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Monday, August 15, 2011

List of paintings in the Palazzi di Genova



Entrance Lobby.—A. Lomi, Stoning of St. Stephen. Assereto, Flagellation. G. B. Carlone, Miraculous Draught of Fishes, Virgin and Child with Saints, Calling of St. Matthias. G. B. Castiglione, Satyr. D. Piola, Christ teaching the Doctors in the Temple, The Blessing of Jacob, The Woman taken in Adultery. Cast of the Porto Pisano monument. Cast of the head of Janus in San Lorenzo. Delia Robbia, Virgin and Child.

F1rst Room.—N. Barrabino, Last Hours of Vittore EmanueU II. Unknown, A masculine looking Madonna. G. Castagnola, Death of Alessandro de' Medici, Portrait of a young Genoese Woman. G. A. Carlone, Virgin with SS. Siro and Antonio. D. Fiasella, Wedding of the Virgin. B. Strozzi, S. Teresa. G. B. Carlone, St. James fighting the Moors, Crucifixion.

Second Room.—The Greek Palio. G. Reni, David, Holy Family. D. Fiasella, Angelica and Modorus.

Th1rd Room (Dutch and Flemish Masters).—Last Supper, unknown. Wentkoer, The Market, Kitchen Wench. F. Floris, Virgin and Child with SS. Mauro and Gerolamo. Attributed to Quintino, Adoration. H. Memlinc, Virgin and Child. A Crucifixion (referred to at length elsewhere). A. Vandyk, The Tribute Money. Holbein, Portrait of a Woman.

Fourth Room.—Monteverde, marble group of Jenner innoculating his son. Ribera, .S. Jerome. Murillo, S. Francis of Assist' in ecstasy, Flight into Egypt, Virgin and Child (half length). Zurbaran, St. Ursula, The Last Supper, St. Euphemia. A. Cano (master of Murillo), The Communion, L. Robert, A Funeral in Romagna. Strozzi, St. Francis of Assist'.

F1fth Room.—Guercino, St. John the Evangelist. Tintoretto, The Journey to Calvary. J. Bassano, Presepio. A. Caracci, St. Lorenzo. P. Veronese, Child Praying. Sassoferrato, The Madonna. S. Rosa, The Witch. C. Dolci, The Agony in the Garden. G. Reni, The Four Sibyls. O Gentileschi, Virgin and Child. Fra. Bartolomeo, S. Lucia, S. Chiara. Filippino Lippi, The Martyrdom of S. Sebastian. G. Francia, Virgin and Child with S. John Baptist. Palma Vecchio, Virgin and Child with Saints. Sassoferrato, Virgin and Child. P. Veronese, Crucifixion. Correggio, Virgin in Adoration of the Infant Christ. Tiepolo, Four Biblical Subjects.

S1xth Room (Early Genoese painters).—L. Brea, St. Peter, Crucifixion. F. Brea, S. Fabiano. Unknown, SS. Nicolb di Pari and Giorgio. Strozzi, Christ dead, S. Cecilia. Unknown, S. Lorenzo. B. Strozzi, The Woman of Samaria. Unknown, St Antonio. Unknown, Virgin and Child with Saints, in six compartments. Castiglione, sketch for a Crucifixion. P. Piola, S. Barbara. Unknown, St. Francis receiving the Stigmata. Virgin and Child (Byzantine painting which is referred to elsewhere). L. Cambiaso, Saints. Lionardo di Pavia, Virgin and Child with Saints.

First Gallery.—D. Piola, Charity, Justice. G. B. Castiglione, The Daughters of Laban. L. Cambiaso, Callixtus at the Bath of Diana. Raggi, The Supper at Emmaus.

Seventh Room.—Contains Etruscan remains, and some fragments of Frescoes by Cambiaso.

E1ghth Room.—D. Piola, The Magdalen contemplating the Cross. Tintoretto, Crucifixion. Unknown, The Madonna. Cognet, The Duchess of Galliera with her infant son Filippo. Grechetto, The Exit from the Ark. B. Strozzi, SS. Caterina and Cecilia. N. Barrabino, Sketch for the Altarpiece in the Immacolata. Lanfranco, Resurrection. C. Dolci, Salvator Mundi. Virgin and Child, Venetian school. G. B. Castello, Assumption.

