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Saturday, February 23, 2013



Introductory Material

An Introduction to Parsifal

Plot Summary of Parsifal

A Cautionary Tale


Sources and Contexts

 Wagner's Sources

Parzival and Parsifal

Peredur, an Arthurian tale

Wolzogen on Parsifal

The Wounding and Healing Spear

Parsifal and Greek Myth

Magic Flowers

The Origins of Kundry

Heine's poem Atta Troll

Swans and Geese: Wagner's Wildfowl

Wagner, Buddhism and Parsifal

Jesus - Buddha - Parsifal

Suneson on Indian Influences in Parsifal

Articles - Creation


The Genesis of Parsifal

Die Sieger (The Victors)

Richard Wagner to Mathilde Wesendonk

Wagner's Muse

Articles - Interpretation

 Parsifal and Race

Wieland Wagner's Parsifal Cross

Parsifal's Progress

Sleeping and Waking

Good Friday

Erlösung dem Erlöser

Parsifal and Christianity

Articles - References

 The Prose Draft of Parsifal

PARSIFAL - A New English Translation

Further Reading

A Parsifal Discography

Vocal score of Parsifal

Articles - Performance

 Parsifal on Stage

Adolphe Appia on Parsifal and the Ring

Transformation Music

The Bells of Monsalvat

Parsifal at Covent Garden

Bernard Levin on Parsifal

Parsifal in Wolfgang Wagner's staging at Bayreuth

Syberberg's Parsifal Film

Parsifal at Baireuth (M.G. van Rensselaer)

Wagner's Parsifal (C.D. Warner)

from P. Swinkels' Wagner Library

Articles - the Music

 An Introduction to the Music of Parsifal

The Mystic Chord

Leitmotif Guide (800x600 window)

Leitmotif Guide (1024x768 window)

Leitmotif Guide (maximized window)

Prelude to Act 1

Prelude to Act 2

Prelude to Act 3

Meyerbeer's Robert and Wagner's Parsifal

Articles - Reactions
Nietzsche on Parsifal

G.B. Shaw on Parsifal

A Poem by Paul Verlaine

Parsifal and the Nazis

Lévi-Strauss on Parsifal

Joseph Campbell on Parsifal

Thomas Mann on Parsifal

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