the first half of Grey Gardens - the Drew Barrymore, Jessica Lange version.

From what I gather, the two are identical in regard to the basic hopelessness and extreme depressingness of the dysfunctional and thwarting relationship.

It's not "cool" to be into this kind of thing.

It's actually callous and self-serving.

The reality is, dysfunctional relationships are not fun.

The existence of the Beales was a long slow-moving misery.

If I want to see a crazy domineering elderly woman and her equally dysfunctional daughter bicker for hours on end, I'll visit my mother and sister.

My sister is, as a grown "woman" who is forty going on nine, living at home with my ageing and quite abusively senile mother.

They bicker incessantly, are both completely irrational and deeply unattractive.

Probably this sort of relationship and these sorts of psychologies are only interesting to people who have not lived around such things, grown up in truly sick families.

Trust me, it's NOT FUN, nor funny, nor "free-spirited."

The Beales were not free spirits.

They were chained spirits subsisting in the world of their broken psychologies for which there was no fixing.

My family is the same.

Broken and unfixable, deeply unattractive people.

Every time I've tried to intervene to instil some normalcy, or at least alleviate the filth of their living conditions, they've subjected me to irrational and spiteful abuse.

After trying to have my parents conserved (a legal process), I've given up on saving them from themselves.

So movies like this just make me sad.

Update: Okay, for the sake of you people, I heroically burdened myself with the rest of this thing.

 I was eating dinner while watching the movie, which I shoulda known was a big mistake.

One scene, featuring big and little Edie eating nameless black muck from a cardboard carton made me almost vomit.

The very idea that this sort of abject decrepitude can be anything like the tagline

"True glamour never fades"

enrages me.

Listen up people: this is a misrepresented HORROR MOVIE.

It is the true story of a disgustingly
narcissistic woman and her
completely un-nurturing
relationship with her emotionally
crippled daughter.

Any parent who would rather emotionally chain their child than see that child thrive as an individual is a sick piece of garbage and that is what big Edie was.

No glamour, no irreverent bon-vivant eccentricities, just a crazy cat lady and her emotionally chained daughter who descended by many gradual steps into an abyss of decrepitude.

On the plus side, the movie makes you want to do a million push ups, then clean the house for the rest of your life.

It makes you realize how worthwhile cleanliness and vigour are.

Saddest of all for me, the women in this movie are physically repulsive, devoid of sex appeal.

This may seem a shallow observation, but it isn't.

Drew Barrymore, one can only hope that you, like all artists, pore over the reviews of your work. And so I send this message in a bottle, yeah.

Drew, what were you thinking?

You are clearly very talented.

Whip It is an inspired creation, one of the most dynamic and uplifting movies ever made.

So now I gotta ask you: was Grey Gardens intended as an anti-Whip It?

 Because that does seem to be the jist.

Having now seen the first part of the original documentary, it's clear to me that the HBO Grey Gardens offers a grimmer interpretation of the dynamics between little and big Edie than is present in the Maysle's film.

The plight of little Edie is more plaintive in the HBO version.

By the way, I think you captured little Edie very, very well.

But why?

Was the intent to produce a horror film and was it then mis-marketed by the suits at HBO as some slyly endearing snort of uplift?

I could see this happening.

The little Edie in the HBO production is a tragic figure, the general tone of the film bleak to the point of revulsion.

The contrast between Edie's youthful promise and her gradual dejected acceptance of her fate is crushing.

The scene where she returns home to find the house becoming disheveled, her face registering that she is deeply disturbed and revolted by what is happening...

this makes her subsequent acceptance of her lot all the more harrowing and horrific.

It's all very well for her to say, "I could have left at any time..."

In life and in relationships it's rarely so simple.

The chains that bind our hearts to those we love and who nevertheless hurt us seem to bind us more closely the more these parents let us down.

Little Edie, in your portrayal, yearns to somehow make it okay for her mother, to fix her mother somehow, as if this is her responsibility.

Goddammit it's all so twisted and yet so understandable.

But, Drew, I gots to know.

Was it your intention to make an anti-Whip It, where the protagonist succumbs utterly to her mother's manipulations?

Please, tell me. Give me some sign.

Defecate into an envelope and send it to the North Pole. I NEED to know.


This morning I had a Drew Barrymore dream in which I was watching an episode of Fox Force Five, wherein a group of Five foxy chicks were sent out on crime fighting missions by their Charlie-esque boss and mentor, Johnny Fox - played by Samuel L. Jackson. I seem to remember that Samuel L. Jackson's character was an invalid in a plastic bubble or something. He had some kind of infirmity, which however did not inhibit him from wearing a lot of Kangol and coming on suave and debonair, in a menthol cigarette billboard Ladera Heights kind of way. You Culver City residents, you know what I'm talking about. But at any rate, each of the Foxes had her own special ability. Drew Barrymore's character had the ability to start fires with her mind.

As I watched, the bad guy, he suddenly caught on fire and he was staggering around on fire, waving his arms in slow motion while he was on fire and while Drew Barrymore's character was staring at him fixedly with bulging eyes.

It was pretty engrossing. I woke up refreshed, and with a TV treatment in my head. I owe it all to Mirtazapine. That dream movie was so good in fact, I'm gonna go ahead and bump Grey Gardens up one more star.

Beautiful Film, Sad Story,
This film is absolutely beautiful.

The execution is almost perfect, the music, the photograph, it is very faithful to the 1975 documentary.

Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore delivered a brilliant performance.

 It's about the love story of two women, a mother and her daughter.

They loved each other very much, but their relationship was kind of disfunctional.

They decide to shut up the outside world.

"Big Edie" the mother lived in denial and gave everything for granted.

She educated her daughter the same way she was educated,

"Get marry and then you can do whatever you want. If you don't, how are you going to take care of yourself?"

She was afraid about being alone, then she manipulates the circumstances and her daughter to avoid staying alone.

Little Edie, resented the way her mother treated her.

She says "You stuck me in this goddamm house" but the mother told her: "If you are stuck, it's only with yourself".

She wanted so desperately to break free off the cage that had put herself in, but she didn't had the courage to be free.

It's a very emotional and intense film. Unfortunately stories like this are not isolated, they are very common.

Born Rich, February
A very well done documentary bringing a perspective about the rich that helped me understand better the money vs happiness scenario we all hold. I used it in a class on Spiritual Economics.

So grey it was bleak, February 3, 2010

Great acting and interesting sets, but so terribly sad and depressing.

The device of starting at the end and progressing the action through flashbacks helped add interest, but not enough to keep me watching for long.

Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange both deserve an oscar for their efforts to bring the real life characters of Edith and "little Edie" Beale to life as authentically as they managed to do.

