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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Edipodia operistica italiana: una cronologia

Speranza -->; 1520. --------. A. PAZZI de' Medici, "Edipo". --------. A pretty early translation of the Graeco-Roman source --------. into the vernacular. While it is said that true opera derives --------. from 'pastoral drama' rather than tragedy proper, here we --------. have a Florence-based tragedian, if ever there was one. -->; 1543. --------. Ludovico DOLCE. Tieste. -->; 1549. --------. Ludovico DOLCE. Giocasta: tragedia. -->; 1560. --------. L. DOLCE, "Edipo e Giocasta". --> 1556. --------. G. A. dell'ANGUILARA, "Edipo: tragedia", Padova. Prima rappresentazione: 1560. *-> 1585. --------. A. GABRIELI. "Edipo re" -- libretto: Orsatto Giustiniani --------. (4 cori), inaugurazione del Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza, 3 marzo. --------. Most likely, the play was chosen because it was Aristotle's favourite --------. in "Poetics". --> 1615. --------. L. LEONI, "Edipo", Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza. --> 1659. --------. LULI (n. Firenze) "Edipo". Libretto: Corneille. New character: Dirce --------. Dirce: Giocasta's daughter, legitimate heir to the throne. --> 1661. --------. Emanuele TESAURO, "Edipo" --> 1675. --------. Legrenzi, "Eteocle e Polinice, ossia, I sette contro Tebe" (tratto da --------. Euripide ed Eschilo). --------. (aria: 'Festeggia mio core', 1680, Venezia). --------. Fattorini relates the story as told by Statio, --------. in the Tebaide, of the decree of Edipus that his --------. twin sons should (how else?) rule alternately (diarchia) in Tebe. --------. Then, with the introductory "Si finge", which had --------. already become traditional, Fattorini develops his --------. own plot. Eteocle after his father Edipo's death --------. mercilessly slays all the Theban nobles who would have supported his brother. --------. Adrasto, re d'Argo, has two daughters: --------. Aigia, betrothed to Polinice, and --------. Deifile, promised to Tideo, Principe d'Etolia. --------. So far, believe it or not, Fattorini follows the legend. --------. The opera begins as Polinice, Adrasto, Tideo, and Deifile prepare to besiege Thebes. --------. As it happens, Antigona had previously fallen in --------. love with Tideo, while Tideo was ambassador to Tebe and not --------. yet betrothed to Deifile. --------. As it also happens, Tideo had promised Antigona --------. marriage, but on his return to Argo his affection was transferred to Deifile. --------. In the assault on Tebe, Tideo is wounded, swoons, and is rescued by his page. --------. But then, Deifile and Polinice are taken prisoners. --------. Eteocle falls in love with Deifile but Deifile spurns him as a tyrant. --------. Eteocle orders his minister Cleante to have Deifile slain. --------. Antigona pleads with Eteocle in vain for Polinice's life. --------. Then, dressed as a man, Antigona enters --------. the prison with Eteocle's seal, which she has stolen, --------. and aids Polinice to escape. --------. Polinice and Antigona then join Adrasto as does Tideo. --------. Argia, learning that Antigona is a woman, doubts Tideo's faith. --------. Cleante brings Eteocle a wild beast's heart, --------. saying it is Deifile's, and Eteocle raves with remorse and grief. --------. Inflamed by the news of the supposed death of Deifile, --------. Polinice and his friends overthrow Eteocle, who repents in chains. --------. Only then does Deifile consent to marry him. --------. Antigone claims Tideo, and Argia is reconciled with Polinice. --------. Legrenzi's opera ends with the sextet singing: --------. POLINICE -- Argia. ETEOCLE -- Deifile, ANTIGONA -- Tideo, --------. dolcezza d'amore ---------------------------- a --------. beatemi il core ----------------------------- a --------. nel seno ridenti ---------------------------- b --------. piovete contenti ---------------------------- b --------. in placida calma ---------------------------- c --------. tranquì11issi l'alma ------------------------ c --------. e reso giocondo ----------------------------- d --------. rida il ciel, rida Tebe, e rida il mondo ---- d --------. A novella Tebe indeed, and the structural resemblances --------. to Medoro in this cheerful adaptation of a story proverbial --------. for its grim series of tragedies are obvious. --------. The triple love interest, the lady masquerading as a --------. knight, the siege, are common to both plays. --------. Again there are echoes of Ariosto: --------. Argia's jealousy of Marfìsa. --------. A new element is the substituted heart, which adds --------. a folktale motif (also of course familiar in novella and romance) --------. to the synthesis. --> 1678. --------. Enrico Purcell, "Edipo". Libretto: Dryden. Aria: "Music in a while". --> 1711. --------. Piovene, "Edipo." --> 1718. --------. G. M. Orlandini, "La Fedeltà coronata, ossia l'Antigone". --------. Libretto: B. Pasqualigo). In a reprise al Teatro Malvezzi di Bologna --------. nell'estate 1727, Broschi sang, accanto al celebre e --------. non più giovane cantante A. Bernacchi, che gli fu prodigo di consigli. --> 1729. --------. Pietro Torri, "Edipo: tragedia per musica". 22 ott. Teatro di corte di Monaco. --------. Libretto: Biancardi ("Domenico Lalli"). --------. Edipo .... Carlo Broschi. --------. Giocasta .... Faustina Bordoni. --------. Ismene .... Elisabetta Casolani, Filoteto (Agostino Galli). --------. Meneceo (Francesco Cignoni), Sorete (Giovanni Perprich). --------. Corifo (Bortolo Strapparapa) --------. Pestelli ascribes the music to Ferrandini. --> 1740. --------. Arne, "Edipo". Libretto: Dryden. --> 1751. --------. G. Gebel, "Edipo". --> 1779. --------. M. A. Desaugier, "Il piccolo Edipo". *-> 1786. --------. A. M. G. Sacchini, "Edipo" -- libretto: G. Schmidt. Lainez, tenore, Polinice. --> 1791. Mereaux, "Edipo a Tebe". *-> 1802. --------. N. A. Zingarelli, "Edipo: tragedia per musica", La Fenice, Venezia. --------. The Edipo role (tenor), created by M. Babini. dec. 26. *-> 1819. --------. Rossini, "Edipo coloneo". Libretto: Giambattista Giusti, Bologna. --> 1836. --------. Huettenbrenner, "Edipo a Colono" *-> 1837. --------. G. Pacini, "Edipo". Libretto: Felice Bellotti. Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza. --> 1874. E. Lassen, "Edipo". *-> 1893. --------. Vanzo, "Edipo". --> 1894. K. Kovarivic, "Edipo". *-> 1919. --------. R. Leoncavallo, "Edipo re". --> 1920. J. Seymour, "Antigone". --> 1927. A. Honneger, "Antigone". -- Also: I. Stravinsky, "Edipo" --> 1928. --------. A. Ghislanzoni, "Antigone". --> 1932. --------. A. Aytano, "Edipo". --> 1933. I. Krejci, "Antigone". --> 1934. P. Bastide, "Edipo". --> 1935. --------. G. Enesco, "Edipo", Opera di Parigi. --> 1942. M. Pallantios, "Antigone" --> 1948. Pedrollo. "Edipo", Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza. --> 1949. C. Orff, "Antigone". --> 1952. L. Lidiabella, Antigone. --> 1959. C. Orff, "Edipo". --> 1960. H. Elder, "Edipo". --> 1968. R. Travis, "Edipo". --> 1972. R. S. Brindle, "Antigone". --> 1974. J. Soler, "Edipo e Giocasta".

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