Second Gallery.—L. Cambiaso, Virgin and Child with Saints. D. Fiasella, The Magdalen. Some fine laces and vestments, the latter from the church of Masone.

N1nth Room (modern painters).—Beccaria, four landscapes, the Drinking Trough. Luxoro, the River Entel/a, another view of the same. Gonin, the Warning, the Fugitive. Belucci, Death of Alessandro de1 Medici. Biscarra, Landscape with Animals. Cabianca, Seashore. Gamba, Seascape. Peschiera, Peasant and child. G. Induno, the Spinner. Crosa, Girl pouring out wine for a young man. D. Induno, Girl counting her marketing money. D' Andrade, The Bormida River. Lefebre, Landscape. Rayper, Landscape. Gervasoni, The Return from the Fields. Chierici, Domestic Scene. Bechi, After the Storm. Querena, Sacristy of Sta. Maria del Castello, Interior of Sta. Maria del Castello. Comba, Study in Still Life. B. de Loose, The Drawing Lesson. Pollastrini, Battle of Legnano. Massa, Landscape with Cattle. Noris, Landscape. Marko, View of Florence. Zamboni, Sunset. Pucci, Andrea D Oria receiving the banner of the Republic before the Church of San Lorenzo for the Campaign in Corsica. Isola, Andrea refusing the crown (an entirely fictitious event).

Tenth Room.—Entirely devoted to pottery, of which there is a very fine collection. It is nearly all the work of the Savonese and neighbouring factories. The present terraglia, used in all the kitchens of the Liguria instead of iron saucepans, is made near Albissola.


C. Baratta, ceiling with the Virtues and Columbus. G. A. Carlone, ceiling of the Virtues. G. de' Ferrari, ceiling with allegorical subject. V. Castello, Rape of the Sabines. D. Piola, Car of Apollo. Guidobono, "Lot drunk by his Daughters," Abraham and Hagaar, Abraham and the Angels, and another. V. Castello, The Dream of Joseph. L. Cambiaso, Apollo and Marsyas. D. Fiasella, Tarquin and Lucrezia.

Sala Primavera, with ceiling of "Spring" by G. de' Ferrari. Vandyk, Portrait of P. A. Brignole, Port, of Prince of Orange, Port, of A. G. Brignole-Sale on horseback, another portrait. P. Bordone, "Man with black beard and red handles" (see the English catalogue supplied in the room). Titian, Philip II. of Spain. B. Strozzi, S. Francis. Guercino, Death of Cato. Bordone, Portrait of a Venetian Lady.

Sala D' Estate with ceiling of "Summer" by G. de' Ferrari. Guercino, Christ clearing the Temple. Caravaggio, Resurrection of Lazarus. Giordano, Olinda and Sophronia. Veronese, Presepio. B. Strozzi, half length of St. Paul, Incredulity of St. Thomas. Reni, S. Sebastian.

Sala d' Autunno, with ceiling of "Autumn " by D. Piola. F. Schiaffino, bust of G. F. Brignole-Sale. Guercino, Virgin and Child with Saints. Del Sarto, Holy family. G. Bellini, Portrait of Francesco Fileto. B. Strozzi, S. Francis in Adoration. Reni, Head of the Virgin, Head of Christ. Castiglione, Journey into Egypt. Giac. Palma, Visit of the Magi.

Sala del Inverno, with ceiling of "Winter" by D. Piola. Veronese, Judith and Holofernes. Proccacini, Virgin and Child with Saints. L. Cambiaso, The Dead Christ. Veronese, Annunciation. Pierino del Vaga, Holy family with the Infant Baptist. Bordone, SS. Joseph, Jerome and Caterina. Maratta, Repose in Egypt. B. Strozzi, Virgin and Child with infant Baptist. P. Piola, The Virgin and Child with S. Elizabeth and infant St. John. P. Bordone, two portraits. P. P. Rubens, Man in Black.

Gallery of the Ruined Temple of Diana, ceiling by P. G. Piola, done when he was a youth. The "ruins" are by Viviani.