The film fills in the gaps of their lives that the original 1970's documentary about these two eccentric mother and daughter (Aunt and cousin to Jackie Kennedy) doesn't touch on.

We learn that Little Edie wanted to become a dancer and actress and gave up way to easily on her dreams due to a sad setback with a married man.

In the movie Edie returns to Grey Gardens after what seems like a brief stay in New York City.

In reality she returned to her Mother's mansion when she was 35 years old and after a few years away.

Edith was once a wealthy married woman, who liked to entertain people at her fancy mansion (located in East Hampton) with parties and songs and a fancy for the piano teacher.

All of that ended when Edith divorced and Little Edie joined her back at Grey Gardens, a mansion in desperate need of care, but neither woman had any kind of employment and living on a modest pension and over the years they supported their meager lifestyle by selling their valuables.

Over time the Mansion became a run down nightmare, with cats and racoons claiming much of the property and nature intruding in a most unpleasant way.

Mother and daughter basically were reduced to "living" in one of the bedrooms as the rest of the Mansion was in total squalor.

Eventually they didn't even have running water or electricity.

After photos were taken of the women, showing them surrounded by garbage and filth in the decaying Mansion, and stories appeared in newspapers about their horrible circumstance, Jackie Kennedy had the mansion somewhat cleaned and restored.

Shortly after this a documentray was filmed about the two dysfunctional women that achieved cult status.

Of course Edith could have sold the Mansion long ago and relocated with her daughter to a better Life, but she doggedly hung unto the Mansion for all she was worth even though she basically lived much of her later life confined to a room.

All of this resulted in the two women existing together in this place, feeding on memories from a life long gone and possibilities long past and still holding on that one day their chance will somehow arrive.

It is pretty obvious that Little Edie suffered from some sort of mental Illness.

Even though she periodically blamed her Mother for stealing her life, it is clear that Little Edie most likely would not have functioned properly on her own in the world.

The film shows all of this and more...including Little Edie's bitterness over a wasted Life and anger toward her Mother and Edith smothering protection and dependency on her Daughter but also a kind of unbreakable bond and love between these two women that breaks your heart.

Tour de Force,
Jessica Lange is marvelous and Drew Barrymore is unbelieveable in this adaption of the real-life Grey Gardens. See the original documentary first, then check out this one. Truly amazing performances from two fine actors.

Absolutely amazing and emotionally devastating,

This is just about a perfect film in every way. The acting was absolutely breathtaking- especially Jessica Lang- the photography, sets and costumes were wonderful, the music score was completely perfect and a great accomplishment, and the script, I thought, was absolutely PERFECT. Just brilliant.

grey gardens grows fabulously as hbo film!,
as a documentary, the maysles brothers' "grey gardens" gives a viewer an unrelenting portrait of two women that are as bound by duty as they bound by love in their life together. this portrait is lightened by the beale's inexhaustible lust for life as they wind out in their decaying summer house, grey gardens.

the documentary gave inspiration to a musical starring christine ebersole and mary louise wilson as 'little edie' and 'big edie' beale. then, director michael sucsy decided to take up the story of the beales and show us how these two remarkable women ended up in utter and almost irreverisble squalor.

his film succeeds on so many levels.

first of course, is the casting. drew barrymore is giving the performance of her career as 'little edie' beale.

barrymore's life in the public eye, her eccentricities, her joie de vivre and somewhat off-center sense of style have a great home in this character. and she does not disappoint.

she is matched by jessica lange as 'big edie' beale.

lange has to draw on more in order to make the older beale come to life--she has to sing, she has to endow what would seem a silly and selfish woman with resilience and warmth--and she succeeds too.

these women are helped out a great ensemble cast that includes jeanne tripplehorn as jacqueline bouvier kennedy, ken howard as phelan beale and arye gross as albert maysles, just to name a few.

sucsy surrounds his wonderful cast with great production values, a strong screenplay that doesn't trade on the most famous moments of the documentary but reconstructs them to the tee, beautiful camera work and editing and an elegant score by rachel portman.

i would gladly see both again and in the same sitting. i, too, am a STAUNCH character!

Feelings Ain't So Bad,
I watched the documentary version of GREY GARDENS a few months ago.

My one &only said that I've "just got" to see it. I asked what it was about & she said it was a documentary about Jackie O's relatives who had fallen on hard times.

It didn't sound very interesting to me at all & I said I'd pass; but Suzanne can be extremely persuasive, so I sat down for the inevitable hour and a half of boredom.

For the first 15 minutes or so everything in the film seemed to confirm my worst forebodings.

An old lady & her middle-aged daughter, living in a mansion that could pass for the House of Usher on a real good day.

Then the girly-girly bit of exploring the "feelings" between the old ladythe daughter.

Then something began to change.

I became interested in the 2 women as people, as individuals.

They reminded me of characters in a Chekhov play, unable to movtivate themselves to save their own skin.

At any rate, I was glad I watched the documentary first, because it enhanced the movie, just as the movie filled in some gaps in the documentary.

Jessica Lange is one of my all time favorite American actors.

In the movie she plays a character much older then herself, and certainly less beautiful.

There are a few flashback scenes in which she plays the "Big Edie" closer to her (Jessica's) own age.

Drew Barrymore (who also co-produced) too is usually playing a character older than herself, but closer her age in the flashbacks.

The flashbacks really help to make sense of how the characters came to find themselves in the odd predicament...well, that they find themselves in.

For valid reasons or not, mother daughter have exiled themselves to a life of isolation & poverty.

And no genteel poverty here by any standard.

The house is a filthy, decapitated heap of rotting wood, food & feces.

A huge racoons lumbers in & out through equally gigantic holes in the wall that it's eaten through.

The human occupants reaction?

They feed it as though it was starving (it isn't.)

Some of the reasons for their deplorable housekeeping are explored in the film version, verbally touched upon in the documentary.

"Big Edie" is imperious & crashed up after a failed marriage (that has a lot to do with her financial impoverishment.)

"Little Edie" desperately wanted to be a performer, a film star.

As a consequence in her real life she is acting all over the place.

It is clear that she is an aging "enfant terrible," a emotionally needed child prone to give utterance to uncomfortable truths that most people would rather not hear.

Her need to perform comes out loud &clear in both versions--and you know what? She's pretty damn good.

So what's up with the strange relationship between mother & daughter?

They seemed trapped in a self-destructive, self-perpetuating, often vituperative, song &dance.

The man who wrote the documentary review below, at one point states that he found Big Edie to be malicious &demeaning to those around her, particularly to Little Edie. ("Go  to bed with the heating man").

I didn't get that sense at all, either in the film or the documentary.

Instead I see them as 2 highly eccentric individuals who are as emotionally supporting as destructive. At any rate, they are individuals, people with distinct &strong preferences, dislikes &ideas--and that's what makes them so darn interesting.

