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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mackay/Russell, "There's a good time coming"


There's a Good Time Coming is a popular poem written by Charles Mackay and set to music by Henry Russell.

It was one of that composer of popular music's best-known works in the middle of the nineteenth century.

there's a good time coming
a good time coming:
we may not live to see the day
but earth shall glisten in the ray
of the good time coming
cannon balls may aid the truth
but thought's a weapon stronger
we'll win our battle with its aid
wait a little longer.

Independent testimony quoted by John Dodds indicates that the song was popular with new immigrants to the United States.

It is recorded as being sung on the emigrant ships as they approached New York Harbour.

the pen shall supersede the sword
& right not might shall be the lord
in the good time coming
worth not truth shall rule mankind
& be acknowledged stronger...

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