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Wednesday, January 2, 2013



Richard Bonynge
The Power of Love: British Opera Arias

With "Power of Love: British Opera Arias", Melba continues its brilliant strategy of promoting outstanding  artists by featuring them in attractive repertoire that's available virtually nowhere else.

In this case, soprano Deborah Riedel sings arias from obscure, if not completely unknown, nineteenth century English operas -- many of which had become firm drawing-room favourites. (The tenor companion is a gem).

The CD was the brainstorm of conductor Richard Bonynge, who leads the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra, and who starts collecting scores of this repertoire in his student days in London.

Michael Balfe (1808-1870) -- of "Bohemian Girl" fame -- and William Wallace (1812-1865) -- of "Maritana" fame -- were the leading British opera composers of their day, and they're strongly represented here, along with several little known arias by Arthur Sullivan -- of "Ivanohe" fame -- and one by the entirely forgotten Michael Faraday.

Riedel's voice is a pure pleasure, utterly secure with a creamy texture, a top that can float or ring without losing purity or focus, and dazzling coloratura.

The real discovery among the composers is Wallace, whose music has an original, lyrical impulse that deftly illuminates and enlarges on the meaning of the text.

Wallace's melodies have a Bellinian simplicity and sweetness, and an emotional directness that makes them recognizably related to British folk song.

Wallace is best known for "Maritana" (a source for G&S, "Yeomen of the Guard"), which was long a staple of the English repertoire, and the two arias recorded here are ravishing.

Balfe's music is well crafted, but more facile and less original, and is largely derivative of trends in Italian and French opera of the period.

Bonynge's accompaniments are lovingly executed, and Melba's sound is clean and present.



Lurline, opera
The Night Winds
William Vincent WallaceRichard Bonynge


Il Talismano, opera
2Che Calmo Asil (Recit) - Placida Notte
Michael William Balfe


Maritana, opera
3'Tis the Harp in the Air
William Vincent Wallace


The Siege of la Rochelle, opera
4'Twas in that Garden Beautiful
Michael William Balfe

Il Talismano, opera
5Nella Dolce Trepidanza (Recit & Cabaletta)
Michael William Balfe

Ivanhoe, opera
Lord of Our Chosen Race
Arthur Sullivan

The Rose of Persia (The Story-Teller and the Slave), operetta
7'Neath My Lattice
Arthur Sullivan

Maritana, opera
8Scenes That Are Brightest
William Vincent WallaceRichard Bonynge6:12

Amasis, opera
9Little Princess, Look Up!

Michael Philip Faraday

The Rose of Castile, opera
10The Convent Cell
Michael William Balfe


Satanella (The Power of Love), opera
11There's a Power Whose Sway
Michael William BalfeRichard Bonynge3:36


The Maid of Artois, opera
The Rapture Dwelling in My Heart
Michael William BalfeRichard Bonynge2:56
13 The Maid of Artois

Yon Moon O'er the Mountain
Michael William BalfeRichard Bonynge2:55
14 Satanella (The Power of Love), opera

Oh! Could I but His Heart Enslave
Michael William BalfeRichard Bonynge4:19
15) The Puritan's Daughter, opera

Bliss for Ever Past
Michael William BalfeRichard Bonynge3:31
16 Lurline, opera

The Naiad's Spell
William Vincent WallaceRichard Bonynge3:48

17 Love's Triumph, opera
These Withered Flowers
William Vincent WallaceRichard Bonynge3:15

The Amber Witch, opera
My Long Hair is Braided
William Vincent WallaceRichard Bonynge3:54

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