But there is something definitely "wrong" with them.

They're not hoarders, a psychological obessive compulsive condition that causes suffers to jam their living environment with everything they can haul back every useless thing they can finds--but the Beales don't go out.

They just don't clean up after themselves--at all.

They're not suffering from dementia because they're quite capable of carrying on prolonged, highly intelligent conversations.

They seem locked in an unending

BI-POLAR DEPRESSION --with fleeting manic episodes when they try to connect with their failed ambitions to be on the stage.

There's a great scene in the movie (not in the documentary) where Jackie O. actually shows up.

You see, the local Suffolk town council has threatened mother &daughter with eviction if they don't clean up their act--like the horrific condition of their house &grounds.

Due to their Bouvier-Kennedy connection, the national media picks up the story & blasts it around the world.

Jackie is one of a few relatives determined to help out (out of shame than genuine concern.)

Jackie is not favorably portrayed.

She's a little snooty & reeks of class hypocrisy.

As much as Aunt Edith sucks up to her, Cousin Edith puts her down (it's her belief that she could have married JFK instead of Jackie.) It's a very funny scene.

The make-up prosthetics used in the film are outstanding.

This being said, it is the chracterization of the leading ladies that are ultimately impressive & make this odd little film a tremendous success. Drew Barrymore in particular shines in a role that almost appears to have been "channelled."

Jesse Lange gave the same type of eerie performance in her depiction of the ill-fated actress Frances Farmer. Both actresses mesh as an ensemble, making this movie a wonderful & moving cinematic event.

To top this off, one of the reasons that I was glad to have watched the movie after the documentary was the final scene.

In the documentary you were pretty much left with the impression that Little Edie would never leave the house and would, in fact, die in it like mother before her.

But this apparently that was not so.

She eventually does leave the house & encouraged by a few supportive friends, in the last scene she is performing in a nightclub--and the audience really seems to like her.

I guess I've got girly-girly feelings too.

PS. I should have left it there, but persistent interest in these strange people prompted me to explore their background. WIKIPEDIA carries 2 great articles on each woman. As it turned out, Little Edie's cabaret act went nowhere--although it did garner her some fans who kept in correspondence with. She died alone--as did her mother.

Lange is Brilliant! Great Story; Excellent Acting! See This One!,

The story of the Kennedy relatives is interesting and a true story.

Jessica Lange is one of the centuries best actors. She is beyond brilliant in this role. She could not have been better. She captured every nuance of the woman she played. Surprisingly, Drew Barrymore is good too. If you like good acting and an interesting story -- see this one.

terrific, excellent character study,

This was a fascinating look into the lives of real-life characters! These two actresses did outstanding work, both were deserving of awards(Jessica was rewarded with an emmy).

I enjoyed the background of their growing up which gave us the "reasons" for their odd behavior. Movie worth every penny!

Mesmerizing film,
I was mesmerized by this film... in part because of the haunting story it depicts, but also because I knew it was based on fact.

 The performances of Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange (especially Lange) are exceptional.
If you are interested in the true story of relatives of Jackie Kennedy's who shared a dysfunctional parent-child relationship in the extreme, then this is the movie for you.

What a captivating experience!,
Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore were at their very best in Grey Gardens. I adore them both, but it is a miracle that they were cast together in this gripping and unforgettable biographical "event".

Grey Gardens was recommended by a friend who knows my fascination with

memorabilia and
"the good old days", and oh, how perfectly this movie fit into my heart and mind.

The performances of these two charming and beautiful women were simply unforgettable. I loved this movie!

so glad I saw this movie! I then went on to also see the documentary and the extra footage! a very unique pair!

perfect acting, 
Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore were perfectly cast, and they both pulled off the huge age changes that they needed to - since a lot of the movie was in flashbacks. They played VERY interesting women, and that also made the movie most enjoyable.

WHY is this feature not on the BIG SCREEN?


WELL, so much for another Oscar to Ms. LANGE [Jessica's 3rd] and a richly deserved one to Ms. Barrymore - both ladies in roles that absolutely define Theapian Perfection.

It is difficult to separate the two actresses, absolutely the best we have ever seen Jessica Lange, and an eye-opener for those who need to experience the depth of emotion that Drew Barrymore has.

Supporting cast - excellent - Daniel Baldwin [great to see him back], Ken Howard and a very gentle performance from Jeannine Tripplehorn as Jackie O.

A sweet, sad movie ~ one not to be missed, perfect in all aspects, sound, music, costume, etc. etc.

A loving tritube to Big and Little Edie Bouvier Beale, of East Hampton.

WE DO NEED TO AND MUST see more of Jassica Lange and Drew Barrymore in roles that they truly deserve ........

Great Team~~~~~

Very well done . Life in America can be cruel to some people. Circumstances can change during ones life.

What a nice surprise!,
I had not known anything about this movie or the women it pictured. But what a surprise! A very good movie to, although somewhat painful in its reality. Very well acted, I wouldn't have know it was Drew Barrymore or Jessica Lange. This movie is a reminder that things are not always what they appear. I want to know more about these ladies and their tragic story.

What a wonderful movie-I have passed it around my entire office to watch and everyone has loved it so far.

 I barely remember talk about the characters in this movie being related to Jackie Kennedy Onasis and living in squallor. Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange are both fabulous in their roles.

This is a beautifully-made movie which goes to show there is quality on television as long as you look for it. Everything is superb. Even if you are not fascinated by the connection with Jacqueline Kennedy that the subjects of this movie had, you will enjoy it very much. It makes me want to buy the original 1976 documentary on which this movie is based, and I will probably do that soon.

possibly the greatest film i have ever watched,
truly deep, touching and beautiful. It's a movie every genuine film fanatic needs to watch
Comment Comment

Companion Piece to a Cult Classic,

Quite the fan club has surrounded the Big and Little Edies since the debut of the 1975 documentary from the Maysles Brothers.

Hopefully the HBO release of this bio pic will inspire people to seek out the original piece that started it all.

Thirty four years later the Beales have inspired a documentary, a Broadway play, and now this companion piece docu-drama.

Grey Gardens, this film, is riveting.

 Starting with re-creating the fabled sprawling mess of the dilapidated mansion of the title, to re-creating a time when East Hampton wasn't yet the high priced tony summer destination it is today (also see the bio-pick of Jackson Pollack starring Ed Harris to see what I mean - back then the Hamptons was frontier country,) to re-creating how the swells lived in Manhattan, this picture is artfully created.

It moves through time and space over decades.

The decline of the Beales contrasted with the changes in the East Hampton and Manhattan.

It conjures the fact that both time and reality stopped completely for Edith and Edie.

