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Sunday, May 20, 2012

so I quickly went to Paris -- 1892

Speranza 1892 as I walk along the Bois Boolong with an independent air you can hear the girls declare he must be a millionaire you can hear them sigh and wish to die you can see them wink the other eye at the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo. I've just got here, through Paris, from the sunny southern shore; I to Monte Carlo went, just to raise my winter's rent. dame Fortune smiled upon me as she'd never done before, and I've now such lots of money, I'm a gent. yes, I've now such lots of money, I'm a gent. I stay indoors till after lunch, and then my daily walk to the great Triumphal Arch is one grand triumphal march, observed by each observer with the keenness of a hawk, I'm a mass of money, linen, silk and starch – I'm a mass of money, linen, silk and starch. I patronised the tables at the Monte Carlo hell till they hadn't got a sou for a Christian or a Jew; so I quickly went to Paris for the charms of mad'moiselle, who's the loadstone of my heart - what can I do, when with twenty tongues she swears that she'll be true? -- Fred Gilbert.

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