Sala. della Vita d' Uomo, ceiling by G. A. Carlone representing the Fates.

A. Caracci, Christ and S. Veronica. Guercino, The Eternal. V. Castello, Presepio. Vandyk, three portraits. Veronese, portrait.

Sala delle Virtu, ceiling by L. de' Ferrari.

B. Strozzi, Maid plucking a Chicken, Charity. G. B. Carbone, Portrait of a Woman. D. Piola, Child on a Globe.

Sala of the Youth put to Trial, ceiling by D. ParodL B. Strozzi, Charity. S. Scorza, The Sacrifice of Noah, Abraham parting from Lot. Guercino, Death of Cleopatra. G. Reni, Four Sibyls.

Sala of the Judgment of Paris, ceiling by D. Parodi. The decorations were by Aldobrandini.

G. B. Castiglione, Noah and the Animals entering the Ark.


Mulinaretto, two portraits. Assereto, Rebecca at the Well. B. Strozzi, Portrait of a Bishop. V. Castello, Abraham and the Angels. G. A. de' Ferrari, Virgin and Child. G. B. Castiglione, Hagaar and Ishmael. G. Franceschini, Thetis dipping Achilles in the Styx. P. G. Piola, Ceiling representing Janus giving the keys to Jupiter after shutting Mars in the Temple. G. B. Gaulli, S.Francis of Assist'. M. A. Franceschini, The Magdalen supported by Angels, Virgin and Child. B. Strozzi, Our Lady of Griefs. G. A. de' Ferrari, Joseph sold to the Ishmaelites. P. del Vaga, Charity. D. Piola, 5. Jerome, Strozzi, S. Caterina, S. John. O. de' Ferrari, S. Paul.


Designed by Padre Valeriani, a Jesuit, and completed in 1589. G. Carlone (first bay nave), Last Judgment; (second bay), Ascension. (Dome) Paradise, retouched by D. Fiasella. G. B. Carlone, Evangelists in the dome spandrils. F. Biggi, four statues in the drum. G. Carlone (third bay), The Entry into Jerusalem. (Fourth bay) The Adoration of the Magi. He also painted the vaults of the transeptal chapels. Over the Assumption, The Coronation of the Virgin; in the north transept, Tlie Crucifixion.

F1rst Chapel On R1ght.—Decorations by P. Cavatorta. Statues of SS. Ambrogio and Carlo Borromeo, by Tad. Carlone. Picture of St. Ambrogio refusing to allow the Emperor Theodosius to enter the Temple, by G. A. de' Ferrari. Dome painted by G. Galeotto.

Second Chapel.—Crucifixion, by S. Vovet (French); dome, by L. de' Ferrari; marble group under altar, by Tom. Carlone.

Th1rd Chapel.—Contains the celebrated Assumption by Guido Reni; the marbles are by the Carlone family.

Fourth Chapel.—Dome by L. de' Ferrari; statues of the Baptist and Magdalen by B. Carlone. Picture of the Virgin and Child with S. Stanislaus, by A. Pozzo of Trento.

Chapel At Top Of A1sle.—Frescoes by G. B. Carlone. F. Waels, St. Peter released from prison (the angel was repainted by Vandyk). Marble angels supporting the altar by B. Carlone.

Cho1r.—Circumcision, by Rubens, over the high altar. Journey into Egypt, by D. Piola; and Massacre of the Innocents, by G. B. Merano, on the side walls. Statues of SS. Peter and Paul, by Gius. Carlone. Candelabra, by Annibale Busca.

F1rst Chapel On Left.—S. Francis Xavier preaching, by a pupil of Reni. Two pictures from the life of the saint, by D. Fiasella. Frescoes in vault, by V. Castello. Four statues by the pupils of Casella.

Second Chapel.—St. Ignatius casting out the evil spirit, by Rubens, one of the finest pictures in the city. Statues of Abraham and David, by B. Carlone. Over the frieze, a painting by G. B. Castello.

Th1rd Chapel.—The Stoning of St. Stephen, by G. B. Paggi. Painting in dome, by L. de' Ferrari. Statue of S. Lorenzo, by B. Carlone. Statue of S. Vincent, by Tad. Carlone.