Unlike a documentary, this film creates the back story and dialog for Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore to bring to life.

It's a shame they couldn't have cut that Emmy win in half to give both actresses their due.

If forced, I'd have to give the edge to Jessica for capturing the flinty, manipulative, mean spirited stranglehold she used on her weaker, fragile daughter to keep her at her beck and call.

She captures it with nuances - a narrowed eye, the grip of a telephone receiver, a change in inflection. It's an acting tour de force.

You can't stop watching her. Hard to look at. Hard to look away. Like a car crash on the highway.

Drew Barrymore is her equal.

Four generations of Barrymore DNA can't explain how gifted she is as an actress.

This film reminds me that she doesn't use the full extent of her talents on the lightweight material she's often chosen.

Her Little Edie is tragic.

She nails the loopy accent and cadence of her speech.

She's got the mix of once upon a time ambition and resigned failure.

Her neediness for attention, and delusions about her place in the world.

Occasionally there is a glimpse that she does have a clue about what's happened to her life, and the reality of where she is now.

It's truly sad.

At the end, this is a
bizarre tale of co-dependence, twisted love,
and an awe inspiring survival instinct.

What kind of defense mechanism can allow people to live as the Beales lived, to not acknowledge the filth, garbage, squalour they lived in, yet still behaving as if they lived in the patrician world order they were born into?

There is no answer to that question.

It's why I keep watching.

I hope someday to figure it out.

Truly Outstanding,

As a fan of Grey Gardens the documentary, I doubted that Jessica Lange and Barrymore could pull off such strong characters.
I was so pleased to be wrong. Both of these women put on such wonderful performances.

There were so many times when they brought tears to my eyes with their story. I highly recommend this DVD for anyone, fan of the documentary or not.

What the *#&$? Raccoons, Cats, and Rusty Cans in the House!, September 30, 2009

I'm not going to explain what the movie is about because it's so weird that I'm lost for words.

 I even heard that Drew Barrymore was scared to take the part of Little Edie because the character was so eccentric.

However, Drew and Jessica Lange gave great performances.

I watched the film with my sister two days ago and was both appalled and amazed at what I saw.

How in the world could two women live in such filth yet retain such an air of dignity?

Jeez, if I had cats peeing behind paintings laying on the floor, I would surely go crazy and lose my mind.

There is no way I could live with mildew all over my bedroom walls or have stacks of rusty soup cans piled up in the corner.

And not having running water or electricity?


Now of course if I lived in a 3rd world country where I was used to earning $100 a year, that would be alright.

But not if I lived in an mansion in East Hampton!

I felt really sorry for Little Edie, especially as her mother took away her freedom.

And when she lost all of her hair?

Poor darling.

But even so, the ladies found ways to entertain themselves with no money and very few friends.

I thought Big Edie was a spendthrift who seemed deranged, but fun.

Boy did she know how to throw a good party!

Did you see her children drinking martinis and serving people drinks to guests during the house party scene?

Seriously, their Mama was a party animal and piano lounge singer.

Too bad her habits drove her into the poor house.

Again, I'm so amazed that even though these women lived in unimaginable poverty, that they were able to make the best of it.

And when Big Edie died, Little Edie was finally able to live her life on her own terms.

That's the best part.

My sister says the original documentary is a well worth the watch. I'm on to that next...


The worst movie I've ever seen.

I don't understand the fascination with the whole Camelot thing.

A total bore fest.

 I made it through the whole thing only because I thought there might be some kind of twist,(nope),just more of the same.

  Impressive Take on a Cult Documentary,
Grey Gardens was so much better than I expected it to be. If you've seen the cult documentary, you know what to expect or rather, what you should expect.

This film does not disappoint. Barrymore and Lange are both wonderful here. Lange, of course, has always been a wonderful actress, but Barrymore puts aside her cutsie image and proves naysayers very wrong indeed.

She is wonderful. Tragic and funny and sad, this is one of those wonderful Divas in/from/driven to Hell films. Great job!

Jessica Lange is amazing,
As good as the original; enjoyed the background better than documentary. Jessica Lange is undoubtedly one of the best actresses of our time. Drew did a great job too.

"Well, mother and I are very entertaining, that's true... ",
For anyone who's been fascinated and compelled by the original "Grey Gardens" documentary, this is the movie for you! Writer/director Michael Sucsy has revived Little Edie, her mother Edith Bouvier Beale and their cat-ridden East Hampton home for the 2009 HBO television movie GREY GARDENS, which takes us beyond the documentary to explore possibly how and why these women transformed into the unique counter-culture icons captured on film in 1975 by the Maysles brothers.

Shifting back and forth between the familiar scenes of the classic documentary and their past in the 1930s, 40s and 50s, we follow Edith (Jessica Lange), the colourful, bohemian wife of New York banker Phelan Beale (Ken Howard), and their free-spirited, namesake daughter "Little" Edie (Drew Barrymore), as their relationship is seared beyond that of the typical mother/daughter bond.

Wheras Edith willingly married for money and security, a loveless union with a husband who prefers an accommodating secretary in New York.

Little Edie instead yearns for an independent world, perhaps as an actress on the stage or maybe even a dancer.

Just as she looks sure to get her big chance with producer Max Gordon, Phelan learns of Edie's affair with a married man and packs her off to her mother at Grey Gardens...

Michael Sucsy took as his starting point the original "Grey Gardens", making careful note of the conversations where Edie and her mother argued and talked about the events which led/forced Edie back to the family bosom never to emerge, and crafted a drama which may or may not depict what really happened in the complicated relationship of the Beales.

Sucsy was also granted access to the original diaries and correspondance belonging to Little Edie.

Whether or not it rings true in a historical sense hardly matters.

One important thing does: the Beales are alive again.

Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore are absolute perfection as Edith and Little Edie respectfully. They are so spookily accurate in the re-creations of the documentary, that I often found myself thinking I'd popped the 1975 DVD in by mistake!

No wonder Jessica Lange just recently walked away with an Emmy Award for her performance as Edith; she's spellbinding and really gives us a picture of how Edith must have carried herself in her 1930s heydey.

True love and appreciation of the Beales was the main drive behind this movie.

The incredible, joyful, proud message of Little Edie lives on.

She's a heroine for the ages.

Strongly recommended.

Widescreen 16:9 enhanced
soundtracks: English (5.1), Spanish (2.0)
subtitles: English, French, Spanish
extra features:

audio commentary with executive producers Michael Sucsy, Lucy Barzun Donnelly and Rachael Horovitz; "Grey Gardens: Then & Now" featurette
Disc format: DVD-9 (single-sided, dual-layer)

..."Mother wanted me to come out in a kimono, so we had quite a fight"! ... Excellent and well-executed original dialogue from Drew Barrymore, taking the leading role as (Little) Edith-Bouvier-Beale in HBO's small screen adaptation of the 1975 cult "Grey Gardens".

