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Monday, April 8, 2013

Trebelli's "Carmen" and Campanini's "Don Jose" -- Metropolitan revival, 1884


The repetition of Bizet's opera of "Carmen" attracted to the Metropolitan Opera House yesterday afternoon an audience which nearly filled the orchestra stalls and boxes, and which evinced its sympathy with the artists by many outbursts of hearty applause.

The representation of "Carmen" under Mr. Abbey's direction has not, as THE TIMES has stated, been such an artistic triumph as many of the operas which have been seen during the season at this house, but the performance yesterday afternoon was a decided improvement on that of Wednesday evening.

Mme. Trebelli was in excellent voice and although, from a dramatic point of view, the comparison of her Carmen with that of Mme. Minnie Hauk, which is so well known here, would be somewhat to her disadvantage, she succeeded in winning genuine applause from a discriminating audience.

Signor Italo Campanini's Don José was the feature of the performance, and was sung and acted with rare force and vigor.

His duet with Michaela, "Mia madre io la rivedo" and the "Il fior che avevi a me tu dato" evoked a perfect storm of applause, and both he and Trebelli were recalled after each act.

The acting of both in the last scene was thoroughly realistic.

Del Puente's Escamillo, Mme. Valleria's Micaela, and the Mercedes of Mlle. Lablache were accorded a generous share of applause.

The performance was conducted in a masterly style by Signor Cleofonte Campanini, and the scenery and costumes were remarkably fine.

A concert will be given this evening at which Mme. Fursch-Madi, Mme. Trebelli, Mme. Lablache, Signori Del Puente, Mirabella, Stagi, Cavazza, and M. Capoul will appear.

The entire orchestra, under Signor Vianesi, will also be heard.

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