Fourth Chapel.—Baptism of Christ, by D. Passignano. Paintings in dome (except the Beheading of the Baptist, which is by B. Castello), by L. de' Ferrari. Statues of S. Elizabeth and S. Zacchariah, by Tad. Carlone. (It was through this chapel that the Doge had his private entrance from the adjacent Palazzo Ducale.)

Last Chapel.—S. Francesco Borgia, by Pozzo. Decorations in the dome, by L. De' Ferrari.


L. Cambiaso, Deposition from the Cross, Annunciation. Proccacini, Virgin and Saints. Guercino, S. Francis (lengthened by D. Piola). Maratta, Martyrdom of St. Blaise. G. A. Piola, .SIS'. Peter and Paul healing a paralytic. D. Fiasella, S. Alessandro Sauli. D. Parodi, statue of the Baptist (under dome). Puget, statue of S. Alessandro Sauli (under dome). Puget, statue of S. Sebastian (under dome). P. G. Piola, Picture of Saints. Soldani, the bronzes of the high altar. Benvenuto Cellini, six candlesticks in the chapel to the left of the high altar. The group over the great portal was begun by D. Borgognone and finished by B. Schiaflfino.


G. Romano, Martyrdom of St. Stephen. V. Malo, Death of S. Ampeglio. Saltarello, S. Benedict. G. B. Capellino, S. Francesca Romana. D. Piola, Riposo, St. Peter freed from his chains, Last Supper. V. Castello, Conversion of St. Paul, Presepio, Massacre of the Innocents (the last two were finished by G. B. Merano). G. A. Ansaldo, Stoning of St. Stephen. G. B. Baiardo, Burial of St. Stephen. Assereto, Incredulity of St. Thomas. G. B. Baiardo, Raising of a dead child. B. Castello, Virgin and Saints. G. A. de' Ferrari, St. Germain and the Devils. C. G. Ratti, S. Michael driving out the evil spirits. G. de' Ferrari, Death of St a. Scholastic a. D. Piola, S. Christopher.


D. Parodi, SS. Stephen and Leonard. G. B. Carlone, Annunciation. G. de' Ferrari, St. Michael and the evil spirits. B. Castello, S. Francis receiving the Stigmata, the Crucifixion of a thousand saints. L. Tavarone, frescoes in the choir vault. C. G. Ratti, S. Niccola and the Trinity. Marigliano, f1gures of the Virgin, Baptist, and a Crucifixion. D. Piola, S. John the Evangelist writing. Marigliano, S. Antonio of Padua.


G. B. Paggi, Assumption, Nativity. Sori, Death of S. Jerome. G. B. Carlone, Descent of the Virgin into Purgatory, Elijah and the Prophets of Baal, Miracle of Elijah, St. Louis of France, Christ appearing to the disciples. Raggi, S. Simon Stock (this is the picture through which Raggi threw a chair when angry). B. Castello, Virgin and S. Teresa. B. Castello, 5. Francesco di Paolo. G. B. Merano, Miracle of St. Angelo. Raggi, Ecstasy of St. Teresa.

(a) With those taken in previous battles. Sardo, Cronaca Pisana calmly leaves out all reference to the battle.

1a) Bizaro gives the number of Genoe1e as 73, 78, or 98.

1i) Naugerio says that twenty of the Venetian ships did not engage.

(c) Sabellico, however, remarks that he does not believe his own statement.

1d) Sismondi says Genoa wa1 slightly inferior in numbers to Venice.

Foscarini has a MS. note saying that Venice had 95 ships." Presono i Zenouesi galie 29 di d.a armada con tutti li homini et quando lo capitano zonze a Venezia el fo condenato de douer 1tar un' anno in preson et la lui


Laugier, iii. 885 Venero1o Blondu1 1dec. ii. lib. x.) 1a) Bizaro Vinc1n1, V. iii. Naugerio Stella, G. . Daru, i. 615. Bianchi, p. 22 Villani, M., col. 15 Serra Sigonio, p. 7 Fanucci

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