The film delves deeper than the original could and highlights the Bouvier-Beale pre-squalor that the original gains its appaal from.

The dramatic and saddening decline in the mother and daughter's fabric of life and onset of seclusion now has a reason and it's here that we see why and how this occurs.

Jessica Lange & Drew Barrymore, offer 5 star performaces and a Baldwin pops up, too!

If you haven't seen the original, I suggest you watch this version before embarking on the former.

Truly Brilliant!

Woulda Coulda Shoulda,

If you've seen the documentary, this may be disapointing.

The fascinating part of the documentary was the mystery of those who have it all falling into the void. They lived in a forgotten world, one that only they remembered. More fascinating still that they had famous relations. This HBO take doesn't quite make it.

Drew Barrymore does not resemble a socialite, fallen or otherwise.

Jessica Lange was good but kept veering from a Kennedy-esque drawl to a Southern-something accent.


This is a terrific film, full of excellent performances which have thrived because of the superb writing. Jessica Lange, Drew Barrymore, Ken Howard, etc, make this very funny and moving film worth the time to watch and absorb.

Silly or insane?,
Edith Beale, the mother, was a silly flighty woman with a wish to be a singer.

 Edith Beale, the daughter, saw herself as a dancer, was insecure and given to enthusiastic demonstrations.

Over time, they fell into poverty living in squalor until the local authorities condemned their home.

What kept them from being a small story below the fold in the newspaper's third sections was their relationship to former first lady Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis.

This made them news, the subject of a documentary and saved them.

Jackie provided for them financially until her aunt died.

At that point, the property sold and her cousin lived on the proceeds.

HBO took this story and produced a powerful move portraying the two women for 40 years, starting in the 1930s. Drew Barrymore as the daughter and Jessica Lange as her mother never hit a false note.

Lange starting as a flighty silly wife and mother, ages into an isolated lonely old woman with only cats and her daughter.

Barrymore starting as a debutant ages into a trapped woman, bitter with only dreams and exaggerations.

Both portrayals are brilliant; playing off each other, they construct a believable relationship that gradually leads nowhere.

This move depends on two people and they make it work!

Starting in 1936, we move back and forth through time, capturing the Beales' lives.

The editing is excellent and makes for a powerful story.

Major events are the only reference to what year it is.

This is in keeping with the story as very little changes at Gray Gardens.

The women age, the house needs more repairs but the life within is static.

This is an enjoyable but not entirely comfortable film.

Without asking questions, it will make you think about what happens to people like this.

It shows how choices, that were almost unconscious, can alter our life.

Grey Gardens honest interpretation.....,
I was a bit apprehensive when I heard that HBO had made a film based on the Grey Gardens documentary by the Maysles brothers.

The first time I watched the documentary I, like many others, fell in love with these two wonderful ladies.

I was worried about Ms. Barrymore's performance as Little Edie....I shouldn't have been.

Both she and Ms. Lange were excellent in their reenactments of Big and Little Edie. If you're a fan of the documentary and of these women, who are "just a BIT out of touch", you'll love this film, as it was treated with complete reverence and sensitivity. If you're a fan of quirky characters, this film's for you. Buy it and ENJOY!

This made for HBO film starring Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange is a sad and beautiful telling of the story of the Beales, a wealthy mother and daughther trapped by the times and by each other.

Part of the film is based on the documetary "Grey Gardens" by the Maysles, and the rest is speculation about the early lives of the two women.

Both named Edith, the senior Edith finds herself lost after her husband leaves her.

 Jr. Eddie leaves to discover the world, but is pulled back to the safety and neediness of her mother.

They find themselves in a financially strapped position, and their home falls down around them.

But this is unacceptable for relatives of Jackie Onassis. Next to the actual film footage in the documentary, you cannot beat the performances of the leads, and the filler of their early lives is done with care. Excellent film.

I decided to buy this video after I heard about it online. I was not sure what to expect since Barrymore is not one of my favorite actresses.

 I loved this video so much that I have been telling my friends about it. We are even going to have a movie watching at my house. This is truly Barrymore's best performance in my opinion.

I loved that they didn't focus on the fact they were related to Jackie.

They focused on these people's lives and how they got to where they were.

They made them look human even though they were very eccentric.

I even ordered the documentary after watching this movie as I wanted to see the unHollywood version

  'You're An Acquired Taste, Babe.',

I saw this last evening and still cannot get over Drew Barrymore's performance.

Certainly, she proves her lineage in this vehicle of a most bizarre mother-daughter relationship. If this were a commercial release, Drew Barrymore would/should take home an Oscar.

Every Bouvier speech pattern is channeled.

Barrymore is amazing!

Each Bouvier nuance, each look - just about everything is captured.

Anyone interested in Edith Bouvier Beale and her daughter, as well as dysfunctional individuals, will, most likely find this to be a most fascinating depiction of Edie and Edith's story.

Jessica Lange is always terrific, and she too renders a most touching portrayal of a more than dysfunctional woman.

Grey Gardens is a poignant, heartbreaking, emotionally wrenching tale of decay.

Grey Gardens, the cottage itself, is symbolic of the disintegration of these two women.

One absorbs [views] this powerful film and weeps.

I absolutely loved this new remake of the popular documentary. I think all the actors did excellent jobs. It went more in depth than the documentary did, and showed us a bit more how it started out. LOved It,

I had never heard of this movie until I read a review in People Mag.

I had to wait until it came on DVD. What a terrific performance by both ladies. They drew me in. I was mesmerized I have told all my lady friends. A MUST SEE!!!

This is an incredible film. It's impossible to find fault with the acting, the two female leads are amazingly like the actual characters, down to every little detail. I don't have the words to describe how impressed I am with Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore's acting skills.

It's really impossible for me to find fault with any part of this production. Absolutely outstanding.

I thoroughly enjoyed this production. I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good storyline acted by believable talented actors. The **Back-Story** To Big & Little Edie Bouvier Beale! How Can You Resist!,
The GREY GARDENS (HBO-MOVIE) is fantastic! I saw this on TV and had to get the original documentary Grey Gardens / The Beales of Grey Gardens - Criterion Collection (2-disc set), which this is based on. Of course I had to buy the DVD of the HBO film as well.

GREY GARDENS is the story of Edith Bouvier Beale and her daughter Edie, who were aunt and cousin (respectively) to Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis.

They were found living in a dilapidated mansion called "Grey Gardens," in the posh and wealthy East Hampton, NY.

The Maysles brothers, Albert and David, decided to make a documentary film about the Beales, which would become a cult hit, and I highly recommend that you see that (if you haven't already).

