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Friday, May 25, 2012

Crisippo, principe di Pisa

Speranza Crisippo was a handsome bastard (in some versions) son of Pelope (by a nymph, a Danaid, Astioca, or by a slave), the king of Eleian Pisa. During the Games, Laios, of Tebe, conceived a passion for Crisippo and abducted him, resulting in a war between Tebe and Pisa. Pelope's wife Hippodameia conspired against Crisippo, either murdering him herself, or inciting her sons Atreo and Tieste against him. PARENTS [1.1] PELOPE (Apollodorus 3.5.5, Aelian Miscellany 13.5, Hyginus Fabulae 85) [1.2] PELOPS & Astioca, a DANAIS (Plutarch Parallel Stories 33). Crisippo was a son of Pelops by the nymph Astioca, a Danais (Plut. Parall. Hist. Gr. et Rom. 33), and accordingly a stepbrother of the three other "Pelopidi": Atreo, Tieste, and Alcato. Crisippo was carried off by king Laio of Tebe, who instructed him in driving a chariot (Apollod. iii. 5. § 5.). But Pelope recovered him by force of arms. His step-mother Ippodamia hated him, and induced her sons Atreo and Tieste to kill him. Whereas, according to another tradition, Crisippo was killed by his father Pelope himself.: (Pausanias vi. 20. § 4; Hygin. Fab. 85; Schol. ad Thuc. i. 9.) Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Euripides, Chrysippus (lost play) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) : Euripides' dramatized the story of Crisippo in a play which bore his name. Cf. Aelian below. Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 5. 5 (trans. Frazer) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) : Having succeeded to the sovereignty of Tebe Anfion and Zetos expelled Laio. Laio resided in Peloponnesos, being hospitably received by Pelope. While Laio taught Crisippo, the son of Pelops, to drive a chariot, he conceived a passion for him and carried him off." Pausanias, Description of Greece 6. 20. 7 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : "The story is that Hippodameia [wife of Pelops] withdrew to Midea in Argolis, because Pelope was very angry with her over the death of Chrysippus)." Pseudo-Plutarch, Greek and Roman Parallel Stories 33 (trans. Babbitt) (Greek historian C2nd A.D.) : "Pelops, the son of Tantalos and Euryanassa, married Hippodameia and begat Atreus and Thyestes. But by the nymph Astioca he had Crisippo, whom he loved more than his legitimate sons. But Laio the Theban conceived a desire for him and carried him off; and, although he was arrested by Tieste and Atreo, ******"he obtained mercy from Pelope because of his love" (PSEUDO-PLUTARCH). But Hippodameia tried to persuade Atreus and Thyestes to do away with Khrysippos, since she knew that he would be a contestant for the kingship; but when they refused, she stained her hands with the pollution. For at dead of night, when Laïos was asleep, she drew his sword, wounded Khrysippos, and fixed the sword in his body. Laïos was suspected because of the sword, but was saved by Khrysippos, who, though half-dead, acknowledged the truth. Pelope buried Khrysippos and banished Hippodameia. So Dositheüs, in his "Descendants of Pelops"." DOSITEO, I PELOPIDI. Aelian, Historical Miscellany 13. 5 (trans. Wilson) (Greek rhetorician C2nd to 3rd A.D.) : AELIAN ""They" say Laios was the first lover...; Laio made off with Crisippo, son of Pelops." ---> "As a result the Thebans thought it a good thing to love the handsome." Aelian, Historical Miscellany 2. 21 : "They say that the poet Euripides was also in love with this same Agathon [the poet]." "Euripide is said to have composed the play "Khrysippos" in honour of Agatone." "I am not able to state this as a fact, but I can say that it is very frequently asserted." ---- Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 85 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) : "Laius, son of Labdacus, carried of Chrysippus, illegitimate son of Pelops, at the Nemean Games because of his exceeding beauty. Pelops made war and recovered him. A t the instigation of their mother Hippodamia, Atreus and Thyestes killed him. When Pelops blamed Hippodamia, she killed herself." Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 243 : "Women who committed suicide. Hippodamia, daughter of Oenomaus and wife of Pelops, killed herself because by her urging, Chrysippus was killed." Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 271 : "Those who were most handsome . . . Chrysippus, son of Pelops, whom Theseus [an error, the abductor was Laios] stole from the Games." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: ◦Apollodorus, The Library - Greek Mythography C2nd A.D. ◦Pausanias, Description of Greece - Greek Travelogue C2nd A.D. ◦Aelian, Historical Miscellany - Greek Rhetoric C2nd-3rd A.D. ◦Hyginus, Fabulae - Latin Mythography C2nd A.D.

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