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Sunday, May 20, 2012

dad says he'll escorcht me -- Barrett -- 1898

Speranza 1898 she's my lady love, she is my dove my baby love, she's no gal for sitting down to dream, she's the only queen Laguna knows; I know she likes me I know she likes me becase she says so; she is ma Lily of Laguna. she is ma Lily and ma Rose. it's de same old tale of a palpatating niggar ev'ry time, ev'ry time; it's de same old trouble of a coon dat wants to be married very soon; it's de same old heart dat is longing for it's lady ev'ry time, yes ev'ry time, but not de same gal, not de same girl she is ma Lily, ma Lily, ma Lily gal! she goes ev'ry sundown, yes, ev'ry sundown callin' in de cattle up de mountain; I go kase she wants me, yes, 'kase she wants me help her do de callin' and de countin'. she plays her music to call de lone lambs dat roam above, but I'm de black sheep and I'm waitin' for de signal of ma little lady love. when I first met Lil it was down at old Laguna at de dance, oder night; so she says: "Say, ah'm curious for to know when ye leave here de way yer goin' to go, 'kase a wants to see who de lady is dat claims ye all way home, way home tonight." I says, "I've no gal, never had one," and den ma Lily, ma Lily, ma Lily gal! she says, "Kern't believe ye, a kern't believe ye, else I'd like to have ye shaperoon me; dad says he'll escorcht me, says he'll escorcht me, but it's mighty easy for to lose him. since then each sun-down I wander down here and roam around until I know ma little lady wants me, till I hear de music ob de signal sound. Barrett

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