The HBO film fills in the blanks by recreating scenes from the documentary and showing flashbacks of much better times for the two Beale women. It also shows what happened to Edie as she is pressured to move back to Grey Gardens and forced to give up her dream of being a dancer/actress and includes her affair with a married man. The film also shows how they eventually ran out of money, how the Maysles came to make their documentary, and the health department raid (that was mentioned in the original documentary).

Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore give stellar performances. They aren't just acting, they literally become both Edith and Edie Beale. Especially Barrymore! She became "Little Edie" in mannerism and speech, and they both are dead ringers for the original.

I'm sure Edie would have approved. I hope they both win Emmy awards (tie) because they really deserve it.

======= SPECIAL FEATURES =========
Grey Gardens: Then & Now--11:15-Minute
short featurette comparing the HBO movie to the original documentary and features Jessica Lange, Drew Barrymore, Albert Maysles (original GG filmmaker), Michael Sucsy (HBO-director/writer) and others discussing the characters, sets, fashions and Edie's scarves.

Even if this wasn't based on a true story, GREY GARDENS (HBO) is still an interesting movie to watch and I highly recommend it!

=Awsome!!!, August 23, 2009
Drew & jessica were great! Spot on performances!

A real honor to those two edies!

I caught this on HBO by accident and loved it. I ordered this dvd for my mom and she loved it.

 Now plan to get this for my own library.

Very entertaining and Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange are excellent.

If you like old-fashioned song-and-dance and drama and kooky women you can't miss

free will and eccentricity,

The mmovie is excellent, though so true to life that it shows a pathetic side of those two women ... hints are given as to how they fell into a pool of depression, of solitude ... that part, the causes, is not shown in depth, maybe it IS kind of suggested ... but ... I didn't expect it to be SOOOO! sad!

Sad but first class, as is the peprformance of both Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore!

Lange and Barrymore shine while surrounded by squalor,

Lange and Barrymore are both in peak form here as the Beales, a dominating mother and a dependent daughter who are the aunt and cousin of Jackie O.

They begin as wealthy music lovers in the 1930s but end up stuck in a deteriorating house together for several decades, living off of others' money, with no other company than cats and raccoons until the filmmaking Maysles brothers show up to make a documentary about them.

The scenes of the cluttered, ruined house are depressing, yet the two women are so fascinating to watch that you can't take your eyes off of them.

Edie Sr. can't live without her daughter, while Edie Jr. wants to live a separate life but doesn't want to leave her mother alone.

Also, Jr. has a tendency to lose her hair when stressed out, which occurs easily.

Good Acting, Lame Story,
A morality tale and character study of the effects of parental domination and the resulting frustration of a daughter who fails to achieve her potential.

Well..a little more complicated than that, but you get the idea.

Primarily a film that will appeal more to women than men. Very slow moving and repititious IMHO.

As a fan of the original documentary, I was prepared to really loathe this adaptation. Oh great, another studied impersonation of a well-known cult figure by a big movie star. She's going to ruin it and embarrass herself.

I was shocked. There are no words. Drew Barrymore not only defied any expectations I might have had about this performance, but I think she really redefined the impression I had of her as an actress. I always liked Drew and her bubbly personality, but this. This is unreal.

Not to ignore Jessica Lange-- she is crazy/brilliant in this.

The set design is spectacular. The whole film is very sympathetic, very respectful, evocative.

I can't get over it. Don't hesitate to watch it. And have a hanky handy! An Acting Triumph, August 6, 2009

It is a shame that Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lang are competing against each other in the Emmy's 2009, as GREY GARDENS presents two of the most outstanding performances of the year. A brilliant film with a tragic sense of "what could have been" for both women as they journeyed through life, only to find that in the end that one had her "brief moment in the limelight". I wish that Drew and Ms. Lang could both win, as their work is truly what makes an Actor outstanding. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
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  Grey Gardens Excellence, )
Whoever chose Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lang to star in Grey Gardens should be commended. The movie was excellent. It was thrilling to just sit there and watch their lives unfold.

Jackie Kennedy was extremely kind and motivated due to bad press to repair Grey Gardens...and 35,000 in those days was a lot of money..

I raally enjoyed the acting, the setting, everything was perfect

You cannot criticize reality.....

Good effort !,
This HBO telemovie was obviously made with a lot care and attention to details.The casting was pure genius,the costumes were superb and i paticularly enjoyed the recreation of the Grey Gardens mansion.
Jessica Lange really channeled Big Eddie,she was flawless and has always been one of my favourites.
Drew Barrymore,also one of my favourites,was good and obviously tried very hard to capture Little Eddie'spirit.

Nevertheless i stll felt that she was missing that sparkle and zaniness that Little Eddie displayed so much of.
Also i feel that this movie is best appreciated if you already have seen the documentaries otherwise you really cannot grasp the special bond that these two women had.

I also felt that the script was rather simplistic and predictable and perhaps the singing by Jessica Lange should have been dubbed,after all Big Eddie was a very good singer(as she likes to remind us in the documentary).

But i cannot blame Jessica for trying, she truly gave it her all.

After all is said and done it was a great effort on all parts.

A return to Grey Gardens,
Can you remake a cult classic documentary successfully? HBO proves that you can with a revisit to "Grey Gardens", the story of Edith Beales and her daughter Little Edie, relatives of Jacqueline Kennedy.

Once living a life of socalite prestige, the women were found living in squalor in their dilapidated, critter-infested East Hampton estate Grey Gardens in the early 70s.

A documentary followed the women during their daily routine which was like watching a train wreck. It became an instant cult classic.

This new film is not necessarily a remake as it looks into their lives and lets us know what happened to these two women and how they ended up like they did. Jessica Lange as Big Edie and Drew Barrymore as Little Edie give exceptional performances. Both are Emmy nominated and I would be hard-pressed to choose among them. Production values, costumes and sets are all first-rate. Grey Gardens has received 17 well deserved Emmy nominations.

 A worthwhile movie experience, the film is both touching and fascinating. \

  Eerily Authentic,
I was very enthused when I had heard about this HBO film coming out on DVD! I received it yesterday, and watched it last night.I was just astounded by it! My word, it was like seeing those two charming women THEMSELVES on the screen!The acting done by Drew Barrymore, and Jessica Lange was phenomonal, to say the very least. As I mentioned,it was eerie how pitch-perfect those two women played those roles! I own both documentary films,and this one seemed as if it was the third in the series, not a separate HBO film.

The clothing, dialects,scenery, everything looked like it had been duplicated exactly from the documentaries by the Maysles.This film will not disappoint you if you are a true fan of these wonderful,captivating, STAUNCH characters,that are the Beales!ENJOY!
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WOW! Superb acting.., July 19, 2009
By Florida`s "Sunny Day" - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Grey Gardens (DVD)
The acting by Ms lange, and Ms Barrymore outstanding!
This is a must movie on many levels, the story which will pull at your heartstrings, the sadness you feel for those involved, the acting talents of the two main leads...
Miss this movie, and you will miss a movie which is truly very special.

You've got to see it to believe it!,
Like many people, I was dubious, to say the least, at the idea of making a movie of the classic and unstoppable documentary "Grey Gardens".

How could anyone add to the amazingly bizarre story of the Beales? As it turns out, this movie is almost a completion of the documentary, and it totally hinges on the Emmy worthy performances of Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore.

Cult classic hit, "Grey Gardens" shows us the glamorous dilapidation of Big and Little Edie Beale as it was in the early 1970's, as filmed by the Maysles brothers.

Each one worthy of their own screen time, together the women feed and react off each other in lovely hostility, so much that you can't help but watch, especially on heartbreaking close-ups of Edie's run ridden stockings.

Throughout the documentary, the women opine upon the past; tell stories of men long past, names to us, perhaps familiar.

What the HBO movie Grey Gardens does for us is bring to life these stories, and we learn more about these complex women that deepen and illuminate them.

Drew Barrymore plays Little Edie from the tender age of eighteen a socialite with life ahead of her, much like she was in the documentary, without the haggardness and avant garde style.

Her Edie is dead on from the start of the movie; you see her "staunch character" from the onset.

Jessica Lange's Big Edie sings, guides her daughter to her eventual "reclusive" life of Grey Gardens.

Both of their characters arcs are predetermined, but watching these two amazing actresses pull this off stuns the viewer.

A third character, both in the documentary as well as this film, is Grey Gardens herself.

The famous run down mansion.

 Familiar from the documentary, with its sadly famous racoon eaten wall, the sets of the movie are painstakingly accurate and spooky in their own sense.

The minute you see Grey Gardens in its heyday, back in the late 1930s, your jaw literally drops at the elegance of the Long Island abode, which makes the older version oh so much more painful.

The house ages unwell with the Beales, right before our eyes.

What could have easily lapsed into camp, or mockery, Lange and Barrymore elevate the story to truth and honesty.

Even in their reenactments of scenes from Grey Gardens, they maintain the honesty of the moment, such as the real Beales did.

The complexity of performance demands more than just an HBO TV viewing, but should have been considered for the big screen (much like HBO's other amazing opus )

Whatever you may think of the Beales,
Americans have a fascination with the rich and famous,
and perhaps even more fascination with their downfall.

I suspect the Beales would deny a downfall at all.

More like a setback, a setback to their eventual career in movies, entertainment, or whatever.

Little would they know that their fame would come much later after their passing.

And the HBO movie Grey Gardens will become an indelible part of the legacy from here on out.

Just want to quickly say that this movie is great. My husband and I could not stop watching it once we sat down.

And believe me, my husband is no fan of anything but present-day "action" movies.

He has always been a Drew Barrymore fan, and we both thought she did an excellent job in this movie. The parts of Big Edie and Little Edie could not have been easy to play, but Drew and Jessica Lange did an excellent job in my opinion. Can't wait to get my copy of the DVD.

I saw this movie on hbo and i can't wait to get my copy soon. I love Jessica Lange. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
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4.0 out of 5 stars From Comedy to Tragedy,

In the original documentary we the viewer weren't really asked to do much other than LAUGH at these two poor souls who just couldn't cut it in society.

Their homes were filled with trash and raccoons (and really, whose house wouldn't be improved with a few raccoons?), they no sense of self, no sense of class, no sense of shame.

They were sick, sick individuals who were so convinced of their own grandeur that at the mere sight of a camera they started to perform...which made them all the funnier.

But now, starting with the Broadway musical and continuing into this film, we are beginning to be shown just how all this could have come to be.

These are close relatives of Jackie Onassis after all.

They had husbands and suitors and plans and money and a life... and then suddenly they were obliviously the BUTT of a national joke.

The Beales here are played by Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange. Barrymore catches a lot of flack in my household for her acting skills (or lack there of).

I've never really had any beef with her other than those "Charlie's Angel's" movies.

And here, especially as the older Little Edie, she absolutely shines and disappears into the role.

It is a role that is big and comedic but not necessarily easy to disappear into.

The accent, the walk, the insecurity...they are all there and played to perfection.

As the younger Little Edie she basically plays herself, which is fine and I was comfortable with it.

 Jessica Lange is also quite good but unfortunately saddled with the less exciting role.

The film cuts from between the filming of the documentary in 1974-ish and their past lives when everything was grand and wonderful. And what a contrast!

Talk about how the mighty have fallen.

I might argue that slightly too much time was spent on back story, but it is that back story that adds texture and makes this the best incarnation of Grey Gardens yet (and yes that includes the musical which I found to be a let down).

That said, scenes of them being rich and famous could have been cut and replaced with the real honey pot, that being their behavior after their fall.

So how did it all end up like this?

 I think we can safely say money had a lot to do with it.

Money created the luxurious world that they lived in early on.

But then they were too scared to escape that memory, effectively leaving them marooned in their mansion.

The way Big Edie controlled Little Edie also led to a co-dependency between them and prevented the evolution of Little Edie.

She tried to run away but since her mother had no other hobby than trying to force her back to Grey Gardens she really had very little chance.

Still, that relentless unwillingness to change, adapt or move on is exactly what makes them the stars that they are today.

Things go from bad to worse, over and over again, and the poor Edie's are there trying to stop the flood.

It would have been much easier to simply film a fictionalized account of the documentary...swoop in and have a laugh.

But instead we are given a cold reminder as to why it is important to look outside yourself.

Don't just accept what life throws your way and don't bury your head in the sand when things go South.

I am far more on their side than the OCD clean freaks who surround me in life but that doesn't mean I didn't laugh my way through the documentaries.

This film takes over as the crowning achievement in this series and is an experience that I highly recommend. )

HBO has outdone itself with this extraordinary character study of the aunt and cousin of Jacqueline Onassis: Edith Bouvier Beale (Big Edie) and her daughter, also Edith Bouvier Beale, or 'Little Edie.' Their story is one of 'riches to rags,' chronicling their decline as their star-studded dreams and, once lavish lifestyles, become little more than fantasies, following 'Big Edie's' divorce and ensuing loss of social status and fortune.

While appearing somewhat oblivious, or perhaps in denial, of their situation, their East Hampton Estate is transformed into a refuge for cats, raccoons and vermin, not to mention feces and trash.

Their caviar becomes cat food.

They develop a self-isolating, hermit-like lifestyle, filling in the moments with bickering, depreciating comments and a dose of rivalry and grandiosity.

Within this backdrop, the dysfunction driving this mother, daughter relationship is vividly portrayed---and clearly one of love and hate.

'Big Edie' is a bitter, controlling, and passive dependent mother, who makes sure she keeps 'Little Edie' close to her side by feeding her frailties. '

This, at times, is hard to watch, appearing almost too voyeuristic, as these ladies spiral into an unreal world---one I feel was much more than just eccentric.

I personally feel it became a shared madness.

My heart ached for 'Little Edie.'

And, I'm just getting to the actors, now. You might wonder why, since I'm reviewing a movie---not a book, or the documentary. What about the actors, you say? Well, I think this is because Jessica Lange, as 'Big Edie' and Drew Barrymore, as 'Little Edie' brought their characters so to life, that I frequently forgot during the film that I was watching actors. I felt I was stealthily watching the real characters through a dingy window of the Estate.

Their simple moments of joy became mine, as well as their pain.

This is the first time I have ever become so enmeshed with characters that I completely forgot the actors portraying them, until it was over, and I could reflect upon the splendid job they had done. This is a testament to the quality of this movie---not only the acting, and costumes, but the setting. Yes, the setting was so well done you could almost smell the cat urine.

I'm recommending this movie to all of my friends. I suspect that women will enjoy it more, as my husband left about a third of the way through declaring it a 'chick movie.' But, I think anyone interested in the psychology of dysfunctional, relational dynamics, will be mesmerized. I know I'm placing the Documentary on my Wish List. I'm not quite finished studying this family. =

I just watched this excellent film - mainly, like many others, to see if it compared in any favorable way to the original documentary.

Oh yes it does, but that's not what's on my mind any longer.

What just thrilled me was watching Drew Barrymore inhabit Little Edie in a complex, superb performance. What a terrific actress she is and what a surprise to realize that the Barrymores are still in the building! On the ground in our world. Whooda thought. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
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  Nothing "grey" about this movie!,

I had seen the 2 documentaries, and was really skeptical and worried that the HBO movie would be a disappointment. I was so pleasantly surprised!

The acting was impeccable. I had always thought that Drew Barrymore was more of a comic actress. I have a new respect for her after viewing this film.

Of course, Jessica Lange is brilliant (as always) in every role she takes on. I highly recommend this movie. It will answer so many questions you have after watching the documentaries. You really get to know the women and their lives and what led up to them living in squalor. SEE THIS MOVIE!!! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
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It is a rare thing to see a performance where a star is so immersed in a character that the star completely disappears and you are faced with a real living breathing character. This is pure magic when it happens. It happened with Vivien Leigh in "A Streetcar Named Desire." It happened with Elizabeth Taylor in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" And it happens in HBO'S stunningly good "Grey Gardens", not once but twice.

The performances by Jessica Lang as Edith Bouvier Beal is a testament to her immense talent and a reminder of just how far she has come since she slipped from King Kong's fingers into our consciousness. This performance is one that should garner awards galore and be studied for years to come by aspiring actors. This is a masterwork by a great star.

Then there is Miss Barrymore. Born of a towering and legendary acting family she has shown us in the past just how astonishingly good she can be. But listen boys, batten down the hatches for the approaching storm that will wrench your heart from your body like a tin roof off a barn in a hurricane. As Edie Beal Drew Barrymore is a thrilling, revelatory, spectacle, a shear joy to behold and so utterly heartbreaking. This is the best work she has ever done and puts her beyond her ancestors as the greatest Barrymore in the dynasty.

And buried in the midst of these two towering performances one must not neglect the brilliant, lovely and gentle work by Jeanne Tripplehorn as Jackie Kennedy. Her work here is wonderful. Miss Tripplehorn is indeed with her work on HBO's "Big Love" and here in this film fulfilling her youthful promise as an actress and coming into her own in her middle years.

The thing of the matter is that these two wonderful actresses meld into the women in the story so convincingly that if you have seen the original documentary you will think you are seeing the real Beales.

A great film, a touching and deeply moving story, a film that should be admired and treasured for the masterpiece it is.

Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange are simply astounding in the roles of the famous Beale women who lived in Grey Gardens. Beyond a mere caricature, both women live in this roles and bring out the truth and humanity of this two women that is so true to life. This has to be one of Barrymore's most powerful roles yet. She proves any naysayers wrong and proves that she is indeed heir apparent to the legacy of her famous acting family. Jeane Tripplehorn surprises as Jackie O. with a warm and brilliant performance. =

Grey Gardens is simply amazing. What an excellent film and Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore give excellent performances. There were a lot of naysayers of Drew's that said that she couldn't pull it off. I'm glad she proved them all wrong. I've been a fan of Drew's for many, many, years and was so glad she went after this role, got it, and did an brilliant performance (which I knew she would).

I've already watched it about five times now. :)

Let the awards season begin. lol

Now I want to watch the documentaries and read the books. Fascinating!

Highly recommended!

"Grey Gardens" is a classic, =''

I've seen "Grey Gardens" about 4 times,and I still want to see it again.I went to youtube to watch the Documentary,and was amazed how the film is true to life of Big and Little Edie,and the house.Drew Barrymore is superb.I've always been a fan of her movies,but "Grey Gardens"has taken her acting to another playing field.

 Jessica Lange is unreal,she is Big Edie.Lange sings,dances,and ages 40 years.

If "Grey Gardens" was on the big Screen,everyone would get an Oscar. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
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Amazing!!! A genuinely happy surprise!!!,
As a HUGE fan of "Grey Gardens", I was skeptical of whether this film would be cringe inducing or tolerable. Jessica Lange is a truly GREAT actress, but I could not imagine how even she would be able to pull off Big Edie. The real worry, however, was Drew Barrymore. I've always liked Drew Barrymore, but did not think she had the acting chops to pull this off.

Gladly, I was wrong on all accounts!!!

Jessica Lange is phenomenal, and Drew Barrymore is incredible as Little Edie!! Further, the direction, costumes, music, sets, cinematography, makeup, raccoons, and cats were all spot on. I found myself astonished throughout at what a happy, successful surprise this film was. I cannot wait to purchase the DVD with the hope of many extras (I hope). How about commentary, a house tour, etc. I've always been dubious of the term "instant classic", but I think this film will become as much of a cult classic as the originals....campy, touching, beautiful. Thanks to everyone involved. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews

i have to admit that when i first heard of this film being produced i was more than skeptical. i thought it was going to be insane to try to reproduce the original documentary film. but the "reproduced" scenes from the original "grey gardens" are mesmerizing and have been executed with astonishing pinpoint accuracy. there are also flashback scenes to fill in the holes in the story line of the life that these two women shared.

both drew barrymore and jessica lange are dead on in their portrayals of big and little edie.

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